Thursday, December 22, 2011
Another Feather In Obama's Hat
The count is very close to 4,500, tens of thousands wounded and their lives altered forever together with their families. And the Iraq war is over.
The end of WWII saw 440,000 KIAs for both theaters, European and Pacific. a staggering number regardless how you look at it, but a number that was not rendered useless by Harry S. Truman "ending" the war. The sacrifice of so many Americans lives brought the defeat of ruthless enemies not only of America, but of any speck of human decency.
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were defeated, millions of human beings were free.
Did all evil suddenly disappear? Of course not, but the evil of the Jewish Holocaust did. The horror of Japanese occupation in the western Pacific did.
No war ever eliminated evil completely. The first World War was supposed to be the "war to end all wars", the Great War (how can an adjective like "great" be associated with war?) to eliminate evil, and, as we know, that did not work out too well.
Barak Obama campaigned in 2008 on ending the war in Iraq, a war he qualified as "dumb". Really challenging for my intellect to consider this idiot as my president. This is supposed to be the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief and yet had the audacity to qualify the blood and sacrifice spent in Iraq as being for a "dumb" cause, useless at least until it could come handy in his campaign.
And now, today, we can clearly see that the concerns of many in the know and many, like yours truly, who just use common sense, are sadly coming true, as the Obama regime "ended" a war that has cost America dearly in blood. Sure, the cost in treasure has also been high, but that particular aspect of the war remains a point of great disappointment for this American. The Iraqi nation, with the riches it holds in terms of oil, should have been made to pay back the American people for much of the expenses to free their people.
So my main concern is that of the families of those who left to fight for their country and never made it home. These families are today witnessing exactly the disintegration of the efforts their service member paid so highly to achieve.
Sunni and Shi'ite infighting is back, not even one week after the last American troop left Iraq, just as it had been predicted: our enemies had all the time and opportunity to plan their return to violence once the date had been telephoned by the administration.
What is going to happen now? Clearly, it looks like the sectarian issues among the leaders of Iraq is as alive as ever and the so called leadership is more interested in addressing old hate than insuring the safety and security of the Iraqi people.
14 separate and coordinated bombings have killed dozens of innocent people and it is only the beginning.
The result of all this is to alienate the Iraqi people against the Americans. What do the common folks in Iraq want more than anything? Security.
The mode of our departure while aimed at boosting Obama's image with his lunatic anti-war fringe, is certainly angering those who will pay in blood for the Obama re-election ploy.
But even if I want to discount the vicissitudes of the Iraqi population, I still am horribly angered by the perception that Gold Star families must be getting these days, their loved one lost only to see the country fall back into unrestrained violence. Sacrifice for nothing.
I have said this before, but never tire of repeating it: wars are not ended. They are either won or lost. If the political leadership in America has become so spineless that the idea of victory against the enemy of the Nation is considered "extreme" than they have no business sending our boys and girls into battle. If they are not allowed to fight to win, they should not be asked to go die for someone political ambition.
I have met many of those Gold Star families as they buried their dead. There is no boundary to the sorrow I feel for them, especially right now when the sacrifice of their son, daughter, mother, father, husband, wife has been made null by the ambitions of some politician.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Neck at Neck
It must be a race between the old idiot and the young moron and the score is pretty tie these days. That's why the old fool is once again going on the offensive (and he is a very offensive fool!)
What am I talking about? The race is the one for the accolade of the worst president this Nation has ever seen, the candidates? Barak Hussein Obama and Jimmy Carter.
It is a clear toss up for many to qualify either of these individuals with the title of "worst" and even if my opinion qualifies Obama as clearly way ahead of his senile competitor, I must acknowledge the enduring attempts of peanut brain Carter to gain terrain over the young Marxist.
One round is today going to Carter, as the state news outlet of North Korea has divulged a letter of condolences that the former president of the United States sent to Kim Jong un in the occasion of the death of his beloved father Kim Jong Il.
Yes, according to the Norks, the letter expressed the condolences of Carter to the new tub-o-lard Kim Jong un and the rest of the Korean people for the untimely passing of the long time dictator of that country.
Never mind that the old porky pig can be held accountable for the death of unknown innocent North Korean civilians of starvation and re-education.
Never mind that Kim is responsible for violent aggression against the South Korean civilian population.
All this is not a preoccupation for Mr. Carter who has never been concerned about anything related to personal accountability. And now he is expressing his sorrow for Kim's demise.
The only thing the world, and especially the N. Korean population, should be sorry for is that the ass hat did not die sooner, possibly taking Carter with him.
And the fact that Kim Jong Il sought and achieved nuclear weapons must be another source of sorrow for Carter for the loss of such a man. Wonder if Ron Paul joined Carter in his sorrow. After all I am sure Kim's beef against the United States and its allies was provoked by our actions and who are we to tell the Norks that they should not have nukes!
Isn't that correct, Congressman Paul?
Just my thoughts!
Friday, December 9, 2011
And This Guy Is A Congressman?
Never stops to amaze me the level of idiocy displayed by some of the people elected in Congress.
Yes not just the idiocy of those who have been elected, but the level of stupidity that must pervade those who actually go and vote for these morons.
Barbara Boxer, senator from the once great state of California, has very few rivals in the realm of mental deficiency, but there is a congressman who just blows the Californian idiot away: Georgia congressman Hank Johnson.
I am not sure and I am not interested in finding out who actually comprises the constituency of this guy, but when an idiot like him opens his mouth, I become increasingly fearful for my country.
As the Fast and Furious controversy ensues, as common sense Americans are waiting for the moment when AG Eric Holder is impeached and taken out of the DoJ, we have the statement of Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA):
"I think this is another manufactured controversy by the second amendment, NRA Republican tea party movement."
Yes my friends, the criminal operation engineered by the DoJ to attack the Second Amendment of our Constitution was conceived by the same people who champion the defense of our right to own and bear arms. Utterly preposterous, I would say.
But not for the congressman from Georgia. And Johnson must know what he is talking about, as he did in the following video:
Yes, I feel so good that the survival of our republic resides in the hands of people like Rep. Hank Johnson. Don't you?
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
The Corzine Effect
No, former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine does not have any knowledge of the whereabouts of $1.2 Billions that have disappeared from the company of which Corzine was CEO.
The brokerage company, MF Global, a very appropriate first initials as they relate to Corzine, filed for bankruptcy, but the former chief is being questioned by the House Agricultural Committee regarding the plain and simple disappearance of $1.2 billion of customers' funds.
I am sure that if there is an actual congressional investigation, a truly honest investigation (I know, honest and congressional in the same sentence is an oxymoron, but I can hope), Corzine's involvement in the disappearance of the money would be all clearly apparent.
And considering the closeness between Corzine and Obama, I wonder how much of the missing funds found their way into Obama coffers. But we will never know, as the Chicago way is the law of the land in Washington.
And to think that the former governor had been Obama's choice for Treasury secretary. How much would be the missing sum? If Gaitner has succeeded in making so much of America's wealth disappear, how much more successful could have the finer criminal Corzine have been.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Obama Purposely Killing American Economy
Just another day at the office: Obama, via his cabinet minions, is purposely destroying the American economy in the obvious attempt to create enough financial chaos to spur civil unrest.
I know you are all saying that I am exaggerating the whole thing, but I will once day be proven correct, unfortunately.
As the Dept. of Energy is clearly exercising their power in handing out taxpayers' money to companies that, even as they fall into bankruptcy, are able to provide large amounts of return money to specific Obama donors, the Dept. of Interior is suspending the lease of Wayne National Forest, using as an excuse that the shale gas drilling process in Ohio requires additional studying in regard to environmental impact. But of course!
The study, which according to Interior will take at least 6 months, will indeed delay by at least that long the creation of approximately 204,000 good paying jobs.
And isn't that the "laser focus" of Obama? That and the Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard?
The confidence of the American people in the integrity of said study should also reach the pinnacle of trust, especially after we just hear that the Obama regime pressured the contracting company ECSI to modify their report on the impact of recent mining regulations upon the mining industry. The company, after analyzing the new batch of regulations instituted against the coal industry, found out that the latest regulations would cost at least 7,000 coal jobs.
When the White House told the company to modify the findings to hide the job impact, the members of the researching panel refused, causing the non renewal of the government contract. In other words, ECSI did its job and was asked to falsify its report. When it refused, the government punished it by ending the contract.
The signs are obvious: Obama and its minions are bent on destroying the American economy. The financial ruination of our economic system is the fastest road for the statist despot to bring large masses of people to depend on the handout from the federal government. And depending on the federal government means that the government will take the decision making capability away from the individual and centralized it, including removing any and all individual rights.
And that's why Obama is purposely killing the American Economy. That's how dictatorships are born.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Obama Killing The Constitution
It is the Second Amendment that makes the Obama regime nervous, so, in the spirit of every totalitarian regime in the past, the attempt to kill the Constitutional right of the American people to own and bear arms continues.
The efforts are left handed, conducted by the minions of the regime, in this case the Bureau of Land Management, part of the Dept. of Interior.
This specific attack is directed at banning recreational shooting from public lands, which translates in millions of acres of American soil being off limits to shooters and hunters, especially in the West of the country, where the Obama regime has been on a binge of confiscating land.
The interesting part of the move from the BLM is that the decision is being made based on interaction between shooting enthusiasts and anti-gun morons. And it is not even based on the issue of safety, but in the emotional cracking that shooting noise causes in individuals opposed to the Second Amendment.
No, folks, I am no0t kidding!
According to Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with the BLM (by the way, BLM oversees 245 million acres of American soil):
"It is not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue" says Mr. Jenks, adding that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands.
So, as you can see, it is a social problem, created by the emotional anguish that city dudes suffer when they are subjected to the cruel noise of firearms discharging.
Probably these are the same spineless bloodsuckers who protest the noise of military aircraft flying over as the sound of jet engines reminds them of the militaristic imperialism of evil America.
BLM also maintain that the expulsion of shooters and hunters from public lands is a decision to be made also on the amount of littering being perpetrated, but opposers claim that the parameter used to ban shooters is unclear.
What the BLM is stating is that as public lands are becoming increasingly populated, conflict arises from clashing of shooters and other land users. The BLM, they say, is continuously brought into mediate such conflicts and banning shooters all together is the practical thing to do.
That is convenient, don't you think?
Even if such conflicts are real, and I have my deep doubts about the veracity of what the Obama's regime says, why is the constitutionally guaranteed right of shooters and hunters trampled in favor of the whining of human mollusks?
And why is the BLM not including operators of off road vehicles in their policy? I believe there is more documentation of conflicts between ATV operators and urban scum than anything else.
And yet the regime is once again focusing on the Second Amendment.
The conduct of the Obama regime and its minions has been criminal in regard to the scandal of Operation Fast and Furious, an operation aimed at generating public outcry against the rights we American have to own firearms.
Every move from Obama to AG Eric Holder to senators and congress members is a continuous attack on our rights, and for good reason.
Disarming the American people is the best way for the forces of progressive liberalism to subjugate the masses to a dark age of tyranny.
There are some organizations bringing opposition to the policy of BLM, but not much can be done when the executive branch of government is successful in circumventing the legislative branch via pre-positioned judicial activism.
Ultimately, it will be the defeat of liberalism across the spectrum that will give us, the people, some of our rights back, only if true small government conservatism is restored.
Short of that, and every one of our rights will just plain go away.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Penn State Scandal: Disappointment
It sure is a disappointment for me to see that an institution I have always considered upstanding is really everything but.
The facade was impressive: a reputable school with a great football history, with a coach that had spent over four decades forming young men into productive members of society, even by just playing a game.
I have always like Penn State, and especially coach Joe Paterno. Not sure why, as I have absolutely no connection with the institution. I liked the fact that the team's jerseys did not have names, emphasizing the team effort more than the individual. Maybe the fact that coach Paterno's last name reminded me of southern Italy, where I am from.
At the beginning of College Footbal season, I found myself following the Nittany Lions of Joe Paterno, and hoping for their success.
The developments of the last couple of weeks have generated disappointment in me, as some ugly revelations have definitely tainted my opinion of Penn State.
And if the disappointment is there for me, I can only imagine what it must be for those who actually have direct involvement with the school: alumni, current students, parents, supporters.
In their case, maybe betrayal may be the better choice of words.
Should Paterno be held responsible for the alleged criminal actions of Sandusky? Probably not, but there is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
In the case of Paterno, it looks like he may have followed the letter of the law by reporting the alleged transgressions to the athletic director, who in turn may have attempted to sandbag the whole thing. But then there is the spirit of the law, or more accurately, the right thing to be done.
I asked myself what my actions would have been in Paterno's shoes, and in a situation like the one that appears to have been taking place, I would have probably personally taken the scum bag to the cops by his testicles, dealing with the consequences afterward.
I don't care if the accusations were "alleged", but the piece of shit would have not been on my campus until fully and clearly exonerated in a court of law.
Instead, Joe Paterno seems to have preferred to go by the procedural approach and follow the complaint to the athletic director. Even as nothing happened, he appears to have opted for the "sweeping under the rug" of the whole thing.
The students of Penn State actually rioted in the streets as the announcement of the firing of Joe Paterno hit the news, a testimony to the deep disappointment felt among that school's population.
No, it is not about football anymore, but about the downfall of an iconic figure that had signified so much for thousands of young people.
The reputation of Penn State, its administration, its athletic department and Joe Paterno is tarnished and will take a very long time for it to regain faith.
As for Sandusky, I think he should stop talking to the media and prepare for his day in court, because I don't think there are too many people who really care to hear his opinion these days.
Just my thoughts!
Nancy, Oh Nancy

Has she been caught with the proverbial hand in the cookie jar?
The only way that any good can actually come out from this will be if the California queen has pissed someone one off in the Washington D.C. proletarian circles, or if it would mean the take down of some Republican.
Personally, I could not care less if Republicans would go down due to their breaking of the law, but I must admit that I do have a recurring dream to one day see Nancy Pelosi being led out of the Capitol building in handcuffs, kicking and screaming, to pay for the destruction that she has brought upon our Nation for decades.
My dream also includes Pelosi being followed by Boxer, Feinstein and Waxman, because it would be a good starting point to cleanse California and the whole Nation.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Example Of Today's Leadership
Anyone who believes that the defeat of Obama next November 2012 and even the re-taking of the US Senate would easily solve the ailments of our Nation, is greatly misguided in their trust.
It would definitely be a good starting point, but the main problem remains that local leadership is infected by the same anti-American garbage that is occupying Washington DC these days. And nowhere more than here in California, is the liberal cancer prominent.
We have seen the results of unbridled liberalism in the mayor of the city of Oakland, California, one piece of work Jean Quan, who thanks to her official support of the protesters in Oakland should be held responsible for the violence that has taken place there. She told city workers to participate in the day of general strike last week, all city workers with the exception of the police officers who had instead to maintain order. That is very confusing to say the least, not to mention that such action would potentially place police officers against city workers. Divide and conquer!
Today, to the pride of California citizens and in the face of Veterans Day, another California mayor has succeeded in stealing the "scum bag of the day" liberal title.
Gayle McLaughlin, mayor of the city of Richmond, has declared in an e-mail to the San Jose Mercury News, that she will skip the city's salute to Veterans to join an Occupy rally.
She is unperturbed about the indignation she is causing, probably enjoying the lime light of controversy. She supports the Military, she says, by supporting those groups that are against any war, organizations like Veterans for Peace and Iraq Vets Against the War, groups that make that douche bag traitor Sen. John F. Kerry proud.
Mayor McLaughlin is another example of the uphill battle that America has in returning to rational, pro-American footing. These are literal moles that the cancer of progressivism has placed within the fibers of our society, and they are so ingrained in such fibers that it will be an gigantic, painful and long fight to overturn the damage done.
I, for one, am not a believer that the American people, the average American citizen, has the fortitude any more for such fight.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
One Day At The Time
That is the way it has to be, as certain things cannot be rushed nor imposed.
I am a smoker, have been one for many years. I can say that I really gave into the addiction and habit when I turned 18.
Up to that time, mind you it was 1978, smoking was cool and gave stupid kids like me the illusion of belonging to the mature masses of adult smokers. But as life demands changed, so did the image that that cigarette took in my mind.
All through High School, that cigarette was a social symbol aimed at making me cool and accepted by those around me. Once out of High School and faced with the the need to establish a plan for the rest of my life, that cigarette became more of a companion than a social statement. I was definitely addicted.
The last 34 years have seen tobacco smoking going from a dubious, misguided symbol of coolness to a pretest for ostracism. We smokers have been maligned into a group marked for elimination via legalized persecution.
OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but in reality not too much.
Leaving aside the restrictions instituted to protect non-smokers, restrictions which, by the way, I not only agree with but engaged in long before they became law, forbidding smokers to smoke within the city limits of a town, or in their own homes or in their vehicles gets really close to trampling the basic rights of alleged free people.
Smokers have been dubbed every name in the book from stupid to immoral. While I may be inclined to sort of agree with the former, I strongly reject the label of immoral just because I like to lit up a Marlboro once in while, in the privacy of my home bunker or of my car. And it would not surprise me if some of those who consider my smoking "immoral" for the detrimental impact it may have on others are fervent supporters of abortion. I know, nobody ever promised me that people would make sense all the time, or even some of the time.
My problem with smoking is that I really enjoy it. It does have a calming effect on my nerves and I am addicted to it. Only those who share the whole concept with me can understand. It is as if I tried to understand the addiction that alcoholics have: I can understand the addiction part but, not being a drinker, not the attraction to the feelings of intoxication.
Researchers have stated that addiction to nicotine may be as powerful as the one to heroin. Never done heroin or cocaine or any other illegal substances, so my comparative ability is very limited. What I know for sure is that every time I have attempted to stop smoking, the results have been less than successful.
Today I am on day 24 of my latest attempt to rid myself of this addiction. And I am doing fine, mostly because the choice was mine and while my family has been insisting that I kick the bad habit, it was my decision about the time and the modality of my attempt.
First is motivation: I have been a smoker for over three decades and even someone as addicted as I am can find a spark of lucidity strong enough to understand that that shit is going to kill me. So the motivation is simple: I rather be around those I love for a while longer.
Second is trickery: I have been telling my body that I am just delaying the purchase of the next pack until later. The mind wants to remove those chains but the body screams against it. Victory in a war is the collections of as many victories in smaller battles as possible. Two hours without smoking is a small victory on the first day. A full day is a bigger battle yet, and so on.
Third is stubbornness: one of the things that everyone has been telling me in the past is that smoking is as much a habit as an addiction. As much as I agree with that statement, the suggestion that I need to change my habits, that I must give up certain behavior that may be related to smoking in order to resist the urge is unacceptable. Let me explain.
The common approach is to avoid any action that may be associated with a cigarette. One of the best times of the day for me is when I first get up in the morning and have my first cup of coffee. Well, that first cup of coffee comes with a cigarette, probably the best cig of the day together with checking out the news on line.
According to common knowledge I should have rejected that first cup of coffee too, and checking up on the world. Instead I still maintain the same routine minus the cigarette. It probably made it harder, but I forced myself to not have to give up more than I had to. Plus resisting the urge for that first smoke made the rest of the day almost easier.
One thing I can assure everyone it will not happen. This smoker is not going to become one of those ex-smokers that many want to take to the woods and execute.
I am not going to preach to other smokers what they should do. It is a personal decision, just like any other behavior. I will try to help anyone who asks me, but will not volunteer practices that are going to make it "easier" because nothing does.
The patches, the gum, the pills, the hypnosis, the e-cig, they all are successful in their own way. And they are not. If you are looking for a way to quit smoking that will not involve pain and withdrawals and nervousness, save your money.
Any of those methods will help only, and ONLY if, you really want to quit. But if you do, than you do not need any of them.
It gets better. On day 24 is much better than t was on day 1 or 2, 10 or 23. Still get some urges, but they become easier to control as time goes by.
The reward for me is that my family is around me, that I can hug my grandsons without leaving them smelling like an ashtray; that my bunker at home does not reek of spent cigarette butts.
What it comes down to is that smoking, just as any addiction, is a matter of personal decision.
I will be a smoker for the rest of my life, but I can make the conscientious decision to postpone smoking the next one as long as possible and do so one day at the time.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Change The Law At Own Convenience, The Liberal Way
Interesting article about the Obama non-scandal scandal called Solyndra.
So, if I understand this correctly, the Dept. of Energy not only made sure that the California company received the money laundering loan they did not deserved according to any investment parameter, but it also made sure to attach clauses to the loan papers that would guarantee that the private investors would receive re-payment in advance of taxpayers, action that is not only unprecedented in the history of government loans, guess that is part of the hope and change crap, but it may actually be illegal, not that anyone is paying attention.
So what should we gather from this situation? Well, in the first place that the gangster-like approach to governing that Obama brought from Chicago to Washington pays off as long as one is a campaign donor to the Obama gang and the media is not interested.
Second, that there are really no known boundaries to the progressive hypocrisy.
There is a silver lining though. The more garbage surfaces about the Thug-in-Chief and his minions, the more Islamist radicals buy the farm. Wonder what sort of terrorist plot will hit the news so to distract the American people. Or maybe Obama will take the troops out of Iraq and send them into Iran.
And to think that there still are some people out there who actually have the balls to openly state that they love the man, as I heard some moron state to a TV reporter last week. The scary part is that people like this guy, and so many others, procreate...
Just my thoughts!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Oh What A Wonderful World
Yes indeed, the wonderful world of Socialist totalitarian regimes, North Korea style:
Of course this would never happen in our country, regardless of the brainwashing that the regime, the media and academia could ever do.
At least not until the tentacles of the progressive propaganda would reach down to the grade level classes of children...oh wait a minute...
I wonder what the unwashed scum of Occupy Wall Street would think of the "government intervention" North Korea style. Probably would justify it if the "intervention" was applied to conservatives.
Just my thoughts!
Enough With The Debates
I have not watched any of the last two GOP debates and will most likely maintain that stance until the California primaries.
Why? Simple. The most important and crucial thing that must be accomplished is the defeat of the Obamadroids that have taken over the government. Not just the actual current occupiers of the White House, but all the appointed radical progressives that the Obama has infiltrated in every position of Washington.
The sparring between Perry and Romney, the cry baby shit from the mental patient Ron Paul, the gaffes from Cain and Backmann are grown really tiring for me. I want to hear the plan to cleanse the political scene in Washington of the cancer that has pervaded that place. I want to hear about instituting term limits for all politicians and to shut down ALL the governmental entities that are unnecessary for national security, at least until the budget is balanced.
I want to hear about how they plan on stopping the invasion of our country on the part of illegal aliens and uncounted radical Muslims; and how they are going to eliminate the strangling regulations that are killing small businesses in America.
And yes, I want to hear a pledge to investigate Obama and his minions about Fast and Furious, about Solyndra, about the farce of global warming and the billions of taxpayers money that has lined the pockets of criminals like Al Gore and similar; and looking deeply into the legality of what Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank and all the other liberal progressives have been doing while screwing the American people and telling us how much we like it.
Sorry but Nancy and Barney may like being fucked, I don't.
So I don't watch the debates and don't intend to in the future. I have the one candidate I will vote for in the primaries, even if that candidate will not, most likely, get the nomination. Such candidate is not saying what I want to hear but gets as close as possible. The result is that I will vote my principles in the primaries, but when it comes to beating Obama and his regime, I will vote for whoever will run against him.
The stooge must be defeated together with all the liberal progressives and the RINOs in Congress. It is the last chance our country has to reel back from the abyss of dictatorship in a peaceful way.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Gets Wonderful Endorsement
This is the endorsement I was waiting for. Now we have moral clarity of purpose...
Just to once again illustrate the blurred differences, if any at all, between the forces of progressivism and nazism.

Isn't this wonderful?
Just my thoughts!
Obamacare Slow Dismantling
I appears that with the Obama regime, the best time to pay any attention to the crap it puts out is the otherwise slow news weekends. They, the regime, have an affinity to spring the best garbage at the American people on a Friday night (sending Special Forces ground pounders in Central Africa) or Saturday, in the hope that the American people are too busy with their weekend to pay any attention.
Then the official regime news outlets, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, Reuters, NPR etc., will have some time to bury the stories and hopefully no one will be the wiser. Only few Americans will be aware of anything and they will be dismissed as racists.
This is from
Yes, a major component of Obamacare has been deemed unworkable by the Sebelius cheek.
Now, I know it's Sunday, that we are just two hours away from the NFL getting going for today, but it will only take few minutes of your time to read the article. I promise it will be worth it.
I too expect a major push back on the part of the Marxists forces at work in this country. After all the realization of some sort of socialized medicine is at the foundation of the transformative changes that Obama and his clowns have been promising the American people.
So while many of us conservatives have been screaming against the whole Obamacare disaster, the actuality of the impossibility of that monstrous legislation is even hitting the authors of it.
Remember when the ugly witch of the West Pelosi told us, the ignorant masses, that we had to pass the bill to know what was in it? Well, there it is, a so called Ponzi scheme that if perpetrated by anyone other than a politician, it would land you in damn prison.
The difference is that politicians do not go to jail for screwing the American people, they get re-elected!
So, as I have said profusely in the past, get informed and make a conscientious stand for beliefs you have reached. Only then your stand will be noticed and could make a difference.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Seal Beach Massacre
It was and is a tragedy, and it will remain a tragedy for ever more: a deranged man walks into a hair salon in the coastal small town of Seal Beach, California, and shoots up the place. The final count is eight dead and one critically wounded.
The POS is apprehended by the cops few minutes after the shooting not too far from the crime scene.
He promptly surrendered to the Seal Beach Police officers without any incident, after all the cops can shoot back, as opposed as people going about their lives at a hair salon.
I am very familiar with Seal Beach, California, in fact I work not too far from it.
It is a small community, with a fairly high income per capita, as every beach community in California.
But what is disturbing is the attitude of the people that are being sought by the local media for their dramatic coverage.
The local media, in its never ending uselessness, is placing person after person in front of their camera telling how unusual such a crime is in their community, how their sacurity has been shaken, how their sense of community has been so painfully shattered.
Really, folks, a senseless massacre like the one in Seal Beach would be just as senseless and disgusting if it had taken place in Compton or San Bernardino or South Central LA.
The fact that it took place in the "close knit" social environment of the beach town makes absolutely no difference in the gravity and shock value of the action.
But that was my initial reaction: shock! Terrible shock and anger that someone could do such a thing to other human beings. Then some details became known and the shock started to dissipate and the anger got even more pronounced.
It appears that one of the victims of the massacre was the ex wife of the bastard that did the shooting. In what appears to be a motive for the evil actions of the man, it looks like a bitter dispute over the custody of the couple's young son, finally pushed the scum bag to do what he did. The worst part, though, is that the woman had expressed her fear about the mental stability of her ex husband and his repeated threats of violence.
To make things even more disturbing, the man had already once stepped into the hair salon, where his ex wife worked, and threatened to kill her and her co-workers.
So my anger now is fueled by the knowledge that the danger for the POS to go off and hurt innocent people and nobody did anything about it.
Starting with the ex wife. He had threatened her and threatened to do exactly what he did and she was obviously aware he was capable to as she had lamented to others. And yet, she took no precaution. What compels a woman who has been threatened with death not to be armed?
Next is the owner of the salon, who was also killed in the shooting. Considering the man had already once showed up foretelling his intentions, should it not be a normal reaction that the owner would be ready to defend his business and his employees and his customers?
Again, this is not a matter of the criminal element in the surrounding neighborhood, or a matter of feeling "safe" in a specific setting, but a matter of self-preservation and the willingness to protect innocent people.
So no precautions were ever taken by these people even as the threat was there and was real. The gunman, according to the preliminary investigation, just walked in the salon and killed his wife, then proceeded to execute anyone that was within sight, even stopping to reload.
If any person working there or any customer would have been armed, maybe some of the people who died would still be alive today.
And I know some of you will make the statement that we cannot have shootings going on everywhere. To you I say this: if you can find morally superior to take away the possibility for a law abiding citizen to protect itself and other innocent people than to have a dead mass murderer by the hands of a civilian, than I have no use for you.
What if one of the customers had been a police officer and he or she would have used his or her off duty weapon to kill the bastard before he had the chance to kill so many, than it would have been a "good" thing. What would be the difference if it had been me with my legal firearm to take the garbage out?
I am sure that the families of those who were killed would agreed that it would have made absolutely no difference if their loved one was still alive.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Thought For Today (11 Oct 2011)
Between the crap that the progressive thongs are creating in New York and other cities and the shameless support that the political establishment is giving them, especially from the Left, I believe the time is fast approaching for a last ditch effort being made by the American people in order to save our republic.
We are at a crossroad where one venue takes the Nation to an open armed internal conflict. The other venue takes the Nation to where the progressive liberals will be establishing the tyranny they so expertly foment.
There will come a time when every single American adult will have to make a choice between living under oppression or fight for freedom. And that time is being ushered by the forces of the political Left in America at an accelerated tempo, thanks to the radical living in the White House.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Seen This Movie Before
As I am forced to watch the losers who are "occupying Wall Street" and all the other copycats around the country, cannot avoid it as the media is basking in their moronic actions, I am forced to go back in time, about 30+ years ago.
It actually has been some time that these thoughts have been rearing their ugly heads in my mind, screaming messages of alarm that even my optimistic disposition has had to notice.
I was born and raised in Italy, definitely a beautiful place to visit on a historically charged vacation, but an even better place to be from.
To be sure, I want to insure you that I am not bashing Italy, but having had to live in that country until the age of 20, going through high school there and having to deal with the bureaucracy there and the social mentality, it was a breath of fresh air and a great sense of hope that I felt when I was allowed to migrate to the United States.
As an immigrant, I have a personal unique prospective on America for two specific reasons.
The first one is the age I was when I migrated. I was not a small child who only has a child memory of that past life. I had to deal with the public schools there and, once graduated from high school, with the mind-blowing unemployment that affected my age group.
Basically, there was no jobs available for young people just out of school. At the time, all males would be called up for the Military draft (on a humorous note, however bad the postal service was in the country at the time, it was amazing how the notification of draft would show up in your mail box two days after your 18th birthday!).
One way to delay the draft was to attend the University, which I did as I was waiting for my migration papers to come through.
The second reason is that it is very understandable for someone who comes from an impoverish third world country to be amazed by the unlimited opportunities of a country like the United States, but even I, who came from an industrialized country, saw immediately the difference in the two systems.
Here is the connection with what we are witnessing today.
30+ years ago in Italy, there was a pronounced class distinction that drove people's behavior. One one side there was the majority of young people like me, who was going to attend the University and after maybe 5-6 years graduate with a degree that was not even worth the paper it was printed on in view of landing a job, especially in Sicily where I was.
This created a situation where young people in their late 20s and early 30s would still live at home with their parents, unable to even considering starting a family and a life n their own.
All pivoted on the chance that at some point some connection could be made with some "important" person who would get you that coveted position, hopefully on a government payroll, which meant a job for life. And there was always the option of migrating somewhere else.
On the other side was the minority of those who were considered of a "lower class" who would not attend the University and instead join the manual labor force: construction workers, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, truck drivers.
For the common "upper class" person, it was a sign of social status to be able to call one of those in the "lower class" to get something fixed in the home or the car. The mentality was that a well-to-do person would not have to know how to use a tool. But everyone was a college graduate, even if broke and functionally useless without mom and dad.
Coming to America and finding a totally different mind set was, like I said already, a major breath of fresh air. I have always enjoyed working with my hands, so the ability of taking care of things around the house or on the car on my own was attractive to me, and still is.
And here comes my concern. What I have been witnessing in the last few years is a societal march toward the same mind set I escaped from 30+ years ago.
Every one is pushing for college education as if that is the only way to succeed in life. I have seen some reports that estimate that by year 2020, our country will have a shortfall of labor of about 10 million jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors. All the various disciplines will be affected: machinists, electricians, framers, etc.
It used to be that the average American could change the oil in his/her car, do minor repairs and build things that made life easier. Today we don't even change our own flat tires.
We have college graduates with the stupidest degrees, all feel-good majors that have absolutely no real life application. So the solution to land a job is most likely to end up working for the government or know someone who knows someone who gets you into some job.
Sounds familiar? Sure does, I have seen this movie before and do not like the end today any more than I liked it then.
Do not mistake my words for a rebuke of college education. I am a college graduate and all for it and I am all for the personal improvement in the field of knowledge, but it has to be useful knowledge and not indoctrination.
Fields like Engineering will lead to good paying jobs. Vocational training, like machinist and other manufacturing fields, will also lead to good jobs, especially if the current trend of cheap imports from abroad is reversed. I think it will, as the country may like the low prices for certain items, but it is also growing tired of subsidizing the enemies of our country.
What I see, and I have written amply in the past, is a conspiracy on the part of academia to undermine the social structure of America. The institution of higher learning are filled with progressive elements that have access to the minds of young people and are destroying a whole generation.
I watch the protester and feel afraid for America. They have been indoctrinated into hating the country, into hypocritical behavior. They protest corporations and banks, while dispersing their unhinged messages via tools from large corporations, wearing brand clothing.
They demand free college education, living wages regardless of employment, $20/hour minimum wage and open borders. And of course they demand the forgiveness of all debt, especially their student loans, the thousands of dollars in debt they accumulated as they were majoring in "Conflict Management Among Amoebas" or something like it at Yale or Harvard.
They demand to land a six figure salary job as soon as they graduate from college, because they are the elite, they are the chosen ones.
These protesters are instigated by the same people who have indoctrinated them, the same college professors who have never had to actually make a living or have had to deal with hiring someone. One element I find suspiciously missing among the protester is the message against the colleges: they protest the banks, but they do not protest tuition increases. They want their student loans forgiven, but they do not protest the exorbitant salaries of colleges' administrators which fuels the tuition increases. I find it a telling detail.
Regardless of this, though, I remain optimistic. The majority of the American people understand the reality of the economy. We pay our bills and we take responsibility for our actions. The difference can be found in the fact that the progressive minority yells the loudest and have the open support of the political leadership, to the point of justifying violence.
We, the silent majority, will return the country to a rational, sane place in due time. What it will take is that we stop being so silent and we get informed about the issues that afflict our society.
We really do not have a choice in the matter, because there is no other country we can escape to if America fails.
And there is one major component to my optimism: our Military. A large part of the new generation is composed of men and women who have served in the Military, with combat tours, and who know personally what sacrifice really is. They have lived it and they will bring that experience to the work force, to our social landscape.
So, get informed and speak your mind. Put pressure on the most elitists members of our society, the politicians and make them understand that we want America to remain the the beacon of freedom and opportunities for all those who are willing to play according to the rules.
Personally, I do not want to see that movie again!
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Regime Strong Success At Intimidation
It has been already established that the Obama regime is an everlasting failure. Even former President Jimmy Carter is appreciative to Obama for removing the attribute of "worst presidency" in the history of our country from the useless peanut farmer.
But there is one arena where the Obamadroids have been and continue to be successful: open intimidation.
We all know the latest developments in regard to operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration strategy for the destruction of the 2nd amendment of the Constitution. Eric Holder, the disgraceful Attorney General, has been caught perjuring himself to the Judiciary Committee, mostly thanks to a CBS, yes I said CBS, reporter Sharyl Attkisson who has been digging into this story from the beginning.
It appears that the regime is not too happy with Ms. Attkinsson as explained in the following article:
It must be a struggle for the Obamadroids to see a member of the MSM, their fierce ally, turning up so much dirt from the emperor's palace, so I can almost understand the frustration that these alien droids must be feeling when one of their own has left the plantation.
There is a very telling portion of the article I want to focus on:
"[The White House and Justice Department] will tell you that I'm the only reporter--as they told me--that is not reasonable. They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I'm the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I'm unfair and biased by pursuing it".
If this is not a clear demonstration of what our country is up against in regard to the media, I do not know what could be. For the liberals unable to comprehend outside the confines of their own talking points, the excerpt demonstrates that the word "reasonable" stands to describe the fact that regardless of the gravity of the administration corruption, the main stream media will for ever be an apologetic arm of the Obama regime. So much for un-bias reporting!
Being "reasonable" only means that the White House refuses to accept the responsibility for another failed policy, one that was instituted to advance the agenda of the progressive President aimed at the disarmament of the American people.
Obama and his minions want to take away the right we are afforded by the Constitution to own firearms, a main obstacle for these characters toward the subjugation of all of us.
I do not know the political leanings of the reporter, Ms. Attkinsson, nor I care about them as long as she continues to inform us of the corruption and down right criminality of those involved in this disgraceful operation. They must be held accountable for the death of many and especially for that of Border Agent Brian Terry.

Lastly, I wonder how long will Ms. Attkinsson remain on the CBS payroll...
Just my thoughts!
The Bill To Nowhere
I am not sure if it is the blatant lack of urgency or the blatant middle finger to the face of the millions of unemployed Americans that pisses me off the most, but the shenanigans taking place in Washington these days are truly disgusting.
One one side we have a progressive President and just as progressive liberal establishment exemplified by the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who are showing no intention whatsoever to address the unemployment issue in our country. There is an alleged Jobs Bill that Obama is championing with a price tag attached to it of $447B supposedly being paid for by tax increases levied from the famous "rich" of America (basically anybody still with a job).
On the other side we have the Senate Minority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, also playing politics and urging Reid to sand the alleged bill to the Senate floor for an immediate vote. Yes, McConnell's is trying to embarrass the President by having his bill being defeated in the Democrat controlled Senate, knowing well that it would never pass in the Republican controlled House.
Ultimately, both sides are basically using the millions of unemployed as political pawns, something the scum in Washington has become really proficient at doing.
Nothing has obviously been learned by these people from the 2010 elections, when the people demonstrated that they were willing to give the pink slip to status quo politicians.
The truth of the matter is that the so called Jobs Bill is just as useless as the famous bridge to nowhere, because it is nothing more than another intrusion of an overbearing government in the people's business.
There is no bill that is going to fix the economy, no Washington policy that is going to spur the creation of new jobs. Exactly the opposite, because every time the government is "magnanimous" it also attaches controlling strings to it, increasingly interfering in the lives of the people.
It is the removal of strangling regulations upon the private sector that may accomplish a slow economic recovery. It is the removal of countless layers of bureaucratic non-sense, of overlapping agencies and commissions that is going to at first encourage the trust of small businesses to get back at producing and, consequentially, creating jobs.
Harry Reid knows very well, just as McConnell does, that the abortion called Jobs Bill would never pass, not even the liberal controlled Senate, so he is trying to buy time by "tweaking" it, by modifying it so that it would at least have a chance in the Senate, even as it is certain not to pass the House.
And while the Senator from Nevada promises to bring the bill up for a vote by the end of October, unemployed folks, at least those who are really desiring to find meaningful employment, are left out hanging on political infighting. Thanks you, Washington!
It is my prediction that the bill will not make it to be voted on.
May it be because campaigning will trample the needs of the people or because the throngs of unwashed protesters will cause the so needed "crisis" Obama is looking for, but the bill will never see the light of day. If it does, it will be due to the ability of liberals to cower the establishment Republicans into submission, again!
I saw a poster on Facebook that said: "The Founding Fathers would be shooting by now"
As much as I do not subscribe to the violent conflict resolution, I can actually understand the frustration that the majority of Americans have toward the garbage we are being fed from the political elite; toward the blatant attempt to circumvent the Constitution; toward the continuous attempt to replace the principles of our Nation with tyranny.
Yes, the Founding Fathers would be shooting by now.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Time For Holder To Go
Actually, it has been time for a long time, at least since he allowed the case against the New Black Panthers to go away after the group intimidation of voters in Philadelphia in 2008.
But now it is not even a matter of philosophical and ideological differences with the US Attorney General, it is instead a matter of criminal behavior, pure and simple.
The latest is that Holder actually testified falsely about his knowledge of operation Fast and Furious, which allowed thousands of firearms to be channeled into Mexico from the United States and found their way into the hands of the drug cartels south of the border.
Holder testified in May 2011 to the Judiciary Committee that his knowledge of the operation dated back about three weeks, but now official memos prove that Holder was receiving consistent reports about the operation at least 10 months earlier.
So now it is a clear cut case of perjury, pure and simple. And the Attorney General should do the only honorable thing left at his disposal and just quit, saving the country the necessary inconvenience to impeach the bastard and fire his ass.
I am not holding my breath, though. In the first place, there is nothing honorable in the man. He is a stooge of the Obama regime, viscerally dedicated to the ideology and agenda of his boss, including the subversion of the U.S. Constitution if necessary to achieve the goal of his masters.
Secondly, Holder appears to place himself above the law and the rights of the American people, and he's doing so successfully, thanks to an administration that protects him and a media that is not interested, although this appears to be changing as the reports done by none other than CBS News have been not short than accusatory.
Imagine, just for fun, if the mess of Fast and Furious would have been happening under a Republican president, with a Republican AG. Does anybody doubt that there would be a frantic crescendo of demands for the heads of the AG and of the President?
I did not think so.
In any case, Holder says now that he did not really comprehend the question of the Judiciary Committee last May and that is why he gave the answer he did.
So just to make things clear, ignorance of the law is only a justified excuse for politicians and their appointees, only for the elite upper crust of our leadership class.
For the rest of us common slobs, we actually have to follow the rules and the law even if we do not know the law.
Unless of course you are an illegal alien, a Marxist, a radical Muslim or a black criminal. In any of those cases, Attorney General Eric Holder will make sure that your rights are more than safeguarded, even if it means to trample the rights of all other American citizens.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Protest Lacks Clarity Of Scope
The brightest stars of the college campus student population is demonstrating against Wall Street in New York, but unclear are the motivations behind the action.
(BTW, the above article is from the Associated Press, not a conservative entity)
This should probably be Part II of the previous post, as the forces of the progressive left are preparing the battle field.
It would be interesting to analyze the demographics of those who are camped outside Wall Street and who are trying to get this demonstrations some traction across the country, but I am positive that the involved media will steer clear of any of that as it may again demonstrate the failure of policies of entitlement.
It is my wager that the majority of those who are taking it to the street are college students who are attending some brainwashing institution of higher learning on someone else's dime.
The images from New York are a direct contrast with those we saw few weeks back from Atlanta, for example, where thousands of unemployed lined up for the chance to find work at a Job Fair.

And there is where I see the example of the decadence that our country has fallen into, all thanks to the policies of political correctness and economic justice.
Political correctness is the cancer that will kill our Nation if we do not fight it.
And I have a different take on economic justice: economic justice, in my book, is the ability of every single person in America to have a say in his/her economic development.
For so many decades, since Pres. Lyndon Johnson started the "war on poverty" champions of Marxism have pushed for giving those who rather be unproductive, a share of the fruits of someone else labor.
The target these days for the push on the Marxist version of economic justice as championed by people like Van Jones, and Obama, is the big corporations, or so the left would want to portray.
Now, I am not necessarily a big fan of large corporations, mostly because they can develop and abuse strong power upon politicians (example: General Electric), but large corporations have their place in a capitalistic society, as they provide employment and benefits for thousands of people. Moreover they provide financial independence for those who invest in their stocks.
But while the left is seemingly focusing on these large companies, aided by a complacent media, their real target is the private business in general.
Every small business owner, the type of American who decides to take a personal risk and is willing to work hard for it, has dreams of developing the business into a large operation. There may not be a desire for a multi-billion dollars conglomerate, but the aspiration to growth that would insure financial independence is a definite driving force.
Independence from whom, you may ask. Well, from a boss to begin with, but mostly from government.
And that, you see, is the problem that the left has against entrepreneurship.
So the battle of the left against business, while it is namely aimed at large corporations, is instead truly targeting the private business sector.
The way the government has to stifle private enterprises is by instituting oppressive regulations that are designed not to protect the consumer or the environment, but instead are designed to render impossible conducting businesses. When the government imposes stringent regulations on an industry, compliance almost always comes at a heavy cost for the business, cost that many small enterprises are not able to afford. The result may be devastating for the business and for those who are employed there.
Who really benefits from these regulations and their consequences? Large corporations, the evil large corporations who have pockets deep enough to be able to implement the changes. The result is the destruction of competition and higher costs to the consumer and larger profits for the larger company.
In retrospect, the beneficiaries of the attack from the left against large corporations are the very entities being attacked. And they write the biggest checks to political campaigns, especially those of liberal politicians.
Those Wall Street tycoons that the protesters seem to be targeting are also some of the largest contributors to the causes of crony socialism masked as progressive liberalism. These greedy people are the ones who benefit greatly from the bailouts the Obama regime has designed for them in the last three years.
Solyndra was a corporation who represents the very essence of crony socialism as it benefited from an out of control central government wasting enormous amounts of taxpayers' money, money that is not there but is being borrowed against the security of future generations, only to pursue a political agenda.
And just last week even more taxpayers' money was adjudicated to even more companies for the same reason, one of these companies with close ties with a corporation whose number two is Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. But of course, this is pure coincidence.
Just as it is coincidence that on the board of one of the banks, evil banks, that benefited from the government bailout, sat the husband of Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
And we wonder why the protest lacks of clarity in its purpose? But then there is the "other" possibility: that the forces of the left, the forces pushing for protest, the forces demanding "economic justice" may be pronged by those who are looking for a season of civil unrest, one of those crisis that cannot go to waste, which would call for "unprecedented measures" on the part of the government to protect the American people.
Only time will tell, but we need to be prepared.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Preparing For Revolution

By Semperpapa
Van Jones. A name and a guarantee.
Last week during a radio interview, the former Obama green job czar made a clear statement that the forces he is so desperately trying to master, the progressive forces, will be turning to violence in order to become relevant again.
"...I think everybody should hold onto your seats. October is going to be the turning point when it comes to the progressive fight back..."
"...we are going to build a progressive counterbalance to the tea party. 80% of Americans agree with everything you say on this show but we have no voice. We know that jobs are more important, phoney made up deficit stuff they talk about. We know that people who have done well in America should do well by America and start paying America back in the form of more fair taxes. people who benefitted from the bailouts and from the tax breaks should start paying America back. They’re doing great. everybody else is suffering. That’s 80% of the majority. We’re going to now have a voice. You’re going to see an American fall, an American autumn, just like we saw the Arab spring. You can see it right now with these young people on wall street. Hold onto your hats. We‘ll have an October offensive to take back the American dream and to rescue America’s middle class..."
So, let me see if I understand. Van Jones is calling for the American youth to pour into the streets and promote a revolution, just like we saw in the Middle East last Spring.
In the first place, that would mean that the treatment Osni Mubarak received in Egypt, for example, will be given to Jones puppet master Barak Obama. Is this what Jones is calling for? The removal of the President of the United States? The takeover on the part of the liberal progressive Marxist throngs of our republic?
That is what I gather from the words of this master agitator. He mentions the protesters that have been showing up in New York's Wall Street, and there was a small protest in Boston where few people demanded to be arrested.
Regardless of the attempt of the state controlled media to make these protests relevant, regardless of the cameo appearance of the great pig Michael Moore and the hypocritical Susan Sarandon, who so benevolently stopped by in her limo on her way to a trip to Italy, the American people really could not give more of a rat's ass about some brainwashed college students making noise.
But there is a danger. The danger is that the violent rhetoric of Van Jones is supported and fueled by entities at very high levels of the political landscape.
Remember who Obama was! He really has nothing to show in view of accomplishments prior to running for President. He was a community organizer in Chicago, the land of thuggery. Basically not more that a thug agitator.
Jones had the confidence of Obama as a green job czar, basically placed in a position to affect policy without Congressional overview.
That, my friends, is called tyranny.
And there is even more danger. The forces of progressivism are swelled by union thugs, Black Panthers sympathizers, the Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza and the forces that want illegal immigration to be mainstreamed, the Council for American-Islamic Relations and its terrorist friends and the multitude of college students that have been brainwashed to hate America and everything she stands for and on.
What progressives like Van Jones cannot stand is the fact that millions of American people have decided that the direction the country is going is not compatible to their desires.
It was all well when the anti-American forces of liberal progressivism were allowed to operate unchallenged, slowly eroding the very fibers of our freedoms.
Political correctness, racial guilt, class warfare worked very well in silencing the majority of the American people, who were also too busy making a living to pay attention. And let's face it, too comfortable to care.
But the moment that things got less comfortable, the moment that people started to see a definite and disturbing turn toward the left and socialism, the people decided that they were going to exercise their right to dissent.
Yes, it is our right to dissent, just as Hillary Clinton said referring to her attacks against George W. Bush.
The brutal attacks that the left has and still is perpetrating against popular movements like the TEA party has its origins in the fact that the American people are challenging the forces of Marxism in our country. And the left does not like it!
They are so used to achieve their objectives via intimidation and vitriol that having to actually debate in the arena of ideologies is a foreign proposition. Hence the alternative is to intimidate the population. And why not, it has worked for decades.
The only problem with the strategy, though, is that a lot more Americans are paying attention these days, as it was demonstrated in the 2010 mid term elections. And this is not a partisan issue, because many so called conservatives have been the targets of dissent for their compromising attitudes, aimed more at maintaining power than at doing the people's business.
The left is preparing for revolution, Van Jones tells us, but strangely there are no reports of disapproval on the main stream media against such rhetoric.
The folks at TEA party demonstrations are swastika wearing, nazi approving, bigoted racists for wanting the government to return to its constitutional role, according to the media.
Van Jones and his characters are freedom fighters for the cause of Marxism.
Well today is October 1st, so we will see if the threats of Van Jones will actually materialize.
I want to live you with a question: Do you believe that if, let's say, Sarah Palin had made a statement about a conservative American Fall like the Arab Spring, that the Media would have ignored it as they are ignoring Van Jones' statement?
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Iranian Navy Flexing Its Muscles

KILO submarine, Iranian Navy
By Semperpapa
Iranian navy officials have been reported to have stated that they intend to move some of their vessels into international waters just off the coast of the United States.
According to the report, the Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that
“As the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) have a (military) presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders with the help of the soldiers who are loyal to the vali-e faqih (supreme jurisprudent),”
If you remember, as the beautiful Arab spring was taking place in Egypt with the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, Iranian warships moved for the first time through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, causing the Israeli and American Navies to increase their readiness.
Now, the emboldened Teheran leadership is talking of placing some vessels off the coast of our country.
What is the US to do? Basically, international waters are just that and as long as the Iranians are past the 12 mile internationally recognized maritime limits, legally there is not much that can be done. Except that whatever craft present in the immediate vicinity of our territorial waters should be shadowed by fully ready, willing and able US Navy vessels, capable of sending the boats straight to Allah at the slightest sign of transgression.
It also should be made clear, through unequivocal statements, that due to the well known willingness of the Iranians to take hostages at will, any act on their part against any other vessel in the vicinity would be considered a hostile act with obvious consequences, even in international waters.
Such a mission on the part of the Iranians would obviously require a high level of logistical support and it is believed that the friendship between Ahmedinejad and Chavez in Venezuela, could give the Iranians the needed logistics. At the same time Venezuela is not necessarily around the corner either, so the whole thing could just be one of the usual bullshit muscle flexing Iranians are so well known for.
On the other hand, it is also possible that the Obama administration would agree with the Iranian admiral’s statement about American imperialism and give the Iranians the ability to get their refurbishment from our own ports or vessels, at American taxpayers’ cost. After all it would help Obama image around the Muslim world.
Ultimately, the US Navy should look at this as a great opportunity for some training in surveillance and possibly target shooting, provided that the Defense budget cuts the White House wants do not curtail the operational cost for our ships.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Arms Of The Regime
By Semperpapa
I have been berated in the past for being too concerned, and even paranoid, about the desire of the current administration to be working overtime in the effort of reducing and eventually eliminating the basic principles that have created and sustained our republic since 1776: freedom and self-determination from any attempt of a central government at achieving despotic control.
Now, I am not saying that I have been proved right, at least not yet, but the interesting thing is that the proponents for a tyrannical change in America do not appear concerned about hiding their true intentions.
Following are two separate statements. The first one is from the Liberal governor of the state of North Carolina, Bev Perdue:
"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It's a little bit more contentious now but it's not impossible to try to do what's right in this state. You want people who don't worry about the next election."
I have said in the past that the liberal progressives, lead by king Obama, are working hard to create a climate of emergency that would allow the regime to take drastic and openly unconstitutional steps to curtail the freedom and the voice of the American people in the name of public safety.
What Gov. Perdue stated is her desire to address the “emergency” of the so called lack of cooperation among politicians by taking away from the people the ability to hire and fire politicians because their service goes against the will of those they are allegedly supposed to represent.
Interesting is also that she is looking for people to not hold their representatives accountable for their actions. How convenient! So some slob in Washington votes to reduce the rights of his/her constituents, angering them, and, according to this governor, the constituents should not hold it against the politician.
Moreover, who can actually guarantee that after two years, the government will be satisfied with the outcome of that limitation? What if the government deemed necessary, again for public safety sake, to suspend elections until further notice? Such action would basically eliminate the ability of the people to peacefully have a say in the shaping of the government. That, my friends, is called totalitarianism.
Gov. Perdue’s office released a statement following the outrage expressed by many, clarifying that she was only joking. Must be my paranoia, but I did not denote any jocularity in the statement.
Not satisfied yet? You still think I may be paranoid?
Ok, here is the second statement for your consideration. This was made by Peter Orszag, former Director of one of Obama’s strong arms for the regime, the Office of Management and Budget:
“To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticize commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.”
Well, depoliticizing commissions sounds really good, doesn’t it? Of course as long as the commissions are created, manned and controlled by the ideology of the regime. How come Mr. Orszag did not make such a call during George W. Bush presidency? I can still remember how all the Orszag of the left were up in arm by the Patriot Act, complaining that it was a clear violation of the civil rights of the American people. But suddenly, reducing the ability of commissions to represent the will of the people is a serious problem.
These political institutions this guy is willing to make “a bit less democratic” are institutions that our Founding Fathers designed to safeguard the interests of freedom exactly against the aspirations of people like this moron and his former boss.
So, if the call from these two Obama stooges is heeded, we would find ourselves with suspended elections and political institutions’ democratic substance reduced. A really dangerous situation to begin with, as the aphrodisiac that is power would take over the reign of the governing entities and the only resource left for the people would be to take up arms against the despots and reclaim the Nation.
That is if We the People will resist the already ongoing war our government has been waging against our Second Amendment rights.
Well, just call me paranoid.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What Do I Look For In A GOP Candidate

By Semperpapa
Not that it really matters, but after watching some of the debates and reading and listening, I have formulated in my mind what I am really looking for in a GOP candidate to put my support behind.
None of the current candidates really excites me to the point to contribute my very limited financial resources to and even my time investment, so I am just sitting back and paying attention.
Eliminating the obvious candidates, like the Huntsman and Johnson and whoever else, those who are stealing the headlines these days are Romney, Perry, Backmann and Cain. Removing the obvious Ron Paul (please, we already have a delusional asshole in the White House, we don't need another!) I am really sorry that someone like Sen. Santorum is not mustering enough support from Conservatives. Is he the perfect candidate? Of course not, but I sort of respect his conservative stance on most issues. I really don't see that the Senator will be able to hang in there or that there could be a turnaround among American conservatives. Hope I am wrong, after all I was at the early stages of the 2008 campaign when I thought McCain was a goner and yet we were stuck with him as a candidate.
Mitt Romney, as polished as he can be, reminds me too much of someone like Mass. Sen. Scot Brown: a compromising-searching Republican who is way too compromising.
I am all for compromising as long as things get done. These days, unfortunately, compromising really means bowing to the demands of a liberal progressive establishment that has taken our Nation to the brink of destruction.
Rick Perry is a real disappointment, especially when it comes to his views on illegal aliens and, as a believer in the absolute necessity to get a hold on the illegal immigration issue, his stance is not much different than that of Bush. We have tried it their way and it has blown off right in our faces.
Michelle Bachmann has some potential good ideas, but I believe that she is not electable. Not sure that I can pinpoint the reason why, but the way I see it, she not only faces resistance from liberals, but it appears that the Republican establishment is rejecting her.
Herman Cain. I really want to like him. I think his story is somewhat representing the American Dream, but at the same time, as much as I can recognize his potential ability in the economic arena, I think that his lack of knowledge of international policy is a non starter.
I also would like to support Newt Gingrich, for the sole reason that he has a deep knowledge of history and of the ways the government works (or doesn't work), but I cannot remove from my head the vision of Newt sitting on the couch with Nancy Pelosi advertising the global warming bullshit.
So here I am, just as I was in 2008 only worst, terrified for my country. The re-election of the Thug-in-Chief Obama would be the end of our country as we know it. At the same time electing someone that would just perpetuate the mistakes of the past would not be a real improvement after all, just a slow down in the digging of our national grave.
A lot of hoopla is being made regarding the possibility of N.J. Gov. Chris Christie getting in the contest. I used to like the man. I liked the way he got in the union faces and did not let them bully him into submission. But that was just in New Jersey.
And his opposition to the 2nd Amendment is a definite non-starter for me. While progressives have accused Christie of being in the pockets of the NRA, the N.J. governor has extensively campaigned and supported the assault weapon ban and opposed the right of NJ citizens to obtain CCWs. Hardly a supporter of the Constitution.
New Jersey is way too close to New York, and the idiocy of someone like mayor Bloomberg has obviously spilled into the next-door state.
Besides the 2nd Amendment issue, there is also Christie's rejection of any measure having to be taken on illegal immigration. He opposed the Arizona immigration law and stated he does not consider illegal aliens as "illegal" but undocumented...WTH?
And what about Christie's refusal to have New Jersey join the law suit against Obamacare that many states have brought forward? So much for fiscal responsibility!
Ultimately, whoever will be selected by the people to oppose Obama in 2012 will get my vote, but I am once again frightened for our future as a constitutional republic. My hope had been for Amb. John Bolton, but it is not going to happen. And even Sarah Palin, if she is as smart as it appears, will sit this one out.
What I look for in a candidate is very simple.
- push to balance the budget by cutting spending,
- return to the Constitution in regard to government intrusion into our lives,
- remove strangling regulations upon American small businesses,
- end crony capitalism,
- shut democrats out of government,
- eliminate at least 50% of all government agencies,
- eliminate most entitlement programs,
- WIN the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by allowing the field commanders to actually do their jobs.
Just my thoughts!