Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still Not Enough?

President Obama is still not forcefully enough in his condemnation of the behavior of the Iranian regime to this day. He is still not openly bringing the power of America, which is still something to be recon with even after his multiple attempts to destroy it, in support of those who are sacrificing and dying on the streets of Iran.

Although official news have been curtailed by the thugs in Teheran, still we have trickling news coming out of the locked country describing the tragedy occurring on the streets of Iranian cities. After the killing of Neda Soltan, killing that has shocked the world over and whose images have become the symbol of an entire people’s struggle for self-determination, the latest I found from Teheran is in an article from the UK newspaper Guardian.

According to the article, the family of Neda was forced by authorities to leave their home in Teheran. The report states that the family is no longer living in their apartment, where they were not allowed to display any sign of mourning or to receive any visitors. Since the death of Neda and her identification, militants from the regime have been harassing all who tried to contact the family. Signs of mourning and visitors are traditional acts following the death in a family in Iranian culture and the prohibition of these acts is only another way the government is punishing the memory of Neda. The family appears to have vanished.
Also according to the article, the neighborhood has been practically seized by the government militants in the obvious attempt to snuff any potential gathering of protesters near the home of the “face of the revolution”.
The regime has gone so far to label Neda as a martyr of the government, because they state that she had been killed by supporters of the opposition to create a symbol of the protest.

So my question is: what is going to be enough to push Obama to place the full weight of America behind the freedom-seeking people of Iran? The actions of the Teheran regime are still not enough, Mr. President?
What has happened to my country? America was the beacon of hope for millions of people across the globe and now it has become a teetering giant being laughed at by every two-bit despot wanting to make a name for himself.
The Iranian thugs are laughing at us and preparing to have representatives of their government attend 4th of July celebrations in US Embassies all over the world. These are the official representatives of the government that killed Neda and countless others. And our President will legitimize them by allowing them on US soil to celebrate our Independence.
The little nutcase in North Korea is thumbing his nose at us and preparing to also celebrate 4th of July by firing rockets toward Hawaii and probably exploding some nuke somewhere. And while this is shaping up and the missile defense is placed into position to intercept the potential threat, Obama is still maintaining his position on cutting the missile defense budget and talking about unilateral nuclear disarmament.

And while all this is going on and Obama is enjoying his ice-cream and taking on a new round of golf, the relevance of the United States as the only Superpower quickly sinks to the level of the Carter years. In those dark days of American history people laughed at America as good old Jimmy allowed 52 US citizens to be held hostages for 444 days and authorizing a half-hearted rescue attempt that cost the lives of several US Military members. At the time Jimmy at least locked himself in the White House.
This President is not only destroying the country financially, not only he is mishandling Iraq and making America less safe, but he is also destroying the hope that America represents to oppressed people all over the world.
The legacy Obama is building is horrendous, to say the least. And no infomercial from any whoring Media outlet will ultimately be able to save it.

It is my hope that what America is witnessing today from this President will be enough for its citizens to insure that starting in 2010 this man’s power is completely eviscerated by taking Congress away from him. America, stand up for right!

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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