Thursday, June 21, 2012

Failure of Government and Exceptionalism of a Nation

By Semperpapa

I found this article this morning on the wire:

At first glance, my blood pressure shot right up, not something I am happy about at 0400, but reading the whole article gave me pause and confirmation of what I have believed all my life: the grandiosity of a nation is in its people, not in its government.

In reading the whole piece, one can clearly understand that the above statement is true for this case and this Nation.
I am sure the liberal reader would come to the conclusion that the solution to Bill Shepard's problem is a more massive governmental bureaucracy. More programs and handouts would do the job, if we just tax the rich.
But in this case, it appears that the government program only went so far in providing Mr. Shepard with the necessary funds to support his family.
Moreover, just like the majority of Veterans I know, these men and women are not looking for a handout, but for the opportunity to make their way through life with dignity and independence.

The end of the article, though, gave me a much needed confidence boost, as the American people came out to do what they do best, from the large scale of helping victims of natural disasters around the world to the much smaller level of helping out a Vet in distress.
What it boils down to is that it is in our DNA to make sure those who are in need of help will receive such help. And for the majority of the American people, it becomes of even greater importance when the needy is one of those heroes who have stepped up to defend the Nation. And no, I do not feel uncomfortable in calling them heroes.

In this particular instance, what we see is the failure of a government which, as big and intrusive as it has become, is not helping the entrepreneurial spirit of this great nation, but instead stifling it into submission. Veterans like Bill Shepard, and civilians across the country, do not want a government program to take care of them. Instead they want the opportunity to succeed thanks to their personal abilities.
It is the government failure not to provide such opportunities by getting out of the way.
President Obama and his regime can boast support for our Veterans as much as they want, but the truth comes from actions, not empty words. As Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Obama should be more interested in creating an environment of growth and prosperity for these men and women separating from the Armed Forces. Many will be forced to remove the uniform only to join a civilian job market that is, at best, abysmal. Empty words do not provide employment.

And again, this particular instance shows that the average American is always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, via financial contribution or material help.

While politicians champion causes to pander to potential voters and maintain power, the common American does not champion causes, but instead champions the success of every American.
And in danger of disagreeing with Bill Maher, that is pretty exceptional in my book.

Just my thoughts!

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