Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Progressive Hypocrisy

By Semperpapa

I am quite amused at the reaction of Liberal Progressives to the protestations of the American people through the TEA Parties and the Conservative radio personalities.

They have attacked common people, those of us who have had enough of bunch of corrupted politicians and their thieving, with name calling, comparisons to Nazi, mob and anything else they could come up with.
They have been using every trick in the book, from telling lies to associating TEA Parties with Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage in the attempt to radicalize the movement. They have called American people exercising their right to protest, racist and homophobes and anything else that the Media could use.
They have attacked Talk Radio, and especially the above mentioned Rush Limbaugh, by attributing to him calls for violence to be perpetrated against Obama and his circus, which never happened.

And yet I can still remember my surprise at hearing that movies had been made and books had been published that called for the assassination of President Bush, and never heard a word of condemnation from any of the Network weasels nor any outrage from any of the scum in Congress.

What was constitutionally protected freedom of expression just few years ago is now sedition and fear mongering. Few years ago dissent was a patriotic duty, but today is racism and subversiveness.

And the man who was elected to stop the rising of the waters, the same man who was going to pay your mortgage and put gas in your car, who was going to pay for your doctor and for your college and who was going to deliver Osama bin Laden on a silver platter, the man who was going to make things right in Iraq, that same man has achieved the highest unemployment in decades, the demise of thousands of small businesses, an economic disaster on generational consequences and the exponential increase in the danger our nation find itself from terror attacks.

Progressive Hypocrisy at its most!

Just my thoughts.

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