Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obamacare To Help Unemployment

As one who has lived in a country where Socialized Medicine is the way of life, I am now convinced that Obamacare is a good step toward alleviate the unemployment problem in America.

Having the Government in charge of the people’s healthcare will create a shortage of doctors that will allow many illegal aliens and displaced autoworkers to fill that shortage. Their education will be mandated by Obama and rushed through, while the cost will be absorbed by the ‘rich’ American taxpayers (meaning those who still have a job).
Who would not want a non-English-speaking Mexican discuss your health issues, or a former union auto worker bumper installer to do your heart surgery?

The result of the influx of these new physicians will have two specific benefits: one will be the skyrocketing death rate. People will go in hospitals for kidney stones and die from some undetected pre-condition. The high mortality will insure that new jobs openings will be available on a continuous basis. The second benefit is that the high decease rate will insure that the Mortuary Industry will be booming. Obama will promptly set ACORN and Al Sharpton upon them forcing them to unionize. Everyone wins!
To further improve the unemployment situation, Obama’s healthcare czar, Sibelius, will have the ability to decide who is to receive medical care and who is not eligible due to a variety of reasons like age, gender, race, or political affiliation. By controlling if and when the care is administered to the American people, the State will be able to gage and plan the number of employment ‘openings’ available (which, by the way is a great campaign tool: imagine Obama promising ‘X’ amount of jobs and being able to deliver, although this is academic as by that time elections will be all but a distant memory).

And then there is another very important czar in Obama’s inventory of tools to ‘change’ America, to make it a more fare and less arrogant, a country that Michelle can REALLY be proud of, a country where everyone (in their circle) will be able to afford $500 snickers and $6,000 purses.
This is the “science” czar, one Dr. John Holdren, who will run the White House Office of Science and Technology.
This brilliant man is a life long supporter of measures aimed at population control.
Some of his really Progressive ideas include a State mandated installation of sterility capsules in children at time of puberty, a capsule that can be surgically removed for reproduction, of course with “official permission”.
He also suggested in his publications, that mandatory sterilization be performed on women after the second or third pregnancy.
He also suggested the delivery of sterilization pharmaceuticals to the whole population via the drinking water infrastructure, even if he realizes the political, social, legal and technical obstacles presented by this action under the current Constitution.

So, please, contact your representatives in Congress and urge them to hurry up and give Obama his Obamacare and all Americans Socialized Medicine so that you can get your FUCKING PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE FOR FREE!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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