Friday, July 24, 2009

WTF #1537

WTF #1537

Ever since Obama has taken residency in the White House, and at times even before than, I found myself saying “WTF” every time I heard his words, read his words or words reporting his statements. He has not disappointed me in my belief that his agenda is the downsizing and destruction of the United States of America.

I have lost accurate count of the WTF but I believe that my conservative estimate is that this is #1537. On a TV interview with ABC, Obama stated that although the war in Afghanistan is at the top of his foreign policy, he does not want to use the word “victory”.

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur,"

In the first place, my opinion of the education Mr. Obama received is becoming increasingly worst, as maybe he was too busy smoking cocaine or organizing some racially bias group when the lesson about the Japanese surrender in 1945 was given. It was not the Emperor Hirohito “coming down” to sign the surrender on the USS Missouri, but representatives of the emperor and of the Military. But I guess I am too picky about historical details.

Most importantly, I find it really disturbing that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is rejecting the concept of victory for the Military while engaged in a deadly struggle in Afghanistan.
During the interview Obama added:
"We're not dealing with nation states at this point. We're concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda's allies. So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to make sure they can't attack the United States."
It is infuriating to hear the elected President of the United States stating that while sending troops into battle, he is not preoccupied with achieving the only result that such action should be undertaken for. Victory is exactly what the American people, remember them Mr. President?, are looking for. Victory is the first step in insuring that the safety and security of America can be achieved. And safety and security in the United States is the only justification many American Military families look at as a reason for the sacrifices their loved ones make on the battlefields of Afghanistan.
Maybe I have it all wrong, not being as brilliant as Obama, but my understanding of the reasoning behind a Commander-in Chief for sending American troops into combat is to achieve victory with the least number of casualties and to bring the troops home. If victory is removed from the equation, why are the troops in combat?

I have a personal aspect of this issue as I soon will have a Marine son deployed to Afghanistan. I want to be home and worry about my son with the understanding that the goal of his putting his life on the line for his country is to do his job well and contribute to the victorious outcome of the campaign.
Victory in Afghanistan is the complete and unabashed destruction of the enemy, being al Qaeda or the Taliban, until they are wiped out from the face of the Earth and eventually surrender to the forces of tolerance and freedom. Our Military needs to have such a goal and the statements of Obama are not really very morale boosting for the troops and their families.
It is also a grave insult that Obama gives to all those families who have buried their loved ones after they perished in the defense of the country and in the pursuit of victory.

Mr. Obama, you are an indecent and conniving man!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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