Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's All The Wiener Fuss All About?

By Semperpapa

I am really tired of hearing so much about Congressman Wiener's wiener and of its picture being twitted to whoever.
Definitely a sign of the times when in America we make a national issue of some "alleged" indiscretion on the part of a politician. Some people are indignant about the lack of character that Rep. Wiener may have shown in taking and sending the picture, but Bill Clinton was allowed to remain President after doing a lot worse in the White House, Barney Frank is still a Congressman even after running a gay prostitution ring from his own house in Washington, and so on.

The real rejection of Rep. Wiener should be based on the more important impact that he has on the American people, because he is one of the most vile partisan hack in the House.
He should be railed out of Congress for his continuous and assiduous work toward the destruction of the American way of life and of the freedoms we have.
He should be dismissed for his intention to bring the government in every personal aspect of the American people, to control every decision we make.

So, sure, let's make fun and enjoy the joking, but this is a distraction. With the garbage liberals are serving the American people, with the failure their policies have demonstrated, the picture of Wiener's wiener is really very low on the totem pole of significance.

Just my thoughts!


  1. Oh come now...the liberals only? *giggling* The conservatives have farther reaching issues when it comes to these "indiscretions" (and show their blatant hypocrisy when a "liberal" messes up -- and they try to *impeach* them [think Slick Willie]...*blink*) ~ I agree that all this nonsense is a distraction, but I won't sit silently when it's ONLY a distraction when the guilty party is a Rethuglican but a national crisis when it's a Demotard. I can't abide that, because both sides are guilty...and I immediately feel the need to introduce a pot to a kettle. ;-)

  2. The difference is that when the ass is a Republican, the media goes on a frenzy and the ass gets to resign (does Mark Foley ring a bell?)
    In the case of liberals, it appear to be a resume enhancement. And we get to keep the asses in office...

    SP out!

  3. Nah, the difference is when the ass is a Demotard, the other side of the aisle (hypocritically) tries to have them impeached...LOL ;P Media frenzy compared with impeachment? I feel the latter is a bit more extreme and ugly, because even most Demotards understand that sexploits are not necessarily inclusive to their JOBS. That said, pull up a list (there are nonpartisan sites out there) of the sheer number of sex scandals of members of the two major parties. The numbers might surprise you. :-D
