Saturday, November 24, 2012

Laziness Spells Doom For A Society

By Semperpapa

Laziness is the doom of any civilized society. It has been for centuries and it is becoming increasingly apparent that the United States are on the same road.

Included in my definition of laziness is apathy and the desire to offload our responsibilities upon others.

There was a time, not too far back, when the American people were the epitome of hard work. We were the people who worked and toiled in order to build a better life for ourselves and our families, and in turn for a stronger nation.
The results of such national behavior were the ascension of our country to world power status, not merely because our Military was the largest and most powerful, but because behind those who served in uniform was a whole country working toward a common good.
We achieved predominance in the world not by occupying others, but by liberating them.

In the past, one of the most significant factor in our national success has been the fierce independence of the American citizen in the pursuit and achievement of our goals. Surely, the road to personal success is paved by failures, but it was more probable that for each failure there would be a success, fueled by our perseverance and desire for hard work.

Today the reality has changed in the United States. The forces of evil we Americans fought and overcame in other countries, successfully freeing them from tyranny, have impregnated the national discourse and taken over our national consciousness.
The same forces of evil could have never defeated us in the last century as perpetrated by foreign actors, so the forces of evil infiltrated our social infrastructures and eroded our national identity from the inside.

In the years following the end of WWII, the Soviet Union engaged in a campaign of global take over. The ideological infiltration in the national fabric of many countries brought the Communist ideology, and tyranny, in many of those countries. Slow, unrelenting social warfare pinned the citizens of those nations against each other.
Divide and conquer was the strategy, conducted to perfection by ideological operatives who were successful in spreading the lie that social equality was achieved not by empowering the individual to strive for a better condition, not by allowing the individual to seek a betterment of their situation, but by inculcating the minds of lazy citizens with the notion that government intervention was aimed at reducing the success of certain citizens instead of fostering the upward social movement of all others.

In the days when Cuba fell to the Communist agenda, the days when an Iron Curtain caged millions in Eastern Europe, in the days when 're-education' took place in Vietnam and the Killing Fields were fully operational in Cambodia, in the days when countless countries in Africa and South America were overrun by ideologies of 'equality', the truth was that equality preached by the holders of power stopped at the entrance of their palaces.
Tyrants led millions of people into an abyss of mediocrity and dictatorship by convincing them that the road to 'equality' run through a small number of politicians who knew what was best for the people. And they were still successful in obfuscating the collective minds while engaging in lavish living themselves.

But while the rest of the world succumbed to these ideologies, while the rest of the world embraced tyranny, both hard and soft, as described by author Mark Levin, there was still one country in the world where the individual was still somewhat in control of its own destiny, where the individual was able to pursuit happiness as he or she deemed fit for their existence, in short where the individual had freedoms: the United States of America.

It is not a coincidence that immigration to the USA was a goal of millions last century, and still is for millions more these days. It was not the hope for a free ride.
People who immigrated into the United States, me being one of them, had dreams of achieving the American Dream. And I mean achieving it, not being given it.

But the forces of evil have also infiltrated our social fabric in the United States. The Communist ideology has impregnated the collective consciousness of the American people, who, as demonstrated in the re-election of Barack Obama, have decided that it was more advantageous to have the government take a major role in the lives of the individual. In short, over 50% of the American voters have decided that it is preferable to lose one's freedom in exchange for free government subsidy.
I am positive Nikita Kruschev is right now laughing himself silly in the corner of Hell he has been relegated to, as he is witnessing the crumbling of a society that once was the beacon of freedom for millions, a society he worked so hard to defeat, but was never able to.

Today we have a government that sees the Constitution as an obstacle to the power grabbing actions of a corrupted, tyrannical leadership. Obama said so himself, and yet the American people re-elected him to a second term that promises much of the same failing policies of the first. And who would be surprised if the current regime would work assiduously to possibly reverse the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution in order to keep Obama indefinitely, or just abolish the Constitution all together.

Today we have a large percentage of the population who has become so encrusted in their laziness that they are more than willing to see a tyrannical regime eroding the liberties of individuals and businesses at a neck breaking rate, all in the name of some ideological misfit called 'equality'.
These lazy Americans understand equality in a perverse way. They believe that hard work, inventiveness and success are to be discouraged and fought, while entitlement are a legitimate way to get what allegedly one deserves.
Liberals call this new American mind set progress. I call it regress to ideologies of dictatorship that have been proved lethal to nations by a slur of international examples.

Laziness, as we are witnessing these days, spells doom for a whole society.
When a society grants an individual who has been working hard to destroy the very foundations of our nation a second term to just continue the assault on our liberties, it demonstrated that said society has gotten so lazy and dependent on the government that it would reject any contrary ideology of self reliance.
If our nation persists on the path taken in the last four years, if our nation becomes complacent about the overbearing role of a soft tyranny, eventually that soft tyranny will be replaced by pure, hard core tyranny, leaving the people with the clear choice of submission or revolt.

Just my thoughts!

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