By Semperpapa
Well, John Bohener, what say you now?
Just last week, the Speaker of the House John Bohener admonished republicans not to “spike the football” should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare.
As history recorded today, June 28, 2012, SCOTUS decided to destroy the United States Constitution and uphold the monstrosity that Obama’s legislation is.
The decision, 5-4, was made thanks to Chief Justice Roberts, who decided that it was more important to save his own political ass and vote in favor of a clearly unconstitutional statute.
But back to the stupid expression the media now are so happy to use: spiking the football, to indicate making a victory dance about some political victory.
Bohener, probably convinced that the Court would do the right thing and strike down the legislative Armageddon, was already preparing his troops to avoid any sort of celebratory expression.
Really, I am not sure what the problem would be to celebrate a victory for the American people, a victory for the Constitution and for American traditional principles, but surely I am not s sophisticated as Speaker Bohener.
But than the3re is the other side. As the news of the treasonous action of the Supreme Court was hitting the wires, Patrick Gaspard, Executive Director of the DNC, twitted the following:
It’s constitutional. Bitches.
He later twitted a left handed apology:
I let my scotus excitement get the better of me. In all seriousness, this is an important moment in improving the lives of all Americans."
Yes, in the spirit of NOT spiking the football, Mr. Gaspard was obviously euphoric about calling 67% of the American people BITCHES, effectively throwing in the face of the Speaker the reality of an enemy, and liberals are the enemy, that besides having little or no class at all, but they are also happy to achieve what the people clearly reject.
So much for taking the high road , uh Mr. Speaker?
While you and the other pussies in the Republican establishment are taking the high road, the enemy continues to WIN battles, effectively eroding every little bit of freedom we conservative have left.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Defeating Obamacare Is A Must
By Semperpapa
The whole country is awaiting the Supreme Court decision on the Obama health care reform known as Obamacare. The decision should be handed down tomorrow and there is a real need for the American people to hope that the monstrosity be stricken down and be sent to rest with all other Obama's failed non-achievements.
As the conservative radio environment has been demonstrating for long now, Obamacare has really nothing to do with health care, but it has all to do with the attempt of the tyrannical Obama and his liberal minions to take over one of the most important aspects of Ameican freedom.
We the People MUST insure that in any possible way, Obamacare is NOT implemented in the United States. Allowing such level of control on the part of the government on our lives is the first step toward the abolishment of the United States Constitution and therefore the disappearance of ALL our liberties.
The most tragic casualty of Obamacare would be the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
How long before the government would use medical coverage, over charging or removal of it all together, as a tool to punish the American people for owning firearms?
Simply put, if I own a gun, the government can come to me and force me to pay exorbitant amount of money to "protect" myself and those around me, from the danger my firearms represents. So my choices woold be top either pay punitive fines to the government (at the mercy of anti-American bureaucrats free to increase such fines at their pleasure), or just turn my guns into the government, which would be the precise goal of liberals.
So for all of you who believe that Obamacare is just the way to be compassionate and give medical coverage to all those poor people out there, let it sink in that the Obama types do not csare in the least about the poor people welfare as long as they keep on voting for the tyrant, but they only really care about controlling their lives and be able to decide their deaths.
So, it is my deep hope that SCOTUS will do what is right and judge the monstrosity unconstitutional as it deserve and free the people from such a dictatorial move.
But if SCOTUS fails the American people, then civil disobedience and public demonstrations should be used to safeguard the integrity of our Constitution.
Just my thoughts!
The whole country is awaiting the Supreme Court decision on the Obama health care reform known as Obamacare. The decision should be handed down tomorrow and there is a real need for the American people to hope that the monstrosity be stricken down and be sent to rest with all other Obama's failed non-achievements.
As the conservative radio environment has been demonstrating for long now, Obamacare has really nothing to do with health care, but it has all to do with the attempt of the tyrannical Obama and his liberal minions to take over one of the most important aspects of Ameican freedom.
We the People MUST insure that in any possible way, Obamacare is NOT implemented in the United States. Allowing such level of control on the part of the government on our lives is the first step toward the abolishment of the United States Constitution and therefore the disappearance of ALL our liberties.
The most tragic casualty of Obamacare would be the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
How long before the government would use medical coverage, over charging or removal of it all together, as a tool to punish the American people for owning firearms?
Simply put, if I own a gun, the government can come to me and force me to pay exorbitant amount of money to "protect" myself and those around me, from the danger my firearms represents. So my choices woold be top either pay punitive fines to the government (at the mercy of anti-American bureaucrats free to increase such fines at their pleasure), or just turn my guns into the government, which would be the precise goal of liberals.
So for all of you who believe that Obamacare is just the way to be compassionate and give medical coverage to all those poor people out there, let it sink in that the Obama types do not csare in the least about the poor people welfare as long as they keep on voting for the tyrant, but they only really care about controlling their lives and be able to decide their deaths.
So, it is my deep hope that SCOTUS will do what is right and judge the monstrosity unconstitutional as it deserve and free the people from such a dictatorial move.
But if SCOTUS fails the American people, then civil disobedience and public demonstrations should be used to safeguard the integrity of our Constitution.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Failure of Government and Exceptionalism of a Nation
By Semperpapa
I found this article this morning on the wire:
At first glance, my blood pressure shot right up, not something I am happy about at 0400, but reading the whole article gave me pause and confirmation of what I have believed all my life: the grandiosity of a nation is in its people, not in its government.
In reading the whole piece, one can clearly understand that the above statement is true for this case and this Nation.
I am sure the liberal reader would come to the conclusion that the solution to Bill Shepard's problem is a more massive governmental bureaucracy. More programs and handouts would do the job, if we just tax the rich.
But in this case, it appears that the government program only went so far in providing Mr. Shepard with the necessary funds to support his family.
Moreover, just like the majority of Veterans I know, these men and women are not looking for a handout, but for the opportunity to make their way through life with dignity and independence.
The end of the article, though, gave me a much needed confidence boost, as the American people came out to do what they do best, from the large scale of helping victims of natural disasters around the world to the much smaller level of helping out a Vet in distress.
What it boils down to is that it is in our DNA to make sure those who are in need of help will receive such help. And for the majority of the American people, it becomes of even greater importance when the needy is one of those heroes who have stepped up to defend the Nation. And no, I do not feel uncomfortable in calling them heroes.
In this particular instance, what we see is the failure of a government which, as big and intrusive as it has become, is not helping the entrepreneurial spirit of this great nation, but instead stifling it into submission. Veterans like Bill Shepard, and civilians across the country, do not want a government program to take care of them. Instead they want the opportunity to succeed thanks to their personal abilities.
It is the government failure not to provide such opportunities by getting out of the way.
President Obama and his regime can boast support for our Veterans as much as they want, but the truth comes from actions, not empty words. As Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Obama should be more interested in creating an environment of growth and prosperity for these men and women separating from the Armed Forces. Many will be forced to remove the uniform only to join a civilian job market that is, at best, abysmal. Empty words do not provide employment.
And again, this particular instance shows that the average American is always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, via financial contribution or material help.
While politicians champion causes to pander to potential voters and maintain power, the common American does not champion causes, but instead champions the success of every American.
And in danger of disagreeing with Bill Maher, that is pretty exceptional in my book.
Just my thoughts!
I found this article this morning on the wire:
At first glance, my blood pressure shot right up, not something I am happy about at 0400, but reading the whole article gave me pause and confirmation of what I have believed all my life: the grandiosity of a nation is in its people, not in its government.
In reading the whole piece, one can clearly understand that the above statement is true for this case and this Nation.
I am sure the liberal reader would come to the conclusion that the solution to Bill Shepard's problem is a more massive governmental bureaucracy. More programs and handouts would do the job, if we just tax the rich.
But in this case, it appears that the government program only went so far in providing Mr. Shepard with the necessary funds to support his family.
Moreover, just like the majority of Veterans I know, these men and women are not looking for a handout, but for the opportunity to make their way through life with dignity and independence.
The end of the article, though, gave me a much needed confidence boost, as the American people came out to do what they do best, from the large scale of helping victims of natural disasters around the world to the much smaller level of helping out a Vet in distress.
What it boils down to is that it is in our DNA to make sure those who are in need of help will receive such help. And for the majority of the American people, it becomes of even greater importance when the needy is one of those heroes who have stepped up to defend the Nation. And no, I do not feel uncomfortable in calling them heroes.
In this particular instance, what we see is the failure of a government which, as big and intrusive as it has become, is not helping the entrepreneurial spirit of this great nation, but instead stifling it into submission. Veterans like Bill Shepard, and civilians across the country, do not want a government program to take care of them. Instead they want the opportunity to succeed thanks to their personal abilities.
It is the government failure not to provide such opportunities by getting out of the way.
President Obama and his regime can boast support for our Veterans as much as they want, but the truth comes from actions, not empty words. As Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Obama should be more interested in creating an environment of growth and prosperity for these men and women separating from the Armed Forces. Many will be forced to remove the uniform only to join a civilian job market that is, at best, abysmal. Empty words do not provide employment.
And again, this particular instance shows that the average American is always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, via financial contribution or material help.
While politicians champion causes to pander to potential voters and maintain power, the common American does not champion causes, but instead champions the success of every American.
And in danger of disagreeing with Bill Maher, that is pretty exceptional in my book.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Correlation Between Increased Gun Ownership And Lower Crime
By Semperpapa
This is a reality that the anti-gun left has been trying so feverishly to disprove, even as all the statistical indications are that the fact is exactly that, a fact: an armed society is a polite society.
Indisputable, really, as every report compiled by law enforcement agencies, both at local, state and federal level, have concluded that the increase in gun ownership, legal gun ownership, has a lowering effect on the rate of violent crime.
Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report stating that the violent crime in the United States has dropped once again, for the fifth year in a row. The difference between 2010 and 2011 was of 4%; even non-violent crime has dropped.
There is a constant that liberals do not like to bring up in discussing drop in criminal activity, because it involves the proven statistic of a corresponding increase in gun ownership among Americans.
One of the indexes of increase in the numbers of American citizens legally acquiring firearms can also be found at the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This system is accessed by agencies across the nation every time someone purchases a gun legally.
In 2011 alone, Americans bought 16.5 additional weapons, according to NICS, and a definite record in the United States. In the first five months of this year, the NICS reports that the number of check for individuals buying a gun is up by 10% already.
Regardless of such bad news, the anti-gun crowd is not letting up on their attacks on the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, because the agenda is very clear: abolish all guns and gun right of the American people.
The Utopian approach of such fools is that the abolition of gun ownership would eliminate the presence of firearms on the American streets.
As for every liberal agenda fight, the goal is to take rights away from law abiding citizens. Liberals do not like or approve of guns, so instead of just not owning one, they want everyone not to be able to own one. How typical is this.
But the numbers do not lie. when gun ownership increase, when legal gun rights are increased, criminals think about it twice before they engage in their favorite activities.
Why are gun shop never victims of robberies, even if they always have cash on hand and weapons?
Why are pawn shops dealing in valuable and weapons never victims of hold ups?
Simply, because the folks working in such establishments are notoriously armed.
In communities where carrying a weapons is allowed, or where CCW permits are given to law abiding citizens for the asking, criminal activities diminish. Why? Because armed citizens are less inclined to be victims and the criminal cannot know who is armed and who is not.
The well known liberalism of the current administration has had an unintentional result for gun ownership in America. President Obama has been called the best gun salesman in the country, because the radicalism of the President against the United States Constitution has triggered, forgive my semantic, a rush of Americans to gun shops, concerned by the possibility that the man would do anything in his power to destroy the 2nd Amendment if given the chance.
And Obama did take a chance with Fast and Furious.
Officially, the abominable operation was designed to place some weapons in the trafficking pipeline of the Mexican drug cartel and, by following the weapons, be able to get to the hearts of said cartels.
Of course, the moment these weapons were sold by American gun dealers with the blessing and even pressure of the federal government, tracking them failed. It took the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to "connect the dots" (one of politicians favorite expression) when one of the sold guns was found to have been used for his killing.
In reality, Fast and Furious had as much to do with tracking Mexican drug cartels as intelligence has with Joe Biden. The operation was the behind-the-scenes operation from the White House and the Department of Justice attempt to create enough bloody killing across the border linked to American sold weapons, to raise national and international outrage to force the government to "do something" about the "gun problem" in the United States.
The "do something" was going to be the abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the path for the government confiscation of our firearms, to take away the "gun problem" from the American people.
The United Nations has been trying to intrude in the American constitutional right to own and bear arms for long now, and the developments in Mexico, should have they remained as covert as Obama and Holder wanted them to be, would have given a much needed boost to the anti-gun crusaders of America in their pursuit of their agenda.
What it comes down to is that it is only obvious that the idea of an armed encounter is a deterrent for criminal activities.
Last weekend in Chicago, as President Obama was attending his consiglierie Valery Jarrett's daughter's wedding. and while just that event drew away from duty at least 100 Chicago PD cops to protect the high profile "guests" of Jarrett, 7 people were shot and killed in the city.
Sure, not a new thing for Chicago, where violence reigns supreme. But worth noting is that in the first place, Obama spent many years as a political activist in that city, preaching government intrusion and refusal of personal responsibility, with the obvious results, and secondly Chicago has one of the most stringent anti-gun laws in the nation.
Just another sample of the reality that it is not preventing law abiding citizens to exercise their 2nd Amendment right that criminal activity is deterred. It is instead through the application of the existing anti crime law, while giving innocent people the chance to defend themselves.
That's freedom, something liberals abhor assiduously.
Just my thoughts!
This is a reality that the anti-gun left has been trying so feverishly to disprove, even as all the statistical indications are that the fact is exactly that, a fact: an armed society is a polite society.
Indisputable, really, as every report compiled by law enforcement agencies, both at local, state and federal level, have concluded that the increase in gun ownership, legal gun ownership, has a lowering effect on the rate of violent crime.
Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report stating that the violent crime in the United States has dropped once again, for the fifth year in a row. The difference between 2010 and 2011 was of 4%; even non-violent crime has dropped.
There is a constant that liberals do not like to bring up in discussing drop in criminal activity, because it involves the proven statistic of a corresponding increase in gun ownership among Americans.
One of the indexes of increase in the numbers of American citizens legally acquiring firearms can also be found at the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This system is accessed by agencies across the nation every time someone purchases a gun legally.
In 2011 alone, Americans bought 16.5 additional weapons, according to NICS, and a definite record in the United States. In the first five months of this year, the NICS reports that the number of check for individuals buying a gun is up by 10% already.
Regardless of such bad news, the anti-gun crowd is not letting up on their attacks on the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, because the agenda is very clear: abolish all guns and gun right of the American people.
The Utopian approach of such fools is that the abolition of gun ownership would eliminate the presence of firearms on the American streets.
As for every liberal agenda fight, the goal is to take rights away from law abiding citizens. Liberals do not like or approve of guns, so instead of just not owning one, they want everyone not to be able to own one. How typical is this.
But the numbers do not lie. when gun ownership increase, when legal gun rights are increased, criminals think about it twice before they engage in their favorite activities.
Why are gun shop never victims of robberies, even if they always have cash on hand and weapons?
Why are pawn shops dealing in valuable and weapons never victims of hold ups?
Simply, because the folks working in such establishments are notoriously armed.
In communities where carrying a weapons is allowed, or where CCW permits are given to law abiding citizens for the asking, criminal activities diminish. Why? Because armed citizens are less inclined to be victims and the criminal cannot know who is armed and who is not.
The well known liberalism of the current administration has had an unintentional result for gun ownership in America. President Obama has been called the best gun salesman in the country, because the radicalism of the President against the United States Constitution has triggered, forgive my semantic, a rush of Americans to gun shops, concerned by the possibility that the man would do anything in his power to destroy the 2nd Amendment if given the chance.
And Obama did take a chance with Fast and Furious.
Officially, the abominable operation was designed to place some weapons in the trafficking pipeline of the Mexican drug cartel and, by following the weapons, be able to get to the hearts of said cartels.
Of course, the moment these weapons were sold by American gun dealers with the blessing and even pressure of the federal government, tracking them failed. It took the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to "connect the dots" (one of politicians favorite expression) when one of the sold guns was found to have been used for his killing.
In reality, Fast and Furious had as much to do with tracking Mexican drug cartels as intelligence has with Joe Biden. The operation was the behind-the-scenes operation from the White House and the Department of Justice attempt to create enough bloody killing across the border linked to American sold weapons, to raise national and international outrage to force the government to "do something" about the "gun problem" in the United States.
The "do something" was going to be the abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the path for the government confiscation of our firearms, to take away the "gun problem" from the American people.
The United Nations has been trying to intrude in the American constitutional right to own and bear arms for long now, and the developments in Mexico, should have they remained as covert as Obama and Holder wanted them to be, would have given a much needed boost to the anti-gun crusaders of America in their pursuit of their agenda.
What it comes down to is that it is only obvious that the idea of an armed encounter is a deterrent for criminal activities.
Last weekend in Chicago, as President Obama was attending his consiglierie Valery Jarrett's daughter's wedding. and while just that event drew away from duty at least 100 Chicago PD cops to protect the high profile "guests" of Jarrett, 7 people were shot and killed in the city.
Sure, not a new thing for Chicago, where violence reigns supreme. But worth noting is that in the first place, Obama spent many years as a political activist in that city, preaching government intrusion and refusal of personal responsibility, with the obvious results, and secondly Chicago has one of the most stringent anti-gun laws in the nation.
Just another sample of the reality that it is not preventing law abiding citizens to exercise their 2nd Amendment right that criminal activity is deterred. It is instead through the application of the existing anti crime law, while giving innocent people the chance to defend themselves.
That's freedom, something liberals abhor assiduously.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 15, 2012
What's New In The United Kindom Of America
By Semperpapa
Nice to wake up this morning as a subject of King Obama and Queen Michelle. The June gloom keeping the air fresh and cool, just as the yoke of despotism keeps on tightening around our collective necks.
Fortunately, the mutual sucking up of Obama to Hollywood and Hollywood to Obama continues to awe those Americans who still believe that the lives of the "beautiful people" who pay $40,000 to sit down for dinner with Obama are the reality of our society.
But the real news about the United Kingdom of America is not related to the Life of the Rich and Obamas. They like to give the American people an illusion of relevance by calling all these fundraisers and campaign engagements (paid by taxpayers money, BTW), steps to insure that the re-election of Obama is what the commoners of America need.
Truthfully, between the union fraudulent actions in voting, the legalized voters' intimidation for the Black Panthers, federal law suits to prevent states from demanding voters' IDs, and federal bullying against states that want to check the legitimacy of voters' eligibility, Obama's re-crowning is almost assured.
The real news this morning is this:
Yes, engaging in the favorite activity Obama likes to do besides golfing and pinning Americans against Americans, the King is once again legislating from the throne of the White House and trying to bypass the constitutional legislative power, Congress, and the will of the people.
Illegal aliens are going to receive amnesty, avoid deportation and, with some luck and tyranny on the part of Obama and Holder, will be able to insure that Obama gets his token re-election.
I am well aware of the reality that there is a core percentage of Americans who are not only fine with the Obama's cincunvention of the law, but they are supporting him and his minions.
But there are some Americans out there who are undecided. Undecided?
If you have a speck of personal integrity and adversity to tyranny, abuse of power, "in your face" elitism and love of country, it is impossible to remain undecided.
The alternative may not be perfect, but at this moment in history perfect is not what I am looking for, but the very survival of my country.
Just my thoughts!
Nice to wake up this morning as a subject of King Obama and Queen Michelle. The June gloom keeping the air fresh and cool, just as the yoke of despotism keeps on tightening around our collective necks.
Fortunately, the mutual sucking up of Obama to Hollywood and Hollywood to Obama continues to awe those Americans who still believe that the lives of the "beautiful people" who pay $40,000 to sit down for dinner with Obama are the reality of our society.
But the real news about the United Kingdom of America is not related to the Life of the Rich and Obamas. They like to give the American people an illusion of relevance by calling all these fundraisers and campaign engagements (paid by taxpayers money, BTW), steps to insure that the re-election of Obama is what the commoners of America need.
Truthfully, between the union fraudulent actions in voting, the legalized voters' intimidation for the Black Panthers, federal law suits to prevent states from demanding voters' IDs, and federal bullying against states that want to check the legitimacy of voters' eligibility, Obama's re-crowning is almost assured.
The real news this morning is this:
Yes, engaging in the favorite activity Obama likes to do besides golfing and pinning Americans against Americans, the King is once again legislating from the throne of the White House and trying to bypass the constitutional legislative power, Congress, and the will of the people.
Illegal aliens are going to receive amnesty, avoid deportation and, with some luck and tyranny on the part of Obama and Holder, will be able to insure that Obama gets his token re-election.
I am well aware of the reality that there is a core percentage of Americans who are not only fine with the Obama's cincunvention of the law, but they are supporting him and his minions.
But there are some Americans out there who are undecided. Undecided?
If you have a speck of personal integrity and adversity to tyranny, abuse of power, "in your face" elitism and love of country, it is impossible to remain undecided.
The alternative may not be perfect, but at this moment in history perfect is not what I am looking for, but the very survival of my country.
Just my thoughts!
Can We Believe Anything Anymore?
By Semperpapa
Can anyone fault this writer if the level of confidence in the goodwill of Obama and Holder is slightly shaken?
With the risk of being called racist, and trying to give the sarcastic impression that I really care about that, I must say that I would not trust Obama or his water boy Holder to even have the integrity to save their own families if it interfered with power retention.
Obama wants that second term and Holder has created an environment of abuse of power so deep in the Dept. of Justice that trust has become a rare commodity around that neighborhood.
the latest on Fast and Furious is that Holder is appointing two U.S. Attorneys to investigate the very high level of classified information that has been leaked to the media from the White House.
Of the two attorneys, one of them is Ronald C. Machen, a former federal prosecutor that has just been nominated by president Obama to be the next U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.
If that was not enough, the Washington Post reports that Machen is an habitual donor to various campaign of guess who? Yeah, Barak Hussein Obama.
Any of you tell me that is a coincidence, I say to drown yourself in the cool-aid.
Sen. Cornyn (R-Tx) was not impressed by Holder answer. Holder told Cornyn he trusted that Machen would be impartial in his investigation.
This is why I have so much contempt for these folks. An answer like that goes to prove that Holder is just thumbing his nose at the committee and the American people, that his audience is bunch of low level ignorant idiots and this cunning Attorney General does not have any problems running his little empire in the service of the One.
How smug is this man? Well as he was being questioned about Fast and Furious, he stated that he "stuck to his guns", surely a sarcastic innuendo that the family of Brian Terry can really appreciate.
Sen. Cornyn even told Holder in his face that he was joining the ranks of those who are asking for Holder resignation. It would be about damn time.
Just my thoughts!
Can anyone fault this writer if the level of confidence in the goodwill of Obama and Holder is slightly shaken?
With the risk of being called racist, and trying to give the sarcastic impression that I really care about that, I must say that I would not trust Obama or his water boy Holder to even have the integrity to save their own families if it interfered with power retention.
Obama wants that second term and Holder has created an environment of abuse of power so deep in the Dept. of Justice that trust has become a rare commodity around that neighborhood.
the latest on Fast and Furious is that Holder is appointing two U.S. Attorneys to investigate the very high level of classified information that has been leaked to the media from the White House.
Of the two attorneys, one of them is Ronald C. Machen, a former federal prosecutor that has just been nominated by president Obama to be the next U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.
If that was not enough, the Washington Post reports that Machen is an habitual donor to various campaign of guess who? Yeah, Barak Hussein Obama.
Any of you tell me that is a coincidence, I say to drown yourself in the cool-aid.
Sen. Cornyn (R-Tx) was not impressed by Holder answer. Holder told Cornyn he trusted that Machen would be impartial in his investigation.
This is why I have so much contempt for these folks. An answer like that goes to prove that Holder is just thumbing his nose at the committee and the American people, that his audience is bunch of low level ignorant idiots and this cunning Attorney General does not have any problems running his little empire in the service of the One.
How smug is this man? Well as he was being questioned about Fast and Furious, he stated that he "stuck to his guns", surely a sarcastic innuendo that the family of Brian Terry can really appreciate.
Sen. Cornyn even told Holder in his face that he was joining the ranks of those who are asking for Holder resignation. It would be about damn time.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Having A Bad Couple Of Weeks?
By Semperpapa
Spc. Gerardo Campos, 23, of Miami, Fla., died June 2 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.
Lance Cpl. Joshua E. Witsman, 23, of Covington, Ind., died May 30 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Pfc. Vincent J. Ellis, 22, of Tokyo, Japan, died June 4, in Landstuhl, Germany, from wounds suffered June 1, on Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with improvised explosive devices and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Capt. Scott P. Pace, 39, of Brawley, Calif., and
1st Lt. Mathew G. Fazzari, 25, of Walla Walla, Wash.
Died June 6, in Qarah Bagh, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when their helicopter crashed. They were assigned to the 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Cpl. Anthony R. Servin, 22, of Moreno Valley, Calif., died June 8 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Pfc. Brandon D. Goodine, 20, of Luthersville, Ga., died June 7 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He was assigned to the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Master Chief Petty Officer Richard J. Kessler Jr., 47, of Gulfport, Fla., was found deceased in his berthing compartment June 8 on board USS Enterprise (CVN 65). He was assigned to Enterprise as a logistics specialist. Enterprise is currently deployed to the Fifth Fleet area of responsibility conducting operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Pfc. Nathan T. Davis, 20, Yucaipa, Calif., died June 9, in Tore Obeh, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when his vehicle was attacked with an enemy improvised explosive device. Davis was assigned to the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Spc. Bryant J. Luxmore, 25, New Windsor, Ill., died June 10, in Panjwai, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when he encountered enemy, small arms fire. Luxmore was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
All the above died in the last two weeks serving our country. The media is telling us that Obama is having a real bad couple of weeks, because finally, in the words of the immortal Rev. Wright, seems like Obama's chickens have come home to roost.
I think of the families of these American Heroes and I hope you will forgive me if I don't feel sorry for the Thug-in-Chief because the pleasure of rubbing elbows with the Hollywood scum was tarnished by the evolving scandals that are coming out from every crack of this administration.
To all the above Heroes, my deepest gratitude. To their families my heart felt condolences. To Obama...go screw yourself, with all due respect, of course.
Just my thoughts
Spc. Gerardo Campos, 23, of Miami, Fla., died June 2 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.
Lance Cpl. Joshua E. Witsman, 23, of Covington, Ind., died May 30 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Pfc. Vincent J. Ellis, 22, of Tokyo, Japan, died June 4, in Landstuhl, Germany, from wounds suffered June 1, on Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with improvised explosive devices and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Capt. Scott P. Pace, 39, of Brawley, Calif., and
1st Lt. Mathew G. Fazzari, 25, of Walla Walla, Wash.
Died June 6, in Qarah Bagh, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when their helicopter crashed. They were assigned to the 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Cpl. Anthony R. Servin, 22, of Moreno Valley, Calif., died June 8 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Pfc. Brandon D. Goodine, 20, of Luthersville, Ga., died June 7 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He was assigned to the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Master Chief Petty Officer Richard J. Kessler Jr., 47, of Gulfport, Fla., was found deceased in his berthing compartment June 8 on board USS Enterprise (CVN 65). He was assigned to Enterprise as a logistics specialist. Enterprise is currently deployed to the Fifth Fleet area of responsibility conducting operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Pfc. Nathan T. Davis, 20, Yucaipa, Calif., died June 9, in Tore Obeh, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when his vehicle was attacked with an enemy improvised explosive device. Davis was assigned to the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Spc. Bryant J. Luxmore, 25, New Windsor, Ill., died June 10, in Panjwai, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when he encountered enemy, small arms fire. Luxmore was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
All the above died in the last two weeks serving our country. The media is telling us that Obama is having a real bad couple of weeks, because finally, in the words of the immortal Rev. Wright, seems like Obama's chickens have come home to roost.
I think of the families of these American Heroes and I hope you will forgive me if I don't feel sorry for the Thug-in-Chief because the pleasure of rubbing elbows with the Hollywood scum was tarnished by the evolving scandals that are coming out from every crack of this administration.
To all the above Heroes, my deepest gratitude. To their families my heart felt condolences. To Obama...go screw yourself, with all due respect, of course.
Just my thoughts
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Feel Sorry For The Poor Bitch
By Semperpapa
How depressing it must be to have to resort to be a douche bag to achieve some press. This is the case for the little MSNBC bitch Chris Hayes, a sorry looking and even less impressive pundit on an obscure cable channel.
Just few weeks ago, during the Memorial Day weekend celebration, the same sniveling bitch got his 15 seconds of fame by coming up with a brilliant statement that he felt uncomfortable with calling our Military heroes. His attempt to an apology was poor at best, as the rest of the country, including the many on the left, felt incensed by the stupid statement.
But what is sad is that the sorry looking douche bag has realized that the only way he can actually have an impact is by making such stupid remarks that someone will eventually notice.
Yes, for worms like this guy, negative attention is attention nevertheless.
In the wake of the multiple leaks of classified information coming form the government to the MSM, this moron has decided to test the waters and remove all doubts about the level of his stupidity by gracing us with another nugget of wisdom.
He stated "I think we need more leaks than less...we should know how the war is operating and what's going on with a kill list that's operating out of the White House or what covert activities we're engaged in."
Wow, what a depth of thinking, Mr. Hayes.
In the first place, if all info about covert operations are divulged to little bleeding hearts bitches like you, they would not be covert any longer, wouldn't they?
And do you really give a crap about the safety of those Military dudes whose survival depends on the secrecy of the operation? Of course not, after all those individuals volunteered for the Military and they deserve everything they get, all in the name of keeping little bitch Hayes safe in his exclusive ivory tower.
Thankfully, nobody pays much attention to this guy and the fact that an idiot like this is part of public discourse is a testament to the freedom that we still have in America. There are many countries where someone like Chris Hayes would be relegated into some sort of mental institution never to be heard from again.
Speaking of feeling sorry, I do feel for those members of news organizations tasked to listen to ass wipes like Hayes. There has to be someone who has to endure programs like this guy's so to make all of us aware of the stupidity of the left.
This guy is a true insult to the intelligence of the human race, but the four people actually watching him may never know.
Just my thoughts!

Just few weeks ago, during the Memorial Day weekend celebration, the same sniveling bitch got his 15 seconds of fame by coming up with a brilliant statement that he felt uncomfortable with calling our Military heroes. His attempt to an apology was poor at best, as the rest of the country, including the many on the left, felt incensed by the stupid statement.
But what is sad is that the sorry looking douche bag has realized that the only way he can actually have an impact is by making such stupid remarks that someone will eventually notice.
Yes, for worms like this guy, negative attention is attention nevertheless.
In the wake of the multiple leaks of classified information coming form the government to the MSM, this moron has decided to test the waters and remove all doubts about the level of his stupidity by gracing us with another nugget of wisdom.
He stated "I think we need more leaks than less...we should know how the war is operating and what's going on with a kill list that's operating out of the White House or what covert activities we're engaged in."
Wow, what a depth of thinking, Mr. Hayes.
In the first place, if all info about covert operations are divulged to little bleeding hearts bitches like you, they would not be covert any longer, wouldn't they?
And do you really give a crap about the safety of those Military dudes whose survival depends on the secrecy of the operation? Of course not, after all those individuals volunteered for the Military and they deserve everything they get, all in the name of keeping little bitch Hayes safe in his exclusive ivory tower.
Thankfully, nobody pays much attention to this guy and the fact that an idiot like this is part of public discourse is a testament to the freedom that we still have in America. There are many countries where someone like Chris Hayes would be relegated into some sort of mental institution never to be heard from again.
Speaking of feeling sorry, I do feel for those members of news organizations tasked to listen to ass wipes like Hayes. There has to be someone who has to endure programs like this guy's so to make all of us aware of the stupidity of the left.
This guy is a true insult to the intelligence of the human race, but the four people actually watching him may never know.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Why Liberal Talk Radio Will Never Succeed
By Semperpapa
Do you remember Air America? No, me either.
Do you remember Jenine Garofalo? No, me either.
The Left has been trying to "compete" with conservative radio talk show for years, all the while working under the radar with Washington and the main stream media, to actually shut conservative radio down, and the hell with the First Amendment. In both cases they have failed, mind you not because of lack of effort, but mostly because when it comes to the preference of the American people, the theory of free market and free choice still applies.
Why does liberal radio not work? In my humble opinion, it is a matter of depression.
I am not inclined to be listening to some guy or girl that is continuously putting down my country, our economic system from which the radio speaker is benefiting anyway, our Military from whose sacrifice the speaker is benefiting anyway.
I am not inclined to endure hours of some sniveling idiot complaining against the power of corporations while working for one and getting paid handsomely by it; and I am surely not wasting my time listening to the social justice speech of some hypocrite who has made a career upon the misery he can create for a specific group of Americans.
But mostly, I am not inclined in spending my valuable time and brain cells listening to some moron who tries to boost his ratings by being as controversial as possible.
Case in point is the ultra liberal progressive talk radio "personality" Bill Press.
This is a guy who for decades has been polluting the airwaves with his liberal poison. But just as the rest of his kind, he has to resort to really controversial positions in order to attract the attention of the American people and get a little boost in ratings.
I had not heard the name "Bill Press" for some time until last week when this champion of moronity came out with this statement regarding our National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner.
“It’s an abomination… First of all, it ranges two octaves; most people can only do, kind of, one octave. It’s more than a pet peeve. It is a major crusade of mine. A major cause of mine and that is, to get rid of ‘The Star-Spangled Banner.’”
Well, my friends, there you go. Typical liberal fascism. I don't like guns so I want to take guns away from everyone else, I don't like the National Anthem so I want to take it away from all Americans too.
Sadly, Mr. Bill Press is not much more than a tick on the toilette seat of a public bathroom on Venice Beach and regardless of the amount of outrage he may cause by such types of statements, he will never amount to any real threat to the Star-Spangled Banner. I know it may come to a surprise to the ego of Mr. Press, but he is not significant enough in the whole scheme of things to make any difference.
Even in the anti-American climate that is pervading our country, the vast majority of the American people happen to like our anthem and it will take a lot more than some low grade leftist talk show thug to take it away from us. A hell of a lot more!
Finally, if Bill Press is embarrassed by our National Anthem, the solution is very simple. I am sure that the French new socialist government is more than willing to give good old Press political asylum, or maybe the Castro regime in Cuba.
And if all else fails, there is always Germany and the old faithful "Deutschland Uber Alles" which he can work to change into "liberal fascism uber alles".
So, leave my Anthem the hell alone, ok?
Just my thoughts!
Do you remember Air America? No, me either.
Do you remember Jenine Garofalo? No, me either.
The Left has been trying to "compete" with conservative radio talk show for years, all the while working under the radar with Washington and the main stream media, to actually shut conservative radio down, and the hell with the First Amendment. In both cases they have failed, mind you not because of lack of effort, but mostly because when it comes to the preference of the American people, the theory of free market and free choice still applies.
Why does liberal radio not work? In my humble opinion, it is a matter of depression.
I am not inclined to be listening to some guy or girl that is continuously putting down my country, our economic system from which the radio speaker is benefiting anyway, our Military from whose sacrifice the speaker is benefiting anyway.
I am not inclined to endure hours of some sniveling idiot complaining against the power of corporations while working for one and getting paid handsomely by it; and I am surely not wasting my time listening to the social justice speech of some hypocrite who has made a career upon the misery he can create for a specific group of Americans.
But mostly, I am not inclined in spending my valuable time and brain cells listening to some moron who tries to boost his ratings by being as controversial as possible.
Case in point is the ultra liberal progressive talk radio "personality" Bill Press.
This is a guy who for decades has been polluting the airwaves with his liberal poison. But just as the rest of his kind, he has to resort to really controversial positions in order to attract the attention of the American people and get a little boost in ratings.
I had not heard the name "Bill Press" for some time until last week when this champion of moronity came out with this statement regarding our National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner.
“It’s an abomination… First of all, it ranges two octaves; most people can only do, kind of, one octave. It’s more than a pet peeve. It is a major crusade of mine. A major cause of mine and that is, to get rid of ‘The Star-Spangled Banner.’”
Well, my friends, there you go. Typical liberal fascism. I don't like guns so I want to take guns away from everyone else, I don't like the National Anthem so I want to take it away from all Americans too.
Sadly, Mr. Bill Press is not much more than a tick on the toilette seat of a public bathroom on Venice Beach and regardless of the amount of outrage he may cause by such types of statements, he will never amount to any real threat to the Star-Spangled Banner. I know it may come to a surprise to the ego of Mr. Press, but he is not significant enough in the whole scheme of things to make any difference.
Even in the anti-American climate that is pervading our country, the vast majority of the American people happen to like our anthem and it will take a lot more than some low grade leftist talk show thug to take it away from us. A hell of a lot more!
Finally, if Bill Press is embarrassed by our National Anthem, the solution is very simple. I am sure that the French new socialist government is more than willing to give good old Press political asylum, or maybe the Castro regime in Cuba.
And if all else fails, there is always Germany and the old faithful "Deutschland Uber Alles" which he can work to change into "liberal fascism uber alles".
So, leave my Anthem the hell alone, ok?
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Couple of Things...
By Semperpapa
President Obama conducted a press conference today where he said couple of things that tugged at my need for response.
In the first place, Obama stated that the private sector is doing just fine economically speaking.
In truth, such a statement should not piss the American people off because it is an abjected lie, but for two other reasons.
One is that the American people should be insulted and embarrassed by the fact that they placed in the White House such an incompetent boob, if he really believes in the crap that comes out of his mouth.
The second is that the American people should be thoroughly offended by a president that so blatantly aims at insulting their intelligence by telling such a fable.
Then there is the second thing that Obama stated that burned my tolerance. He said that the allegation of political motivation behind the multiple intelligence leaks are offensive. And among the other words that greatly bothered me was his expression of "My White House"
Mr. President, with all undue respect, that is NOT your White House. That is OUR White House, the American people White House. You, sir, are just the latest renter of that dwelling, actually more of a squatter there, and if this Nation is lucky, you will vacate the premises by next January, only to be remembered as the worst that ever occupied that House.
The private sector, as the greatest generator of good paying jobs, is in shambles or in limbo, as the uncertainty of the future and the overbearing intrusion of Obama's government into the business life, makes for a lack of confidence in a future of growth.
Our GDP grew less than 2%, an unacceptable rate that reflects a stagnant and actually deteriorating economy.
And yes, as I stated in my last post, the only strategy for re-election that the Obama regime can try to use is the killing of Bin Laden and the occasional drone attack against terror targets. The leaking of info is designed to serve as a window upon the masculinity of the One and his resolve to appear as a tough leader.
The only thing Obama knows and cares for is Obama and his maintenance of power.
Just my thoughts!
President Obama conducted a press conference today where he said couple of things that tugged at my need for response.
In the first place, Obama stated that the private sector is doing just fine economically speaking.
In truth, such a statement should not piss the American people off because it is an abjected lie, but for two other reasons.
One is that the American people should be insulted and embarrassed by the fact that they placed in the White House such an incompetent boob, if he really believes in the crap that comes out of his mouth.
The second is that the American people should be thoroughly offended by a president that so blatantly aims at insulting their intelligence by telling such a fable.
Then there is the second thing that Obama stated that burned my tolerance. He said that the allegation of political motivation behind the multiple intelligence leaks are offensive. And among the other words that greatly bothered me was his expression of "My White House"
Mr. President, with all undue respect, that is NOT your White House. That is OUR White House, the American people White House. You, sir, are just the latest renter of that dwelling, actually more of a squatter there, and if this Nation is lucky, you will vacate the premises by next January, only to be remembered as the worst that ever occupied that House.
The private sector, as the greatest generator of good paying jobs, is in shambles or in limbo, as the uncertainty of the future and the overbearing intrusion of Obama's government into the business life, makes for a lack of confidence in a future of growth.
Our GDP grew less than 2%, an unacceptable rate that reflects a stagnant and actually deteriorating economy.
And yes, as I stated in my last post, the only strategy for re-election that the Obama regime can try to use is the killing of Bin Laden and the occasional drone attack against terror targets. The leaking of info is designed to serve as a window upon the masculinity of the One and his resolve to appear as a tough leader.
The only thing Obama knows and cares for is Obama and his maintenance of power.
Just my thoughts!
Leaking Classified Info To Get Elected
By Semperpapa
It looks like a storm may be brewing at the horizon of the most corrupted administration this nation has ever seen in its history.
Highly classified information of national security importance have been making their way out of the halls of the "need-to-know" environment into the mainstream media hands.
This has been a disturbing trend going back to the time just following the September 11 , 2001 attacks against our country and the beginning of our involvement in Afghanistan.
In those days, as the unity fostered by a sense of national pride following the attacks vanished into the anti-Bush political gutters, leaks of classified material was a way for the sources and the divulging entities to undermine the Military efforts and to discredit the Bush administration.
As our Special Forces surrounded the Taliban complex of Tora Bora, utilizing cell phone technology to pin point the position of Bin Laden and allowing our Military to close in on the thug, the utilization of such technology was leaked to the NY Times and promptly published on the rag for everyone, including our enemies, to see.
The information was important for the terror leader to change his communication methodology and escape capture.
The leaking of classified info used to be a very grave transgression in the environment surrounding the secret world of national security and military technology.
Divulging such sensitive information is a way for increasing the level of danger that folks involved in the defense of our Nation have to endure. Those who engage in the leaking of such info are culpable of nothing less than treason against the security of our country and should be held responsible for the safety of all the people whom they endangered.
Every administration has has its leaks and surely the Obama administration has had its share. The main difference is that while the majority of leaks in the past have been detrimental to the image of the administration, the leaks since Obama has been in the White House have coincidentally worked out in favor of the supreme president.
After the raid that saw the timely and greatly deserved demise of bin Laden, the understanding among those who were in the know of the mission, was that the details were going to be kept secret to protect the sensitive individuals involved, to insure that their safety remained most important.
But while that decision was made on the Sunday of the raid, by Monday the commitment had been forgotten and all the details started to flow out of the "unknown" sources.
It became obvious to this writer that the killing of bin Laden was such a juicy political score for Obama that it was going to be no time before the Obama re-election campaign was going to gobble up the story.
Not only I was proven right, but the shameless use was immediate and full bore.
Short of telling the world the name, rank and serial number of the members of SEAL Team 6 that had conducted the sortie, the world came to know exactly which operative unit was responsible for one of the best executed actions in our Special Forces history (at least that the general population knows of). And just few months later, a helicopter full of members of the SEAL Team 6 and other SF operatives was shot down in Afghanistan killing scores of these invaluable warriors.
Additional details on the operation that had culminated with the localization of bin Laden was also leaked, enough details that the Pakistani government was able to identify and eventually arrest, try and convict a local doctor, Shakil Afridi, who had risked his life to give our government the certainty that the individual in question was actually bin Laden.
So now this person who risked so much to help the US is in a Pakistani prison serving 33 years for whatever concocted reason and having been abandoned by the United States government.
The important aspect of what the SEAL Team did, and what Dr. Afridi gave us, and everything else surrounding the mission is what benefit it brings to Obama's re-election effort. And it must be considered that in the immense sea of failure that this administration has been, the only positive event, the death of bin Laden, would be used to the highest degree.
The cost of it is irrelevant. The removal of the protective secrecy of the SF unit in question is irrelevant. The fact that Afridi is languishing in a prison for helping us, undergoing who knows what sort of physical and mental anguish, is irrelevant, as long as the Obama gets re-elected.
Even the latest leak that involved the US intelligence in a cyber attack against Iran is designed to paint a false image of Obama to the American people, an image of someone who is tough on the enemies of the country.
Meantime, he is publicizing every drone assassination that takes place. And why? because it is the only somewhat positive aspect of this man's regime.
There is also another angle of our so called relationship with Pakistan. Drone attacks on Pakistani soil has been going on since our efforts in Afghanistan started. The Taliban and al Qaeda terrorist would slip into the uncontrolled western region of Pakistan as the US Military efforts in Afghanistan evolved. The Pakistani government has practically no control over the area called Waziristan. That is where the drone would come in handy.
The caveat was that the US government would not boast so much about the incursions into Pakistani territory. The Pakistani government has a huge problem with the Islamic extremists in its midst. Allowing the US forces to conduct operations into Pakistan would give a reason to the Islamic population in Pakistan to raise all hell with their leaders. But keeping the attacks as under the radar as possible, the Pakistani would be able to deflect the anger of their people.
Conversely, the current administration has made the use of the drone and the assassination approach to fighting al Qaeda a tool of public relations, more likely a tool of Obama re-election, culminating with the bin Laden's raid.
While I am not under any illusion that Pakistan is not an ally of the United States, that its leadership is intrinsically involved with our enemies, publicizing our free roaming of their sovereign air space is enough to create additional danger for our forces in Afghanistan.
Do not for a minute believe that I am not jubilant about the demise of bin Laden or any of the terror leaders our drones have sent to Allah, but this is a kind of operational activity that would be better kept as low key as possible.
Interestingly, there are some Democrats in Congress that are pushing back against Obama and his re-election machine by actually coming out and criticizing the inactivity of the Dept. of Justice in the pursuit of these leaks, but of course what is the level of confidence that we can have in the Dept. of Justice and the worst Attorney General in our history, Eric Holder. None.
Sen Dianne Feinstein and Carl Levin of the Armed Services Committee have come out and blasted the inactivity of the government to seek and stop those who leak information (interestingly, Feinstein has in the past given away many classified info during committee hearings anyway), while Sen John McCain on the floor of the Senate blasted the administration for placing their political campaigning before the safety of the American people.
The truth is that the American people, just like our Military, are expendable for this president. Nothing is important more than his ascension to power, absolute power. Even those in the population or the Hollywood crowd or the union halls will soon find out that they are safe from this statist as long as they are useful idiots. The moment they outlive their usefulness or they realize the tragic reality of this man, they will become cannon fodder like the rest of us. That's the totalitarian way!
Just my thoughts!
It looks like a storm may be brewing at the horizon of the most corrupted administration this nation has ever seen in its history.
Highly classified information of national security importance have been making their way out of the halls of the "need-to-know" environment into the mainstream media hands.
This has been a disturbing trend going back to the time just following the September 11 , 2001 attacks against our country and the beginning of our involvement in Afghanistan.
In those days, as the unity fostered by a sense of national pride following the attacks vanished into the anti-Bush political gutters, leaks of classified material was a way for the sources and the divulging entities to undermine the Military efforts and to discredit the Bush administration.
As our Special Forces surrounded the Taliban complex of Tora Bora, utilizing cell phone technology to pin point the position of Bin Laden and allowing our Military to close in on the thug, the utilization of such technology was leaked to the NY Times and promptly published on the rag for everyone, including our enemies, to see.
The information was important for the terror leader to change his communication methodology and escape capture.
The leaking of classified info used to be a very grave transgression in the environment surrounding the secret world of national security and military technology.
Divulging such sensitive information is a way for increasing the level of danger that folks involved in the defense of our Nation have to endure. Those who engage in the leaking of such info are culpable of nothing less than treason against the security of our country and should be held responsible for the safety of all the people whom they endangered.
Every administration has has its leaks and surely the Obama administration has had its share. The main difference is that while the majority of leaks in the past have been detrimental to the image of the administration, the leaks since Obama has been in the White House have coincidentally worked out in favor of the supreme president.
After the raid that saw the timely and greatly deserved demise of bin Laden, the understanding among those who were in the know of the mission, was that the details were going to be kept secret to protect the sensitive individuals involved, to insure that their safety remained most important.
But while that decision was made on the Sunday of the raid, by Monday the commitment had been forgotten and all the details started to flow out of the "unknown" sources.
It became obvious to this writer that the killing of bin Laden was such a juicy political score for Obama that it was going to be no time before the Obama re-election campaign was going to gobble up the story.
Not only I was proven right, but the shameless use was immediate and full bore.
Short of telling the world the name, rank and serial number of the members of SEAL Team 6 that had conducted the sortie, the world came to know exactly which operative unit was responsible for one of the best executed actions in our Special Forces history (at least that the general population knows of). And just few months later, a helicopter full of members of the SEAL Team 6 and other SF operatives was shot down in Afghanistan killing scores of these invaluable warriors.
Additional details on the operation that had culminated with the localization of bin Laden was also leaked, enough details that the Pakistani government was able to identify and eventually arrest, try and convict a local doctor, Shakil Afridi, who had risked his life to give our government the certainty that the individual in question was actually bin Laden.
So now this person who risked so much to help the US is in a Pakistani prison serving 33 years for whatever concocted reason and having been abandoned by the United States government.
The important aspect of what the SEAL Team did, and what Dr. Afridi gave us, and everything else surrounding the mission is what benefit it brings to Obama's re-election effort. And it must be considered that in the immense sea of failure that this administration has been, the only positive event, the death of bin Laden, would be used to the highest degree.
The cost of it is irrelevant. The removal of the protective secrecy of the SF unit in question is irrelevant. The fact that Afridi is languishing in a prison for helping us, undergoing who knows what sort of physical and mental anguish, is irrelevant, as long as the Obama gets re-elected.
Even the latest leak that involved the US intelligence in a cyber attack against Iran is designed to paint a false image of Obama to the American people, an image of someone who is tough on the enemies of the country.
Meantime, he is publicizing every drone assassination that takes place. And why? because it is the only somewhat positive aspect of this man's regime.
There is also another angle of our so called relationship with Pakistan. Drone attacks on Pakistani soil has been going on since our efforts in Afghanistan started. The Taliban and al Qaeda terrorist would slip into the uncontrolled western region of Pakistan as the US Military efforts in Afghanistan evolved. The Pakistani government has practically no control over the area called Waziristan. That is where the drone would come in handy.
The caveat was that the US government would not boast so much about the incursions into Pakistani territory. The Pakistani government has a huge problem with the Islamic extremists in its midst. Allowing the US forces to conduct operations into Pakistan would give a reason to the Islamic population in Pakistan to raise all hell with their leaders. But keeping the attacks as under the radar as possible, the Pakistani would be able to deflect the anger of their people.
Conversely, the current administration has made the use of the drone and the assassination approach to fighting al Qaeda a tool of public relations, more likely a tool of Obama re-election, culminating with the bin Laden's raid.
While I am not under any illusion that Pakistan is not an ally of the United States, that its leadership is intrinsically involved with our enemies, publicizing our free roaming of their sovereign air space is enough to create additional danger for our forces in Afghanistan.
Do not for a minute believe that I am not jubilant about the demise of bin Laden or any of the terror leaders our drones have sent to Allah, but this is a kind of operational activity that would be better kept as low key as possible.
Interestingly, there are some Democrats in Congress that are pushing back against Obama and his re-election machine by actually coming out and criticizing the inactivity of the Dept. of Justice in the pursuit of these leaks, but of course what is the level of confidence that we can have in the Dept. of Justice and the worst Attorney General in our history, Eric Holder. None.
Sen Dianne Feinstein and Carl Levin of the Armed Services Committee have come out and blasted the inactivity of the government to seek and stop those who leak information (interestingly, Feinstein has in the past given away many classified info during committee hearings anyway), while Sen John McCain on the floor of the Senate blasted the administration for placing their political campaigning before the safety of the American people.
The truth is that the American people, just like our Military, are expendable for this president. Nothing is important more than his ascension to power, absolute power. Even those in the population or the Hollywood crowd or the union halls will soon find out that they are safe from this statist as long as they are useful idiots. The moment they outlive their usefulness or they realize the tragic reality of this man, they will become cannon fodder like the rest of us. That's the totalitarian way!
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Hey Jesse, Careful Where You March Your Racist Donkey
By Semperpapa
Here he goes, one of the misery twins of the new slave trade: Jesse Jackson, the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
I am not sure what frigging church this moron is reverend in, but whatever it is, this man is a disgrace to Christianity and to black folks across this nation.
He was in Wisconsin on Monday, trying to agitate the people so that people may be intimidated in recalling Scott Walker and, if things go the reverend's way, maybe some rioting and looting can be had before the end of the day (wonder if the good old reverend is in need of a new TV).
But this article made me smile.
This is something that may show up on YouTube: the Rev. Jasse Jackson trying to march on gun shops in Wisconsin.
Really, Jesse? There must be very little brain cell activity in that empty skull of yours, maybe cause by too much recreational chemical use or maybe syphilis.
Just my thoughts!
Here he goes, one of the misery twins of the new slave trade: Jesse Jackson, the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
I am not sure what frigging church this moron is reverend in, but whatever it is, this man is a disgrace to Christianity and to black folks across this nation.
He was in Wisconsin on Monday, trying to agitate the people so that people may be intimidated in recalling Scott Walker and, if things go the reverend's way, maybe some rioting and looting can be had before the end of the day (wonder if the good old reverend is in need of a new TV).
But this article made me smile.
This is something that may show up on YouTube: the Rev. Jasse Jackson trying to march on gun shops in Wisconsin.
Really, Jesse? There must be very little brain cell activity in that empty skull of yours, maybe cause by too much recreational chemical use or maybe syphilis.
Just my thoughts!
Obama Killing American Industry
By Semperpapa
It was Obama himself who stated that it was his intention to insure that all coal plants were going to be driven into bankruptcy by the EPA regulations that he wanted to impose on American industries.
And yet, many Obama supporters either did not believe that this so called president was serious about it or, just plain did not care any about all the people who would be so drastically affected by such reckless policies.
The following is a video that actually accentuates the Obama desire to kill American industries without any hesitation or regret.
After watching this video, can you feel the sorrow in the voice of this guy? And don't you feel sorry for the individuals who "had" to disregard the livelihood and future and existence of entire communities to institute policy? Yes, me neither.
Ultimately, what we are witnessing we brought it all upon ourselves by putting into the White House the most radicalized Marxist that our Nation has ever seen. We have only ourselves to blame for, because for months in 2008, the extreme nature of this guy's radicalism was advertised by many, me included within my very limited circle, but nobody wanted to listen.
The majority of people was so carried away in the historical significance of the election of a black man that nobody wanted to risk being labeled racist by just plainly rejecting his Marxist ideology.
The coal industry, the auto manufacturing industry, the health care industry. And that's just the beginning, as he consolidate his attacks on the oil industry and Mooochelle goes after the food industry.
We are at the edge of a precipice and only time will tell if the damage that this incompetent, subversive, anti-American dude and his droids have done to our beloved country is reversible or not.
Let's hope and work toward the goal that by next November the most radical individual in the history of the Presidency will be permanently sent into retirement where he can no longer foster the continuous destruction of America.
Just my thoughts!
It was Obama himself who stated that it was his intention to insure that all coal plants were going to be driven into bankruptcy by the EPA regulations that he wanted to impose on American industries.
And yet, many Obama supporters either did not believe that this so called president was serious about it or, just plain did not care any about all the people who would be so drastically affected by such reckless policies.
The following is a video that actually accentuates the Obama desire to kill American industries without any hesitation or regret.
After watching this video, can you feel the sorrow in the voice of this guy? And don't you feel sorry for the individuals who "had" to disregard the livelihood and future and existence of entire communities to institute policy? Yes, me neither.
Ultimately, what we are witnessing we brought it all upon ourselves by putting into the White House the most radicalized Marxist that our Nation has ever seen. We have only ourselves to blame for, because for months in 2008, the extreme nature of this guy's radicalism was advertised by many, me included within my very limited circle, but nobody wanted to listen.
The majority of people was so carried away in the historical significance of the election of a black man that nobody wanted to risk being labeled racist by just plainly rejecting his Marxist ideology.
The coal industry, the auto manufacturing industry, the health care industry. And that's just the beginning, as he consolidate his attacks on the oil industry and Mooochelle goes after the food industry.
We are at the edge of a precipice and only time will tell if the damage that this incompetent, subversive, anti-American dude and his droids have done to our beloved country is reversible or not.
Let's hope and work toward the goal that by next November the most radical individual in the history of the Presidency will be permanently sent into retirement where he can no longer foster the continuous destruction of America.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part IV
By Semperpapa
Yes, my fellow Americans. There are many people out there who are still maintaining that Barak Hussein Obama is doing a banged up job. Really?
Well, it all comes down to prospectives.
If you are a lazy, welfare career recipient crack head, well sure he is doing a great job. After all, he is making sure that you are getting paid to remain in a miserable state of dependency. All he wants from you is the commitment that you vote for him as many times as the fraudulent machine he and his minions have put in place wants you to.
And do not worry about any illegality because for as long as Obama's boy Eric Holder is running the Department of Justice, you can intimidate other voters who may disagree with you without any concern for prosecution. Eric Holder will also make sure that you do not have to show your I.D. to vote any time you want.
The new America, thanks to Obama's stunning success, does not worry about you or the law.
I am truly amused by the statements of Obama's water carrying boys that appear here and there on the news channels. Most of them are blacks, of course, because that is what racism really looks like. But I digress.
The statements I hear are really incredible. I heard one stating with a straight face that Obama has received a much harsher treatment from the MSM than George W.
Another saying that Obama foreign policy has been magnificent (and when asked to elaborate the only thing that came up was the killing of bin Laden).
But the oldie but goodie is the one that said, in pure DNC talking point fashion, that Obama's economic policies have saved millions of jobs. Of course does not matter that millions of jobs have been lost thanks to this incompetent boob doing and that there may be no proof of the pundit's claims.
But it is all irrelevant, as demonstrated by the percentage of Americans who are poised to vote for the man again.
Obama's presidency has been a stunning success.
He has created enough division among the American people, fueled by envy and distrust that those who follow Obama are more than willing to ignore the favoritism Obama extends to his cronies.
The new America, the direct fruit of the winning Obama presidency, is that if you can spin your disaster into a false success, just do so and not be concerned about the people reaction. After all the American people are not as smart as Obama and will not catch on. And if they do catch on, you need not be concerned as the regime will just label any dissent as racist and race motivated.
In the case you cannot spin your failure, just find some other slob to pin with the responsibility for the failure. From 2006 to 2010, congress was dominated by Democrats. from 2008 until 2010, the whole government was controlled by liberals. From 2010 on, the House was re-taken by Republicans, many having been elected as TEA Party candidates.
The Senate barely remained in liberal hands, and now Obama is blaming Congress for the bad economy. Of course he is quick to forget that he had full control of the government since 2008 and accomplished nothing outside of that monstrosity of Obamacare.
Is anyone aware that there has not been a federal budget for the last three years? Even if the Democrats had the majority?
Is anyone aware that the Obama budget proposed couple of weeks ago was unanimously defeated? It was so preposterous that not even ONE democrat supported it.
Regardless of anything I have written, or anything that many other have said or written, there still are almost half of the American people who will vote for Obama. The majority of these people will do so because of Obama's race and his Marxist views, the other will do so because they have never voted other than Democrat and are so ill informed and so brainwashed that nothing will sway them.
So, Obama presidency has been successful beyond any expectations he may have had. The nation is in the hands of radicals like Valery Jarrett and Katherine Sebelius, Ken Salazar and Steven Chu. The country is at the mercy of AG Eric Holder and the incompetent Tim Geitner, while our security is insured by Janet Napolitano, not to mention that our Military is guided by Leon Panetta.
In any case, this American will continue to fight the Marxist take over of America. I have already lived under a pseudo-socialist government and I came to America to get away from it. If America goes the way of Europe, I warn you that it will only be a matter of time for the Nation to disintegrate, because the resources available in America are so vast that many entities will tear the place apart.
Plus I have four kids and four grandkids that deserve the same America I found when I came over three decades ago.
Just my thoughts!
Yes, my fellow Americans. There are many people out there who are still maintaining that Barak Hussein Obama is doing a banged up job. Really?
Well, it all comes down to prospectives.
If you are a lazy, welfare career recipient crack head, well sure he is doing a great job. After all, he is making sure that you are getting paid to remain in a miserable state of dependency. All he wants from you is the commitment that you vote for him as many times as the fraudulent machine he and his minions have put in place wants you to.
And do not worry about any illegality because for as long as Obama's boy Eric Holder is running the Department of Justice, you can intimidate other voters who may disagree with you without any concern for prosecution. Eric Holder will also make sure that you do not have to show your I.D. to vote any time you want.
The new America, thanks to Obama's stunning success, does not worry about you or the law.
I am truly amused by the statements of Obama's water carrying boys that appear here and there on the news channels. Most of them are blacks, of course, because that is what racism really looks like. But I digress.
The statements I hear are really incredible. I heard one stating with a straight face that Obama has received a much harsher treatment from the MSM than George W.
Another saying that Obama foreign policy has been magnificent (and when asked to elaborate the only thing that came up was the killing of bin Laden).
But the oldie but goodie is the one that said, in pure DNC talking point fashion, that Obama's economic policies have saved millions of jobs. Of course does not matter that millions of jobs have been lost thanks to this incompetent boob doing and that there may be no proof of the pundit's claims.
But it is all irrelevant, as demonstrated by the percentage of Americans who are poised to vote for the man again.
Obama's presidency has been a stunning success.
He has created enough division among the American people, fueled by envy and distrust that those who follow Obama are more than willing to ignore the favoritism Obama extends to his cronies.
The new America, the direct fruit of the winning Obama presidency, is that if you can spin your disaster into a false success, just do so and not be concerned about the people reaction. After all the American people are not as smart as Obama and will not catch on. And if they do catch on, you need not be concerned as the regime will just label any dissent as racist and race motivated.
In the case you cannot spin your failure, just find some other slob to pin with the responsibility for the failure. From 2006 to 2010, congress was dominated by Democrats. from 2008 until 2010, the whole government was controlled by liberals. From 2010 on, the House was re-taken by Republicans, many having been elected as TEA Party candidates.
The Senate barely remained in liberal hands, and now Obama is blaming Congress for the bad economy. Of course he is quick to forget that he had full control of the government since 2008 and accomplished nothing outside of that monstrosity of Obamacare.
Is anyone aware that there has not been a federal budget for the last three years? Even if the Democrats had the majority?
Is anyone aware that the Obama budget proposed couple of weeks ago was unanimously defeated? It was so preposterous that not even ONE democrat supported it.
Regardless of anything I have written, or anything that many other have said or written, there still are almost half of the American people who will vote for Obama. The majority of these people will do so because of Obama's race and his Marxist views, the other will do so because they have never voted other than Democrat and are so ill informed and so brainwashed that nothing will sway them.
So, Obama presidency has been successful beyond any expectations he may have had. The nation is in the hands of radicals like Valery Jarrett and Katherine Sebelius, Ken Salazar and Steven Chu. The country is at the mercy of AG Eric Holder and the incompetent Tim Geitner, while our security is insured by Janet Napolitano, not to mention that our Military is guided by Leon Panetta.
In any case, this American will continue to fight the Marxist take over of America. I have already lived under a pseudo-socialist government and I came to America to get away from it. If America goes the way of Europe, I warn you that it will only be a matter of time for the Nation to disintegrate, because the resources available in America are so vast that many entities will tear the place apart.
Plus I have four kids and four grandkids that deserve the same America I found when I came over three decades ago.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part III
By Semperpapa
I find myself in disagreement with Conservative icons like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, then, as I am not of the opinion that Obama presidency has been a failure. I know that all those above mentioned conservative minds are also of the same opinion as I am, but it is their goal to emphasize what they perceive to be an extremely failing grade for this president and his policies.
When looking at Obama's record from a position of common sense and American value, failure is the only attribute that can be associated with the man. Conversely, Obama is such a radicalized president that the traditional common sensical American prospective is plain wrong and the results of Obama first three years are a magnificent tactical victory for the forces of radicalism.
So I am not really in disagreement with Dr. Levin or Rush, I am just less inclined to care if my ratings go up or down. I clearly remember Rush Limbaugh statement just following the 2008 immaculation of Barak Hussein Obama, statement that sent the liberal droids into a First Amendment killing frenzy I had never witnessed before. Mr. Limbaugh said he hoped that Obama would fail. The Left, always ready to silence their opposition in the name of democracy, cried murder, treason and everything else they could throw at the drama. Personally, as I was listening to Rush as he made the infamous statement, I immediately muttered "Me too" understanding that Obama failure in his quest to radically change America was truly meaning that our Nation would have an easier time surviving his regime.
Unfortunately, as I am declaring, I believe Obama has been extremely successful.
He wanted to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if we want to ignore the reality that a nation does not "end" a war but it wins it or loses it, Obama was able to achieve an end of our involvement in Iraq, leaving that country to be re acquired by pro-Iran elements bent on influencing the Iraqi people in supporting a clear anti-American stand. In other words, over 4,400 lives that were lost in that conflict will have achieved bringing Iraq into Iranian sphere of influence.
In Afghanistan, the surge in troops Gen. McCrystal had asked had taken close to six months before Obama had actually made a decision. Even if during the campaign candidate Obama has labeled Afghanistan as something of a "good war" once in the Oval office, Obama has demonstrated the true nature of his feelings for the Military: loathing.
No, I had no doubts Obama has always hated the US Military. It is the Armed Forces that represent the real obstacle for Obama full and complete take over of our Nation. It is the devotion to the Constitution demonstrated by our troops that represent a quasi insurmountable barrier for tyranny. And no campaign pandering will ever change my mind on this point.
The true extent of Obama's stunning success, though, can be seen by just looking around ourselves in everyday life. In other words, one does not have to dig too deep in political and social daily events to recognize the strategic victory of Obama and the progressive movement in America.
What are the new normals?
In the past, a national debt of $15 Trillion would have never been accepted by the people. Today, those of us who stands against such crippling debt are labeled racist and alarmists.
In the past, a national unemployment level of 8.2% would have been unacceptable. Today, a drop of a fraction of a percentage is considered an Obama vindication, even as the real unemployment level is much higher than reported
In the past, the idea that half the working American population paying no income taxes would have been preposterous, but today, subsidies and re-distribution of wealth as Obama preaches has become completely accepted.
In the past, dependency on welfare and the government in general was considered a temporary solution needed to care for citizens that fell into some bad luck and needed a helping hand to get back up. Today, it is the government itself that encourages people to go and stay in a state of dependency. Why? Would anyone depending on the government vote against a political climate that gives welfare out so freely?
In the past, the government take over of entire industries would be looked at with suspicion and rejected, but today the average American is comfortable with Obama's regime owning General Motors and attempting to take over the health care industry, 1/6 of our economy. And people are ok with this.
In the past, a president who campaigned on his goal to literally destroy an entire industry in our country would have been run out of town, never to be heard of on the national political circuit. But today the fact that Obama was elected even after openly and purposely declaring that his aim was to burden the coal industry with so much regulatory bullying to push the entire industry into bankruptcy, is not even brought up by the Obama media.
In the past, adding 400,000 private jobs to the economy instead of 450,000 was attacked by anti-Bush liberals as a show that Bush economic policies were a failure, a GDP increase of 4% was a sign that the Bush's economy was precipitating into a recession. Today, a 380,000 new filings for unemployment and a GDP increase of 1.9% is called by the MSM an economy "roaring back". Unemployment of 8.2% and 69,000 jobs added to the economy is tauted as the Obama economy rocking back.
In the past, a president who would complain that the US Constitution was a hindrance to his agenda would have been taken to the wood shed, but today he is seen as an open minded progressive. But open minded Americans are willing to re-elect a man who supported a policy of channeling firearms into Mexico and in the hands of the drug cartels, solely for the purpose of creating enough death and destruction south of the border that can be traced back to American weapons and spark enough animosity against the 2nd Amendment to have a shot at destroying it. Yes it used to be that any president who openly trashed the Constitution would not be too well erceived by the people, but the standards have been bastardized by Obama and his droids.
In the past, if a president would have been uncovered as exercising blatant crony capitalism, as Obama has been caught doing with Solyndra and several others "green" companies, he would have been subjected to impeachment. Today, Obama is seeking re-election by actually boasting about his actions.
In the past the American people would have been reluctant to vote for a president who had spent his life hanging around and consorting with individuals of very questionable character. Today, Obama's relationships with Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist), Tony Rezco (convicted criminal), Jeremiah Wright (anti-American pastor) are either ignored or actually admired by a brainwashed sector of the population which is the result of decades of social erosion.
In the past, a United States President who surrounded himself with radical Marxist individuals, with historic demonstrable activities more in line with anti-American ideologies, with proven records of radicalism unbecoming American social acceptability, the American people would have been united in rejecting such an individual, as he would have been representing exactly what this Nation has been against.
Regardless if Marxist Van Jones or Maoist Elisabeth Warren were fully vetted by the Obama regime, it is obvious, at least to me, that the radical ideologies of these characters must be aligned with those of Obama, otherwise, why would he ever place them in positions from which they could have repercussions on this Nation and its people?
The new standard is that a president who surrounds himself with radical anti-Americans affecting the lives of the American peole, like science czar John Holdren and HHS Sebelius, a man who openly supported late term abortion, partial birth abortion and who is very comfortable supporting Planned Parenthood policy of gender driven abortion, is in danger of being re-elected instead of being ostracized from the national political scene.
There was a time in this country when with high unemployment affecting so many citizens, a president who openly opposed on radically based grounds the development of an entire industry that would translate into large numbers of good jobs being created, would be run out of town, with even hints of re-elections all but laughable. And yet, Obama has completely blocked the exploration for oil in our country, spent billions of dollars of taxpayers money to subsidize oil drilling in Brazil and foster energy cost increases he has always wanted.
Still, there are Americans who are saying he's doing a fine job!
I find myself in disagreement with Conservative icons like Mark Levin and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, then, as I am not of the opinion that Obama presidency has been a failure. I know that all those above mentioned conservative minds are also of the same opinion as I am, but it is their goal to emphasize what they perceive to be an extremely failing grade for this president and his policies.
When looking at Obama's record from a position of common sense and American value, failure is the only attribute that can be associated with the man. Conversely, Obama is such a radicalized president that the traditional common sensical American prospective is plain wrong and the results of Obama first three years are a magnificent tactical victory for the forces of radicalism.
So I am not really in disagreement with Dr. Levin or Rush, I am just less inclined to care if my ratings go up or down. I clearly remember Rush Limbaugh statement just following the 2008 immaculation of Barak Hussein Obama, statement that sent the liberal droids into a First Amendment killing frenzy I had never witnessed before. Mr. Limbaugh said he hoped that Obama would fail. The Left, always ready to silence their opposition in the name of democracy, cried murder, treason and everything else they could throw at the drama. Personally, as I was listening to Rush as he made the infamous statement, I immediately muttered "Me too" understanding that Obama failure in his quest to radically change America was truly meaning that our Nation would have an easier time surviving his regime.
Unfortunately, as I am declaring, I believe Obama has been extremely successful.
He wanted to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even if we want to ignore the reality that a nation does not "end" a war but it wins it or loses it, Obama was able to achieve an end of our involvement in Iraq, leaving that country to be re acquired by pro-Iran elements bent on influencing the Iraqi people in supporting a clear anti-American stand. In other words, over 4,400 lives that were lost in that conflict will have achieved bringing Iraq into Iranian sphere of influence.
In Afghanistan, the surge in troops Gen. McCrystal had asked had taken close to six months before Obama had actually made a decision. Even if during the campaign candidate Obama has labeled Afghanistan as something of a "good war" once in the Oval office, Obama has demonstrated the true nature of his feelings for the Military: loathing.
No, I had no doubts Obama has always hated the US Military. It is the Armed Forces that represent the real obstacle for Obama full and complete take over of our Nation. It is the devotion to the Constitution demonstrated by our troops that represent a quasi insurmountable barrier for tyranny. And no campaign pandering will ever change my mind on this point.
The true extent of Obama's stunning success, though, can be seen by just looking around ourselves in everyday life. In other words, one does not have to dig too deep in political and social daily events to recognize the strategic victory of Obama and the progressive movement in America.
What are the new normals?
In the past, a national debt of $15 Trillion would have never been accepted by the people. Today, those of us who stands against such crippling debt are labeled racist and alarmists.
In the past, a national unemployment level of 8.2% would have been unacceptable. Today, a drop of a fraction of a percentage is considered an Obama vindication, even as the real unemployment level is much higher than reported
In the past, the idea that half the working American population paying no income taxes would have been preposterous, but today, subsidies and re-distribution of wealth as Obama preaches has become completely accepted.
In the past, dependency on welfare and the government in general was considered a temporary solution needed to care for citizens that fell into some bad luck and needed a helping hand to get back up. Today, it is the government itself that encourages people to go and stay in a state of dependency. Why? Would anyone depending on the government vote against a political climate that gives welfare out so freely?
In the past, the government take over of entire industries would be looked at with suspicion and rejected, but today the average American is comfortable with Obama's regime owning General Motors and attempting to take over the health care industry, 1/6 of our economy. And people are ok with this.
In the past, a president who campaigned on his goal to literally destroy an entire industry in our country would have been run out of town, never to be heard of on the national political circuit. But today the fact that Obama was elected even after openly and purposely declaring that his aim was to burden the coal industry with so much regulatory bullying to push the entire industry into bankruptcy, is not even brought up by the Obama media.
In the past, adding 400,000 private jobs to the economy instead of 450,000 was attacked by anti-Bush liberals as a show that Bush economic policies were a failure, a GDP increase of 4% was a sign that the Bush's economy was precipitating into a recession. Today, a 380,000 new filings for unemployment and a GDP increase of 1.9% is called by the MSM an economy "roaring back". Unemployment of 8.2% and 69,000 jobs added to the economy is tauted as the Obama economy rocking back.
In the past, a president who would complain that the US Constitution was a hindrance to his agenda would have been taken to the wood shed, but today he is seen as an open minded progressive. But open minded Americans are willing to re-elect a man who supported a policy of channeling firearms into Mexico and in the hands of the drug cartels, solely for the purpose of creating enough death and destruction south of the border that can be traced back to American weapons and spark enough animosity against the 2nd Amendment to have a shot at destroying it. Yes it used to be that any president who openly trashed the Constitution would not be too well erceived by the people, but the standards have been bastardized by Obama and his droids.
In the past, if a president would have been uncovered as exercising blatant crony capitalism, as Obama has been caught doing with Solyndra and several others "green" companies, he would have been subjected to impeachment. Today, Obama is seeking re-election by actually boasting about his actions.
In the past the American people would have been reluctant to vote for a president who had spent his life hanging around and consorting with individuals of very questionable character. Today, Obama's relationships with Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist), Tony Rezco (convicted criminal), Jeremiah Wright (anti-American pastor) are either ignored or actually admired by a brainwashed sector of the population which is the result of decades of social erosion.
In the past, a United States President who surrounded himself with radical Marxist individuals, with historic demonstrable activities more in line with anti-American ideologies, with proven records of radicalism unbecoming American social acceptability, the American people would have been united in rejecting such an individual, as he would have been representing exactly what this Nation has been against.
Regardless if Marxist Van Jones or Maoist Elisabeth Warren were fully vetted by the Obama regime, it is obvious, at least to me, that the radical ideologies of these characters must be aligned with those of Obama, otherwise, why would he ever place them in positions from which they could have repercussions on this Nation and its people?
The new standard is that a president who surrounds himself with radical anti-Americans affecting the lives of the American peole, like science czar John Holdren and HHS Sebelius, a man who openly supported late term abortion, partial birth abortion and who is very comfortable supporting Planned Parenthood policy of gender driven abortion, is in danger of being re-elected instead of being ostracized from the national political scene.
There was a time in this country when with high unemployment affecting so many citizens, a president who openly opposed on radically based grounds the development of an entire industry that would translate into large numbers of good jobs being created, would be run out of town, with even hints of re-elections all but laughable. And yet, Obama has completely blocked the exploration for oil in our country, spent billions of dollars of taxpayers money to subsidize oil drilling in Brazil and foster energy cost increases he has always wanted.
Still, there are Americans who are saying he's doing a fine job!
Gendercide? Constitutionally Protected
By Semperpapa
Check this video out. This is the second incident of an "isolated" case.
But really, I am not surprised. If Charles Manson was released from prison and found out to be involved in serial killing or mass murder, would you be surprised? Of course not.
Planned Parenthood is just in the business of providing access to the abortion of children and they do that very well. The reason for the request for abortion remains an unrelated concern for the PP workers, be it gender selection or whatever other reason the woman may have.
What is a little surprising, but not too much, is that the House of Representatives voted down the bill that would have made gender driven bortions illegal. Thanks to the, surprise!, Democrats and some of the RINOs, the bill failed to reach the 2/3 margin needed to pass in its current form.
And the position of the White House?
Here is the WH statement from deputy press secretary Jamie Smith
"The Administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way."
Funny how the White House has no qualm in forcing Obamacare and contraceptives on American private citizens, how they want to set up death panels to decide which citizen gets medical care and which is sent home with aspirin, but they cannot "intrude" in the killing of a baby because he or mostly she happens to be the wrong gender.
And I, as a Conservative, am the one engaged in a war on women?
Are you kidding me?
Just my thoughts!
Check this video out. This is the second incident of an "isolated" case.
But really, I am not surprised. If Charles Manson was released from prison and found out to be involved in serial killing or mass murder, would you be surprised? Of course not.
Planned Parenthood is just in the business of providing access to the abortion of children and they do that very well. The reason for the request for abortion remains an unrelated concern for the PP workers, be it gender selection or whatever other reason the woman may have.
What is a little surprising, but not too much, is that the House of Representatives voted down the bill that would have made gender driven bortions illegal. Thanks to the, surprise!, Democrats and some of the RINOs, the bill failed to reach the 2/3 margin needed to pass in its current form.
And the position of the White House?
Here is the WH statement from deputy press secretary Jamie Smith
"The Administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way."
Funny how the White House has no qualm in forcing Obamacare and contraceptives on American private citizens, how they want to set up death panels to decide which citizen gets medical care and which is sent home with aspirin, but they cannot "intrude" in the killing of a baby because he or mostly she happens to be the wrong gender.
And I, as a Conservative, am the one engaged in a war on women?
Are you kidding me?
Just my thoughts!
Roaring Back!
By Semperpapa
Yes sir! The Obama economy is roaring back!
In the month of May 69,000 jobs were added by the economy (less than the 220,000 predicted...the question is: predicted by whom? turbo Tim Geitner?);
Unemployment went up to 8.3% (still a fake number anyway);
Car industry roaring back (foreign car manufacturers that are opening new factories in right-to-work states where they don't have to deal with unions).
20,000 applicants for a little over 800 positions...roaring back!
Yes, the Obama economy is roaring back as he engages, on this day, in 6 separate campaign fund raises, where some other morons will actually give this idiot more money so he can get re-elected and fuck us over even more...
Just my thoughts!
Yes sir! The Obama economy is roaring back!
In the month of May 69,000 jobs were added by the economy (less than the 220,000 predicted...the question is: predicted by whom? turbo Tim Geitner?);
Unemployment went up to 8.3% (still a fake number anyway);
Car industry roaring back (foreign car manufacturers that are opening new factories in right-to-work states where they don't have to deal with unions).
20,000 applicants for a little over 800 positions...roaring back!
Yes, the Obama economy is roaring back as he engages, on this day, in 6 separate campaign fund raises, where some other morons will actually give this idiot more money so he can get re-elected and fuck us over even more...
Just my thoughts!
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