Saturday, November 10, 2012

It’s Time To Clean The House

By Semperpapa

Well, now is the time for Republicans to clean house, and I mean the House of Representatives.
The first head to roll should be that of House Speaker John Bohener. He needs to go and relinquish his position as leader of the legislative body.
John Bohener is no leader!

In an interview with Diane Sawyer of ABC news, Bohener stated that Obamacare is the law of the land and that the efforts of republicans in the House to repeal the law will not be going forward after Obama’s re-election.

The problem with the Republicans in Congress, and specifically in the House, is that they are more interested in keeping their lucrative jobs than to do what is right for the country and its people.
Obamacare is a disaster of biblical proportions for our Nation, and regardless of the Supreme Court decision, every mean available for its repeal should be explored by the representatives of the people.

The re-election of Obama to a second term should have nothing to do with doing what is right for the people. The most used word by those who are allegedly supposed to represent the American people is compromise and compromise they will, because in their corrupted minds, it is more important to suck up to the president and continue the status quo.
In the mid-term elections of 2010, the victory at the polls was for those conservatives who listened to the people and campaigned to reject the socialist policies that are taking our country to the level of a third world nation.

Bohener is the poster child of the behavior that so many conservatives in those elections voted against.
The loss of Mitt Romney on November 6, 2012 is seen by the republican ‘leadership’ as an invitation to capitulate to the progressive policies of a radical leftist. Instead it should be seen as a call to action for every single conservative to renew the fight against what Mark Levin rightfully calls ‘statism’.

Does anyone really believe that a liberal speaker of the House, like Nancy Pelosi for example, would stand up and relinquish their fight against a republican president policy?
That is the reason why Obama won a second term!

The defeat of republicans on 6-11-12 was not due to a lack of messaging, but it was ushered in by a lack of principled unity.
Let me give you an example: in Missouri, Todd Akin had a good chance to unseat Claire McCaskill for the US Senate. After his unfortunate statements regarding abortion, for which he profusely apologized for, the RNC abandoned the guy and McCaskill, one of the most corrupted members of the Senate, kept her job.
In the Democrat camp, candidates make horrendous statements, like Biden and his "put you back in chain" one, and the party just rallies around them and spin excuses until the issue is forgotten. 
Richard Mourdock in Indiana got the same treatment and conservatives lost that seat too.
By contrast, a complete nutcase like Elisabeth Warren got all the support of the party even after every stupid statement or lie. 
That is the difference, and as long as the spineless republicans in the leadership don't understand that the only way to win is to remain united in the ideological cause, our country will slip further into the liberal abyss.
And we may get to the point that there will not be a way back.

The Republican Party is supposed to be the representative party of American Conservatives and it has failed miserably, because it has become the party of the wishy-washy morons who are more interested in compromising than to advance the conservative ideology.
The main difference between the two parties is that when ‘compromise’ is achieved, it always translates into the liberals forcing conservatives to capitulate on their positions.

That’s not compromise, but surrender. And folks like Bohener are very good at surrendering.
It is time to replace these unworthy leaders and replace them with sound ideological conservatives.

Just my thoughts!

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