Monday, June 20, 2011

Karzai Calls American Troops Occupiers

By Semperpapa

Once again Afghan president Karzai succeeds in pissing off the American people, at least those who pay some attention to that far away conflict and actually give a damn about our Military.

United States Ambassador Karl Eikenberry in a speech on Sunday, indirectly warned the leadership in Kabul that the American people are getting sick and tired of being called occupiers in the country where so many sons and daughters of America spilled their blood.
Even if Eikenberry did not mention Karzai by name, his remarks were obviously in response to the content of a meeting that Karzai had also on Sunday, with the Iranian minister of Defense, the very first such high level visit from a representative of the Iranian regime to Kabul.
During such visit, the two officials addressed the increasing problems that the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan represents.

The statements from Karzai and Ahmad Vahidi follow some meetings that the former had with Ahmadinejad just last week in Kazakhstan.

In the first place, the blood of over 1,500 American KIAs was spilled in the attempt to eliminate Afghanistan's safe heaven for those who attacked us on September 11, 2001, and give the people of Afghanistan a chance at a better life, but it is obvious that allowing Karzai to be the political leader of that nation has been a grave mistake for our troops and for the Afghan people.
Karzai and his government are probably some of the most corrupted leaders that have graced this planet, and it has been thanks to the sacrifice of the so-called occupiers that he is still alive and able to spew his crap without someone sticking an IED up his ass.

What about the sudden closeness between Karzai and Teheran? In few words, it is something that we Americans asked for when we introduced the outrageous concept of timeline into a armed conflict. Just the knowledge of such action being initiated this summer is enough for Karzai to seek the sympathy of his thuggish neighbor.
It is also well known and documented that the Iranian regime has been tactically and logistically aiding the Taliban in their fight against the US Military and the Afghan government forces. So basically is now sucking up to the same people who have been actually slaughtering his own people. Which makes me wonder about the possibility that Karzai has been in bed with Teheran for some time now, just playing his double face with Washington.

So what are we left with? Realistically, two venues. We can either take all our troops out, practically leaving scorched Earth behind, meaning completely destroy every installation and piece of equipment we cannot carry out, or we could send Karzai to pound sand somewhere else and establish a similar situation like we did in Japan after 1945. In that case, Gen. Douglas MacArthur was the de facto governor of that nation and in charge of its reconstruction.

The callousness Karzai is displaying toward the suffering of his people and the bleakness of their future is for me enough justification for sending the piece of camel shit packing. Wonder how long he would survive without American forces guarding his ass.

Finally, I am completely incensed by the actions of the Afghan president as I think about all the families still mourning the death of their loved ones who died so that the Afghan people would be rid of the scourge of Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists inside their borders.
It is a true dishonor to our fallen for this man to be consorting with the same government that has been working hard to insure that the Afghan people will enjoy a similar level of pseudo freedom as the Iranian people now enjoy.

I still believe in our mission in that forsaken country. I believe in the necessity to prevent the Taliban to go back to its harboring of terrorists inside the Afghan borders. I also believe that many Afghan people are not happy at the prospective return of the Taliban ways of handling social issues.
So now, as the deadline for the withdrawal of the US troops from that country approaches, one can argue with the significance of what was achieved in that nation, what dividend we received from such high level of sacrifice.
In Germany, Japan and South Korea we can see three nations living in freedom and prosperity.
In Vietnam, it was a political failure to thwart the sacrifice made in blood.
For Afghanistan and Iraq, the pages of history are still being written.

Just my thoughts!

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