By Semperpapa
A new audiotape from our friend Osama bin Laden has surfaced and is being publicized by our other friends at al Jazeera.

The recording is the usual admonition to the government of the United States. Osama’s message is directed to President Obama, threatening the execution of any American who falls in the hands of Osama’s followers, if the US government will execute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other 9-11 conspirators.
Of course the threat is of some concern as al Qaeda and the Taliban has such a great record of humane treatment of prisoners that I think the Obama administration should seriously consider the admonition from the Saudi terrorist.
In the audiotape, Osama continues his accusation against the US government for continuing the policies of oppression against Muslims in Afghanistan and, ironically, for continuing the support of Israel in its oppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories, this just days after Obama pretty much destroyed our relationship with the only ally in the Middle East.
There are couple of points that popped into my mind as I read about this.
In the first place, I hope that Osama does not loose much sleep over the past statements of the Obama administration regarding the conviction and execution of the 9-11 masterminds.
In the first place, just the fact that Obama, Holder and others at Justice have come out and stated that the terrorists will be found guilty and executed even before any evidence is presented, creates prejudice in the case and any two-bit defense lawyer would be able to blow huge holes in it.
In that regard, the US Constitution will come in handy.
Moreover, the past record from Eric Holder and Obama are clear indication that the trial of these terrorists, if conducted in a civilian court, which is not for sure it will happen, is not really aimed at their conviction, but in reality it will become a trial of America, the War on Terror and especially of the Bush Administration.
The intentions of the Obama administration are not to punish those who are responsible for the death of nearly 3,000 innocent people, but to demonstrate to the world, and especially our Islamic enemies, that we are a “changed” nation and that we are not really a threat to the Muslim terrorists any longer. The message to Islam is that America is your friend.
Another point that caught my attention was the fact that Osama did not, as far as it has been reported, promise an onslaught of terrorist attacks against America, but limited himself to threaten the killing of any American that falls into their hands.
My take on it is that even Osama is stepping away from wanting to stage a major scale terror attack against our country, and I see two major reasons for it.
In the first place, I believe that Osama bin Laden has a much limited influence within the terrorist community. Sure he is probably looked at as a spiritual icon and all that, but the actions taken by our government since the 2001 attacks has made him such a huge target that even some close to him would be tempted to get rid of him.
But the most important reason is that our enemies realize that the planning they have been doing for decades is finally paying off big dividends.
Since the 1960s forces of radicalization have permeated our country, beginning to erode all that had made and maintained the Nation at the leading edge of individual freedom.
The idea of self-reliance, personal responsibility and love of country became the target for destruction by those who instead preferred chaos and Progressivism.
The threat of Communism as America knew in the second half of last century has not changed. Sure the Soviet Union was defeated as a foe, but the ideology of control and oppression still remains live and well across the globe, it just has changed its face and re-branded itself.
The Communist infiltration, which was so expertly conducted by the Soviets and their allies, has been replaced by the Islamic infiltration, with the exception of the fact that Muslims have succeed where the Communist did not: patience.
Over the decades, Middle Easterners have been very crafty in using our own institutions and principles as a foundation to build a force of radicalization, beginning with colleges and universities. Wonder why so many Middle Easterners are professors?
Organizations like CAIR have used and abused the sense of fairness that lives in the American ideals to build an underground force whose ultimate goal is to make the United States an Islamic country.
That is where America finds itself today. That is what the American people are facing today. And that is why a major terror attack would be counter-productive to the underlined mission.
It is my contention that the 9-11-01 attacks were more successful than Osama had even hoped for, with the collapse of the WTC a definite added bonus. And what had not been planned by Osama was the reaction of President Bush, especially after the travesty of the 2000 elections, the Florida recount and the vitriol directed toward Bush that followed.
But today things are very different, thanks to the “change” Obama has brought. Today our enemies abroad, including Osama, can just sit back and watch the enemies within do a much better, much more thorough job at destroying America. And not on their dime.
So Osama don’t worry, my friend, and be happy. Obama and Holder got your six.
Just my thoughts!
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