Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Enemies Foreign And Domestic"

By Semperpapa

I remember very well when I spoke those words so long ago, as I held my right hand up, proud to be one of the newest US citizens. Those words meant a lot to me then, and maybe in sort of a naïve way, they mean even more today, as I watch the enemies of my country slowly, but surely attempt to destroy it.
Today, there are as many domestic threats at work against the United States as foreign ones, maybe even more.

There is a controversy going on between the Dept. of Justice and the CIA over the agency request that the DoJ would conduct a probe and investigate the actions of certain organizations and several law firms involved in the “legal defense” of terrorist being held in US Military custody. The most prominent, and appalling, of these organizations is our good friend, the American Civil Liberty Union.
In 2009, Michelle Malkin brought up to the attention of many, that members of the ACLU and people contracted by them, were going around taking pictures of CIA operatives, their families and, at times, their places of residence, creating sort of dossiers that were then shown to the defense lawyers of terrorists. Eventually, as it was discovered at Guantanamo Bay detention facility, these “dossiers” were found in possession of the terrorists themselves.

What make this situation relevant is that the information gathered by the ACLU and distributed by radical lawyers to terrorists, created a clear and present danger for the safety and security of those CIA operatives and their families, not to mention the damage that was being done to future intelligence operations aimed at safeguarding National security.

As expected, the DoJ is not interested in any of this, as a matter of fact, Eric Holder, last August, reopened the investigation on alleged CIA abuses, and just this week, Holder called those legal counsels “patriots” for defending terrorists and therefore taking a very unpopular position in the eyes of public opinion.
During a meeting last Tuesday between US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and senior intelligence officers, things got heated and one of the Justice national security officers, Donald Vieira, recused himself from the investigation in an act of disagreement with the CIA.
Vieira, who was a Democrat counsel on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and is now chief of staff of the DoJ Nations Security Division, decided he was no longer interested in investigating how pictures of CIA operatives were found in possession of terrorists at Gitmo. So he quit! Not his job, way too cushy, but the investigation.

So here they are; the domestic enemies of America, always ready to attack the country that ironically is the only one in the world that actually gives them the freedom, a constitutionally guaranteed freedom, to openly attack it.

Of course the ACLU, always ready to take on the institutions that are sacred to the majority of the American people in favor of the whining of inconsequential minorities. May it be a cross in the middle of the Mohave Desert of some freaky lunatic who is offended by the phrase “In God We Trust” on our currency. May it be going one step further to insure that sensitive national security information is passed to our enemies, only to satisfy a personal agenda.

What I find most entertaining is the fact, and it is a fact, that the people who are plotting for the destruction of American institutions and ideals do not appear to understand that the only reason they even have a voice, the only reason they are even allowed to spew their venom is because of the very principles they are so adamantly trying to destroy.
It all comes down to the particular character flaw that is so inherent to the human race: power. More specifically, power over others.

There is nothing chivalrous about the motivations of liberal/progressives. Their goal is not the equality of people, but the control of their lives and the decision making capability over life and death.
Case in point is that some of the most “dedicated” lawyers to the cause of the terrorists are now part of the Justice Dept. political machine, as mentioned in previous posts. So their anti-American, pro-terrorism activism has paid off in terms of, you guessed it, power.

History teaches us.
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro are all examples of human beings who used the banner of progressivism to justify the curtailing of their people liberties and the elimination of millions of dissenters and those who just did not fit in the program. They achieve their sinister goals in steps, either by via of revolution or via the take over of their countries’ economies.

In our country, our beloved America, those forces are at work and have been for a long time, for the most part hiding in plain sight, with the exception that today they have proponents in the White House and in Congress behind it.
These forces of totalitarianism are in the Government, in the schools, in the industry, in the Media, in the church.
These forces seek to gain absolute power over the population, first by stringing the carrot in front of people who want something for nothing, gaining their dependency and then, if not checked, by swinging the stick.

What is on the other side of the process is something the same people who supported the “change” would be devastated by, as these sheep will be the first to be taken to the slaughter house, once their usefulness is exhausted.
What is on the other side of this process is something I am not prepared to accept blindly, as long as this is the same America I swore to protect, even if just as a civilian.

“…from all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

Still means something to this American. Love America!

Just my thoughts!

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