Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

31 December 2009

To all my friends and family that endure my rants!

I would like to wish each and everyone of you, and your families, the happiest New Year.

Reflecting on the past 12 months, I have a mixed bag of emotions stirring up inside me as it always happens when we get ready to say goodbye to another year. And I must say that I am very happy 2009 is over.
2009 brought the onslaught of hearth wrenching defeats for the principles and ideals of America, thanks to the increasing intrusion of an overbearing group of politicians into the average American's life.
In 2009, we witnessed a political leadership in Washington bent on destroying the very foundations of our Nation and all for nothing more than personal gain.
From the economy to National Security, the characters in the White House and Congress have created a sense of insecurity in the hearts and minds of the American people that will only be defeated BY the American people in a struggle that will be costly both in blood and treasure.
We have witnessed millions of Americans finding themselves unemployed, small businesses decimated by governmental intrusion, rampant corruption and racial tension. And we have witnessed the continuous apologetic approach of a Media that is so enamored with the Liberal Fascist ideologies of the jokers in Washington DC, that they do not even try to hide their bias any longer.
We have had Muslim terrorists killing Military recruits in front of recruiting offices, shooting up soldiers at Ft. Hood, try to blow up airplanes full of people, and yet the most apparent reaction has been a manifested reluctance on the part of Obama to even call it terrorism.
Instead, the apologetic administration has decided to bring the trials of the masterminds of the 9-11-01 attacks to New York. Just another demonstration of the complete and utter indifference toward the Nation's interest and security, not to mention the abominable insult and pain this action on the part of Obama's puppet AG Eric Holder is perpetrating on the families of those lost on September 11, 2001. And who can forget Obama changing September 11 from Patriot Day to "day of service" or something like that, purposely attempting to diminish the true historic significance of that infamous day!
2009 also saw the Commander-in-Chief take almost four months to make a decision on additional troops for Afghanistan, clearly placing our sons and daughters in that far away land, including my own Marine son, in greater danger.

There are so many more reasons for America to wish for the end of 2009, but thankfully there were also some good things happening in the last 12 months.
On a personal level, my son got married; my grandson was born; my daughter got a new job; got the news that I will be grandpa again, but most of all my loved ones are all in good health!
On a more general level, America has once again demonstrated a certain level of National pride with the popular reaction to Washington demonstrated by people of all political leanings and ethnic background coming together in the Tea Parties to protest the government take over of our lives. The movement was villified and derided by politicians and by the Media, but in reality it has become a force that hopefully will have an impact in November 2010. If nothing else, the participation of millions of Americans has shown that the common, hard working American citizen can, when pushed into a corner, come out swinging. AND WE WILL!

What is my wish for 2010? I pray that my son will come home safe and that all Military personnel deployed will be safe. I pray for God to keep on blessing us with good health. And I pray for the American people to take at heart again the interest of the country.
I wish for a rejuvinated feeling of patriotism that will place the interest of America and its citizens above the personal interest of the individual. I wish for the scourge of Political Correctness to be defeated before it defeats our Nation.
And I wish for the American people to inform themselves as the November elections approach so to make an educated choice at the voting booth that will remove the absolute Fascist grip that the Liberal hordes have on our Nation and our lives, before it's too late.

It is not just a political choice we must make, it is a matter of survival for our beloved Nation!
Have a wonderful New Year!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

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