Saturday, November 3, 2012

About Mormons And Military Service

By Semperpapa

Last night, my son and his family were sitting in our home. My son and daughter-in-law had just gotten back from a quite dinner alone as we watched our precious grand children.
They got one of those rare evening alone and we got to spend some time with our precious ‘monkeys’.

As we sat talking before they went home, somehow the conversation came out about Ann Romney appearance on the View and the asinine question, more like an insinuation, made by Whoopy Goldberg that Mormons do not serve in the Military because of religious reasons. My son had not heard of that exchange and was incensed by the insinuation.
See, my son is a retired Marine with one combat tour in Afghanistan. What made him mad was the fact that his battalion, the 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance, is, as a reserve unit, comprised of companies from several different states throughout the United States.
One of the companies that deployed in Afghanistan was Charlie Co. from Salt Lake City, Utah. The vast majority of the members of that company follow the Mormon religion.

What made my Marine son even more mad was the memory of two of Charlie Co. Marines who were killed in combat operations: Carlos Navarro and Nigel Olsen.
My son did not know these Marine brothers personally, but in the culture of the Military, the loss experienced by Charlie Co. was a personal loss for the whole battalion.

The moral of the story is that Goldberg should have probably done some research on the background of the question that obviously was planning to ask Ann Romney.
Maybe Goldberg was aware of Charlie Co. and of the ultimate sacrifice paid by Carlos and Nigel to protect her very right to be an idiot on television, but I am of the opinion that when it comes to the Military and the sacrifices they make, detached and ill informed celebrities are AWOL.
On the other hand, there is always the possibility that Goldberg already knew the true answer to the question she posed Mrs. Romney and just wanted to create the false pretest for the moronic followers of that program that Mormons are not inclined to serve in the Military and cast a negative shadow on the fact that none of the five Romney sons had served in the Military. Could she be so deceiving? For the sake of Obama, these losers will stoop to unimaginable low levels.

Finally, I want to remind all who read this that the obligation we have as a Nation is to make sure that the memories of Carlos and Nigel and every single other lost Military member is never forgotten nor soiled, and that the support of those who have come back never weaken. Losers like Goldberg will hopefully be relegated to a secondary role in our society and eventually just fade in ignominy.

Just my thoughts!

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