Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part I

By Semperpapa

All conservative pundits and various candidates for the 2012 November elections, at any level, like to campaign on the slogan that the Obama administration in the last three years has been an abysmal disaster, but I completely disagree.
For the real aim of Obama and his minions, the last three years have been a stunning success.

During the 2008 presidential campaigning, then Sen. Obama was able and incredibly successful in his quest to mask the very intentions of his candidacy. The smoking screen was that of the first black president, destined to represent the healing of a Nation with a past of racial inequality and discrimination.
He told us that he was going to be the President of all Americans, even those who disagree with him. He told us he was going to lower the ocean levels and convince those who hate America and want us destroyed that now, with his radical presence in the White House, America was going to be more open to fairness, less arrogant, less confrontational.

He run on the promise that he was going to end wars and bring home an over-extended, tired Military, because, after all, just his election was going to eliminate the need for us to be in any war. He even gave Arab news outlet Al-Jazzera, the very first interview as president, and went on an apology tour.
His appeal to those Americans who entrusted him with their vote was based on many different factors, everyone of which fostered by either ideology or blindness.

Every leftist progressive voted for him, mostly because he practically embodies the level of radicalism they have been looking and working for for many years. What was the experience that Obama brought to his political career? Nothing more than political and radical activism, conducted in Chicago, where the enviroment of corruption is of national and historical fame.
While the media completely ignored any vetting that was being done in the months leading to the 2008 elections, progressives were ecstatic about the fact that the truth about the "qualification" of Barak Obama to hold the office of the presidency was going completely and purposely ignored.
The mole was in.

To compound the perfect storm, a relentless campaign was conducted by Obama, his organization, the media and academia, to apply a label of "racist" to anyone who actually saw the danger of Obama in the White House. Shaming ignorant and malleable folks to vote for the man was a truly masterfully completed objective and accomplishment on the part of the enemies of America.
Was there racism in the 2008 presidential elections? Of course there was, but the most blatant demonstration of racism was the one demonstrated by black America. Nobody can tell me that Obama receiving over 95% of black votes was not racially motivated.
But the complicity of a corrupted and immoral media conglomeration insured that this fact was going to be downplayed or totally swept under the rug.

Yes, Obama presidency has been a stunning success, from its campaign throughout its first term.
Obama wanted the presidency to promote his Marxist ideology of class envy. It is only through the successful division of the population that such agenda can be achieved. In a country like the United States, classes have not been part of the common lexicon for decades. One of the aspects of the American that attracts immigrants so powerfully is exactly that: the only pre-requisite for success in America is the willingness to work hard and to take chances, chances that are fostered by a governmental system that promotes, supports and rewards entrepreneurship and hard work.
What Obama wanted to create was a new sense of classification among the people. Talks of the "middle class" the "rich" the "poor" all it accomplishes is a growing distrust among Americans.

One of the most important aspects of the exceptionalism of America resides in the unity among the people, unity of purpose and dedication toward one common goal: national success.
It is an interesting dichotomy I am referring to. On one hand, it is the individualistic attitude that makes America strongest, but similarly the individuals come together as one, as Americans for the achievement of the best for our country, the common good. But the adoration of some misguided females and the brainless following of the Obamadroids was enough to guarantee that this thug from the streets of Chicago, a politician who has never held a meaningful job, could maintain, increase and abuse power, by dividing and conquering the American people. And he's been stunningly successful.

Never in the history of our Nation since the Civil War, the population has been as divided as it is these days.
Just in the last couple of weeks we have seen Obama coming out of the closet in support of gay marriage. He does not care in the least. He wants the homosexual vote and even if the anti-gay marriage black are showing their disagreement, Obama knows well that the black population will still vote for him because he's black. Nor he cares about the Hispanics, who may also be against gay marriage for religious reasons, because he trusts that pinning illegal aliens against the majority of the American people will push the Hispanic vote in his camp.

Divide and conquer...
( be continued...)

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