Monday, March 22, 2010

Sad Day For Our Republic

By Semperpapa

And so the gauntlet has been thrown. Freedom and liberty has taken a beating at the hands of a group of degenerate liberal progressives who have been able to achieve a major victory in their quest to further destroy America.

Those Democrats who championed themselves to the cause of protection of the unborn have caved in and voted for a bill that was clearly against their principles, once again demonstrating that being a politician is nothing more than whoring oneself to the personal quest for power.

Does Rep. Stupac really believe that Obama executive order really means anything? Of course not, as he knows very well that if the monstrosity of Obamacare becomes law, any executive order will be meaningless, but Stupac, and all his other so-called "pro-life" Democrats, just hope that their constituencies will re-elect them on the basis that they "fought" for their principles and what happens next is not really their fault.
And this is one more step toward the goal of these bastards of having the government decide who gets to live and who gets to die, based on governmental parameters of productivity for the state, ideology, gender necessity and environmental obsessions.

And Rep. Slaughter reflected the sentiment of the Speaker of the House and all the other immoral and revolting Democrats, by stating that there is nothing they cannot accomplish.
Translation is that the shenanigans, subterfuges, illegal and unconstitutional deeds they resorted to, will be used for any other Communist legislation they want to pass on the road to dictatorship.

Illegal immigration amnesty is next!

Sure, common sense Americans may have the chance in November to punish these immoral domestic enemies, but, as Charles Krauthammer stated last night, this catastrophe will not be avoidable by reversal.

The United States Congress last night has embarked, by passing this bill, on a very dangerous road, as the American people, a majority of them, still are against this and may not be to prone to just taking such danger to our country lightly.

But today is a very sad day for our Republic.

Just my sad thoughts.

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