Thursday, April 30, 2009
Character Flaw
Now, as much as I disdain what Mrs. Sebelius stands for on abortion and the fact that she, just as every other Obama cabinet nominee, is a tax evader, I believe that the outrage of Sen. Coburn should be best directed elsewhere.
The Senate voted to confirm Sebelius for Health and Human Services Secretary, confirming her with a vote of 65 to 31 with the needed minimum of 60 votes.
Of the 65 who voted for the woman are eight senators that happen to have an R after their names, meaning that if these so-called Republicans would have voted the correct way, the nomination would have been rejected.
Actually, the RINOs who voted yes were nine, but the ninth was Arlen Specter, who appropriately just switched his partisan loyalty to the Left. So n the interest of public information, here are the name of the traitors who, I hope, will be fired from their jobs next time they are up for election:
Brownback – KS
Bond - MO
Collins – ME
Gregg – NH
Lugar – IN
Roberts – KS
Snowe – ME
Specter – PA
Voinovich – OH
Collins, Snowe, Lugar and Voinovich are the usual suspects and Specter I have already addressed, but I was somewhat taken aback by Brownback. I guess the senators from Kansas are trying to catch up with the traitors from Maine. Keep it up, senators.
So now Sebelius will be placed in charge of the health issues of the country. The Leftist Congress declared that the explosion of the swine influenza in Mexico and its spread to the rest of the world, it was imperative that the secretary of HHS would be confirmed as soon as possible, that it was a matter of national security. Déjà vu all over again! Just like the country needed Tim Gaithner immediately, as a matter of national security to deal with the economic emergency, regardless of the tax evasion little problems the man had. So they got confirmed a guy that is in charge of all fiscal matters for an economy like the US, a guy not smart enough to avoid a “mistake” on Turbo Tax.
So how is little Timmy doing with the economy? Probably as well as Sebelius will be doing at HHS.
Some of the points of interest of the plan Obama has for the Universal Health Care he want America to have is based on the creation of a bureaucracy that will collect the medical records of all Americans and apply governmental control upon the treatments being given by doctors across the country. It will no longer be a medical decision to apply medical treatment to any of us, but it will be controlled by the secretary of HHS, who will also decide the punishment that doctors will receive should they not conform to the new, more efficient guidelines.
Just as a starter, I am extremely concerned about a federal agency controlling my medical records, or those of all Americans. They are supposed to be secret and private, but Obama wants them to be available to him. As a matter of history, it appears to me that the government does not have a good record about preserving personal and national right to privacy. With the HHS bureaucracy becoming larger and larger, the chances for illegal and malicious violation of privacy for millions of Americans, grows exponentially. Moreover, that kind of personal data could be very easily abused by the government for purposes of political attacks and individual’s character assassination. Not that the politicians would stoop that low!
The confirmation of Sebelius was just another step toward turning America into a Socialist country, and Obama is right on track as he and the panting Media is celebrating the first 100 days of the last days of a country that used to be the envy of the rest of the world and that the current political leadership in Congress and in the White House are trying so persistently to destroy.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Rejecting Memories
The released memos, which by the way gave away to our enemies that much we had as a tactical advantage, indicated that the famous waterboarding was applied 183 times to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 83 times to Abu Zubaydah, at least as reported by the NY Times, a collection of numbers that brought the terrorists apologist to tears and rage against the people who kept America safe for eight years. Of course, what the NY Times conveniently forgot to mention is that the numbers they referred to as “instances of waterboarding” actually were the numbers of total times water was poured on the subjects’ faces. Truthfully, Mohammed only was truly waterboarded a total of FIVE times and Zubaydah a grand total of TEN times, and these numbers come to us from a Red Cross report and testimonies from the two peace loving terrorists themselves. If anyone is waiting for the NY Times to print a correction, well…you probably have a better chance to get waterboarded by Obama himself.
So, as I read about these “tortures” and the apologies of the Obama gangsters and the “outrage” of the lunatics on the Left, I get a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. My rage is compounded by having the bad habit of reading and searching for common sense truth. So couple of days ago I found a magazine dated back to about September 12 or13, 2001. Full page pictures of the tragedy that had befallen on America just few days earlier. These pictures are famous, having circulated the globe until the powers in control of the Media decided that they were too brutal, too inflammatory to keep on showing them, images that have all but disappeared from all Media. These were pictures of people in New York plunging to their deaths from hundred of feet, some in couple, some alone, having to have made the horrible decision to prefer a long plunging death to being burned alive. I looked at the pictures of emergency personnel, the firefighters and police officers, resolutely walking into the buildings, full conscious of the fact that it could be their last mission, only to be reduced to dust just few minutes later. I gazed at the pictures of those dazed survivors covered in dust and blood, walking as zombies out of the devastation. I looked at the heart wrenching pictures of terrified and devastated relatives walking the streets, holding pictures of a loved one missing.
Pictures of those innocent victims whose lives were brutally and violently truncated for the simple sin of living in America and making a living in the Twin Towers (remember, the Little Heichmans as described by that typical example of Academia Ward Churchill?).
There were pictures of the devastation at the Pentagon, where uniformed and civilian personnel was running toward the flames in the attempt to help those who were still alive.
And the pictures of a large crater in a field in Pennsylvania, where the first counterattack of the latest conflict America had been brought upon, took place.
The images in the magazine, only re-enforcing the rage inside me, as the memories and the fear of those days have never really left my consciousness. I just wish I could say the same for the rest of America!
I should have not looked at those images at a time when I am witnessing America being slowly dismantled from within. The same ideological type of people who sat in the cockpits of those airplanes in 2001, today walk the halls of Congress, the Pentagon and the White House; people who hate America, hate everything she has always stood for, people who look at America as the evil responsible for all the discontent and hate in the world. These are the people that a portion of the American population gave power to, via the ballot boxes. Some of those voters are already regretting the choice made in November, others are so blinded by the historical fact of having a black President that they do not realize the color of the skin is no substitute for love of country and respect for the Constitution and the American way of life. In a country like America, the color of the skin should not be a substitute for incompetence and ill intentions.
And yet the memories of 9-11-01 are fast fading, being rejected by a multitude of Americans at a rate that is frightening. We Americans have become reactive people with no common sense.
We react to a moronic, insensitive stunt as it was just perpetrated over the Manhattan skies on Monday, suddenly reminded of the terror we felt in 2001 when we saw the planes flying low over the city skyline, sending thousands of people scurrying like terrified roaches. But the same people get all squeamish about some water poured over the face of a terrorist.
Opulence and security has changed the American people, who have lost that love of country and love of freedom and individuality that has made America what it is. We have become a country of people who MUST belong to some form of group, who are uncomfortable with self-reliance, who depend on collectivism when we are faced with what we perceive as a life obstacle. We can no longer live our lives unless we are aware of all the others with the same idiosyncrasies as ours and when all else fails, we need the Government to wipe our butts.
Maybe, just maybe, the economic ruination Obama is bringing upon the country and the perfect conditions for another possibly worst attack Obama is creating, not to mention the conditions for defeat he is fostering in Iraq, will take America into a dark era that will somehow force the people to realize what they once had and allowed to be taken away: liberty, honor, pride in country, willingness to preserve our way of life, independence from a corrupted government, conscience of morality.
We can start by not allowing others to force us to reject our memories, especially the bad ones. Such are the memories that will inspire the continuation of the fight for our country.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Cancer In America
America has several malignant tumors, some of them are high profile, well known elements that are not so covertly attacking the American way of life in their quests to gain a level of power as close as absolute as they think they can get without alienating the part of the population that supports them, but are also not too kin to accept totalitarianism. Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, the list of high profile elitists is long and distinguished!
As much as these elements attract the attention of the general public for their continuous appearance on the Media and its continuous propaganda spin, those who are the most dangerous to the freedom and the way of life of the American people are the ones who perform their voodoo rituals under the radar of public opinion. They are the under-secretaries, the Presidential advisors, the diplomatic envoys. These are obscure figures that the Obama regime has placed into positions where they are not continuously scrutinized by outside entities, like some Media outlets, but that have enough power to influence policy for quite some time.
One of these people is a certain Rosa Brooks. Who is this woman? She is a well known Leftist who has been known for being a brutal critic of the Bush Administration. She has labeled al-Qaeda as a little more than an obscure group of extremist thugs. She referred to President Bush and VP Cheney as psychotic and in need of mental help. She determined that the surge in Iraq was not going to work. And she made no excuses for considering President Bush a war criminal, whose policies after the 9-11 attacks made America less safe.
So this woman, whose qualifications still escape me, has been appointed to be an advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense for policy Michelle Flournoy.
Many would ask why would she be such a threat to the country?
Well for start, this position is a focal point for the development of our country’s policy as it refers to our defense. Experts from the previous administration stated that for people who want to greatly influence the Pentagon policy, holding this position would give them a great opportunity. As an advisor, Ms. Brooks can have a great influence on the Dept. of Defense upcoming planning review. All suggestions are brought up to the Undersecretary and the discussion than starts to make the wanted changes on the document. This danger has been seen in the 2007 Intelligence Report on Iran Nuclear ambitions. Some of the changes made before the report was publicized, stated that Iran was not seeking nuclear weapons, only to be debunked by the realization that Iran may be in possession of such weapons as early as 2010. Damage done.
In her position, Rosa Brooks would have the potential to see some of her anti-Military views being incorporated in the actual Defense Policy, potentially affecting the readiness of our Military and the security of our nation. The application of her extreme ideology to her decision making for our defense policy is a scary and disturbing reality. Moreover, the fact that she is an appointed political figure, she is immune from being ‘fired’ by voters. The only way to rid America of her twisted, Socialist, defeatist influence on the most important policy making in the country is to get rid of Obama, so we as a nation will have to wait until 2012 to eradicate this cancerous cell in America.
The Constitutionally guaranteed procedure of having civilians in control of the Military establishment was a provision that the Founding Fathers installed to prevent the scourge that history has seen over and over, of military dictatorships. In American history, this provision has served the country well almost always. But giving access to policy making power to individuals who follow ideological principles that are not at the core of the American system and are contrary to National interest appears to me to be a gamble that our country is destined to lose.
As we saw during the Clinton administration, the devastation of our Military and of our Intelligence Services came with a high price to pay when we were attacked. Similarly, the same level of cuts and devastation that Jimmy Carter brought upon America in just four years also took time and money to reverse. In the case of our current President, it is not just the cuts to the Military that will be disastrous, but also the civilian infrastructure. The steps toward Socialism that Obama has been taking so far will be extremely hard to reverse and render innocuous, but we have to make sure, as real Americans, that we understand how vital to the survival of the country is to regain that footing of self-reliance and independence from any government, whoever the political ideology in charge is at the time
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Don't Confuse Us With Facts
Whatever the fad is called these days, the reality of the whole thing is that good old Al has been feeding a healthy portion of bovine excrements that a lot of ignorant people have bought into. Now, I am not going to get into a scientific discussion, because I am not a scientist and, opposed to Gore, I don’t pretend to play one on TV. My ranting is sparked by the abuse of power that the Liberals in Washington seem to be enjoying so much these days.
At this supposedly high profile hearing, Al Gore was supposed to testify next to someone with opposing views, in sort of a fact-finding event. The person that was to “debate” the illustrious former VP was one Lord Christopher Monckton, a REAL British scientist who had been scientific advisor for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Lord Monckton flew to Washington for the hearing, only to find out, upon landing in the US capital, that the Democrats had rescinded his invitation made by Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) who sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Upon receiving the un-invite, Lord Monckton described the Democratic leadership in the US Congress as “cowards” and I could not agree more with his assessment.
The whole ordeal is nothing more than the attempt to subdue the growing sentiments that the cause championed by Al Gore and his fund raisers is nothing more than a Global Scam.
In the attempt to blow smoke in the eyes of the American people and the world on the subject, the ranking Democrats invited former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich to replace Monckton, which immediately brought to my memory the image of the commercial that Gingrich made about Global Warming sitting on couch with no other than Nancy Pelosi.
This was just another example of the methodology employed by the Liberals in America to assert their power and abuse it. The cause of the hypocritical Gore has been debunked by thousands of real scientist whose opinions have been totally ignored by the political leadership in Washington. The simple reason for this ignorance of facts resides in the Liberal take over of control over the lives of the American people. They equate the climate scam movement with a real, enthusiastic possibility to impose their will upon the people by taking control of what they drive, how they heat or cool their homes, how they manage their energy consumption.
What does this control translate into? Out-of-control taxation.
Does anybody really think that Nancy Pelosi cares about the environment, as she scurries around the country in fuel-eating Air Force jets at a whim? Really!
Or even Obama, who burns thousands of pound of jet fuel just to celebrate Earth Day in Iowa?
Sorry, but I am not convinced. To me Al Gore is just another frustrated fat politician who is trying desperately to remain relevant in the lives of the American people. His work on the Climate Change issue is nothing more than a way for this wind bag to attempt to make sure the people of this country do not forget who he is. If there was any truth in the cause he has made a fortune on, the way to add credibility to his point would be to have a serious debate with experts on the subject. Avoiding any kind of rebuttal and having his buddies in Congress watch his fat rear end does nothing for me to believe anything he says.
And please, do not come to me and tell me that he won an Oscar for his lie-cumentary, because I have been unimpressed (major understatement) with the Oscar crowd for many years now, so that does not make me write bad checks!
Same goes for the Nobel Prize. After the Peace Prize was awarded to Yassir Arafat, all my respect for that achievement went right out of the window. It proved to me that all those folks are is a bunch of rich elitists so far from the reality of our world that they might as well live on Mars and they would be more relevant.
So the Socialists in Congress scored another “victory” for their record of abuse of power. They went to the extreme of making a farce of another Congressional hearing - for which, remember, we pay for including getting Lord Monckton to the States – just so that Al Gore would not be humiliated in public. This is just another example of what the American people voted for and now get. This is the new America, where the political leadership openly stifles dissent (remember when dissent was patriotic? Now is racist!), and even when they are brought to task, they are so smug that they openly ignore the people’s outrage.
Well, how is Hope and Change working out for you?
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
The Dividends of Appeasement
The current president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari has just signed an agreement that would allow the Taliban to take control of the Swat Province, installing Sharia law. Appeasing the terrorists was designed to stem the militants’ goal of taking over the entire country. The effects, instead, appear to be opposite as the Taliban forces are now moving south into the Buner Province, located approximately 60 miles north of Islamabad, the nation’s capital.
These terrorists were the so-called ‘moderates’ during the negotiations that they conducted with the Pakistani government, negotiations that brought the Swat Province to become a heaven for those who like beheadings and floggings.
The situation is, according to Pakistani military officials not as dire as it appears, that the terrorists have only control of 25% of the province of Buner and that the Pakistani Military is in control of the situation. What a relief. Because America should be reassured about anything coming from the Pakistani military, a really trustworthy organization, right? And even giving the benefit of the doubt, how can anyone state that all is under control is a quarter of the province is in the hands of the enemy?
As a contrast, other officials from the area are telling of Taliban militants establishing road blocks, moving around public markets telling people to embrace Sharia Law. They are broadcasting Islamic religious verses on the local radios and have been going around music stores ordering them to stop selling music.
The reality is that the situation is realistically dangerous for many reasons.
For starter, these terrorists are only 60 miles away from two Pakistani military bases, near the country’s capital, where nuclear weapons are stored. Are these weapons secured? Can Zardari guarantee that they will not fall into terrorist hands? Does the US have a contingency plan for such an event, besides offering an apology?
On the same subject, these weapons may be guarded by military personnel already sympathizing with the Islamic extremists, which would create a severe problem for the Islamabad government to secure the weapons if the militants would continue to move toward the capital.
Most importantly for the United States would be for the terrorist, who are openly supporters of Osama bin Laden, to be in possession of these weapons, as they suddenly would become a clear and present danger to the 40,000 US Military personnel in Afghanistan, and ultimately a clear and present danger on our own soil.
So I hope that Obama is actually paying attention to these events, taking time away from self admiration, because this is a visible proof, as if history does not give us countless examples already, that appeasement against an enemy bent on your destruction is not a viable solution. Zardari must have missed that lesson in his history class, but soon may be receiving a crash course in it. His government has sent few troops, para-military to boot, to the region, and they have already suffered a casualty as they arrived and were greeted by automatic fire.
Obama, who also must have been absent from his history class that day at Harvard, maybe the cocaine party the night before wore him out, appears to be one to also favor appeasement of the enemy, as the Liberal mantra is to apologize so that they will like us.
As of Friday, April 24, the Pakistani government was able to gain a withdrawal from the Taliban forces from the Buner province, allowing for a breath of relief, but is the issue really solved?
No it is not. In my opinion, based on history, the April 22-23 move on the part of the Taliban was only a probe. The real intent was to check the strength and readiness of the Pakistani military and to gage the reaction of the population. Thankfully, the Pakistani government was able to address the issue quickly, although the substance of the reaction, meaning the size and type of force deployed, was minimal. From a military prospective, Pakistani leadership may have been correct, as a large force might have trigger direct and escalating confrontation, but at the same time I believe that the Taliban mentality is one that understands only pure and unmitigated force. The reaction of the Pakistani government only delayed what I believe is inevitable under the current situation, and that is that eventually the Taliban will go on the offensive again, this time in a crushing manner.
As far as the reaction of the population, I believe the Taliban scored a major victory, as they were able to cower the population into a state of fear and submission, clearly demonstrating that when they will decide to actually go on the offensive, and I am sure that will happen very soon, they will expect a abysmal resistance from the people, be it because they agree with the Taliban ideology or they are just terrified.
Whatever the case may be, the events in that volatile region demonstrate that appeasement is the sure road to major confrontation, the IF no longer in question, only the WHEN.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Hell With Justice
On 23 April, a federal appeal court dismissed the law suit brought against the emeritus John Murtha by the remaining US Marine still under investigation for the now debunked Haditha massacre. Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich has filed a suit against the Pennsylvania politician for defamation and slander, but the federal judge stated that Murtha cannot be held liable for the slanderous words he used toward the Marines in question, because at the time of his remarks he was acting in his lawmaker official capacity, therefore he is covered by congressional immunity.
Similarly, Murtha’s layer and the DOJ attorney are calling for the dismissal of another Marine’s, Justin Sharratt, law suit against the windbag from PA on identical grounds.
The legal suits were leveled against Murtha for the congressman’s remarks when he accused Wuterich and another seven Marines of having perpetrated murder against Iraqi civilians in 2005 in cold blood. Of the eight Marines against which criminal Military charges were brought, Wuterich is the only one that still has manslaughter charges pending, as all the other have been cleared of the charges in one way or another.
So my thinking now is that there is a need to change the law that allows elected official to do and say anything they please for political gain to do so with total impunity.
It has been years since the proceeding against these Marines were initiated, and they and their families have been put through a ringer of accusations, innuendos, prison and humiliation. To have a congressman come out and level those kinds of accusations even before the legal proceeding had even started can surely be described as a shocking state of affair. And the scumbag from Pennsylvania was a Marine on top of it!
It is a disgusting show of political favoritism if I ever seen one, but considering the unashamed way the Liberals in Washington are abusing their power and their positions, from Obama down to the last administration leech, I cannot say I am really surprised. It was just to be expected.
As America witnesses this, and of course not much is going to be shown by the MSM, we can be sure that the rampant, activist Liberal judicial system is going to change America even more, all the way to the Supreme Court.
This is a very scary time for our country, as it appears that the statue of Justice is loosing its blinders, at least the part covering her Left eye.
It is positive that the Marines falsely accused had the charges dropped, and hopefully even the charges against Wuterich will follow the same course, but it is disgusting that the federal judicial system is so openly politically corrupted that it will not take the just side of some of America’s bravest against a pompous, crooked, malignant piece of soiled dirt congressman.
This is not right!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Abusing Words
When following the 9-11-01 attack against the United States, and the US Military begun to hunt for the masterminds behind the attacks, several Taliban and al-Qaeda combatants were captured while fighting our troops in that wasteland called Afghanistan. These enemy combatants were transported to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and imprisoned.
President Bush at the time was faced by probably the worst security breech that any US president ever had, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On one side he had 3,000+ dead American civilians, the almost certainty that additional attacks were going to be launched against the country and a devastated intelligence community that had been completely blindsided. I am convinced to this day that our intelligence gathering capabilities and capacity had been reduced enough that nobody involved was able to put any of the hints together to see the general threat. On the other side, President Bush had to insure that the civil rights of the American people would not become additional victims of our enemies. This was most trying for our institutions, because as the investigation on the 19 terrorists became more clear and the pieces of the puzzle started coming together, the large number of Middle Easterners residing in America, posed a potential risk of civil right abuse.
In the meanwhile, some of those enemy combatants captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan, could have knowledge of upcoming attacks against our Nation, so enhanced interrogations were employed to find out.
Initially, the anti-American forces on our soil timidly spoke out against things like profiling and eventually begun to address the interrogations of these terrorists as “tortures”.
Torture, in my mind, is a very serious term as it applies to interrogation, because it involves the infliction of extreme pain and suffering to someone who is bound, imprisoned and incapable of defending himself. The problem for me is the abuse of the term.
Between the more than humane treatment used against the prisoners in Guantanamo and the farce that Abu Graib was, every time a Liberal calls something “torture” I have a chuckle.
I can still remember the words of the senator from Illinois Dick Durbin comparing the events in the Iraqi prison to the Nazi tortures and the Soviet Gulags, and I can still remember my reaction to that hyperbolic parallel. What came to my mind is some of the numerous readings I did regarding the Gestapo treatment of French Resistance prisoners and I felt enraged by the comparison of the actions of a small group of criminal US soldiers, as despicable as they were, to the chronic application of sadistic procedures that the Nazi employed or the Japanese employed on allied prisoners or the Vietcong employed against our captured troops in Vietnam.
And yet, for months after the Abu Graib incident, Sen. Ted Kennedy continued to carry the infamous pictures in his pocket, hunting for any available Media camera, which appeared to always be available, ready to flick the pictures out. And all this was for ultimate political gain, regardless of any damage that such actions could bring to the hundreds of thousands of honorable service men and women serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. Using the action of few bad characters to qualify the multitude of our Military so to attack the President, was the Left way to “dissent”, to be patriotic, to enhance American moral standing.
The continuous abuse of the word “torture” as it applies to the interrogation of enemy combatants in Gitmo, dramatically lowered the intensity of the meaning of the word in my mind. Ironically, as our troops moved across Iraq, they discovered real torture chambers that Saddam Hussein, and his miscreant sons, had institutionalized in their maintenance of power and just for kicks.
So what is “torture” as defined by the Liberal nutcases today? Well, the now famous waterboarding where water is poured on the face of the subject giving him the sensation of drowning. This practice has been applied for few seconds at the time, with medical personnel at the ready in case it was needed. Lets compare this watery “torture” to a Nazi interrogation technique that also involved water: a garden hose was inserted in the rectum of the subject, who was bound hands and feet and made to lay naked on the floor of a room, then the water would be turned on, causing the subject to slowly fill with water, swell up and die a horrendously painful death and that regardless if he talked or not. This treatment was also applied to women.
So much for comparison with Nazi tortures, senator Dick Durbin!
Another “torture, as defined by the power hungry Liberals, is to forcing the subject to stand for long periods of time. I guess no Liberal ever heard of the Bataan Death March of April 1942.
After the fall of Bataan, approximately 100,000 allied and Filipino prisoners were taken by the Japanese captors on a forced march from Bataan to Camp O’Donnell in suffocating tropical heat. The prisoners had surrendered because of lack of food, medicine and ammunitions, so by the time the Japanese took possession of them they were already sick and starved. Of the total number of prisoners, only about 57,000 actually reached Camp O’Donnell. The rest died of malaria, starvation or the bayonet of practicing Japanese soldiers. The captors particularly enjoyed stopping and drinking water in front of the thirsty prisoners not allowing them to have any. At times the prisoners would be so crazed with thirst that they would leave their ranks and go to the water, only to be either bayoneted or beheaded with Jap swords. Locals along the route of the march who would be moved by the suffering of the prisoners and attempt to bring some water to them would receive the same treatment.
See, Liberal Nutcases, that’s torture.
When the enemies of America use the word “torture” ad nauseam just to achieve political gain, all they achieve in my mind is the total diminishing of the real meaning of the term. If the decision to stop the enhanced interrogations of the Gitmo prisoners is reached, so be it, but I would really prefer if these techniques would be addressed as what they are: interrogations, not torture, so that the American people will be able to get the proper prospective on our real enemy (not the US Military as Napolitano tells us, but the Islamic terrorists) and its methodology of disembowelment, throat slashing, castration and the stuffing of the removed parts in the mouth of the prisoner (trick al-Qaeda learnt from the Vietcong) and ultimately beheading.
Comparison? Caterpillar-in-the-box vs. being immersed for days in an excrement pit with rats swimming around (another Vietcong favorite).
Body slamming against a padded wall as neck is protected by a brace vs. slowly lowering a prisoner into a wood chipper feet first (Uday Hussein favorite punishment for contractors late on finishing their construction work).
Sorry, but I do not feel the world deserves an apology from America for abandoning its moral grounds. The only person that needs to apologize for abandoning his moral values is Obama to the American people, for defaulting on his constitutional duty to safeguard the American people and the American institutions in the manner the US Constitution dictates him to, for the sole purpose of satisfying the agenda of his Leftist fringe.
Of course what would constitute real torture would be to have a redundant recording of Nancy Pelosi laughing and speaking, and forcing the viewing of her face, but that would really be cruel punishment.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Global Embarrassment
Case in point: Dept. of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano. Since the confirmation of this woman to the post, she has been a total embarrassment to our country and to the office of the President. As if not satisfied with the snafu of the DHS report attacking every American that basically disagrees with Obama, she managed to raise the blood pressure of our neighbors to the North, showing once again she has no business being in charge of anything.
On Monday, April 20, Ms. Napolitano was interviewed by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Co.). During the interview she made the statement that the increased border security with both Canada and Mexico is necessary because in the past terrorists have gained entry in the United States from Canada including the 9-11 perpetrators.
The statement has understandably sparked the disagreement of the Canadian government because it is well known that the 19 Islamic terrorist that conducted the attacks against the US had entered into the country directly from overseas.
The Canadian government has taken exception to Napolitano’s comment, even after she attempted another of her idiotic apologies. In her apology, Napolitano claimed that her statement had been misunderstood and Canadian officials are diplomatically stating that the rumors of the terrorists having come into the US from Canada were urban legends. Most are trying to maintain a professional approach to her initial statement and to her apology, but there are those who are not happy at all about what she stated, and they are scratching their heads about HOW did this woman get the job.
Well, my Canadian friends, this is a question millions of people in America are asking also. She was confirmed by voice vote, with a myriad of other appointees on January 20, 2009.
Because of the type of vote, I was not able to find out any so-called Republicans that have voted for her confirmation, and that prevents me from singling out them for flogging at the next elections.
I understand she is doing the bidding of her boss, but that does not prevents me from holding her responsible for the completely senseless decisions she has made so far. Terrorism is not mentioned any longer; common Americans now can expect the government to run surveillance on them because of the rightwing extremist label she created with her report; and now misspeaking about Canada and the 9-11 attacks.
To answer the question, we do not have an answer for the reason she was picked for the job. All we know is that if there is something Obama want to apologize for today, she should be the top candidate.
But the ultimate embarrassment belongs to Obama, the Man himself.
Every day since taking office, Obama has been creating the correct environment for the derision of America on the part of our enemies, who continue to thumb their noses at us.
Iran is still moving forward with their nuclear program and all that the administration has been able to do is to give warning to Israel regarding their declared intentions of doing something about it.
North Korea launched a long range ICBM that may be capable to reach the American soil.
He asked for Military contributions from his European friends during his rock star tour on that continent and was turned down cold.
He just sat listening to 50 minutes of diatribe against America from Ortega and did not react.
He took the book that his mentor Hugo “porky” Chavez gave him, a book trashing America.
He appeared almost giddy at the prospect of bringing Cuba back into the tourist list for his elitist friends and was baited by Raul Castro, only to be publicly scorned by good old Fidel for misunderstanding Raul’s words as Cuban concessions.
There is really no end to the embarrassment brought upon the American people and our country by this man and every single one of his appointees. The level of incompetence is not only stunning, but highly frightening, considering that this cluster fudge of morons is in charge of our security, both military and economic.
What Obama does not understand, and here is where the executive experience he lacks comes into play, is that the foreign enemies of America are not in the cult of personality business. They are our enemies and immune to Media created charm. Mr. Obama may be wily when it comes to political battle with opponents, aided by a complacent Media and a close circle of character assassins and spin masters, but when it comes to deal with some of the dictators and tyrants in the real world, Mr. Obama is not more than a lightweight.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
California Scum
The number one reason for the downfall of this once glorious and thriving state can be found in its political leadership of the last couple decades and in the apathy that took over Californians.
Yes, that is correct. I place a lot of the blame for the ruination of this state in the people that live here, made their fortune here and cannot be bothered with any kind of participation in the political events of the state. Case in point is the so-called political leadership we have, both at the state and at the federal level.
I am not going to waste any time addressing local disasters, like the Los Angeles mayor Villaraigosa or Gray Davis and even Arnold, but here in the Golden State we are really proud of the representatives we have in Washington, starting with our two illustrious Senators.
About Barbara Boxer, there is not much that needs to be said, except that in my opinion there has never been a politician in the Senate of the United States that has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt his or her incompetence, stupidity and single minded ineptitude as the junior Senator from California.
As much as Boxer is a true disgrace for our state, the senior Senator, Dianne Feinstein has her down for the count.
To begin with, our wonderful senator was the one who, at the beginning of February 2009, during a Senate hearing, openly declared that United States Air Force and CIA unmanned drones were flying missions against Taliban terrorists from bases in Pakistan. It was a clear exposure of potential classified operational procedures that energized the Islamic Fascists in that country against their own government. But nothing was done to the good senator, and the Media buried the story and it went away. Today we have another story that the MSM will certainly spin and hide and those Americans who get their news from the local news will never hear about.
So it appears that Sen. Feinstein took the initiative to route $25 billions to an agency, the FDIC, which usually receives funding from other sources other that taxpayers appropriations. The curious fact is that Feinstein has no connections with the Senate Banking Committee, which is in charge of appropriations for the FDIC, and yet she was able to swindle the money to the agency.
The part that is even more captivating is that just few days prior to the good senator pushing the expenditure through, the firm of which her good husband, Richard Blum, is the chairman of the board, had been awarded a huge contract from the FDIC. Coincidence? Yeah right!
What is the money for, you may ask. It appears that Mr. Blum’s company, CB Richard Ellis, received a contract from the FDIC to handle home foreclosures at a higher percentage of profit that other companies who bid on the contract quoted. Basically, CB Richard Ellis got a contract that is going to pay 8% commission on property sales and up to 30% for properties sold at a price of $25,000 or less. The competing bids, the Washington Times reports, came from companies with many more years of experience in the handling of foreclosure properties and it is known that the majority of real estate commissions are no more that 6%.
So, to recap for you, here is the deal one of the members of the most ethical Congress ever, was able to secure for her sweet husband: $25 billions taxpayers’ money appropriated wrongly to a company whose bidding was higher than the others and has less experience in the industry. And all was achieved by Sen. Feinstein involvement in a committee she had no business mingling with. Her excuse? She stated that neither she nor her husband knew that CB Richard Ellis was bidding on the FDIC contract, which would make her husband a total idiot, because as Chairman of his company he should be well aware of a bidding of such magnitude on a contract for a huge slice of a booming business. And my money is on the fact that Richard Blum is NOT that stupid.
These are the facts, now here are my thoughts. The financial wheeling and dealing is bad enough for me to want to tar and feather the woman and her mate. For the scum in Congress, 25 billion dollars may not be more than a drop in the bucket, but when such money is taken from the hard working people of America, it becomes a significant sum. Of course compared to the trillions Obama is spending, it is almost laughable. The part that really burns me, though, is how the woman is abusing her power in order to achieve financial gain on the misfortunes, in many cases, of people that lost their homes because of their job losses. In my opinion a vermin is a higher form of life than this pair of upstanding Californians.
But I know that Sen. Dianne Feinstein will probably win re-election when the time comes, because Californians are just too busy watching reality shows, hunt for celebrities and catering to illegal aliens to really take the time to be informed when they go to vote, and also because the Republican Party in California is dead and buried. The so called leadership of the California Republican Party is missing in action and has been for years. I find it just not credible that no viable contender has been able to be introduced to challenge dumb ass Boxer and quick-hand Feinstein. I can understand Pelosi, as she comes from a district whose coordinates should be given to Kim Jon Il, but it is hard for me to understand the whole state being so stupid not to hand over a nice pink slip to this criminals. I cannot remember ever meeting anyone who has voted for her or Boxer, but these cretins must be out there and I would really like to hear what their justifications are for such a choice.
Basically we get what we deserve, as Obama is bowing proof of.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Tipping Our Hand
According to these memos, what the Left is all in arm about is the various techniques of enhanced interrogation employed by CIA officers to extract information from our enemy that could prevent another attack against civilian interests in the US.
Some of these enhanced interrogations included the now famous waterboarding (a technique that simulates drowning in the person being questioned and that was applied for just few seconds and under strict medical control), slapping, sleep depravation, exposure to extreme temperatures, stress positions (involving forcing the subject into strenuous positions directed at creating fatigue and not pain), and, my personal favorite, insect-in-the-box (involving locking the subject into an enclosed space and telling him that a stinging insect was in the space, and the insect in question was a caterpillar).
The move on the part of the Left and the reaction of Obama, are based on the campaign promise that Obama made about looking into the allegation of torture on the part of the Bush Administration. The apologists for the Left declare that the investigations are necessary to improve, actually mend, the image of the United States abroad, image that, according to these miscreants, was tarnished by the position taken by President Bush, after 9-11-01, in the attempt to protect the United States from another attack that everyone in America on 9-12-01 was positive was going to happen.
The truth is more likely that the anti-American Left has not abandoned their quest to go after President Bush and other members of his administration in a crusade of destruction that has seen very few equals in the last few decades of American history. The pressure placed by these actions have a multifaceted benefit for the internal enemies of America: first, they allow them to go after Bush and Cheney and Gonzalez etc.; second, they work as a distraction of the American people from Obama’s doings; third, it feeds the anti-conservative/anti-American rhetoric which may help further Obama’s take over of power and Liberal success in future elections.
What the actions of the anti-American Left do not take into account is the potential damage that the publication of thie information may result for American security.
Former CIA director Michael Hayden commented on the release of the documents and said that the action places current and future CIA operatives into a very precarious position, because tipping our hand on interrogation techniques gives the enemy the opportunity to develop countermeasures that could be very costly for the American people. It is obvious that the techniques are going to be discarded by CIA interrogators as their efficiency is ultimately compromised by their divulgement.
In the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks and the start of Operation Enduring Freedom, Congress was informed of these techniques designed to extract information from the increasing number of enemy combatants our Military was racking up on the ground in Afghanistan. Upon learning of it, members of Congress did not express any disagreement with the Administration, as a matter of fact one member of Congress is reported to have asked the question “is this it?”, clearly not believing that the Administration was doing enough to insure the security of the country. That member of Congress was then minority leader Nancy Pelosi. Today some of those who at the time did not voice any opposition are pretending to be appalled by the methods of interrogation. Clearly a shameless display of hypocrisy.
In reality, the danger our operations in the war on terror will be facing in the future, is grave and tangible. Beside the ability to develop countermeasures against these types of interrogations, our enemies will become more and more emboldened by apparent lack of patriotic stance on the part of the country’s leadership, convinced of the division in the country and the unwillingness on the part of Obama to tackle any serious issue across the globe.
According to the White House and the DOJ, the CIA operatives will not be prosecutes for their actions, at least not right now. This move was received with vocal protestations from the Progressive fringe, as they hoped for it as a way to get to the very top of the Bush Administration (they would probably not protest much if waterboarding would be used to get them to implicate Bush and Cheney). Under the prospect of such treatment, why would any of the current CIA officers even agree to conduct any kind of interrogation beyond rank, name and serial number?
In a late development, former VP Dick Cheney is pushing the Obama administration to divulge additional memos that will show the American people some of the results, information, that the enhanced techniques have netted for our intelligence community and the security of the country, move that AG Holder and Obama appear to be reluctant to make. I wonder why? After all, these techniques are no longer allowed by the administration and having compromised them permanently, what are we hiding any more? Maybe the results would make some Americans to think for themselves?
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
On this day, this emeritus piece of camel dong stated in front of the whole Nation that the war in Iraq was lost and the President needed to bring the troops home immediately to cut our losses.
Happy Anniversary Harry! Even if the only thing lost was the little credibility you had left.
Frank "Semperpapa"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Simplicity Speaks Volumes
Second, this man returned home hailed as a hero, with the MSM foaming at the mouth to turn him into an Obama talking propaganda stooge. Instead, he just told all to leave him alone and retreated to the privacy of his family’s to enjoy his favorite meal and the unforgivable taste of freedom. Surely he has a much better understanding of what freedom means, as we do not realize the real preciousness of something until it is taken away from us.
Third, and definitely most important at least to me, Captain Phillips gave praise to the real heroes of the whole ordeal: the members of the United States Military.
During his short speech upon returning home, he called them heroes, professionals, doing an impossible job under impossible conditions. He expressed his gratitude not only to the fact that they saved his life through action that exemplifies their training and readiness, but also spoke of their position as the spear head of our Nation, a dangerous and hard place to be, in my opinion, especially these days.
Phillips called the Navy SEALs supermen and continues to praise all the others who not only saved his life, but also assisted him in the aftermath for their professionalism and dedication to the mission.
After hearing the speech from Capt. Phillips, I was most impressed by the simplicity of the man. in my mind he exemplifies what America really is, or at least was: a community of hard working people, struggling everyday to provide for their families and their communities and to achieve all that is possible through their labor. A community that recognizes the great gift they were given by just being Americans and have the opportunities that this country affords us every single day. But mostly, a community that realizes the immense debt we owe to those who go the extra mile and serve in our Military, putting their lives on the line definitely not for money or fame, but for a sense of duty and dedication to the strength and security of a Nation that unfortunately does not always shows much appreciation.
I wish I could tell Richard Phillips personally how grateful I am to him for giving real Americans a voice, transcending for once political affiliations and ideologies, giving praise where it’s due.
I hope that he will maintain his posture and not be lured into the 15 minutes of fame syndrome the Media is surely offering him. If he continues to stand tall in his simplicity, he will probably be thrown under the bus by the MSM, but in the mind of this American the simplicity of his words spoke volumes about the strength of the American people.
God bless the Military and their Families!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Like anyone, I prefer not to be wrong, but in this case I was hoping to be proven wrong. In my last blog “Another Trip Abroad” I made the prediction that Obama was going to cozy up to the Puerco of Venezuela. I actually had hoped that someone who had been so vile and conniving against the US was going to receive some sort of a chill reaction from the Emperor, but the first thing I saw on the news this morning was couple of pictures of Obama with Puerco face and they looked like they were best buddies. Now, before you admonish me in saying that that is diplomacy, I tell you that as the representative of a nation of 300 million plus, the man should have had the self respect to conduct himself more “American”.

And on the subject of the Summit of the Americas, Fox news reports that during a session the president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, an ultra-socialist, launched in a 50 minutes long diatribe against the United States and the reign of terror our country has created in South America for decades, including the isolation of the Communist regime in Cuba.
Obama just sat there listening and taking notes. I understand the diplomatic side of it, but I am afraid, and with good reason, that the notes Obama took were the talking points of his next apology. And to reinforce my concern, America’s most useless Secretary of State, and she has some fierce competition in that classification, Hillary Clinton, when asked about Ortega’s verbal scolding of our country, she avoided the question and instead launched herself into a long winded exaltation of the Caribbean performers that had entertained the dignitaries earlier.
Thanks a lot Madam Secretary, for defending America. And by the way, the period of time Ortega alluded to in his diatribe covered also her precious Bill’s regime!
Going back to the Puerco and Obama, I am unfortunately not surprised about this. Our Emperor is bowing to all America’s enemies and selling our country’s wealth and security down the river.
After bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, and cozying up to the two-bit piece of crap in Venezuela and soon make his state visit with Castro (mark my words…it’s in the works), the picture will be finally completed as our illustrious leader will suck up to the nutjob in Teheran.
But at least America will be safer from those vicious Christian-gun toting-constitutionalist-Veterans and law abiding citizens the administration has warned us about.
Brace yourself America! We are at the beginning of the American Dark Age.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Another Trip Abroad, Another Apology
This time the illustrious Emperor of America was in Mexico where, during a press conference with Mexican President Calderon, he acknowledged the drug problem Mexico is being plagued by these days and also proceeded to practically apologize for the responsibility America holds in the drug problem in our neighborhood to the South.
Obama stated that America has responsibility for the mayhem because of the hunger for illegal drugs on our streets and the flow of weapons from the US into Mexico.
So, let me try to wrap my arms around this. First. The 6,000 plus murders in Mexico of the last twelve months, which have been linked to the Mexican drug cartels, have occurred because there are too many drug addicts in the United States. Last I checked, drug use in the US was still illegal, although the law enforcement ability to stem such use is continuously hampered by the increasingly liberal attitude toward drug use. Drug users are no longer arrested and prosecuted, mostly because of the overcrowding already in our prisons. Moreover, the abuse of illegal drugs is considered by the progressive crowd as an escape from the harshness of everyday life. Even Obama confessed in his own literary achievements, of having used illegal drugs, therefore he has been part of the problem. Well I wish Mr. Obama would just limit his apologies to his own conduct and leave out me and many other Americans who have never used drugs and have thus nothing to apologize for.
Second. The issue of guns making their way into Mexico from America is very misleading, and purposely so to advance his own agenda. As it is well known, the Mexican drug cartels that have been battling the Mexican government are armed with very sophisticated weapons, including fully automatic guns and RPGs. Now, considering the reality that a legal American citizen cannot purchase even a high capacity factory magazine for his legal handgun, how in the name of the Constitution is possible that fully automatic weapons and RPGs have made their way South from the US? There is only one viable answer: illegally. So if these weapons are being illegally purchased in America and smuggled into Mexico, why is that my fault? And why is my Second Amendment right contributing to this problem?
With over 20,000 gun control laws already on the books across America one would thing that the various government agencies that supposedly are to enforce these laws would be able to get it right. On the other hand, it comes down to expecting the government to do things efficiently, and that for sure it’s an oxy-moron. And we are allowing the government to get even more involved in our lives! Wait until we have Socialized Medicine! But this is off the subject.
My whole point is that the trafficking of illegal weapons is a world wide reality, and in Mexico many of the weapons confiscated were traced back to North Korea and Israel, former eastern block countries and Russia and China. International weapon traffickers have been able to provide vital information to Iran and North Korea so that today we are faced with the almost sure possibility of these two terrorist countries having nukes.
But the president of Mexico urged Obama to reinstate the ban on assault rifles as he had promised during his campaign. Wow, this guy has real nerves! He leads a country completely corroded by corruption and violence against which he appears to be pretty much impotent, but, thanks to Obama already demonstrated tendency to throw America under the bus, he shifts the blame of his own impotence to an internal legislative issue of the United States. And to make things even more unpalatable for the American people, an issue that is directly connected to the US Constitution.
Just as I felt when George Bush kissed up to the Mexican leadership, I today become very alarmed regarding the elitist Washington crowd and the pandering done to our neighbors to the
But this will be a long trip abroad for Obama. He is headed to Trinidad and Tobago for the Summit of the Americas. South America most famous Puerco Hugo Chaves will also be there.
I am not in the prediction business, mostly because I don’t like to be wrong, but I will make an exception for this one. I predict that we will hear of an “improvised” meeting between Obama and the Pig, shortly followed by a combined press conference where Obama and his teleprompter will apologize for the harsh treatment Bush’s America reserved for Chavez.
It appears that the Obama regime is collecting allies in the south:
During Obama’s royal visit to Europe for the G-20 meeting, Obama addressed the Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula de Silva as “…my main man right here” and added “Love this guy. He’s the most popular politician on earth. It’s because of his good looks.” Obama did this just few days after de Silva had publicly blamed “blond people with blue eyes” for the economic problems of the world.
Maybe Obama will shake Chavez’s hand or maybe bow to him, to the thug who described President Bush as el Diablo and America as the global evil.
And why not? After all King Obama is practically using Venezuela’s dictator’s play book for his own power grabbing enterprise.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Friday, April 17, 2009
Just Kidding...Maybe Not?
The apology, which really was not an apology at all, was made during an interview on, of all places, the national outlet for the Rightwing Extremists she is warning us about: Fox News.
To the extent veterans read it as an accusation ... an apology is owed," she stated during the interview on Fox and Friends. In my opinion, all she did was to tell the Veterans who considered the report offensive that she was sorry, but that the assessment purported on the report was valid, as she used Timothy McVeigh as the example behind the assessment.
As the Commander of the American Legion David Rehbein stated in his protest letter, one Veteran out of millions that have served the country in combat does not constitute a statistical threat.
But even if the various Veteran Associations were satisfied by the apology, and not all were, what about the rest of America that Secretary Napolitano has insulted with the stupid piece of paper?
What about the millions of law-abiding American citizens who own firearms and are now labeled as potential national security risks? When are they getting their apology? Don’t hold your breath.
And if you are more inclined to choose life over death if a pregnancy occurs, you will be also labeled as a potential danger to the welfare of the United States. I guess as a Catholic (believe in Christ and in life: two strikes against me) I am probably under surveillance as I write this.
Some of the other excuses from Ms. Napolitano included being “just briefed” about the report. Well I got a piece of news for comrade Napolitano: I know it’s an alien concept for you Liberals, but you are head of the agency and ultimately it’s your responsibility (check dictionary for meaning of the word)!
Ok, enough spin. This is my opinion on the whole thing. The report was a last minute attempt for the administration to stem the participation of common Americans to the April 15 Tea Parties. In a blatant demonstration of worst arrogance that Obama accused America to have, he never realized that there could be a dissenting force to his Majesty of the size seen on Wednesday. The realization that maybe these nuances called Tea Parties were more extensive and diffused than previously believed sent him scrambling.
The report, so poorly written and thought out was just a weapon of intimidation.
The lapdog Main Stream Media conducted the frontal attack in the days leading up to the demonstrations and in their miserable coverage of them.
The Obama regime just plainly ignored the whole thing, just hoping it would go away.
As I read the so-called apology from Sec. Napolitano, I got the visceral reaction I used to get upon having contact with a former friend of mine. He used to have the habit to come out with insulting remarks only to follow them up immediately with the expression “just kidding” as soon as he would see my facial expression change. As I became wiser, I recognized that the true intent of his insults was not to be funny, but he really meant the insult. Well, getting wiser is good and did I mention he is a former friend? Can we all hope that soon there will be many Liberals we can describe as “former” something?
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Beginning
Even after a persistent and unrelenting attack on the part of the Media and of the Left wing nuts, the parties took place in an orderly and polite manner, clearly defining once again the difference between real Americans and the Left.
On one blog I read a Liberal mocking the Tea Parties, comparing themto the hundred of thousand who participated to protests against the war and pro-illegal immigration marches of the past.
Clearly, the boob missed the fact that many of the people who participated on April 15th did so by taking the day off from work or rushing there after work, and that many could not attend one because they were working, as opposed to those who participated in the aformentioned marches, who receive their welfare check in the confort of their own home, check paid for by the people at the Tea Parties.
I hope this is just the beginning. I hope that the politicians in Washington take the hint that something is brewing in America, and that the American people DO have the power to make changes. I hope the Tea Party crusade grows as we get closer to the 2010 elections and that a purpose of "cleaning house" will take over those Americans who really want for the United States to survive.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank "Semperpapa"
You Might Be A Rightwing Extremist...
One of my favorite comedians is Jeff Foxworthy. His “you might be a redneck” routine is one of my favorite. Now, it may not be amusing or entertaining as a comedy routine, but the latest report from the Department of Homeland Security on Right Wing Extremists is so unhinged that it deserves a spoof, even if not funny.
So in the interest of public information, here are some of the guidelines to identify Right Wing Extremists:
If you fly an American flag at home or on your vehicle (extreme show of American arrogance);
If you have one of those Harvest Festival bumper sticker on your car (Christian fanatic);
If you have a “baby on board” sign on your vehicle (obviously did not use abortion);
If you have a “support the troops” magnet or sticker;
If you wear a crucifix or cross anywhere on your body;
If you don’t own a t-shirt with the picture of Che Guevara on it;
NRA sticker (you are the Right Wing of Satan);
If you own a truck;
If you own a car weighing more that 1000 lb.
If you don’t own a Prius;
If you ever watched the South Park episode with ManBearPig;
If you never cheated or on your taxes;
If you ever paid taxes;
If you know who Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are;
If you don’t own a copy of the Communist Manifesto;
If you ever used the words “wish”, “Jack Bauer” and “real” in the same sentence;
If you own a record or CD of John Wayne;
If you ever watched movies like Saving Private Ryan or 300 or Sands of Ivo Jima;
If you know what RPG stands for;
If you don’t own at least three pairs of Berkeley sandals, of which at least one is pink;
If you know the diameter of a .50 cal bullet;
If you know the difference between a rifle and a pistol;
If you know the difference between semi-automatic and fully automatic;
If you can list three weapon systems in the American arsenal;
If you know the words of the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner;
If you never jumped in a zoo Polar Bears exhibit;
If you ever cheered for a United States national team in an international competition;
If you never set fire to an American flag;
If you never set fire to a condominium under construction or a lot of SUVs;
If you drive an SUV;
If you don’t own a villa in Tuscany;
If you never adopted a child from Africa;
If you ever listened to Country Music;
If you take a shower at least once a day;
If you use more than one sheet of toilette paper at one “sitting”;
If you don’t grow your own vegetables and marijuana;
If you don’t own a pink shirt;
If you don’t think American Universities are fair and balanced;
If you know what Fox News is;
If you don’t get a tingle up your leg when you see Obama;
If you never went to Cuba for medical treatment;
If you never used a cigar for something other than smoking;
If you smoke;
If you believe in executing child molesters;
If you believe lawyers trying to get guilty people off the hook should receive same sentence as the guilty;
If you don’t think Bill Maher is just the best;
If you don’t believe that Israel is the aggressor and Palestinians the victims;
If you don’t believe “under God” is offensive;
If you don’t believe that America is responsible for all the world problems;
If you are a Veteran that does not trash America;
If you traveled abroad and never felt ashamed to tell you are an American;
And if you believe that the attacks of 9-11-01 were perpetrated by 19 Islamic terrorists and not by George Bush and Dick Cheney...
you might be a rightwing extremist!
If any of the above applies to you, than expect a visit from Secretary Napolitano, that alone is a terrifying prospect, and she’ll bring Janet Reno with her.
Looks like we will be running for the hills soon…God bless and save America.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Justin's Memorial
Recently, a small town in Michigan witnessed the second vandalism perpetrated against a memorial monument to a local Marine killed in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. The first time, the memorial monument for LCpl Justin Ellsworth saw vandals ripping the flag off its pole and, after pouring gasoline on it, burnt it. This time the target of these sub-humans was the actual bronze memorial of boots/rifle/helmet that the town had built with funding from all the inhabitants of Mt. Pleasant. The scumbags stole the bronze rifle and Kevlar, defacing the symbol of appreciation and love of a whole community to a family that paid so much for the freedom that even the bastards enjoy every day.
Justin’s father, John Ellsworth, a staunch supporter of the US Military and vice-president of an organization called Military Families United, has been involved in the effort to lobby Washington DC to support and fund troops and their mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. After the second attack against Justin’s monument, John wrote the following letter:
For those of you that do not know me, my name is John Ellsworth and I am the Vice President of Families United. My son made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004. To honor my son, the citizens of the City of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan erected a monument in September of 2005. The citizens of Mt. Pleasant collected the funds and paid for the monument and the city provided the area near the Michigan Vietnam Memorial. In July of 2007, vandals tore down the flagpole and burned the American Flag over the monument.
This happened again on Monday night when hateful vandals tore apart my son’s monument and stole the bronze inverted rifle and Kevlar.
My family and I are absolutely devastated at this action and feel like we are mourning his loss all over again. These vandals have taken an honorable and elegant monument to our son and made it a focal point of their hatred and destruction. They have not only dishonored the memory of my son, but also the service and sacrifice of every American veteran that has risked their life in defense of this country.
John Ellsworth, Proud Father of LCPL Justin Ellsworth, KIA 11/13/04
As I struggle to keep my anger in check, my heart goes to John and the rest of Justin’s family. Funds are being collected to fix the memorial and surely that part of this disgrace will be fixed in short order. What I am hoping is that the perpetrators of this indecency will soon be pointed out to the authorities. Unfortunately, the punishment for such an offense is minimal, as compared to the pain and suffering their actions have caused the Ellsworth family.
In the meantime, I extend my gratitude to Justin and his family for the service and sacrifice they continue to make for this beautiful country of ours. The tribulations these people have and continue to endure are an inspiration to this American to try to earn the freedom they so dearly paid for.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Let The Purging Begin
How did this all start? Simple, the Party, namely Stalin, felt that any opposition to his policies and his design for the Soviet Union warranted the accusation of treason against the country. Even if a small portion of those affected was involved in some sort of conspiracy, the vast majority of the millions who perished during the purges, was just railroaded because they were vocal about their opposition to one man or just did not want to submit to his will.
The set up of kangaroo trials was all that it was needed for the government to conduct its business. Stalin was convinced, and he successfully convinced those who blindly followed him, that his vision for the Soviet Union was the best course of action at the time, so he employed his cronies to enact his plan.
Let’s now jump 65 years to today. Worrisome parallels appear on the horizon of American society. Organizations like OFA (Organization for America), ACORN, and the civil force Obama wants to have trained in similar fashion as the US Military remind us that our country is changing into a shadow of past social experiments that should be of great concern for the American people.
The scariest part of all this “organizing” that Obama is championing, and providing funding for on the shoulder of the American taxpayers, is that it is also advanced by governmental entities with, theoretically, the ability and the power to implement.
Think I am exaggerating? Well, check the news today. The Department of Homeland Security just published a report for law enforcement agencies called:
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.
I have been trying to get my hands on the whole text but the jest of the document is to inform the law enforcement agencies across the country of the danger of a surge of right wing extremism.
Personally, any kind of extremism is to be rejected because it is an approach to national issues that is so narrow minded to naturally involve the abuse of some citizen’s rights. The disturbing part of this report is the qualifications necessary for DHS to label someone as a right wing extremist. For example (from the report):
Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use.
It is clearly dedicated to protect and defend the policies of the current President, making it a partisan statement, nothing to do with the security of the country.
It continues:
From the 2008 election timeframe to the present, rightwing extremists have capitalized on related racial and political prejudices in expanded propaganda campaigns, thereby reaching out to a wider audience of potential sympathizers.
Again it centralizes the issue of dissent on Obama. It describes the opposition that many Americans have to the policies of Obama as a racial issue and a recruitment tool for people who want to switch their dissent from civilized, Constitutionally protected protest to the employment of violence. Basically, the scope is to flag authorities across the country to those who are vocal about their dissent, and identify them. The purpose is very troublesome, because a list of dissenting Americans could be eventually used for targeting on the part of a totalitarian regime.
The report also touches on the Obama goal of denigrating the Military:
DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.
As a growing multitude of Veterans is angry enough at the direction the Liberals are taking the country is planning to enter the political fray, this part is a pre-emptive strike against those Iraq and Afghanistan war Veterans that we all hope will be flooding the political candidate rosters in the elections to come. I can already see the headlines of any of the networks, any of the remaining newspapers, or any of your friendly Leftist nutcases attacking any of these candidates challenging their mental stability. It didn’t take long for the Commander of the American Legion to respond to Napolitano. David K. Rehbein sent a letter to the DHS secretary, pointing out that her report was incomplete and unfair and reminding her that terrorists are the enemies of America, not Veterans. I am very happy to see that this administration is being watched VERY carefully. God bless the American Legion!
And, I agree with Michelle Malkin when she says that this portion is probably the scariest:
DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in rightwing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political, economic, and social factors that drive rightwing extremist radicalization.
Already in Missouri last month, a sheriff deputy stopped and interrogated a motorist that had an anti-abortion sticker on his car window. Upon looking into this matter, news media found that the Missouri law enforcement agencies had been instructed into a way to identify potential militia members, namely those who had stickers supporting Ron Paul, the NRA, Christian churches and anti-abortion. The situation in Missouri sparked a lot of controversy until the State rescinded the instructions to his LEOs, but it is my opinion that just the temporary implementation of such a discriminating application of authority and the silence of the ACLU on the matter is a telling story.
So is the DHS report the setting stage for the Obama purges to begin? I do not remember during the Bush Administration, after 9-11-01, any directive from any government agency that would direct the police forces to single out certain individuals for surveillance only because they had a sticker on their car denouncing or insulting W. Bush. Not only that was not the case, but no persecution took place of those who openly attacked, betrayed or undermined our Military in the middle of two conflicts. Does anyone remember the hoopla from the Left about the Patriot Act?
I also do not remember any DHS report on the associations of candidate Obama with convicted terrorists like Bill Ayers. And why is DHS not issuing a similar report addressing the Leftist nutcases like Code Pink (they already resulted to violence at the Marines recruiting office in Berkeley) or those environmental wacko who burn housing constructions down?
In my opinion DHS should almost be a non-partisan agency, dedicated to the safety and security of the country regarding of who occupies the WH or who is in power in Congress. But it appears that the place Obama and his administration wants to take America is the one where dissent will get a person singled out, identified and I let you imagine what else.
So the best that the Obama political biased crony Napolitano can do is to identify Conservatives as an enemy of the country, trying to intimidate those of us who will take the time on April 15th to take our dissatisfaction to the streets. According to this report from DHS, every person who will attend a Tea Party is a danger to the country, every person that believes life is precious is a danger, every person who believes in the US Constitution is a danger to the country.
Disarm America and the conversion is done.
Hey Obama, Stalin would be very proud of your accomplishments so far!
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Return Of The Heroes
On the very same day the collective spirit of the American people was lifted by the news that hostage Richard Phillips had been rescued by perfect execution of Military sniper action and Mr. Phillips celebrated life for their loved one, five families somberly stood next to the Boeing 747 at the Dover Air Force base in Delaware as it carried back the remains of their soldiers on their last voyage home.
Five soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division, all died when a homicide truck hit their post in Iraq exploding about one ton of explosives, killing them and two Iraqi soldiers.
These American heroes were:
Cpl. Jason Pautsch, 20, of Davemport, Iowa.
Staff Sgt. Gary L. Woods Jr., 24, of Lebanon Junction, Kentucky.
Staff Sgt. Bryan E. Hall, 25, of Elk Grove, California.
Sgt. Edward W. Forrest Jr., 25, of St. Louis, Missouri.
Private Second Class Bryce E. Gautier, 22, of Cypress, California
This attack was the deadliest conducted against American Military for quite some time, and I always feel rage in my stomach when I hear these news, because I realize that some scumbag got really lucky in his pursuit of death and destruction, reaffirming once more the danger our Military faces wherever they are.
Cpl. Pautsch’s father, David, who with his other two sons was in attendance to his son coming home, did speak with the Associated Press afterward.
"You see these five caskets, flag-draped, it's sobering beyond belief," he said.
"You're just sobered, and you have to come to grips with the finality of it all. It provides good closure. You realize that this is the end."
Burt the quote that touched me even more from David Pautsch is this, speaking of his son:
"He despised the cowardly attitude of a lot of the politicians that brought into question the value of what they were doing over there. He despised the idea that so many Americans were too gutless to stand up for what they believed."
In just few words, David surmised the feeling that real Americans experience, as we witness the selfishness and carelessness of so many around us. I for one have deep resentment toward politicians, but I have to recognize the responsibility we as citizens have.
Bad politicians get elected via corruption of themselves and their constituency. People will vote for the politician that will give you the most for the least effort. Well, that’s the fault I find in so many Americans: we complain about the crooked politician, but we voted for him/her because he/she promised to bring some pork home. Even if philosophically disagreeing, it is more important to have a “financial benefit”. And that’s how we are stuck with the Murtha and Pelosi and Reid and Specter and Collins characters we are “enjoying” so much these days.
Meanwhile, the original ideals of our beloved America, where in hard times we as a society rolled up our sleeves and get to work, while helping our neighbor, are becoming more rare and alien, as we settle to expect handouts from the Government.
But there still are a lot of us who thank God for people like Jason and Gary, Bryan, Edward and Bryce who made us even more proud of being Americans. I can promise you: this American will never forget and never take for granted the freedom you gave your lives for.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Done and Over...For Now!
So kudos go to Obama for authorizing the skipper of the Bainbridge to take action as seen fit. Supposedly, the US Navy destroyer Captain was communicated that it appeared the pirates were about to inflict harm to Phillips as the lifeboat they occupied was in tow to the Navy vessel. As the sniper witnessed the potential danger and communicated that they had three of the pirates exposing their heads, the skipper gave the “take out” order and three rounds rendered the three terrorists inoperative simultaneously. Way to go, Navy!
Now, I am not one to be overly critical or praiseful toward Obama, but I am happy to see that he did make the right decision in the matter by giving the go ahead for the military solution of the problem. Well done Mr. President.
But I do have a problem with the timing of the solution, because there was a great potential for some major problems the longer the situation dragged. Moreover, I would have liked for Obama to come out personally and promptly to warn the pirates that America does not bow to terrorism, regardless of what name you want to use. Why did Obama not do that?
Some say, the Obama cult members, that he was in control from the very beginning, but did not want to interfere, while the critics say that his silence was dictated by the uncertainty of the action. Should the action be unsuccessful, Obama would have had an “exit strategy” from responsibility, but the operation being successful gives Obama the credit for it. The only thing that is disturbing to me regarding how the media has been spinning it for Obama is that they stated that Obama gave the authorization for action twice. This got me thinking.
Why would the Commander in Chief have to issue the same order more than once?
If every opportunity for action required the field operatives to have to obtain authorization from the White House, this is pretty bad, because by the time the communication goes up the chain of command and back down to the operative, the opportunity that motivated the request may be gone.
On the other hand, the statement from the WH and the media could just be bumping Obama’s image and involvement for this operation
Regardless of the how and why, Richard Phillips is safe and sound, three animals have been terminated and a signal sent to the pirates. This incident is done and over with, but I fear that this is not the last we hear of attacks against American maritime interests.
Just hope that if a specific policy is established to deal with future incidents, that such policy is not exposed by the NY Times or the Washington Post, giving the enemy the chance to prepare.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Boy, Am I Relieved!
The Washington Post has a great in-depth article about it, including the build-up, the tension surrounding the magnificent decision made by the American royal family. Included in the article is also the courageous input from Ted Kennedy, who is the owner of three Portuguese water dogs, just like the one chosen by the King. The article also emphasizes how friendly the relationship between the Kennedys and the Obamas has become…whoopee!
The news of the “final decision” was leaked to the press, and the WP wants you to know that they were the first to report it (I guess there was no secret Military Operation to leak this weekend to our enemies).
Also hinted by the article is a crescendo of excitement about where the new puppy will be sleeping at night. Ha, the good old days! I remember when Hillary Clinton and the White House staff had the same problem about sleek Willie!
Anyway, I am really glad that this issue of national interest seems to have been resolved, as the suspense was really killing me.
Now the White House can go back to the other mundane issues like how to get Richard Phillips and maybe other hostages free from the pirates. That, of course, after a nice pizza party from the chef from Missouri.
I Was Wondering
I had been wondering for a long while about how long it was going to take before the Illegal Immigration happy lunatics were going to be able to reach out and touch the Sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ, Joe Arpajo, and finally the time has come.
According to the Department of Justice, an investigation is being initiated on the conduct of the Arizona Sheriff. The investigation is the result of a direct request made to DOJ by several Democrats in Congress under pressure from illegal aliens liberal groups who are alleging that the Maricopa County Sheriff Office has been violating the illegals’ civil rights.
For some time now, Sheriff Arpajo has been sought by these activist groups who are demanding that Arpajo stops doing the job he was elected to do and swore to perform.
This is the letter sent by the DOJ to Arpajo’s office:
"This is to inform you that the United States Department of Justice is commencing an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (''MCSO'') pursuant to the pattern or practice provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994,42 U.S.C. §14141 ("Section 14141") and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,42 U.S.C. § 3789d ("Safe Streets Act"), and pursuant to the prohibitions against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-7 ("Title Yr') and the Safe Streets Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)." The letter continues: "The investigation will focus on alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures conducted by the MCSO, and on allegations of national origin discrimination, including failure to provide meaningful access to MCSO services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.""In conducting the investigation, we will seek to determine whether there are violations of the above laws by the MCSO," the letter concludes.
So here is another example of the pandering crusade that the forces friendly to illegal immigration are conducting against any entity that is attempting to put a stop to the invasion of our southern borders. Sheriff Arpajo has been determined to enforce the law of the state of Arizona and for this stubbornness he has been the target of every pro-illegal attack for years now and this latest is finding renewed sympathetic ears in the Obama DOJ. You thought things were bad under President Bush? Get ready for the onslaught of “reform” from the Obama machine, always on the look out for some new group of potential voters to suck up to.
Mark my word: by the time the presidential elections of 2012 will loom at the horizon, voter registration of Hispanics in the southern states will have increased multi folds, thanks mostly to the selfless work of those beautiful souls in the ACORN organization, whose efficiency will receive the fair boost by the millions of dollars Obama made sure to dedicate in the stimulus package.
So, while Sheriff Arpajo is being investigated for upholding the law he took an oath for, federal LEO agencies like Border Patrol are witnessing a tendency in their officers to be reluctant to use their weapons in the conduct of their job. Such tendency is, sooner rather than later, going to cause some LEO to get hurt or killed and then maybe the American people will begin to pay attention. Maybe!
On December 1, 2008, Mexican drug runners transported $1 million in drugs into the US just south of Tucson. They fired automatic weapons at the “intruding” Border Patrol agents who refrained from returning fire for fear of being subjected to similar treatment that Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean received. That is not what we as American want to hear as we are witnessing the drug violence escalate south of the border at frightening rate.
And the news from the White House is that possibly the Military may be positioned at the border. Well, I am all for it with a huge “if”: I will support the positioning of our Military at the border IF they are given clear rules of engagement. Basically if anyone tries to cross the border illegally, they are allowed to use whatever force level necessary to prevent it. This includes all the freaks and fairies who will surely go to the border to protest against them. Let them cross into Mexico and then mow them down as they try to come back. Moreover, no member of the Military that does his or her job will be subjected to the threat of prosecution from any entity, included the DOJ, unless their conduct is illegal and even then they would be subjected to Military law.
Attach combat pay to their compensation and I will support the initiative. Anything short than this and I would not want to see our National Guard troops and Reserves anywhere close to the border.
It is my opinion that the situation across into Mexico has reached a point where we see increasing violence spilling out into our country. I pray to be completely wrong in believing that one of these days I will read on the News that some Border Patrol agent has been hurt or worst by some two-bits drug runner with better weapons and no pacifying guidelines to follow, and that will be a sad day, as I feel in my heart that it could have probably been avoided.
Meantime, DOJ and the Administration bend over for those subversive groups that are bent on the destruction of our sovereignty as a country by going after Joe Arpajo, who is committing the grave crime of enforcing the laws of our land. Am I surprised? No, but that does not mean I am not disgusted nor that I do not have my thoughts about it.
And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”