Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama's Presidency: A Stunning Success - Part II

By Semperpapa

Yes my fellow Americans, the presidency of Barak Hussein Obama has been a stunning success for the agenda the man has been pursuing.
Many are so transfixed by the facade of this man that they still fail to see the truth. They cannot accept that there could be such nefarious intentions on the part of a US President. I keep on hearing from the so called moderate conservatives, just a polite description of spineless and testicularly challenged people, that they believe the President is convinced he's doing good for the country, but from an American traditional prospective, there is no way in hell that anyone can look at the disaster our economy is in and believe that any outcome from it could be positive for our Nation.

During his campaigning, Obama declared that he wanted to radically transform America. If he loves this country so much, why would you want to radically transform it?
It would be like me telling my wife I love her and am happy with her, while at the same time telling her that it is time to radically change her ways or else.

Divide and conquer, the very strategy Obama is implementing in the administration of his Constitutional duties. As a matter of fact, Barak Hussein Obama has quite a difficult time understanding the importance of the United States Constitution in the conduct of the government in America, by his own admission considering the ancient document more as an obstacle to the achievement of his agenda than the guiding document it has been.

The Constitution, with its various Amendments, is the guideline that has kept our nation at the forefront of history for the last two and a half centuries. Sure the issue of race and slavery is a painful mark on our history, but while Obama and his minions continue their attempt to squeeze more mileage out of that empty tank, the damage that race bating causes to our entire social structure is enormous.

But the racial game, even as the new slave owners like the twins of misery Sharpton and Jackson desperately try to revive it, appears to be almost over. Attempts to instigate racial unrest and ultimately war in America are still ongoing, but the efficiency of the attempts to intimidate the average person into fear appears to be over too.
An increasing number of Americans are becoming reluctant to succumb again to racial intimidation. Many, victims of that sort of intimidation in 2008 are now refusing to be forced into that corner again, raising their voice of dissent against the Marxist policies they see being forcefully implemented by a regime that expertly blew a lot of smoke in their eyes. Either intimidation or naivete, gave America Obama and all the baggage that came with the man.
The rest, as the saying goes, is history, a very successfully history of slow and determinate erosion of the principles that made America the last world superpower and the only superpower that does not conquer for the sake of conquer.

Obama's presidency is a failure from the point of view of the principles that have guided this Nation since 1776, principles that Obama has fought against his whole life, inspired by people who dedicated their lives to the destruction of America.
From the prospective of Obama and his minions, his presidency is a resounding success, justifying, in his statist mind, seeking a second term. And why not? After all, even considering the tragic consequences of this man's policies upon the entire population, the approval rating of such fool is still up there, or at least that is what the main stream media wants us to believe.
Success was met by Obama's pitting Americans against Americans. Like I said, divide and conquer.

Be it rich against poor, whites against blacks, men against women, straight against gay, Obama has gone down every divisive road available to his political machine.

Effectively, the division that Obama and his henchmen exploit is basically relegated to ideology above all else.
Obama has no problem with rich especially when he is in that category. Moreover, he is not at all uncomfortable surrounding himself with very rich people, as long as they share his ideology.
The fund raising of millions of dollars accomplished by Hollywood puppets like George Clooney and others is in the least disturbing to Obama, who not only greatly enjoys rubbing elbows with America's "beautiful people", but he also greatly enjoys the money these miscreants dump into his coffers.
Accumulation of wealth is only objectionable on the part of Obama when those accumulating such wealth are ideologically distant from the re-distribution garbage proposed by the president.

Obama also has no qualms with white folks, again as long as their ideologies are in line with the regime, while having no reservation with the destruction of blacks, and non-whites in general, who are ideologically opposed to his Marxist ideology.Ultimately, I believe that Obama is not necessarily anti-white (although I am sure he would not mind a blacker America), but mostly Obama is  against any voice of dissent, any sign of disagreement with Obama's agenda. If you are white or non-black, you are racist and if you are black you are an Uncle Tom. For Obama there is no middle ground: either you are with him (and greatly benefiting from it) or against him ( and marked for destruction), as any good despot would be.

The same applies to the issue of gender war. Obama has no problem in salary inequality among those who work for his administration, as long as they all push to obtain the ultimate Obama success.
In any case, by defining conservative values to some sort of war on women and by promising women that their freedom to kill any unborn child at any time and for any reason shall never be infringed upon, Obama knows very well that he will captivate the women voting block all to himself. be continued...

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