Monday, December 28, 2009

The Napolitano Fairy Tale

28 December 2009

Feeling safe these days? I didn’t think so.
The Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is not helping much either. On Sunday, she stated that the aviation security system worked when the Nigerian Muslim terrorist tried to blow up a plane full of people on Christmas Day.
When called upon her statement, she run to hide behind the usual “taken out of context” defense.

In a follow up statement, after her clock had been cleaned by Peter King (R-NY) who called her out on the fact that every aspect of aviation security had failed, Napolitano stated that her assertion was directed at the response of the aviation authorities after the incident occurred.
It would be like praising the Coroner office after a mass murder!

Had it not been for the alertness and reaction of passengers on the aircraft, few hundred innocent people would have become the latest victory of al Qaeda.

I look at the issue as a proof that America’s enemies are preparing to take advantage of the insanity that has taken over our country. In typical military fashion, incidents like the one that took place on Northwest Airline flight 253 on Christmas Day are small probing skirmishes our enemies conduct to ascertain how degraded our security system has become.
The Nation’s leadership, in the continuous effort to eradicate the security accomplishments of the Bush Administration, aims at bringing the system at the pre-September 11 conditions, and if this move places innocent lives in jeopardy, the cost is worth the appeasement of the Muslim world.

How did Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab manage to get through the security system in Amsterdam? My answer is very simple: because of reversed profiling.
In other words, while security was checking the shoes of some 80 years old grandma, while security was thoroughly checking some guy with his two kids, Umar was allowed to make it through for fear of offending him by profiling. Because of his color and his name, any additional or more detailed check would have been classified as profiling and worth of the indignation and reprisal of the PC police and maybe some law suit from CAIR.
But according to Sec. Napolitano, this is fine. Wonder if she would feel the same if a loved one of hers was aboard that flight.

Sec. Napolitano, it is time for you to come out of your fairy tale and do your job or resign!

Do we, as a country, desire to stop this insanity? If so, we must demand that profiling be strictly adopted. We must demand that when innocent lives are at risk the chance of “offending” someone is well worth it. I would rather someone be offended than several innocent dead.

Learning from the September 11 attacks, I pose this scenario to you: what if Mr. Abdulmutallab had not been alone? What if, just like on 9-11, he had been part of a group of suicidal, determined men who were going to be able to repel the passengers’ efforts enough for the man to detonate his device? What would the News report today? Bush's fault?

And would Ms. Napolitano praise the recovery efforts?

And one more thing that really burns me. Some reporters address the terrorist as “alleged”.
Hey people, there is nothing to “allege” as there were couple of hundred witnesses who saw and fortunately stop the scum bag, people who experienced the scare of their lifetime. So keep your Politically Correct bullshit for another time!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa

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