Friday, June 8, 2012

Leaking Classified Info To Get Elected

By Semperpapa

It looks like a storm may be brewing at the horizon of the most corrupted administration this nation has ever seen in its history.

Highly classified information of national security importance have been making their way out of the halls of the "need-to-know" environment into the mainstream media hands.
This has been a disturbing trend going back to the time just following the September 11 , 2001 attacks against our country and the beginning of our involvement in Afghanistan.

In those days, as the unity fostered by a sense of national pride following the attacks vanished into the anti-Bush political gutters, leaks of classified material was a way for the sources and the divulging entities to undermine the Military efforts and to discredit the Bush administration.
As our Special Forces surrounded the Taliban complex of Tora Bora, utilizing cell phone technology to pin point the position of Bin Laden and allowing our Military to close in on the thug, the utilization of such technology was leaked to the NY Times and promptly published on the rag for everyone, including our enemies, to see.
The information was important for the terror leader to change his communication methodology and escape capture.

The leaking of classified info used to be a very grave transgression in the environment surrounding the secret world of national security and military technology.
Divulging such sensitive information is a way for increasing the level of danger that folks involved in the defense of our Nation have to endure. Those who engage in the leaking of such info are culpable of nothing less than treason against the security of our country and should be held responsible for the safety of all the people whom they endangered.

Every administration has has its leaks and surely the Obama administration has had its share. The main difference is that while the majority of leaks in the past have been detrimental to the image of the administration, the leaks since Obama has been in the White House have coincidentally worked out in favor of the supreme president.

After the raid that saw the timely and greatly deserved demise of bin Laden, the understanding among those who were in the know of the mission, was that the details were going to be kept secret to protect the sensitive individuals involved, to insure that their safety remained most important.
But while that decision was made on the Sunday of the raid, by Monday the commitment had been forgotten and all the details started to flow out of the "unknown" sources.

It became obvious to this writer that the killing of bin Laden was such a juicy political score for Obama that it was going to be no time before the Obama re-election campaign was going to gobble up the story.
Not only I was proven right, but the shameless use was immediate and full bore.
Short of telling the world the name, rank and serial number of the members of SEAL Team 6 that had conducted the sortie, the world came to know exactly which operative unit was responsible for one of the best executed actions in our Special Forces history (at least that the general population knows of). And just few months later, a helicopter full of members of the SEAL Team 6 and other SF operatives was shot down in Afghanistan killing scores of these invaluable warriors.
Additional details on the operation that had culminated with the localization of bin Laden was also leaked, enough details that the Pakistani government was able to identify and eventually arrest, try and convict a local doctor, Shakil Afridi, who had risked his life to give our government the certainty that the individual in question was actually bin Laden.
So now this person who risked so much to help the US is in a Pakistani prison serving 33 years for whatever concocted reason and having been abandoned by the United States government.

The important aspect of what the SEAL Team did, and what Dr. Afridi gave us, and everything else surrounding the mission is what benefit it brings to Obama's re-election effort. And it must be considered that in the immense sea of failure that this administration has been, the only positive event, the death of bin Laden, would be used to the highest degree.
The cost of it is irrelevant. The removal of the protective secrecy of the SF unit in question is irrelevant. The fact that Afridi is languishing in a prison for helping us, undergoing who knows what sort of physical and mental anguish, is irrelevant, as long as the Obama gets re-elected.

Even the latest leak that involved the US intelligence in a cyber attack against Iran is designed to paint a false image of Obama to the American people, an image of someone who is tough on the enemies of the country.
Meantime, he is publicizing every drone assassination that takes place. And why? because it is the only somewhat positive aspect of this man's regime.

There is also another angle of our so called relationship with Pakistan. Drone attacks on Pakistani soil has been going on since our efforts in Afghanistan started. The Taliban and al Qaeda terrorist would slip into the uncontrolled western region of Pakistan as the US Military efforts in Afghanistan evolved. The Pakistani government has practically no control over the area called Waziristan. That is where the drone would come in handy.
The caveat was that the US government would not boast so much about the incursions into Pakistani territory. The Pakistani government has a huge problem with the Islamic extremists in its midst. Allowing the US forces to conduct operations into Pakistan would give a reason to the Islamic population in Pakistan to raise all hell with their leaders. But keeping the attacks as under the radar as possible, the Pakistani would be able to deflect the anger of their people.

Conversely, the current administration has made the use of the drone and the assassination approach to fighting al Qaeda a tool of public relations, more likely a tool of Obama re-election, culminating with the bin Laden's raid.
While I am not under any illusion that Pakistan is not an ally of the United States, that its leadership is intrinsically involved with our enemies, publicizing our free roaming of their sovereign air space is enough to create additional danger for our forces in Afghanistan.

Do not for a minute believe that I am not jubilant about the demise of bin Laden or any of the terror leaders our drones have sent to Allah, but this is a kind of operational activity that would be better kept as low key as possible.
Interestingly, there are some Democrats in Congress that are pushing back against Obama and his re-election machine by actually coming out and criticizing the inactivity of the Dept. of Justice in the pursuit of these leaks, but of course what is the level of confidence that we can have in the Dept. of Justice and the worst Attorney General in our history, Eric Holder. None.
Sen Dianne Feinstein and Carl Levin of the Armed Services Committee have come out and blasted the inactivity of the government to seek and stop those who leak information (interestingly, Feinstein has in the past given away many classified info during committee hearings anyway), while Sen John McCain on the floor of the Senate blasted the administration for placing their political campaigning before the safety of the American people.

The truth is that the American people, just like our Military, are expendable for this president. Nothing is important more than his ascension to power, absolute power. Even those in the population or the Hollywood crowd or the union halls will soon find out that they are safe from this statist as long as they are useful idiots. The moment they outlive their usefulness or they realize the tragic reality of this man, they will become cannon fodder like the rest of us. That's the totalitarian way!

Just my thoughts!

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