Friday, July 31, 2009
You Are All Fired!
So, in light of the dissatisfaction expressed by so many Americans, at least those who still care for this great country, I am proposing that starting in 2010, we the people just plain fire them all.
Now, you must understand that I am going out on a limb with this, so I hope you keep with me. Ever since becoming a US citizen, I have voted Conservative. It does not mean that the candidates I voted for always had my approval, but compared to the Liberal ideology, the worst Conservative is always better than the best Liberal. It may appear as a close minded attitude on my part and you may be correct, but essentially it comes down to what I consider to be the best approach to the type of government I believe is best for my family and my country. Interference from an overstepping government is NOT in the best interest of a country. Excessive government meddling in the private affairs of its citizens only brings elitism, abuse and despotism, as we are witnessing today.
The presence of countless politicians that have made a career out of what was supposed to be public service, getting re-elected over and over is the best advertisement for the idea of terms limits in politics. People like John Murtha and Robert Byrd have been insuring their own re-election by channeling appropriations to their districts. It would be interesting to research the legitimacy and legality of all the pork that has made its way into these politicians’ pockets.
Numbskulls like Barbara Boxer and Henry Waxman, disgraceful ones like Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi feel that they so much superior to the people who elected them that they behave in the same “royalty” fashion that has sparked so many revolutions over the centuries.
This proposal of mine is very drastic and bold, at least for me, because I am willing to vote for a Democrat if it means to ‘fire’ the incumbent in the coming elections in 2010. I will hold my nose and go against my ideological principles as long as the country gets whole new blood in Congress.
The way I see it, the situation could not under any circumstance get any worst than it is right now. I am tired of the politicians that continue to pillage the system, continue to screw the American people and continue to bring the country down, including the so-called Republicans of today. I am tired of politicians that, from both parties, appear to be interested only in their political careers and in the process destroy the US Constitution by using it as an elastic to be conformed in their own personal interest.
But most of all, I am tired of politicians that have made long and profitable careers convincing Americans that they were somehow victims, that they were only good enough to have a government take care of them, that they were not capable to make correct decisions for themselves, that they did not have to take responsibility for their actions because they were entitled to extraordinary protection. Tired of politicians that place their campaigns in front of doing what is right, who will pander to race and religion and gender instead of making decisions that are right for the benefit of all.
There is also another advantage to my proposal, or maybe just a gamble. The newly elected politicians will have learnt a valuable lesson: you don’t do what is right for the American people and the country, you will be fired too. And term limits will automatically prune the political tree of those fruits that tend to spoil the whole tree.
So I plan on casting my vote for every single challenger on the ballot next year. It will be my message of revolt against those who have severely contaminated the political offices. If all incumbents are fired, the American people could probably get a group discount for the mass disinfecting of the buildings.
The Constitution of the United States begins with “We The People” for a reason. The Founding Fathers, in their precocious wisdom, gave the power of self-determination to the people. It was the people that decided to revolt against the British against staggering odds.
It was the people that ultimately defeated the scourge of slavery.
It was the people who defeated Nazism, Fascism and Imperialism.
It was the people who won the Cold War.
It was the people who stood by the various governments they elected that accomplished all the facts listed above. Without the support of the people, the government would have not been able to accomplish them, and the American Republic would have been plagued by the same civil unrest that almost every other country in the world experienced.
When in 1939 WWII begun, Winston Churchill literally begged Franklin Roosevelt to get in the war on the side of Britain. FDR could not do so because the American people, after the bloody experience of WWI, did not want to meddle in another European war. Yes it was for re-election interests, but it was the people who controlled the President’s decision. After the Pearl Harbor attack, it was the whole country and its people that stood up to be counted.
And to further prove my point, the time in American history when a large section of the American people disagree with the Government and its actions, resulted in a Civil War.
Well it looks like the majority of the country is fed up with politicians, so I say:
Fire All Of Them!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Shut Up And Die!
After a six hours tense standoff, the police was able to lure the terrorists out and take them into custody. Luckily, no one from the Senator’s staff was injured or killed, although the stress of the situation will probably have a follow up in court.
The perpetrators of such vile, horrible attack? Al Qaeda? Taliban?
No. The seven vicious terrorists were seniors ranging from 55 to 87 years old in age and they went into Feinstein’s office to demand to speak with the senator so she can explain why she supports Obamacare. They were there for the only purpose of having major concerns about the prospect of Socialized Medicine.
Now I don’t want for a minute minimize the terror that seven senior citizens can instill on any of the spineless, castrated, tree hugging, kumba ya blood suckers that must be staffing the West Los Angeles office of the corrupted Senator, but really, unless they were brandishing guns and hand grenades, there should have not been any reason for the cops to be even called.
(BTW, the SF Chronicle does not mention the racial composition of the group, which brings me to assume they were all white and obviously part of one of those "right wing extremists" groups Janet Napolitano warned us about in her DHS memo).
The whole incident was fortunately solved in a bloodless manner and the seniors were sent on their ways with a personal note from the Senator:
“Shut up and die!”
Suggestion to the seniors: next time, if you want a remote chance at success, make sure you bring lots of cash. That's the only constituency the Senator is interested in.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The MOH was awarded to Army Sgt. Jared Monti for his conspicuous gallantry in combat for an action that took place in Afghanistan on June 21, 2006.
As the leader of a 16-man patrol, Sgt. Monti was engaged by a force that outnumbered his by 4 to 1 and while leading his men to take cover he returned fire against the enemy.
As Sgt. Monti got on the radio to request Close Air Support and indirect fire (artillery) he realized that one of his men had been wounded and was exposed to enemy fire. He repeatedly attempted to reach his man to take him to safety but during the lat attempt, he was mortally wounded by an RPG.
Directing his patrol’s fire and calling in CAS and indirect fire, Sgt. Monti was able to avoid his men from taking higher casualties and being overrun, while inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.
Sgt. Jared Monti, 12 years Army veteran and American Hero, will be officially awarded the MOH posthumously in the White House on September 17.
These are the facts. Here are my thoughts.
I looked all around the usual News outlet on line right after I learned about Jared Monti, and no mention could be found anywhere about this American soldier nor his family.
As I continued to browse through the sites, I could feel anger growing inside me. Nowhere any mention could be found about Sgt. Monti or the fact that he is to receive the highest decoration this country gives to a Military member, not even after the Hero gave his life for his country and his fellow soldiers.
All is splattered across the Media is the Beer Summit to take place tonight in the White House between Obama, Gates and Sgt. Crowley of the Cambridge Police Department, in Obama’s attempt to take his foot out of his mouth. A racist President and a racist professor will sit down with a police officer that has never, according to all accounts, ever expressed racist sentiments, but was accused by a black elitist who just saw a way to enrich his resume by adding a fictitious fight against a fictitious police abuse. Even the make of beer that Obama will have gets more news coverage than the story of an American Hero.
Obamacare is all over the News, even if nothing will be done for months. The allocation of “stimulus” money to the porn industry gets coverage, but nothing about Sgt. Monti.
Michael Jackson has been dead for a while and still News about him continues to appear. But nothing about Sgt. Monti.
And you are still asking what’s wrong with our culture? You are still wondering about the disconnect between the Military and the Civilian worlds?
I am not surprised any longer, just completely infuriated by it.
I am pissed about the brainwashing the Liberals have conducted against the Military. I am incensed by the total and unchecked ignorance of the average American regarding the sacrifices the American Military and their families make in order to insure that their freedom to be idiots is safeguarded.
Not too long ago I walked into the local Military Surplus store looking for some decals to place on my motorcycle. I picked a POW/MIA sticker and the 19-20 years old young woman behind the counter got one for me and asked me what POW/MIA stands for. I paused for a second to make sure she was not joking, then proceeded to explain the meaning to her. She gained one of those blank stares and I got the impression that she had no idea about Vietnam, the war or anything else I was speaking of. I am positive, though, that she could name the finalists of American Idol for the last three years!
Yes, the apathy of the average American toward anything that is related to the Military is appalling, an open insult to those who risk their lives every day wearing the uniform of the United States Armed Forces, perpetrated by the elitist leading class of politicians that soil the halls of Congress and the White House, of American universities.
This is truly infuriating!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Cpl. Jason Dunham
Many received decorations for the gallantry shown in combat above and beyond the call of duty, and five, so far, have received the much venerated Medal of Honor:
SFC Paul Ray Smith, US Army, posthumous, Iraq.
Lt. Michael Murphy, US Navy, posthumous, Afghanistan.
PO2C Michael Monsoor, US Navy, posthumous, Iraq.
Spc. Ross McGinnis, US Army, posthumous, Iraq.
The fifth name belongs to Cpl. Jason Dunham, USMC.

Cpl. Dunham on patrol in Karabilah, Iraq, on April 14, 2004 was faced by several insurgents that engaged his squad as the Marines were searching a vehicle. One of the insurgents rolled a live grenade and Cpl. Dunham warned his brothers and placed his Kevlar over the grenade and his body on his helmet. He survived the explosion for few days before succumbing to the wounds, but saved the lives of at least two of his Marines.
The Navy is getting ready to launch the USS Jason Dunham, an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, to be christened by Jason’s mom, Debra Dunham. In a touching ceremony conducted early July, several personal items of Jason were placed inside the main mast of the destroyer and the urn was welded shut, for ever making those items integral part of the ship.
It is with great pleasure that I see the US Navy honor such a hero for his sacrifice with such an honor. The commander of the new destroyer, Commander M. Scott Sciretta recalls when he was first offered the command of the Jason Dunham. He did not have to hesitate in accepting the duty. He also recalls telling his wife about the new ship and the story behind the name. Mrs. Sciretta only added: “I’ll start packing”.
Surely the spirit of such a hero will be hovering above the new ship as it takes its place in the fleet. God bless Cpl. Jason Dunham and his family.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Monday, July 27, 2009
True Nature Rears Its Ugly Head...Again
The statement caused an uproar, and the President was surprised about the level of controversy that ensued. Really, Mr. President? You are surprised? You just called the actions of a police sergeant and his colleagues stupid, and by the way every LEO in the country including those Secret Service agents tasked to keep you alive, and you are surprised that the targets of your idiotic, insensitive and ignorant words would cause someone to be outraged? It figures.
It is not a surprise, nothing this corrupted and incompetent administration does is any more. Just another snap shot of a mind set that not only is pervasive among Obama and his circus, but among those in Congress and many of those who voted this crooked Chicago politician in.
The state of mind is of complete contempt for those wearing any type of uniform (ACORN red shirts not included) in the service of America. The Military and Law Enforcement fall right into this category.
Surely, if Mr. Luis Gates had been a white man, Obama would have not make any comments about it, as it would have not fit the agenda.
The polls numbers for Obama have been steadily showing that he has been loosing the support of some of those Americans who voted for him and the American people in general. After his performance in the economy (record deficit, out of control spending, lack of accountability, undermining of traditional American principles, record unemployment, and the list goes on and on), Obama must be feeling his Messiah status slipping away. The American people are increasingly voicing their discontent with his reckless policies and the grass roots movement to make sure that the country is rid of the maggots currently in Congress in 2010 and ultimately of Obama and his cronies in 2012, is gaining steam.
As the pundits like to use the phrase “the honeymoon is over” I believe that we are actually beginning to se the resurgence of the American spirit, the original American spirit based on self-reliance and rejection of Socialist-style governmental intrusion in our lives.
Even with three and half years left in his regime, Obama must be concerned about the visceral dislike that the current Democratic-controlled Congress has been able to instill in the common American, and a defeat in Congress in 2010 with real conservatives re-taking the majority, would be a terrible blow to the grandiose aspirations of this President.
So it is time to pull out the usual ace in his sleeve: racism.
When all else seems to be failing, Obama is resorting to the strategy that has taken him from Indonesia all the way to the White House, the strategy that got him into and out of Harvard, the strategy that allowed him to build a political career aided by the most corrupted political environment in the country (Chicago), and the strategy that has allowed him to monopolize the black vote, to blow smoke in guilt ridden spineless whites all the way to occupy the most powerful position in the world. And he has achieved this even if he is totally out of his league.
Racism, he has certainly noticed, has served well people like Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton and Jessi Jackson. They have made a career and a lavish living of telling black Americans that they were oppressed, not fighting for equality but for victimization. And now it is the Racist-in-Chief’s turn to cash in from this approach.
If one disagrees with Obama, one is a racist. If one disagrees with Socialist-style redistribution of wealth, one is racist. Disagreeing with Socialized Medicine is an automatic labeling of racism. Tea Parties participant, racist. Support US Constitution, racist. Support Second Amendment, racist.
You get the jest of it.
And this controversy with the Cambridge police officers who arrested the emeritus professor from Harvard, the meddling of Obama into an area he should have not gone at least until the investigation was completed, is just another way to use the fact that Gates is black and the officer is white. So much for the Uniting President.
The latest is that Obama has invited the Cambridge officer and the Harvard professor to the White House for a beer, so to smooth everything out. That’s it, Mr. President! I am impressed now.
Is this racial policy going to work for Obama again? Only time will tell, as it looks like some people are sort of tired of the blanket accusations of racism thrown at our country. Racism does exist, but it is now more of a localized, individual cancer, not an institutionalized nation-wide condition.
So I am not sure that the scheme will work for Obama in his quest for totalitarian control of America.
If spending a country into oblivion and the race card do not work, Mr. Obama, there is always the good chance for a terrorist attack (one of those crisis that Rahm Emmanuel does not want to go to waste). Hung in there, my friend, maybe that will work.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Friday, July 24, 2009
WTF #1537
Ever since Obama has taken residency in the White House, and at times even before than, I found myself saying “WTF” every time I heard his words, read his words or words reporting his statements. He has not disappointed me in my belief that his agenda is the downsizing and destruction of the United States of America.
I have lost accurate count of the WTF but I believe that my conservative estimate is that this is #1537. On a TV interview with ABC, Obama stated that although the war in Afghanistan is at the top of his foreign policy, he does not want to use the word “victory”.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur,"
In the first place, my opinion of the education Mr. Obama received is becoming increasingly worst, as maybe he was too busy smoking cocaine or organizing some racially bias group when the lesson about the Japanese surrender in 1945 was given. It was not the Emperor Hirohito “coming down” to sign the surrender on the USS Missouri, but representatives of the emperor and of the Military. But I guess I am too picky about historical details.
Most importantly, I find it really disturbing that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is rejecting the concept of victory for the Military while engaged in a deadly struggle in Afghanistan.
During the interview Obama added:
"We're not dealing with nation states at this point. We're concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda's allies. So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to make sure they can't attack the United States."
It is infuriating to hear the elected President of the United States stating that while sending troops into battle, he is not preoccupied with achieving the only result that such action should be undertaken for. Victory is exactly what the American people, remember them Mr. President?, are looking for. Victory is the first step in insuring that the safety and security of America can be achieved. And safety and security in the United States is the only justification many American Military families look at as a reason for the sacrifices their loved ones make on the battlefields of Afghanistan.
Maybe I have it all wrong, not being as brilliant as Obama, but my understanding of the reasoning behind a Commander-in Chief for sending American troops into combat is to achieve victory with the least number of casualties and to bring the troops home. If victory is removed from the equation, why are the troops in combat?
I have a personal aspect of this issue as I soon will have a Marine son deployed to Afghanistan. I want to be home and worry about my son with the understanding that the goal of his putting his life on the line for his country is to do his job well and contribute to the victorious outcome of the campaign.
Victory in Afghanistan is the complete and unabashed destruction of the enemy, being al Qaeda or the Taliban, until they are wiped out from the face of the Earth and eventually surrender to the forces of tolerance and freedom. Our Military needs to have such a goal and the statements of Obama are not really very morale boosting for the troops and their families.
It is also a grave insult that Obama gives to all those families who have buried their loved ones after they perished in the defense of the country and in the pursuit of victory.
Mr. Obama, you are an indecent and conniving man!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Getting Fed Up
The Obamacare that was being rushed through to effectively kill the entire health care industry and force an entire population into a system that will be disastrous fom both the health and the finances of the common American, is being stalled by the growing pressure that the American voters are putting on the elected criminals in Washington, D.C.
The offensive the Obama cronies are conducting around America to convince people that a sub-quality health care that will bankrupt the country is really what they want, is falling on deaf ears and actually fueling confrontational responses from common Americans.
One congressman was laughed at in one place and Sibelius got an ear full when one common American stated " it'll be a cold day in hell that you socialize my country".
So let me explain my thought about "common American" and my use of that term.
The common American is me and you, the cop and the fireman and the nurse, the engineer and the farm worker, the teacher and the factory worker. But these common Americans are the distant concern of the elite that resides in our Nation's Capital outside of a vote. These politicians are as removed and uninterested as anyone could be about the issues we face everyday in our attempts to survive and maintain a decent way of life.
How many of you travel around the country on Air Force airplanes just to go to a fund raiser?
How many of you travel in luxury to New York for a night on the town with your spouse?
How many of you walk around with $500 snickers carrying your cell phone in a $6,000 purse?
But America's foundation IS the common American. The US Constitution provides the people the necessary tools to stop and if necessary overthrow a tyrannical government. And that is why Obama and every single one of his cronies has one and only one goal: slowly destroy our Constitution.
Just as it happened in the past, it will be the common American that will save the ideals that made America great. Obama stated after the elections that he was going to re-make America. And I say to him: it will be a cold day in hell before you destroy my country.
And this are my thoughts!
Frank Semperpapa
Turmoil In The Plantation
Now because I am an evil man, just the idea of BB being made a fool of AGAIN was too appealing so I watched it.
For those who did not, here is a little synopsis.
The hearing was regarding that travesty of a piece of legislation called Cap and Trade. One of those invited to speak was one Harry Alford, chairman of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Alford is an educated black businessman (and a Veteran) whose personal position is that the Crap and Trick legislation is a disaster for the economy and will not only force the loss of more jobs in our country, but will not have any positive impact on the environment.
Senator Boxer produced some NAACP document supporting the legislation and the name of some other black man who also supported the NAACP position.
The impression I got from the Senator’s statement was that she could not understand how a black man could be opposed to the position that a black organization was supporting, and of course the NAACP supports the Liberal position.
It appears that Mr. Alford was also not too happy with the California moron insinuations and called her out. She, as the dumb ass she is, was fairly frazzled by the open accusations of racism Alford was forcefully sending her way. She obviously was not prepared to have a black person actually contradict her and the NAACP.
After schooling the moron, Mr. Alford was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on FOXNews and again Alford made a great point regarding the open racism he detected from Boxer.
The main point being that Boxer was showing her discontent with the fact that this black man was straying from the official Liberal doctrine and actually disagree. Basically she looked frazzled by the turmoil Alford was kicking up in the Democratic Party plantation.
As much as the virtual beating imparted by Harry Alford to Boxer was enjoyable and most entertaining, there is a sad aspect of this encounter.
It showed me that the success of Liberals with the black vote is based solely on the false promises that people like Boxer have been making over the years. Liberals have pursued a policy of victimization on the black population with the intent of making themselves the champions of the so-called oppressed, hence the beneficiary of the black vote. Their campaign has been very successful, I must say, because these Liberals have enjoyed a monopoly of those who have been told over and over that white America has been keeping them down. The worst result of this new slavery campaign is the election and re-election of the new slave drivers like Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer and even their own Obama.
The black population of America was so transfixed by the momentous nature of the election of a black President that they did not recognize the fact that he and his minions are offering no improvement to the problems they may face in today’s America. They do not realize that the demands made to our society should not be ‘what is the country going to give me’ but instead they, just as every single American regardless of color, should demand a governmental support of those entities, those efforts aimed at increasing the country’s economic efficiency and increasing the level of security.
The black population has been told that America is racist for so long that they are blindly believing in such assertion. And when they come across a black American who has rejected such victimization and through hard work has reached a comfortable level of self-determination, they resort to labeling him as ‘uncle Tom’ and vilify him.
Barbara Boxer is one of those politicians that have made a career of brainwashing minorities that they are victims of an unjust country, while setting up to chastise any member of those minorities who dares contradict her agenda.
This is a woman who has been one of the staunchest supporters of the ‘right’ of women to have abortions, which together with the statistics of 75% of black children being born out of wedlock, it appears to be a cool, profitable way to conduct some sort of population control.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Obamacare To Help Unemployment
Having the Government in charge of the people’s healthcare will create a shortage of doctors that will allow many illegal aliens and displaced autoworkers to fill that shortage. Their education will be mandated by Obama and rushed through, while the cost will be absorbed by the ‘rich’ American taxpayers (meaning those who still have a job).
Who would not want a non-English-speaking Mexican discuss your health issues, or a former union auto worker bumper installer to do your heart surgery?
The result of the influx of these new physicians will have two specific benefits: one will be the skyrocketing death rate. People will go in hospitals for kidney stones and die from some undetected pre-condition. The high mortality will insure that new jobs openings will be available on a continuous basis. The second benefit is that the high decease rate will insure that the Mortuary Industry will be booming. Obama will promptly set ACORN and Al Sharpton upon them forcing them to unionize. Everyone wins!
To further improve the unemployment situation, Obama’s healthcare czar, Sibelius, will have the ability to decide who is to receive medical care and who is not eligible due to a variety of reasons like age, gender, race, or political affiliation. By controlling if and when the care is administered to the American people, the State will be able to gage and plan the number of employment ‘openings’ available (which, by the way is a great campaign tool: imagine Obama promising ‘X’ amount of jobs and being able to deliver, although this is academic as by that time elections will be all but a distant memory).
And then there is another very important czar in Obama’s inventory of tools to ‘change’ America, to make it a more fare and less arrogant, a country that Michelle can REALLY be proud of, a country where everyone (in their circle) will be able to afford $500 snickers and $6,000 purses.
This is the “science” czar, one Dr. John Holdren, who will run the White House Office of Science and Technology.
This brilliant man is a life long supporter of measures aimed at population control.
Some of his really Progressive ideas include a State mandated installation of sterility capsules in children at time of puberty, a capsule that can be surgically removed for reproduction, of course with “official permission”.
He also suggested in his publications, that mandatory sterilization be performed on women after the second or third pregnancy.
He also suggested the delivery of sterilization pharmaceuticals to the whole population via the drinking water infrastructure, even if he realizes the political, social, legal and technical obstacles presented by this action under the current Constitution.
So, please, contact your representatives in Congress and urge them to hurry up and give Obama his Obamacare and all Americans Socialized Medicine so that you can get your FUCKING PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE FOR FREE!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rep. Alcee Hastings
His nomination went back to 1979 and he had been acquitted of the charges in 1983. But in 1985 he was hit again with 17 charges, all warranting impeachment: 16 bribery charges and 1 charge of criminal divulgement of sensitive information obtained via wiretapping. In 1988 the House voted for his impeachment and the Senate followed up with a guilty verdict on eight of the charges. In their decision, the Senate also allowed Hastings to be able to seek elected positions in the future. The decision was reached by a 12 member Senatorial panel, but Hastings was able to argue that because the decision had not been voted on by the whole Senate, it was not valid and he was subsequently cleared. A crooked judge not in jail thanks to legal technicalities; he had been proven guilty, but the system allowed him to walk.
But he did not go too far anyway, as he run for the House of Representatives and won, so he became an elected politician. Truthfully, only in America.
Why the hell am I telling you this crap about a crappy Representative from Florida? Simple: Mr. Alcee Hasting (D) Fl has been working hard on two House bills: HR 645 and HR2647.
In the first one, H.R. 645, Mr. Hastings is proposing the establishment of emergency centers located on military bases. These centers would be developed for the following reasons:
(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;
(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;
(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and
(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Now I would like to bring your attention to reason #4: to meet the appropriate need as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. Do you see anything wrong with this?
The proposal here is to establish areas where temporarily displaced people can be taken to recover from national disasters or emergencies. Good enough. But allowing the Sec. of HS to determine what other needs can these “centers” meet is a scary statement, especially when considering that according to Napolitano, the current Secretary, anyone who disagree with Obama could be consider a “right-wing-extremist”, it could mean that anyone who can be determined to be opposed to Obama’s policies of destruction could be deemed in need to be placed in one of these facilities.
In the second one, H.R. 2647, Mr. Hasting is proposing that the Attorney General has complete discretion on the definition and handling of those members of the population that can be considered dangerous for the state. So, in the current situation, AG Holder would have total latitude in labeling those opposed to the Obama agenda as potential terrorists, allowing the Sec. of HS to take these ‘terrorists’ and put them in one of those ‘emergency’ facilities.
For those who have endured this reading this far and still do not recognize the danger these pieces of legislature represent, I want to highlight it.
The first bill would allow the funding and construction of facilities that can be clearly called concentration camps. Moreover the utilization of these facilities would be decided exclusively by the Secretary of Homeland Security, which is an appointed position and decides at the whims of the President.
The second bill would give the Attorney General, which is also appointed and working at the whim of the President, the ability of defining anyone he/she pleases as an enemy of America.
If these two pieces of crappy law would be enacted today, we would have AG Holder give the New Black Panthers the ability to ‘patrol’ voting polls in intimidating fashion and with impunity, but it would designate Sheriff Joe Arpajo as an enemy of the country for applying the laws of a defeated America and place him in these ‘emergency’ facilities for training (read: rehabilitation).
Also Napolitano would have the power to ‘process’ every former Military through the ‘emergency’ facilities for training, right next to those who behaved in such a racist manner when joining the Tea Parties.
“This would never happen in America” is probably what many people will say, “the people would not stand for it”.
In the early 1930s some people in Germany thought on the same line. Many of the members of the Wehrmacht were soldiers who also did not think the insanity surrounding Adolf Hitler would go that far and that the German people would not stand for it. Well, history tells us otherwise.
Today we have thousands of corrupted individuals in ACORN who are doing the dirty deeds of Obama, while idolizing him as the new Messiah. We have an overwhelming number of black people who are so blinded by the color of Obama skin that they do not realize they are being enslaved all over again.
The war on poverty has been wagered since President Lindon Johnson started it in the 1960s and after 40+ years of ‘fighting’ this war, all that this effort has netted is a sense of entitlement on the part of those among us who are more prone to receive, expect or demand a handout from the government. The Liberal approach has also created a defiance of any sense of self respect and personal responsibility for one’s own actions.
The most injured victims of this misguided and ill-perceived governmental intrusion in the lives of Americans has been exactly those who were supposed to be benefiting from it, minorities, due in part to the political reality that elected officials tend to campaign mostly on what they promise to give the people for nothing, instead of promising that all who want to put in the work will have the chance of benefit from the fruits of their work. The only thing the government is going to hand out is the opportunity to work hard and keep most of their retribution.
Alcee Hastings is one of those who are bent on imposing a dictatorship on the people of the United States. The first step is to get rid of actual and potential opposition. And the Florida Democrat is working hard at it with these two pieces of excremental legislature, just more bad policies that Obama and the liberal Congress is bent on forcing on the American people.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Friends Of Tyranny
The former president of Honduras fits perfectly with the current White House behavioral pattern. After he was ousted by the military upon orders from the Judiciary of that country, Manuel Zelaya was sent packing into exile, sparking the reaction of another totalitarian-friendly organization called United Nations.
The turmoil in Honduras started when Zelaya attempted to run a referendum, which would give him the ability to subvert the country’s constitution and allow him to circumvent the “one term limit” clause every president is held to. Basically Zelaya tried to render the country’s constitution useless and consequently be able to assume absolute powers. His mentor in this endeavor has been no other than Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who did the same and is now the dictator of his country.
Smelling the rotten deal, the Honduras Supreme Court ordered the Military to depose Zelaya and send him packing, while the reins of Honduras were passed to the new leader of the country, one Roberto Micheletti.
The latest development is that the president of Costa Rica Oscar Arias is going to assume the role of mediator between Zeleya and the current leadership of Honduras, which, by the way, is not military as the Media in the US would like you to believe, but civilian.
Yesterday, Sec. of State Clinton met privately with Zelaya in Washington in a meeting she described as ‘productive’, which is a scary thought.
Obama has been less than consistent in his approach to foreign policy as it referred to the Iranian events and the Honduras crisis.
As the Iranian protestors were been slaughtered in the streets of Teheran and other cities, Obama had but a very tepid reaction to the cries for freedom coming from the people, excusing his lack of uevos stating his reluctance to meddle in the internal affairs of the country.
But Obama gained instantly the previously missing uevos when he openly condemned the actions of the Honduras Supreme Court and Military, suddenly not too concerned any longer of the danger of meddling in that country’s internal affairs.
Now, as I witness the double standard approach from good old Obama toward Iran and Honduras, I cannot help but have some personal thoughts.
Since Obama has stated on several occasions that he was willing to talk with the enemies of America without any preconditions, it is almost clear to me that he, for some sinister reason, is bent on having communication established with Ahmedinajad. The reason? Maybe because the Iranian nutcase is a conduit toward the Islamic Council, the religious extremists who really control the country and maybe they are the ones he is trying to reach. After all, he did bow to the King of Saudi Arabia.
The protests happening on the streets of Iranian cities were a distraction and a disturbance for the President, who would have preferred to just have the dinner-jacketed moron just win outright so things could stay the same. Not being interested in supporting liberty around the globe, an American tradition he is hard at work to erase, the hunger for freedom demonstrated by the Iranian protesters was an uncomfortable occurrence, best countered by just being apathetic and wimpy in response.
On the other hand, the principle of refrain from meddling in another country’s affair was unmercifully rolled over by Obama when it came to Honduras, as Obama probably saw a really ugly precedent in the events in Tegucigalpa: one branch of the government taking it upon itself to counter another for the maintenance and respect of the constitution, and utilizing one of the arms of the government, the military, to get the job done. Too close to home, Mr. Obama?
There is no military junta controlling Honduras. But what instead can be found is open support for the country’s constitution and the rule of law.
The events in Honduras not only proved to be disturbing for Obama, but our President finds himself in good company, as criticism and outrage and even military threats are expressed, with great freedom champions like Higo Chavez and Daniel Ortega and Raul Castro.
If I was the President, the last thing I would do is to align with well known thugs whose goal is dictatorial powers. Unless, of course, Obama identifies with these kind of people.
But there is a basic, visceral, core difference between Obama and me. I believe in the goodness of America, because I saw it personally; I believe in America being the beacon of freedom and self-reliance; I believe in America being the very last bastion of resistance against chaos and blood shed on a scale of unimaginable proportions. And Obama doesn’t.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Death By A Thousand Cuts
The tumor is not lethal as of yet, but it is relentlessly growing as the cure is ignored and, at some level, feared. This tumor is Political Correctness.
I have been screaming about the damage that PC has been causing to our country for years and the slippage into the abyss continues.
Case in point: Nampa, Idaho and their four decades old God and Country Family Festival.
This is a festival based on the celebration of those principles so dear to real Americans: the love for America, the importance of family unity and, yes, the belief in God.
For over forty years the Festival had had a major point of attraction for people to attend and it was a flyover from USAF aircrafts. No Military display sparks patriotic enthusiasm as much as the sight and sound of a Military jet.
This year, as the organizers did every year, all the permits were applied for and approvals received, with the exception of one, the very last hurdle: the Pentagon’s.
One member of the board organizing the Festival, Patti Syme, was surprised when she received the communication of refusal, so, thinking of a mistake, she sent an e-mail to the Pentagon and received an answer back that utterly shocked her.
DoD guidelines prohibits the endorsement of any activity that is specifically aimed at favoring a specific race or gender or religious persuasion.
Ms. Syme called the person at the Pentagon who told her that personally he would love to attend the festival, but that officially the festival was openly catering to Christians and therefore the official participation of the Military would be a violation.
So, if I understand this correctly, the Pentagon would not allow USAF flyover on the Festival because of the “openly Christian” nature of the festival. The flyover could be construed as an endorsement of Christianity.
What I gather from this incident is that political correctness has reached into some of the most innocent traditions of our country. It also appears to me that the difference between the last forty years plus and this year is the presence of the current occupant of the White House. It is obvious that in the past those in charge of giving these sorts of authorizations were not fearful of any repercussion, while those in charge today must have made sure that such decisions are controlled by an ever increasing hostile environment for God fearing, and especially Christian, Americans. I fear that there is a reign of terror fostered by the Obama administration that is threatening to paralyze the actions of even the smallest governmental operations. Every move has to be calculated as no higher up backing can be expected.
So to me this is just another little cut into the very fiber of America, and the bleeding is continuing for the entire country. As it happens in a human body, the loss of blood is weakening the whole country, making us ever so vulnerable to external attacks and internal tyranny.
That’s the hope and change the American people voted for!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Military Families
He was not the kind of teenager that every week would present us with some nasty parental challenge, but the seriousness of his request was unnerving.
He just blurted it out and with his words our lives immediately changed: mom, dad, I have decided to join the Marines after graduating High School.
With those few words, we became a Military family, on one hand busting with pride for such a mature decision, on the other completely terrified by his joining in a time of war. He left for the dreaded Marine Corps boot camp the following August. For the three months he was in basic training, the only communication with him was through letters and two phone calls. During his permanence at Marine Corps Recruiting Depot, San Diego, my wife and I, and sometimes my daughter, would drive to the depot on Sundays to attend the Mass my son attended. The religious service was attended by hundreds of recruits and at times it was difficult to locate our son. But we still went, every Sunday, with the hope to get a fleeting glimpse of him.
Finally, graduation came. And our boy was back home.
Even before my son joined the USMC, I had noticed a troublesome disconnect between the Military and the civilian world. The volunteer nature of the US Armed Forces has its good and its negative connotation. In a positive way, the vast majority of those signing up for the Military are going to do so in response to a sense of duty toward their country. Conversely, those among the population who have no direct relation with someone in uniform tend to see the Military as a distant entity. Very disturbing is the impression I received from so many that the Military is there, is expected to be there, is expected to protect the country, but not my son or brother or any close relative.
Our family does not have a military tradition. I came from Italy and although I almost joined the USMC in 1980, I did not after meeting the woman who is today my wife of 27 years. She came from a family who had mostly on the liberal tendency. She had an uncle and a cousin that had been Marines, but these individuals were definitely not an influence on my son.
But what my son and daughter witnessed as they were growing up was a great show of respect for the Military and of love for our country. And that must have been the influencing factor for my children growing up with a deep sense of personal character and ethics.
There are some aspects of the new categorization as a Military family that come with the territory and are not always pleasant. Mostly, it is the comments coming from those people who not only have no relative in the Armed Forces, but also are so detached from the reality of the world we live in that they basically just do not get it.
The first impact comes from the comments received. As I am very proud of my son and his decision to serve the country as a Marine in a time when America is involved in two separate conflicts, our family is very vocal regarding my son’s service. The comments have been as disparate as they have been bizarre.
One lady, for example, upon hearing from my wife of our son’s joining promptly retorted: “Is he crazy? Does he want to commit suicide?” which forced my wife to resort to all her inner strength not to physically hurt the woman.
One of the most common responses we got before Obama became President was an immediate “oh, I don’t agree with this war” to which I say “nobody asked your opinion on the war”.
Of course that happened mostly when Bush was President because it had nothing to do with the war or the Military, but only with a political stand. So, by the same reference point, I should be bitter toward my son’s impending deployment because I am opposed to Obama and he is Commander in Chief now that my Marine is going to be deployed.
It is very common for Military families to basically retreat from social activities as their loved one is deployed. Shying away from parties or vacations is not unusual. There is a common sense of guilt for doing anything that is somewhat pleasant knowing that our loved one is probably humping in 120 degrees heat with 100lb pack on his back, risking to be shot at any step. Comments are: “why are you sacrificing? He is the one that volunteered”, or, even better: “why are you so worried sick, he is the one that chose to join”, as if the fact that my son joined the US Marines without being forced, on his own accord is good enough reason not to care about him and his safety any longer.
I heard the most accurate definition of a Military family mental condition: yes our sons or daughters voluntarily joined, but the families were drafted.
There are many more statements that clearly define military families and their feelings. For example some parents have stated that they have not taken a deep breath since their child joined. That is very accurate and true as their deployment to a combat zone approaches.
In my own opinion, this is a pure case of the “walk in my shoes for a while” phenomenon. While the families of Military are consumed by worries and anxieties, those around them without Military concern are totally clueless and tend to show it. If only these non-Military families would realize that the best thing to do is to be close emotionally, to lend an ear when the going gets rough. There is really no fix that anyone can bring to a mom whose son is in the middle of an active combat zone. The only cure for that “disease” is for that son to be home.
So if you know someone whose loved one is in Iraq or Afghanistan, please do not try to ‘make it better’ or ‘take their minds off’ because it is very annoying. And definitely do NOT bring a political opinion into the equation. Military families are so far removed from the political environment surrounding their kid’s situation as possible. A serviceman or woman does not pledge allegiance to a specific politician or party. Their oath is to defend the United States Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. A specific Commander-in-Chief is also not the focus of their allegiance, but the office the person represents.
I could spend a lot more time on the issue of Military families, especially since I have joined, or should be better stated been drafted, into that segment of the population. Just be close to them emotionally and be understanding about the fact that more often than not, their minds are very far from the place and time. And enjoy the moment when we will be finally taking a deep breath again.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Getting Ready
Here are some Marines from the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade praying just before boarding the Super Stallion (CH-53E) helicopter that is going to take them into battle deep into the Helmand province of Afghanistan. This is in preparation for the offensive that begun on 3 July.
Regimental Combat Team 3 Photo by Philippe E. Chasse
Surely the ACLU will probably file a law suit against the Marine Corps because these Marines violated the separation of Church and State while engaged in a governmentally sanctioned event. And I hope the ACLU will go straight to these Marines in Afghanistan and tell them personally they cannot pray!
I attach my prayers for these men as they prepare for battle.
May the Lord walk next each one of you and protect you.
May He insure victory and safe return of each of you to your loved ones.
May He embrace those He will receive in His gracious arms.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Reflections On The 4th Of July
As America was preparing to celebrate this very important day in its history, the legacy of freedom that has been the hallmark of our country still continues a world away, in the deserts and cities of Iraq and especially in the desolation of Afghanistan. Thousands of Military personnel spent the 233rd birthday of their country facing a ruthless enemy bent on keeping millions of people in a state of oppression and servitude, driven by contorted religious bigotry and a thirst for absolute power. And for the millions who are in danger, the only hope for any kind of self determination is the presence of the American G.I.
Just as it happened in Europe in the 1940s and in Korea in the 1950s and in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s, the American ideals, stained by the blood and sacrifice of the American solider, have always represented a ray of hope to the common person. And today it is no different, as the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are in the position of benefiting from the sacrifice of America. And all they have to do is realize the enormous gift that the sons and daughters of America are giving them.
On this 4th of July 2009, America is still the country of liberty, that beacon of freedom and hope toward which so many around the world turn to keep the flame of hope alive.
On a personal basis, since September 11, 2001 the meaning of Independence Day has taken a whole new form. It has ceased to be just another long weekend off from work, the opportunity for a party, the chance to indulge in hot dogs and beer drinking.
From the start of the Afghani campaign in 2001 to the invasion of Iraq and through all the ups and downs of those military involvements, I found myself reflecting more deeply on the true meaning of days like Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day.
So as most people were getting ready to fire up their bar-b-cues, as the parties started and as plans were being made to go watch the local display of fireworks, my thoughts were for the families of those who are in harm’s way.
The anxiety of insuring that enough food had been prepared or that there was enough to drink is as far from the anxiety felt by these families as their loved ones are physically on the ground in theater.
While most people were too busy in their party preparation to find the time to place Old Glory on their homes, these families made sure the Star and Stripes and the Blue Star and yellow ribbons are free of wrinkles on their front porches.
My thoughts concentrated on my friend Erin, whose husband Bill was getting ready to go on a mission in Afghanistan on Saturday.
My thoughts concentrated on the families of those Marines directly involved in the offensive currently taking place in Afghanistan. The anxiety palpable even in the impersonal posting, as they await any communication from their sons, husbands, fathers to just say “I am doing fine”.
And my thoughts went to the family of Aaron Fairbairn, whose life was lost just yesterday, Independence Day, in eastern Afghanistan when the Taliban attacked the base Aaron was stationed, killing Aaron and another soldier. As posted on Michelle Malkin’s web site, Aaron’s step-father David put this on his twitter:
“On Independence Day, a few hours ago, they killed my son, Aaron in Afghanistan”
Any parent worst nightmare became a reality for the Masters and Fairbairn families and the family of the other soldier. The latest sacrifice to the altar of Freedom. The last measure of devotion to the greatest country in the world.
So as I sat on the fresh grass of the park near my home, waiting for the local firework display to begin, I watched my wife quietly interacting with my daughter, I watched my Marine son enjoying the cool summer breeze with his wife and my grandson. And I cringed as his deployment time is creeping closer.
I watched the small crowd gathered at the park around us, laughing and enjoying the evening. And my eyes begun to fill with tears as my thoughts went to the families of Aaron and of the other soldier and of the Marine who was killed on Friday. Surely a much different remembrance for them.
It is a goal in my life to insure that those who have and continue to sacrifice for this great Nation are always going to be remembered as the Heroes that have stepped up to the plate to insure that the ideals of the document signed on July 4th 1776 will remain alive and intact.
Just My Thoughts
Frank Semperpapa
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Good Lord, Cinthya
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Another One Against Common Sense
“Thank God for dead soldiers” and “thank God for IEDs” in eye-catching colors pollute the roadside as this miscreants self identified Christians attempt to make the strongest impact on the public to support their insane, evil agenda.
This is the modus operandi of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. The scope for their protest is to bring attention to the fact that dead soldiers are God’s punishment for the Military acceptance of gays and lesbians in the Military.
Should the protest be conducted in some shopping mall or in front of some government building, these disgraceful excuses for human beings would probably be just ignored or derided.
So to make a true impact, they stage their protest at the funeral services of Military personnel that has been killed in action.
The impact of their actions falls solely on the family and friends of the fallen, as in that setting no person is really much concerned about the gay/lesbian policy of our Armed Forces. The sole concern is for the family of the person being buried.
When the WBC started this disgraceful display of callousness and pure hatred filled behavior, some of those who were attending the funerals were justifiably angry about it and in some cases they even resorted to violence against the protesters. This was exactly the goal, as the protesters always have someone taking videos and they sue those that take matters in their own hands. That is the way this so-called church funds itself.
As the news of these events begun to spread, some of the American Legion Riders decided that it was not right and they begun to show up at funerals and stand in front of the protestors with American flags to shield families and friends from having to even see them. And they would rev their motorcycles engines to drown the disgusting chants.
While one must be a Veteran to be part of the ALR, many non-Vets wanted to volunteer for these protective missions, so the Patriot Guard Riders was founded.
This is a group of American volunteers, Veterans and civilians, motorcycle riders and not, and most of all a completely non-political group. Anyone can be part of the PGR as the only requirement is to insure that the funerals of those who paid the ultimate price in the service of their country will be free of any disruption and the family will be allowed to mourn their loved one in as much peace as possible. Patriot Guard Riders have and will accomplish their missions in a non violent, non confrontational manner.
Clearly disgusted by the actions of the WBC, the state of Missouri had legislated a ban on any kind of protest at Military funerals. The WBC appealed and the ruling was blocked by the Eighth US Circuit Court of Appeals which believed the protection of the freedom of speech was paramount to the application of the US Constitution. So the case went all the way up to the US Supreme Court.
On June 29, 2009, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case, basically handing a victory to the WBC, who has been effectively cleared to continue their nefarious actions.
So this is the law as the protection of free speech clause of the US Constitution has to apply even to something so appalling as these sub-human hateful expressions. So the mission of the Patriot Guard Riders continues until the last member of the Military is home. And as far as the American Judicial System and the Supreme Court, this represents just another mark against any plausible common sense.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”