Thursday, December 3, 2009

Barbara Boxer's Wrong Crusade

3 December 2009

I am not sure if I should laugh or be outraged, but I have not touched on the subject of Global Warming since the whole thing has been officially debunked. I have been consumed with more important things, like the vicissitudes of our Military. Yes the same Military who give this shameless, ignorant idiot the right to be an elected official. In past histories of past dictatorships, mentally deficient people like Mrs. Boxer would have been euthanized. Huummm, maybe Obamacare could have some positive…but I digress.

Anyway, the main gist of the Global Warming debacle is that someone hacked into some scientists e-mails and found literally thousands of pieces of electronic correspondence proving that the scientists who had been the most vocal supporters of the whole concept had been, for lack of better term, cooking the books. In a scientific environment, messing around with test and research data is not just unethical, which in the Al Gore circle of bottom feeders is a resume enhancer, but it is also a nail in the coffin, as far as reputation, in scientific circles.

The US Senate has a committee called the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, basically just another of the hundreds, if not thousands, of committees and commissions and the like that are there only to insure that the thieves in Congress can feel important while they screw the American people.
The importance, relevance, efficiency and honesty of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee can be dismissed by the mere fact that Sen. Barbara Boxer is the Chair ma’am of it. I guess the chairmanship of the Senate Custodial and Garbage Removal Committee was already taken by Susan Collins. Sorry, I digress again.

The good senator from California, hopefully the soon to be former senator form California, has been pressured by Republicans on the Committee (yes, Republicans are there too), especially Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, to call for an investigation by the said Committee on the fraud that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change/AlGorism cult has perpetrated upon the people of the United States and the world as a whole.
Every day the evidences keep on mounting against the entire Al Gore green religion, and yet today Sen. Ma’am Boxer is calling for the criminal prosecution of whom? The scientist? No, the e-mail hackers. That’s right, Barbara “single-digit-IQ” Boxer is bent on having a Senate investigation to bring to justice those people who hacked into the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and by doing so they uncovered one of the largest, if not the largest, fraud perpetrated against mankind.
Trillions of dollars, countless businesses, millions of jobs have been wasted worldwide thanks to the self-righteous, self-serving scheme that these environmental terrorists have shoved down the people throats.

While the word ‘terrorism’ is commonly relegated to those who blow things up and kill innocent people, in the case of Al Gore, Boxer and the bloodsuckers at the United Nations, it can also be used because for years these people, these terrorists, have been playing on the fears, to use Gore’s own words, of common people. There was a time when the scientific world held a high degree of respect, due to the once rigid standard of ethics inherent to scientific research itself. What this scandal is in danger of causing, if the truth is not found and corrections fast declared, is that the confidence of the common person in the whole notion of scientific expertise will be forever damaged. And all because of the desire of so many Liberal/Progressive morons bent on Armageddon theories and ideologies and on gaining control of the masses through wide-spread hysteria.

I find it severely unconscionable for elected officials, the like of Boxer, to have the courage of attempting to distract the same people who entrusted them into the office they hold by taking up the wrong crusade.
I understand that the very nature of politics is well demonstrated by such attitude, after all I read somewhere that politics is amoral, but to so openly and blatantly demonstrate the American people that her ideological stands are more important than the truth is offensive.
On the other hand, I am not surprised because I am increasingly getting used to be offended by those who were so wrongly given the trust of the people.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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