Just few weeks ago, during the Memorial Day weekend celebration, the same sniveling bitch got his 15 seconds of fame by coming up with a brilliant statement that he felt uncomfortable with calling our Military heroes. His attempt to an apology was poor at best, as the rest of the country, including the many on the left, felt incensed by the stupid statement.
But what is sad is that the sorry looking douche bag has realized that the only way he can actually have an impact is by making such stupid remarks that someone will eventually notice.
Yes, for worms like this guy, negative attention is attention nevertheless.
In the wake of the multiple leaks of classified information coming form the government to the MSM, this moron has decided to test the waters and remove all doubts about the level of his stupidity by gracing us with another nugget of wisdom.
He stated "I think we need more leaks than less...we should know how the war is operating and what's going on with a kill list that's operating out of the White House or what covert activities we're engaged in."
Wow, what a depth of thinking, Mr. Hayes.
In the first place, if all info about covert operations are divulged to little bleeding hearts bitches like you, they would not be covert any longer, wouldn't they?
And do you really give a crap about the safety of those Military dudes whose survival depends on the secrecy of the operation? Of course not, after all those individuals volunteered for the Military and they deserve everything they get, all in the name of keeping little bitch Hayes safe in his exclusive ivory tower.
Thankfully, nobody pays much attention to this guy and the fact that an idiot like this is part of public discourse is a testament to the freedom that we still have in America. There are many countries where someone like Chris Hayes would be relegated into some sort of mental institution never to be heard from again.
Speaking of feeling sorry, I do feel for those members of news organizations tasked to listen to ass wipes like Hayes. There has to be someone who has to endure programs like this guy's so to make all of us aware of the stupidity of the left.
This guy is a true insult to the intelligence of the human race, but the four people actually watching him may never know.
Just my thoughts!
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