Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Justice

‘Terrorists will not be brought to the US’ was the statement from Obama to Reid, echoed by Republicans in Congress. And as the words practically still sounded, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani move from Gitmo to America was in the planning and is today done.
What a surprise! The Obama administration lied to the American people!

Who is Ahmed Ghailani? He is a high achiever who went in just few short years from being a bicycle riding, bomb carrier for those who perpetrated the terrorist attacks against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, to becoming a body guard for none other than Osama bin Laden. Really impressive career development almost as good as going from community organizer to President of the United States.

Now, good old Ahmed is in the US and is going to be prosecuted in federal court, at taxpayers’ cost and, my personal favorite, being afforded the luxuries of the American judicial system.
I would ask the humble question: what is wrong with this picture?
In the first place, this man has sworn to try to kill as many Americans as possible. Second, he is a sworn enemy of our country, and yet the Obama regime is going to give the man all the “rights” that American Citizens used to have the privilege to be entitled to.

Ahmed has pleaded not guilty (gee, really?) and now his trial will become a political/propaganda offensive on the part of the Islamic enemies of America and the peaceniks of America. We will be treated to demonstrations of solidarity for this piece of garbage and somehow our Nation and our Military will turn out to be the one on trial.

On a similar front, Abdulhakim Muhammad, the killer of Pvt. William Andrew Long in Arkansas, has pleaded not guilty to the charges of premeditated murder. His plea was not dictated by his attempt to deny having committed the crime, but on the fact that his was a justified action of punishment for the US Military for having disrespected the Koran and for the actions of the Military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, he does not deny the indictment, but he believes it to be justified.

This is all good, and it will all end up well, because Attorney General Holder is on the case and we can expect the unexpected from him and his boss, Obama.

It is only a matter of time for Muhammad and Ghailani to receive the wrath of the American justice under the new Obama direction and will see their charges dropped for some legal technicality that no one will have the fortitude to oppose, lest be labeled “racist”

Both murder suspects, both terrorists, are black. Both terrorist are Muslim. Both terrorists are the result of America’s imperialism and lack of sensitivity toward the Islamic extremists. So both men will be treated like the New Black Panthers thugs caught on video intimidating voters in Philadelphia and will be released with the government apology and after promising that they will refrain in the future from trying to kill Americans. And possibly have a managerial position within ACORN.

All this would be slightly amusing if it was not the security of our country to be at stake. I still remember the ‘outrage’ from the Left directed toward former VP Cheney when he stated that Obama was making America less safe. All that outrage was fueled by the usual Media whoring who will sit back and witness American loss of innocent life only for the purpose of spinning Obama disastrous policies.
A return to terrorism combated as a law enforcement problem is highly dangerous and just a precursor to another 9-11 style attack, with much greater casualty rate. It is not because of the inability of an agency like the FBI to do the job, but it is just a matter of focus. Law Enforcement is trained to deal with crime as a societal phenomenon sparked by socio-economical causes, while terrorism is a violent action which today we see mostly sparked by religious fanaticism and directed to affect as large a segment of the population as possible. LEOs are not necessarily trained to deal with the prevention of an act like intelligence agencies are.

But Obama is bent on allowing the issue of terrorism to be handled in the same fashion it was prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001, and if history is our teacher, and it always is, it is now only a matter of time and logistics that we will suffer another attack.

It is really painful for me to witness the steps taken by Obama and his minions to ward making America incredibly open to another terrorist attack.
It remains my position that it is Obama’s plan that if another terror attacks befalls on America, he would take the “crisis” as an opportunity not to let go to waste. Marshal Law, suspension of the Constitution and of the people Constitutional Rights, gain of total power. And the scary part is that the American people would just sit back and let it happen in the name of defending America.

And these are my thoughts!
Frank “Semperpapa”

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