Thursday, May 10, 2012

America: The New Twilight Zone

By Semperpapa

I thought it was just me losing my mind, but the Twilight Zone musical theme continues to pop up in my mind with increasingly and disturbing frequency.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been pro-active in his attempt to combat illegal immigration, is being sued by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The accusations are that Arpaio has been using unconstitutional methods in handling Hispanic inmates.

My questions is: are you for real?
When it comes to the United States Constitution, there has been very few AGs in the history of our country who have trashed the Constitution as much as the current squatters at the DoJ and the White House.

In the spirit of the Constitution, one of the few real duties of the federal government is the protection of our international borders, a duty that the current administration, as much as many of the previous ones, has been absolutely incompetent.
And this is not the correct word. Incompetence implies the inability to do the right thing, but in the case of Obama and Holder and the entire regime, the problem is not inability to do things right, but the conscientious effort to do what is absolutely wrong and detrimental to our social and political system.

So while Holder is purposely ignoring black-on-white criminal federal prosecution (i.e. the Black Panthers voter intimidation crime of election day 2008 in Philadelphia), the Obamamedia, in full campaign mode, goes looking for some prank Romney did in High School.
And the sad and infuriating aspect of all this is that there are quite few American people who continue to be more interested in what Romney might have done in High School than what Obama and his minions are doing today. The Media is pursuing a story on Romney that is as I write, falling apart, but in the past have refused to even give a second look at Obama's own admission that he was basically a crack head in HS.

And the Twilight Zone music keeps on playing in my head...

Just my thoughts!

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