Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Done and Over...For Now!

What great news greeted me yesterday, Easter Sunday! Captain Richard Phillips, taken hostage by the Somali pirates last week, was rescued unharmed after snipers took out three pirates simultaneously from the fantail of the USS Bainbridge and Seal Team take possession of Phillips taking him to safety.
So kudos go to Obama for authorizing the skipper of the Bainbridge to take action as seen fit. Supposedly, the US Navy destroyer Captain was communicated that it appeared the pirates were about to inflict harm to Phillips as the lifeboat they occupied was in tow to the Navy vessel. As the sniper witnessed the potential danger and communicated that they had three of the pirates exposing their heads, the skipper gave the “take out” order and three rounds rendered the three terrorists inoperative simultaneously. Way to go, Navy!

Now, I am not one to be overly critical or praiseful toward Obama, but I am happy to see that he did make the right decision in the matter by giving the go ahead for the military solution of the problem. Well done Mr. President.
But I do have a problem with the timing of the solution, because there was a great potential for some major problems the longer the situation dragged. Moreover, I would have liked for Obama to come out personally and promptly to warn the pirates that America does not bow to terrorism, regardless of what name you want to use. Why did Obama not do that?
Some say, the Obama cult members, that he was in control from the very beginning, but did not want to interfere, while the critics say that his silence was dictated by the uncertainty of the action. Should the action be unsuccessful, Obama would have had an “exit strategy” from responsibility, but the operation being successful gives Obama the credit for it. The only thing that is disturbing to me regarding how the media has been spinning it for Obama is that they stated that Obama gave the authorization for action twice. This got me thinking.
Why would the Commander in Chief have to issue the same order more than once?
If every opportunity for action required the field operatives to have to obtain authorization from the White House, this is pretty bad, because by the time the communication goes up the chain of command and back down to the operative, the opportunity that motivated the request may be gone.
On the other hand, the statement from the WH and the media could just be bumping Obama’s image and involvement for this operation

Regardless of the how and why, Richard Phillips is safe and sound, three animals have been terminated and a signal sent to the pirates. This incident is done and over with, but I fear that this is not the last we hear of attacks against American maritime interests.
Just hope that if a specific policy is established to deal with future incidents, that such policy is not exposed by the NY Times or the Washington Post, giving the enemy the chance to prepare.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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