Friday, April 24, 2009

The Hell With Justice

Exactly! The hell with justice, as it has been taken hostage by the activist judges across the country and the attorneys from the Justice Department.
On 23 April, a federal appeal court dismissed the law suit brought against the emeritus John Murtha by the remaining US Marine still under investigation for the now debunked Haditha massacre. Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich has filed a suit against the Pennsylvania politician for defamation and slander, but the federal judge stated that Murtha cannot be held liable for the slanderous words he used toward the Marines in question, because at the time of his remarks he was acting in his lawmaker official capacity, therefore he is covered by congressional immunity.

Similarly, Murtha’s layer and the DOJ attorney are calling for the dismissal of another Marine’s, Justin Sharratt, law suit against the windbag from PA on identical grounds.

The legal suits were leveled against Murtha for the congressman’s remarks when he accused Wuterich and another seven Marines of having perpetrated murder against Iraqi civilians in 2005 in cold blood. Of the eight Marines against which criminal Military charges were brought, Wuterich is the only one that still has manslaughter charges pending, as all the other have been cleared of the charges in one way or another.

So my thinking now is that there is a need to change the law that allows elected official to do and say anything they please for political gain to do so with total impunity.
It has been years since the proceeding against these Marines were initiated, and they and their families have been put through a ringer of accusations, innuendos, prison and humiliation. To have a congressman come out and level those kinds of accusations even before the legal proceeding had even started can surely be described as a shocking state of affair. And the scumbag from Pennsylvania was a Marine on top of it!

It is a disgusting show of political favoritism if I ever seen one, but considering the unashamed way the Liberals in Washington are abusing their power and their positions, from Obama down to the last administration leech, I cannot say I am really surprised. It was just to be expected.

As America witnesses this, and of course not much is going to be shown by the MSM, we can be sure that the rampant, activist Liberal judicial system is going to change America even more, all the way to the Supreme Court.
This is a very scary time for our country, as it appears that the statue of Justice is loosing its blinders, at least the part covering her Left eye.
It is positive that the Marines falsely accused had the charges dropped, and hopefully even the charges against Wuterich will follow the same course, but it is disgusting that the federal judicial system is so openly politically corrupted that it will not take the just side of some of America’s bravest against a pompous, crooked, malignant piece of soiled dirt congressman.

This is not right!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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