Extensive historical research conducted in Italy and Germany, has uncovered a historical piece of the puzzle that has been afflicting many historians on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, from Europe to South America.

Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini has been proved to have fathered an illegitimate son. The occurrence can be dated to the same period when the Duce was also involved in an extra-marital affair with his long time lover Claretta Petacci.
But the illegitimate son was not born from Petacci, who remained with the Italian dictator until they were captured and executed by Italian partisans.
The woman Benito Mussolini had this child with left Italy right after the birth and settled in America, while the boy was sent to a previously unknown South American country to be interned in a mental institution due to his severe retardation.
The identity of the woman who reared the Duce’s illegitimate, mentally challenged child was finally found after six decades of research. Here is her picture:

Yes, non other than today’s Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
In a fortunate turn of events, documents were traced that started to point historians toward finding the identity of the child. And the trail brought the researchers to identify Benito Mussolini and Nancy Pelosi love child to be this man:

The discovery has been hailed as one of the most important of the century, as it explains both Hugo Chavez’s hunger for power and his stupidity.
It’s all in the genes!
Frank Semperpapa