Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Guilty By Omission

June 6, 1944 – June 6, 2009. What a difference 65 years make. Then an entire country stood behind the American Military as it bled and die on the shores of Normandy and countless other battlefields across the globe, across the unforgiving enormity of the Pacific Ocean. Then an entire country joined a President in prayer for those who were embarking on a gigantic step toward the final victory over tyranny and the liberation of an entire continent.
Today, we witness a American President speaking at Point du Hoc, Omaha Beach, where so much sacrifice and heroism was witnessed, who in an un-emotional, convoluted speech, pays a tired tribute to those who have in the past carried the brunt of American ideals while at the same time purposely ignoring those who are still doing so in two separate conflicts.

While participating in the 65th Anniversary of the Normandy landing, Obama spoke in his usual rhetoric rich manner. As I started to listen to the speech, I was struck by the lack of any emotional underlining in his delivery. It is beyond my comprehension how can anyone stand at that historical site and in front of the remaining Veterans, a lot of who, it is known, will probably be on the last visit to the place where they made history and where a lot of their friends still are to never get older, and not being in total awe. So once the automated delivery of someone else’s words started, my interest in the speech was practically over and I preferred to read the transcripts instead. At one point, Obama made a statement that hit me for what he did not say, more than what he did:

That is the story of Normandy -- but also the story of America; of the Minutemen who gathered on a green in Lexington; of the Union boys from Maine who repelled a charge at Gettysburg; of the men who gave their last full measure of devotion at Inchon and Khe San; of all the young men and women whose valor and goodness still carry forward this legacy of service and sacrifice.

What was omitted was a direct reference to Iraq and Afghanistan. Faithful to his opposition to the Iraqi war, the President could not and would not address those who have again made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country and in name of giving a foreign people the gift of self determination. Faithful in his mission of dismantling and discrediting everything America has accomplished in Iraq, he made sure that the sacrifice of the fallen and their families was once again disregarded by the Military’s Commander in Chief.
Similarly, the US Military efforts in Afghanistan were ignored, most likely, in my opinion, not to mar the accommodating stance that Obama has taken toward the Islamic world. The Military is witnessing the person who should be advancing and praising their efforts leaving them out of a speech dedicated to commemorate those who came before them.

Normandy, Lexington, Gettysburg, Inchon, Khe San should have been joined by Al Kafji and Felluja and Ramadi and Tora Bora, as the efforts and dedication and the blood spilled in those locations was just as American. The main difference is that there seems to be reluctance on the part of the Obama Administration to mention any of the efforts made by our Military against the forces of extreme Islamic terrorism.
It is highly disturbing how the blood of American Service Members is continuously been used by Obama and his cronies to advance, promote and impose their anti-American political agenda.

There is really no end to the level of disgust that I feel every time the President speaks about the Military, as it is obvious to me that the men and women in uniform have been used and abused by him and those in his regime for exclusive political scope.
One of the most used expressions regarding Obama and his approach to politics is “thrown under the bus”, and it really is the one phrase that would more effectively be the descriptive one for this man who has built a career upon the shoulders of others while always ready to discard them the moment that they no longer fit in the puzzle of political power he is building.

And while this man is repeatedly generating waves of nausea inside me as I see his total abuse of his CinC position, while his posture and behavior is continuously showing his open disregard for our men and women in uniform, the same men and women continue to do their job, spurred by their belief in the US Constitution, fully aware of the oath taken and battling the ongoing attempt to demoralize them on the part of the civilian leadership in Washington.
The men and women in uniform stay focused on their missions, but their families are home dealing with a prevalent environment of national indifference, opposition and ignorance fostered by those in the highest governmental positions.
Maybe members of the Military will not remember or dwell too much on the treatment received by politicians, as their duty and unit brotherhood will be strong and lasting. But the families will never forget, Mr. President. I will never forget!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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