Thursday, November 8, 2012

Romney Did Not Fail America. America Failed America

By Semperpapa

With the elections finally over, the Monday morning quarterbacking is in full swing on the Right to place blame for the devastating loss for our country, and I want to emphasize that it was NOT a loss for Republicans, but a loss for the whole country.

As I have mentioned before on several occasions, Mr. Romney was not my first choice in the primaries, but I stood behind him during the campaign and voted for him.
So, what did actually go wrong on Tuesday?

The pundits out there are blaming Romney for not conducting the right campaign, for not espousing conservative ideals strongly enough, for not hitting on some major issues enough like the Libya cover up, etc., but the real culpability for the failure of firing Obama on Tuesday goes directly to the American people, not Mr. Romney.

At the root of the debacle is the radical transformation of American society and culture that has been ongoing for several decades now, a transformation that is fast taking America toward the edge of a societal abyss, and I am not sure we are properly equipped any longer, as a society, to prevent.
We have become a nation of dependents, a transformation that Obama has wanted in his first term and worked hard at achieving. And he has been successful if the increase in welfare recipients is an indication.

The message that came from the Romney campaign was clear. Return America to the conditions where the majority of people would be able to obtain good and rewarding employment, taking responsibility for their economic and financial future by being allowed to keep more of their earned income.
The message was to return the country to its founding principles where self-reliance and hard work were the only necessary tools needed to succeed at achieving the American dream.
And it was to return America to moral standards where the unalienable right each one of us has are not given by a 'benevolent' dictator or government, but by God.

What America has voted last Tuesday for, instead, is the rejection of these principles and the confirmation of a society that rejects self-reliance in favor of entitlement, rejects hard work in favor of hand outs and rejects any sort of spiritual guidance in favor of a purely secular approach.

The fault I assigned to Romney is that he did not hit on some very important elements of the Obama failures, driving the conservative principles forward: Libya, Ft. Hood, Fast and Furious to name three.
Why is every conservative devastated by the results of the elections last Tuesday? Well, I can tell you this conservative's answer. It is purely unfathomable that with such a record of economic incompetence and failure; with such a record of attacks against the Constitution; with such a record of government intrusion; and such a record of foreign policy disaster, Mr. Obama was given four more years.

Again, this is a cultural breakdown in America. If on my job in the private sector I produced failures and costly mistakes, my employer would replace me with someone else, not give me more time.
But in the new America, failure is rewarded. In the new America an abysmal record is rewarded with additional chances to make it worst. It is really a devastating reality.

Everything that Obama is espousing in America, and the American people entitled him to achieve for four more years, has been the norm in dozens of countries around the world and it has failed miserably.
And it is failing in America too. The only problem is that, in the past, when other countries failed there was always a hope for humanity called America. Now that America is failing there are no other places in the world to turn to. The whole world in in a heap of trouble.

This was the message of Mr. Romney: return America to the place where we as a free, prosperous and strong country would still be the beacon of light in the darkness of global tyranny.
It was not Mitt Romney that failed America, but it was America that failed America. It was the entitlement society of free stuff that failed America. It was the pursuit of the nanny state that failed America.
By the time Obama is done in four years, our country will net be recognizable any more.
Is there any hope for America? I think there is, but only time will tell.

Just my thoughts!

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