Monday, November 5, 2012

Not Much Difference Between The Treatment Of The Benghazi Americans And The rest Of The Country

By Semperpapa

I am really not too surprised about the way Obama sold the American citizens in Benghazi down the river, causing the death of four of them.
I am not surprised, because, if we really look at the way Obama has used his presidency for the last four years, he has been selling the whole nation down the river.

In the case of the four in Benghazi, and it was only four who paid with their lives for his political expediency thanks to the hero SEALs of that day, Obama just watched them die and gave no order to expend every possible resource for their rescue. It was not in his political interest, in his re-election strategy, to risk a military intervention. Those under siege in Benghazi were ultimately expendable in the big picture of his political success.

In reality, there is not much difference in the way Obama has destroyed the whole country since day one of his presidency. Every move made and word spoken, every executive order and every policy has been directed to increase Obama power and Obama image. There has been only one person who is better off today after four years of despotic regime: Obama and his droids.

Obamacare is one example. As the Nation struggled with a crippling recession, as jobs were being lost at neck breaking rate, Obama embarked on the governmental takeover of the health care system in the country.
From the cost to the American taxpayers, to the devastating burden on small businesses, to the hypocrisy of exempting himself from it, Obama pushed through this horrendous legislation.
He sold the American people down the river with a system comprising of higher costs and lower quality, but still making sure that himself and the other traitors in Congress would not have to be subjected to the legislative monstrosity.

With the auto industry takeover, thousands of independent dealerships closed, and thousands of people lost their jobs. In that case, Obama made sure to satisfy the demands of the unions who contribute so much to his re-election campaign, sacrificing the lives of those who he deemed unnecessary for his maintenance of power.

Stopping the Keystone pipeline sacrificed the lives of all those who could have benefited from thousands of good jobs and millions of Americans who would benefit from the lower cost oil.
Stopping all drilling on federal land, which followed the largest takeover of American land by the federal government, just added to our dependency from oil from countries who just plainly want us dead, not to mention the much higher fuel prices.

Unconditional retreat from Iraq, after failing to reach an agreement on residual troops to remain in that country, effectively handed Iraq to Iran, rendering the sacrifice of over 4,000 American lives useless. Making their sacrifice a waste was a good trade with the ability to say, on the campaign trail, that he ended that war.
And the unreasonable ROE in Afghanistan, aimed at some form of pandering toward the terrorists of al Qaeda and the Taliban, a unilateral gesture of benevolence toward those who have killed our soldiers for over eight years. But those deaths are a small price for Obama to pay to have a campaign slogan.

Let us also not forget the heroes of SEAL Team 6 who risked their lives to take out the hated Osama bin Laden. They got paraded by a shameful president who cared nothing about their safety or the safety of their families when it came to scoring a political success.
Just weeks after the raid on bin Laden, a chopper loaded with Special Forces, including members of SEAL Team 6 was shot down in Afghanistan with tremendous loss of life.

And who can forget the travesty that Obama perpetrated against the victims of the Fort Hood massacre, where he had the report on the shooting classified as a "workplace violence" so that he could continue his narrative of terrorism being non-existent because he was president. Those folks, the dead and the wounded, were hung out to dry by this megalomaniac, narcissistic poor excuse of a man.

American blacks will still overwhelmingly vote for Obama because of the color of his skin, regardless of the fact that Obama has used the racial component openly and shamelessly. National unemployment among blacks is well above the national rate, and yet American blacks still support Obama.
Women have been abused by this regime, reducing them to a conglomeration of people who, according to the rhetoric used by the Obama campaign, are only interested in abortion and contraceptives.

Obama has abandoned the American people for sake of keeping his job safe and secure so that he and his  family can live the life of luxury they obviously believe they deserve. And while the simple, little people of America are suffering, he trusts that by speaking some chosen words of false compassion he can fake the American people from one 18-holes of golf to the next vacation.
Now it is high time for the American people to tell Obama to go to hell, a place that is extremely appropriate for him and his Obamadroids.

So when you go vote tomorrow, make sure that you think about all your American brothers and sisters who Obama has condemned to death, in some cases, and into a life of mediocrity and dependency.
And all for sake of personal political power!

Just my thoughts!

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