Saturday, June 2, 2012

Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part IV

By Semperpapa

Yes, my fellow Americans. There are many people out there who are still maintaining that Barak Hussein Obama is doing a banged up job. Really?

Well, it all comes down to prospectives.

If you are a lazy, welfare career recipient crack head, well sure he is doing a great job. After all, he is making sure that you are getting paid to remain in a miserable state of dependency. All he wants from you is the commitment that you vote for him as many times as the fraudulent machine he and his minions have put in place wants you to.
And do not worry about any illegality because for as long as Obama's boy Eric Holder is running the Department of Justice, you can intimidate other voters who may disagree with you without any concern for prosecution. Eric Holder will also make sure that you do not have to show your I.D. to vote any time you want.
The new America, thanks to Obama's stunning success, does not worry about you or the law.

I am truly amused by the statements of Obama's water carrying boys that appear here and there on the news channels. Most of them are blacks, of course, because that is what racism really looks like. But I digress.
The statements I hear are really incredible. I heard one stating with a straight face that Obama has received a much harsher treatment from the MSM than George W.
Another saying that Obama foreign policy has been magnificent (and when asked to elaborate the only thing that came up was the killing of bin Laden).
But the oldie but goodie is the one that said, in pure DNC talking point fashion, that Obama's economic policies have saved millions of jobs. Of course does not matter that millions of jobs have been lost thanks to this incompetent boob doing and that there may be no proof of the pundit's claims.
But it is all irrelevant, as demonstrated by the percentage of Americans who are poised to vote for the man again.

Obama's presidency has been a stunning success.
He has created enough division among the American people, fueled by envy and distrust that those who follow Obama are more than willing to ignore the favoritism Obama extends to his cronies.

The new America, the direct fruit of the winning Obama presidency, is that if you can spin your disaster into a false success, just do so and not be concerned about the people reaction. After all the American people are not as smart as Obama and will not catch on. And if they do catch on, you need not be concerned as the regime will just label any dissent as racist and race motivated.
In the case you cannot spin your failure, just find some other slob to pin with the responsibility for the failure. From 2006 to 2010, congress was dominated by Democrats. from 2008 until 2010, the whole government was controlled by liberals. From 2010 on, the House was re-taken by Republicans, many having been elected as TEA Party candidates.
The Senate barely remained in liberal hands, and now Obama is blaming Congress for the bad economy. Of course he is quick to forget that he had full control of the government since 2008 and accomplished nothing outside of that monstrosity of Obamacare.

Is anyone aware that there has not been a federal budget for the last three years? Even if the Democrats had the majority?
Is anyone aware that the Obama budget proposed couple of weeks ago was unanimously defeated? It was so preposterous that not even ONE democrat supported it.

Regardless of anything I have written, or anything that many other have said or written, there still are almost half of the American people who will vote for Obama. The majority of these people will do so because of Obama's race and his Marxist views, the other will do so because they have never voted other than Democrat and are so ill informed and so brainwashed that nothing will sway them.

So, Obama presidency has been successful beyond any expectations he may have had. The nation is in the hands of radicals like Valery Jarrett and Katherine Sebelius, Ken Salazar and Steven Chu. The country is at the mercy of AG Eric Holder and the incompetent Tim Geitner, while our security is insured by Janet Napolitano, not to mention that our Military is guided by Leon Panetta.

In any case, this American will continue to fight the Marxist take over of America. I have already lived under a pseudo-socialist government and I came to America to get away from it. If America goes the way of Europe, I warn you that it will only be a matter of time for the Nation to disintegrate, because the resources available in America are so vast that many entities will tear the place apart.
Plus I have four kids and four grandkids that deserve the same America I found when I came over three decades ago.

Just my thoughts!

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