Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Confuse Us With Facts

April 24, 2009. The date a Congressional hearing where Al Gore was going to spew some more travesty regarding the high power scam that is called Global Warming. Actually these days, because the warming part is harder to feed to the masses due to the lower temperatures having been recorded, is better known as Climate Changes.
Whatever the fad is called these days, the reality of the whole thing is that good old Al has been feeding a healthy portion of bovine excrements that a lot of ignorant people have bought into. Now, I am not going to get into a scientific discussion, because I am not a scientist and, opposed to Gore, I don’t pretend to play one on TV. My ranting is sparked by the abuse of power that the Liberals in Washington seem to be enjoying so much these days.

At this supposedly high profile hearing, Al Gore was supposed to testify next to someone with opposing views, in sort of a fact-finding event. The person that was to “debate” the illustrious former VP was one Lord Christopher Monckton, a REAL British scientist who had been scientific advisor for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Lord Monckton flew to Washington for the hearing, only to find out, upon landing in the US capital, that the Democrats had rescinded his invitation made by Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) who sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Upon receiving the un-invite, Lord Monckton described the Democratic leadership in the US Congress as “cowards” and I could not agree more with his assessment.

The whole ordeal is nothing more than the attempt to subdue the growing sentiments that the cause championed by Al Gore and his fund raisers is nothing more than a Global Scam.
In the attempt to blow smoke in the eyes of the American people and the world on the subject, the ranking Democrats invited former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich to replace Monckton, which immediately brought to my memory the image of the commercial that Gingrich made about Global Warming sitting on couch with no other than Nancy Pelosi.

This was just another example of the methodology employed by the Liberals in America to assert their power and abuse it. The cause of the hypocritical Gore has been debunked by thousands of real scientist whose opinions have been totally ignored by the political leadership in Washington. The simple reason for this ignorance of facts resides in the Liberal take over of control over the lives of the American people. They equate the climate scam movement with a real, enthusiastic possibility to impose their will upon the people by taking control of what they drive, how they heat or cool their homes, how they manage their energy consumption.
What does this control translate into? Out-of-control taxation.
Does anybody really think that Nancy Pelosi cares about the environment, as she scurries around the country in fuel-eating Air Force jets at a whim? Really!
Or even Obama, who burns thousands of pound of jet fuel just to celebrate Earth Day in Iowa?

Sorry, but I am not convinced. To me Al Gore is just another frustrated fat politician who is trying desperately to remain relevant in the lives of the American people. His work on the Climate Change issue is nothing more than a way for this wind bag to attempt to make sure the people of this country do not forget who he is. If there was any truth in the cause he has made a fortune on, the way to add credibility to his point would be to have a serious debate with experts on the subject. Avoiding any kind of rebuttal and having his buddies in Congress watch his fat rear end does nothing for me to believe anything he says.

And please, do not come to me and tell me that he won an Oscar for his lie-cumentary, because I have been unimpressed (major understatement) with the Oscar crowd for many years now, so that does not make me write bad checks!
Same goes for the Nobel Prize. After the Peace Prize was awarded to Yassir Arafat, all my respect for that achievement went right out of the window. It proved to me that all those folks are is a bunch of rich elitists so far from the reality of our world that they might as well live on Mars and they would be more relevant.

So the Socialists in Congress scored another “victory” for their record of abuse of power. They went to the extreme of making a farce of another Congressional hearing - for which, remember, we pay for including getting Lord Monckton to the States – just so that Al Gore would not be humiliated in public. This is just another example of what the American people voted for and now get. This is the new America, where the political leadership openly stifles dissent (remember when dissent was patriotic? Now is racist!), and even when they are brought to task, they are so smug that they openly ignore the people’s outrage.

Well, how is Hope and Change working out for you?

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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