Friday, December 4, 2009

Call Your Senator?

4 December 2009

I keep getting notifications from anti Health Care Disaster Bill entities, asking me to call my senator to pressure them not to support the impending destruction of the finest Health Care system on the planet. Not a perfect system, but nevertheless the most efficient by any standards, both in terms of cost and quality.

Living in California, what good would calling the offices of Sen Feinstein and Boxer do? Absolutely nothing!

This is the result of years of pillaging that these two corrupted Liberal witches have brought upon the once great state of California. And the Conservative voice of the state has been all but silenced, while we watch, some time in horror, how the state is being pillaged by catering to illegal immigrants, criminals, welfare recipients and special interests.
We have a Governor who wants to look like a Conservative while behaving continuously as a Liberal; a state legislature that should be imprisoned at a minimum; areas of complete moral and social decadence like San Francisco and Berkeley; an economy that is imploding; taxes that are choking those of us who still have a job.

And all this is worsening thanks to people like Feinstein and Boxer, representatives like Maxine Waters and Waxman and the queen of spooks Pelosi.

And you want me to call my senators? What I really want to concentrate on is the recall of the entire California political throng, starting with Boxer in 2010.
All Conservatives in California should concentrate on getting informed and work for the firing of all incumbent Liberals come November 2010.
Calling the esteemed senators of California to tell them to oppose one of the worst government takeover of 1/6 of the American Economy is just a waste of a good proverbial dime.

Most politicians only care for their constituency as elections approach. Once the ignoramuses re-elect them they just continue their pillaging until the next time. This is caused by the fact that most of them have never held a real job, never had to make real budget decisions for their families. They are career politicians. The only way to stop the pillaging of the American people is to find and elect candidates who want to "serve" the people and "support and defend" the principles and ideals of America. Which, in my opinion, means term limits.

Oh yes I forgot to mention that the requests to contact my senators have come from some political figures, one being Sen. McCain, who are also asking for donations, the ultimate reason.

Sorry, people. I work for my money and I struggle to make ends meet, while my expenses continue to grow, especially in taxes and entitlements to people milking the system.
I understand, and appreciate that a politician has to count on donations, but until I hear true Conservative messages, until I hear true support for the American ideals so dear to me, until I hear true and unadulterated support for our Military and our Veterans, I will NOT part with even a dollar of my hard earned money. Not even a phone call!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa

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