Thursday, April 23, 2009

Global Embarrassment

The Obama regime took office in January 2009 claiming that they were going to re-establish global respect for America, respect that the Bush Administration had all but squandered in their eight years at the controls of the country. So far, with almost 100 days under his belt, Obama has managed to embarrass the country in such a way that now every two-bit dictator in the world is thumbing his nose at us. The only bright moment of note was the rescue of Capt. Phillips from the Somali pirates. The rest of the time, true Americans have been shaking their heads in disbelief at the incredible incompetence of the Administration and of every single member of Obama’s cabinet.

Case in point: Dept. of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano. Since the confirmation of this woman to the post, she has been a total embarrassment to our country and to the office of the President. As if not satisfied with the snafu of the DHS report attacking every American that basically disagrees with Obama, she managed to raise the blood pressure of our neighbors to the North, showing once again she has no business being in charge of anything.

On Monday, April 20, Ms. Napolitano was interviewed by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Co.). During the interview she made the statement that the increased border security with both Canada and Mexico is necessary because in the past terrorists have gained entry in the United States from Canada including the 9-11 perpetrators.
The statement has understandably sparked the disagreement of the Canadian government because it is well known that the 19 Islamic terrorist that conducted the attacks against the US had entered into the country directly from overseas.

The Canadian government has taken exception to Napolitano’s comment, even after she attempted another of her idiotic apologies. In her apology, Napolitano claimed that her statement had been misunderstood and Canadian officials are diplomatically stating that the rumors of the terrorists having come into the US from Canada were urban legends. Most are trying to maintain a professional approach to her initial statement and to her apology, but there are those who are not happy at all about what she stated, and they are scratching their heads about HOW did this woman get the job.

Well, my Canadian friends, this is a question millions of people in America are asking also. She was confirmed by voice vote, with a myriad of other appointees on January 20, 2009.
Because of the type of vote, I was not able to find out any so-called Republicans that have voted for her confirmation, and that prevents me from singling out them for flogging at the next elections.
I understand she is doing the bidding of her boss, but that does not prevents me from holding her responsible for the completely senseless decisions she has made so far. Terrorism is not mentioned any longer; common Americans now can expect the government to run surveillance on them because of the rightwing extremist label she created with her report; and now misspeaking about Canada and the 9-11 attacks.
To answer the question, we do not have an answer for the reason she was picked for the job. All we know is that if there is something Obama want to apologize for today, she should be the top candidate.

But the ultimate embarrassment belongs to Obama, the Man himself.
Every day since taking office, Obama has been creating the correct environment for the derision of America on the part of our enemies, who continue to thumb their noses at us.
Iran is still moving forward with their nuclear program and all that the administration has been able to do is to give warning to Israel regarding their declared intentions of doing something about it.
North Korea launched a long range ICBM that may be capable to reach the American soil.
He asked for Military contributions from his European friends during his rock star tour on that continent and was turned down cold.
He just sat listening to 50 minutes of diatribe against America from Ortega and did not react.
He took the book that his mentor Hugo “porky” Chavez gave him, a book trashing America.
He appeared almost giddy at the prospect of bringing Cuba back into the tourist list for his elitist friends and was baited by Raul Castro, only to be publicly scorned by good old Fidel for misunderstanding Raul’s words as Cuban concessions.

There is really no end to the embarrassment brought upon the American people and our country by this man and every single one of his appointees. The level of incompetence is not only stunning, but highly frightening, considering that this cluster fudge of morons is in charge of our security, both military and economic.
What Obama does not understand, and here is where the executive experience he lacks comes into play, is that the foreign enemies of America are not in the cult of personality business. They are our enemies and immune to Media created charm. Mr. Obama may be wily when it comes to political battle with opponents, aided by a complacent Media and a close circle of character assassins and spin masters, but when it comes to deal with some of the dictators and tyrants in the real world, Mr. Obama is not more than a lightweight.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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