Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rejecting Memories

The airwaves have been filled with cries about morality, how in America it took the election of the Messiah Barak Hussein Obama for an entire country to regain its morality. The subject is the famous “tortures” that the Bush Administration authorized following the 9-11-01 attacks against our civilian population. The release of some of the secret memos discussing the alleged tortures has fueled the Left nutcases into a frenzy, not much different of the feeding frenzy we would witness from a school of blood crazed sharks.
The released memos, which by the way gave away to our enemies that much we had as a tactical advantage, indicated that the famous waterboarding was applied 183 times to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 83 times to Abu Zubaydah, at least as reported by the NY Times, a collection of numbers that brought the terrorists apologist to tears and rage against the people who kept America safe for eight years. Of course, what the NY Times conveniently forgot to mention is that the numbers they referred to as “instances of waterboarding” actually were the numbers of total times water was poured on the subjects’ faces. Truthfully, Mohammed only was truly waterboarded a total of FIVE times and Zubaydah a grand total of TEN times, and these numbers come to us from a Red Cross report and testimonies from the two peace loving terrorists themselves. If anyone is waiting for the NY Times to print a correction, well…you probably have a better chance to get waterboarded by Obama himself.

So, as I read about these “tortures” and the apologies of the Obama gangsters and the “outrage” of the lunatics on the Left, I get a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. My rage is compounded by having the bad habit of reading and searching for common sense truth. So couple of days ago I found a magazine dated back to about September 12 or13, 2001. Full page pictures of the tragedy that had befallen on America just few days earlier. These pictures are famous, having circulated the globe until the powers in control of the Media decided that they were too brutal, too inflammatory to keep on showing them, images that have all but disappeared from all Media. These were pictures of people in New York plunging to their deaths from hundred of feet, some in couple, some alone, having to have made the horrible decision to prefer a long plunging death to being burned alive. I looked at the pictures of emergency personnel, the firefighters and police officers, resolutely walking into the buildings, full conscious of the fact that it could be their last mission, only to be reduced to dust just few minutes later. I gazed at the pictures of those dazed survivors covered in dust and blood, walking as zombies out of the devastation. I looked at the heart wrenching pictures of terrified and devastated relatives walking the streets, holding pictures of a loved one missing.
Pictures of those innocent victims whose lives were brutally and violently truncated for the simple sin of living in America and making a living in the Twin Towers (remember, the Little Heichmans as described by that typical example of Academia Ward Churchill?).

There were pictures of the devastation at the Pentagon, where uniformed and civilian personnel was running toward the flames in the attempt to help those who were still alive.
And the pictures of a large crater in a field in Pennsylvania, where the first counterattack of the latest conflict America had been brought upon, took place.

The images in the magazine, only re-enforcing the rage inside me, as the memories and the fear of those days have never really left my consciousness. I just wish I could say the same for the rest of America!

I should have not looked at those images at a time when I am witnessing America being slowly dismantled from within. The same ideological type of people who sat in the cockpits of those airplanes in 2001, today walk the halls of Congress, the Pentagon and the White House; people who hate America, hate everything she has always stood for, people who look at America as the evil responsible for all the discontent and hate in the world. These are the people that a portion of the American population gave power to, via the ballot boxes. Some of those voters are already regretting the choice made in November, others are so blinded by the historical fact of having a black President that they do not realize the color of the skin is no substitute for love of country and respect for the Constitution and the American way of life. In a country like America, the color of the skin should not be a substitute for incompetence and ill intentions.
And yet the memories of 9-11-01 are fast fading, being rejected by a multitude of Americans at a rate that is frightening. We Americans have become reactive people with no common sense.
We react to a moronic, insensitive stunt as it was just perpetrated over the Manhattan skies on Monday, suddenly reminded of the terror we felt in 2001 when we saw the planes flying low over the city skyline, sending thousands of people scurrying like terrified roaches. But the same people get all squeamish about some water poured over the face of a terrorist.

Opulence and security has changed the American people, who have lost that love of country and love of freedom and individuality that has made America what it is. We have become a country of people who MUST belong to some form of group, who are uncomfortable with self-reliance, who depend on collectivism when we are faced with what we perceive as a life obstacle. We can no longer live our lives unless we are aware of all the others with the same idiosyncrasies as ours and when all else fails, we need the Government to wipe our butts.
Maybe, just maybe, the economic ruination Obama is bringing upon the country and the perfect conditions for another possibly worst attack Obama is creating, not to mention the conditions for defeat he is fostering in Iraq, will take America into a dark era that will somehow force the people to realize what they once had and allowed to be taken away: liberty, honor, pride in country, willingness to preserve our way of life, independence from a corrupted government, conscience of morality.

We can start by not allowing others to force us to reject our memories, especially the bad ones. Such are the memories that will inspire the continuation of the fight for our country.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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