Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Turmoil In The Plantation

Few days back, I was intrigued by a video of one Congressional hearing. Usually, I glance right over those as I consider them just another toxic emission of hot air on the part of those who, after prostituting themselves to get votes, decided that they are so much smarter than the rest of us, therefore entitled to shut the people off. But the title of this particular video I stumbled across captured my attention as it headlined that some black businessman had basically bitch-slapped none other than California Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Now because I am an evil man, just the idea of BB being made a fool of AGAIN was too appealing so I watched it.
For those who did not, here is a little synopsis.
The hearing was regarding that travesty of a piece of legislation called Cap and Trade. One of those invited to speak was one Harry Alford, chairman of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Alford is an educated black businessman (and a Veteran) whose personal position is that the Crap and Trick legislation is a disaster for the economy and will not only force the loss of more jobs in our country, but will not have any positive impact on the environment.

Senator Boxer produced some NAACP document supporting the legislation and the name of some other black man who also supported the NAACP position.
The impression I got from the Senator’s statement was that she could not understand how a black man could be opposed to the position that a black organization was supporting, and of course the NAACP supports the Liberal position.

It appears that Mr. Alford was also not too happy with the California moron insinuations and called her out. She, as the dumb ass she is, was fairly frazzled by the open accusations of racism Alford was forcefully sending her way. She obviously was not prepared to have a black person actually contradict her and the NAACP.

After schooling the moron, Mr. Alford was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on FOXNews and again Alford made a great point regarding the open racism he detected from Boxer.
The main point being that Boxer was showing her discontent with the fact that this black man was straying from the official Liberal doctrine and actually disagree. Basically she looked frazzled by the turmoil Alford was kicking up in the Democratic Party plantation.

As much as the virtual beating imparted by Harry Alford to Boxer was enjoyable and most entertaining, there is a sad aspect of this encounter.
It showed me that the success of Liberals with the black vote is based solely on the false promises that people like Boxer have been making over the years. Liberals have pursued a policy of victimization on the black population with the intent of making themselves the champions of the so-called oppressed, hence the beneficiary of the black vote. Their campaign has been very successful, I must say, because these Liberals have enjoyed a monopoly of those who have been told over and over that white America has been keeping them down. The worst result of this new slavery campaign is the election and re-election of the new slave drivers like Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer and even their own Obama.
The black population of America was so transfixed by the momentous nature of the election of a black President that they did not recognize the fact that he and his minions are offering no improvement to the problems they may face in today’s America. They do not realize that the demands made to our society should not be ‘what is the country going to give me’ but instead they, just as every single American regardless of color, should demand a governmental support of those entities, those efforts aimed at increasing the country’s economic efficiency and increasing the level of security.

The black population has been told that America is racist for so long that they are blindly believing in such assertion. And when they come across a black American who has rejected such victimization and through hard work has reached a comfortable level of self-determination, they resort to labeling him as ‘uncle Tom’ and vilify him.

Barbara Boxer is one of those politicians that have made a career of brainwashing minorities that they are victims of an unjust country, while setting up to chastise any member of those minorities who dares contradict her agenda.
This is a woman who has been one of the staunchest supporters of the ‘right’ of women to have abortions, which together with the statistics of 75% of black children being born out of wedlock, it appears to be a cool, profitable way to conduct some sort of population control.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

1 comment:

  1. Wow, well said. Boxer is a loser, for sure. I'm glad this man let her have it...she had it coming!
