Thursday, June 28, 2012

In Your Face Mr. Speaker!

By Semperpapa
Well, John Bohener, what say you now?
Just last week, the Speaker of the House John Bohener admonished republicans not to “spike the football” should the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare.
As history recorded today, June 28, 2012, SCOTUS decided to destroy the United States Constitution and uphold the monstrosity that Obama’s legislation is.

The decision, 5-4, was made thanks to Chief Justice Roberts, who decided that it was more important to save his own political ass and vote in favor of a clearly unconstitutional statute.
But back to the stupid expression the media now are so happy to use: spiking the football, to indicate making a victory dance about some political victory.

Bohener, probably convinced that the Court would do the right thing and strike down the legislative Armageddon, was already preparing his troops to avoid any sort of celebratory expression.

Really, I am not sure what the problem would be to celebrate a victory for the American people, a victory for the Constitution and for American traditional principles, but surely I am not s sophisticated as Speaker Bohener.
But than the3re is the other side. As the news of the treasonous action of the Supreme Court was hitting the wires, Patrick Gaspard, Executive Director of the DNC, twitted the following:
It’s constitutional. Bitches.
He later twitted a left handed apology:
I let my scotus excitement get the better of me. In all seriousness, this is an important moment in improving the lives of all Americans."
Yes, in the spirit of NOT spiking the football, Mr. Gaspard was obviously euphoric about calling 67% of the American people BITCHES, effectively throwing in the face of the Speaker the reality of an enemy, and liberals are the enemy, that besides having little or no class at all, but they are also happy to achieve what the people clearly reject.

So much for taking the high road , uh Mr. Speaker?

While you and the other pussies in the Republican establishment are taking the high road, the enemy continues to WIN battles, effectively eroding every little bit of freedom we conservative have left.

Just my thoughts!

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