By Semperpapa
The latest report on the richest people in Congress, compiled from financial disclosures, shows that the great senator from Massachusetts John F. Kerry is the wealthiest of them all. According to the report, Kerry's worth stands at $188.5 millions.
It is sort of a miraculous improvement from the times in 2004 when Kerry was able to campaign only because sugar moma Theresa was bankrolling the stud.
Obviously the ascension to power of his kind in 2006 has had a very beneficial result for the senator, hanks to his investments in the Stock Market.
And it was just last month that the good old Kerry tried to move his multi-million dollars boat to Rhode Island so not to pay Massachusetts taxes, only to reverse the action when public opinion called him out on his hypocrisy.
This is one of the aspects of liberals that infuriates me the most. Here is a guy who is wealthy beyond what a mere mortal like me can even imagine, surely profiting from his position in the US Senate that should be seen as a service to the people and not as self-servant elitism.
This is the same guy who wants the working Americans to foot the bill for all the progressive agendas that he and his liberal cohorts want to shove down our throats.
I have no problem with accumulation of wealth, as that is the basis of our Capitalistic system. I also have no problem with people gaining financial stability via hard work and risk taking, but I have a major issue with people who try to stand up on hypocritical pedestals, telling the working Americans that they are required to sacrifice for the expansion of liberal ideology, while the elitist in Congress do nothing and get rich not doing it.
And these so-called public servants will probably vote themselves a new raise too!
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
More Islamophobia
By Semperpapa
Two men fly from Chicago to Amsterdam, where they are intercepted and arrested by the Dutch authorities under suspicion of terrorism.
U.S. law enforcement official identified the men as Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi and Hezam al Murisi, obviously two members of the vast right wing conspiracy.
The two men, who are from the Detroit area, flew to Chicago where they boarded the plane for Amsterdam.
One of them, Al Soofi, was carrying $7,000 in cash and both had some strange items I their luggages, like watches taped to a bottle of Pepto Bismol and cell phones also taped together.
Of course, none of the individual items alone are a violation of the law, any law, but they remain ultimately suspicious in nature.
Some of the investigating authorities are now looking into the possibility of the two men being involved in some sort of a dry run to assess the security level of air travel.
So how long before the accusations of islamophobia start to surface? How long before some spokehole from CAIR is going to run to any available microphone and declare the intention to file civil rights violation law suit against the TSA?
I am also expecting any minute that NY mayor Bloomberg will come out and state that the two men must have been part of the Glenn Beck rally in Washington on Saturday or the TEA party movement, and Janet Napolitano and the Obama administration stating that there is no Islamic connection, even before any investigation is under way.
On a positive note, it appears that this time the TSA was more alert regarding communicating with the Dutch authorities regarding the imminent arrival of the two characters into Amsterdam.
And I tend to trust the Dutch counter-terrorism unit to look into these two men’s background and see if there may be some connection with some other shady character.
I know, this is all part of the increaing islamophobia that is afflicting Americans, but who can really blame us?
Just my thoughts!
Two men fly from Chicago to Amsterdam, where they are intercepted and arrested by the Dutch authorities under suspicion of terrorism.
U.S. law enforcement official identified the men as Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi and Hezam al Murisi, obviously two members of the vast right wing conspiracy.
The two men, who are from the Detroit area, flew to Chicago where they boarded the plane for Amsterdam.
One of them, Al Soofi, was carrying $7,000 in cash and both had some strange items I their luggages, like watches taped to a bottle of Pepto Bismol and cell phones also taped together.
Of course, none of the individual items alone are a violation of the law, any law, but they remain ultimately suspicious in nature.
Some of the investigating authorities are now looking into the possibility of the two men being involved in some sort of a dry run to assess the security level of air travel.
So how long before the accusations of islamophobia start to surface? How long before some spokehole from CAIR is going to run to any available microphone and declare the intention to file civil rights violation law suit against the TSA?
I am also expecting any minute that NY mayor Bloomberg will come out and state that the two men must have been part of the Glenn Beck rally in Washington on Saturday or the TEA party movement, and Janet Napolitano and the Obama administration stating that there is no Islamic connection, even before any investigation is under way.
On a positive note, it appears that this time the TSA was more alert regarding communicating with the Dutch authorities regarding the imminent arrival of the two characters into Amsterdam.
And I tend to trust the Dutch counter-terrorism unit to look into these two men’s background and see if there may be some connection with some other shady character.
I know, this is all part of the increaing islamophobia that is afflicting Americans, but who can really blame us?
Just my thoughts!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Judeo-Christian Nation
By Semperpapa
The "Restore Honor" rally of last Saturday in Washington drew an estimated 500,000 people on the Mall for the organizer, Glenn Beck.
Not too far, at a high school campus, Al Sharpton got about a thousand people to waste their time and listen to a litany of attacks and words aimed at inflaming the rhetoric against Mr. Beck and his rally and to claim that the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King is a possession of only the Blacks of America.
It is obvious that the participation of such a large crowd, and its composition that went through racial lines, religious affiliations and devotions and gender, is a great source of discomfort for the new slave owner Sharpton, who obviously sees in the participation of such a cross-section of Americans, a definite threat to his personal agenda of submission.
And the racist Media also lost the significance of the message that emanated from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, a message of unity, of hope, of honor and of recognition of those in the Military who have and still are sacrificing so much for the freedoms that not only we take so much for granted, but also we are allowing to slowly been taken away from us.
The message that Beck was trying to divulge, and which only those with a clear and moral mind can grasp, is that the fact that our Nation was founded on the basis of Judeo-Christian beliefs is not indicative of a predominance of the Judeo-Christian faith, but the canons of that faith are at the basis of the entire structure of our country, a country guided by the rule of law and the guidelines of morality.
In the Ten Commandments, the call for not killing, not stealing, not taking other people's wives are not just part of the Judeo-Christian faith, but are part of the rule of law that governs our land.
Truthfully, it comes down to the expression of guidance that is received from interests that go well beyond our own little corner of the Nation, the knowledge of being part of a society that, while maintaining the utmost respect for the individual and his freedoms, draws strength from being part, integral part, of a conglomeration of people called America.
There may have been only 500,000 people at the Washington Mall on Saturday, but the spirit that showed up there is shared by millions across this great Nation of ours.
Just my thoughts!
The "Restore Honor" rally of last Saturday in Washington drew an estimated 500,000 people on the Mall for the organizer, Glenn Beck.
Not too far, at a high school campus, Al Sharpton got about a thousand people to waste their time and listen to a litany of attacks and words aimed at inflaming the rhetoric against Mr. Beck and his rally and to claim that the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King is a possession of only the Blacks of America.
It is obvious that the participation of such a large crowd, and its composition that went through racial lines, religious affiliations and devotions and gender, is a great source of discomfort for the new slave owner Sharpton, who obviously sees in the participation of such a cross-section of Americans, a definite threat to his personal agenda of submission.
And the racist Media also lost the significance of the message that emanated from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, a message of unity, of hope, of honor and of recognition of those in the Military who have and still are sacrificing so much for the freedoms that not only we take so much for granted, but also we are allowing to slowly been taken away from us.
The message that Beck was trying to divulge, and which only those with a clear and moral mind can grasp, is that the fact that our Nation was founded on the basis of Judeo-Christian beliefs is not indicative of a predominance of the Judeo-Christian faith, but the canons of that faith are at the basis of the entire structure of our country, a country guided by the rule of law and the guidelines of morality.
In the Ten Commandments, the call for not killing, not stealing, not taking other people's wives are not just part of the Judeo-Christian faith, but are part of the rule of law that governs our land.
Truthfully, it comes down to the expression of guidance that is received from interests that go well beyond our own little corner of the Nation, the knowledge of being part of a society that, while maintaining the utmost respect for the individual and his freedoms, draws strength from being part, integral part, of a conglomeration of people called America.
There may have been only 500,000 people at the Washington Mall on Saturday, but the spirit that showed up there is shared by millions across this great Nation of ours.
Just my thoughts!
Surrender To The United Nations
By Semperpapa
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented a report to the United Nation Human Rights Commission listing the Arizona SB1070 Anti illegal immigration law passed last summer as a legislative step the Commission should analyze.
In the first place, Hillary's action clearly demonstrates the length the corruptocrats in power are willing to go in order to achieve their agenda.
Turning our Nation into a Marxist country, appealing to the dictatorships overseas to analyze laws legally passed by the people of the United States, who, the Sec. of State should be reminded, are not under the jurisdiction of any international body, and even less of an organization as corrupted and useless as the United Nation.
Moreover, the lawful legislation passed in Arizona is being scrutinized by none other than countries like Cuba and Iran.
Regardless of the garbage spewed by Michael Moore and Sean Penn, nobody really believes that the regimes of Cuba or Iran are morally or legally equipped to make any possible determination about human right violations, unless they are defining the term.
What feels even more disgusting to me is the lack of any reaction on the part of those Republicans in Congress who should be the ones, surely with John McCain in the lead, to file formal complaints against the actions of Clinton and the administration.
Unfortunately, there are no Americans left in Washington, at least no one who is willing to stand up for the right thing to do.
Remember in November!!!
Just my thoughts!
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented a report to the United Nation Human Rights Commission listing the Arizona SB1070 Anti illegal immigration law passed last summer as a legislative step the Commission should analyze.
In the first place, Hillary's action clearly demonstrates the length the corruptocrats in power are willing to go in order to achieve their agenda.
Turning our Nation into a Marxist country, appealing to the dictatorships overseas to analyze laws legally passed by the people of the United States, who, the Sec. of State should be reminded, are not under the jurisdiction of any international body, and even less of an organization as corrupted and useless as the United Nation.
Moreover, the lawful legislation passed in Arizona is being scrutinized by none other than countries like Cuba and Iran.
Regardless of the garbage spewed by Michael Moore and Sean Penn, nobody really believes that the regimes of Cuba or Iran are morally or legally equipped to make any possible determination about human right violations, unless they are defining the term.
What feels even more disgusting to me is the lack of any reaction on the part of those Republicans in Congress who should be the ones, surely with John McCain in the lead, to file formal complaints against the actions of Clinton and the administration.
Unfortunately, there are no Americans left in Washington, at least no one who is willing to stand up for the right thing to do.
Remember in November!!!
Just my thoughts!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Renewed Attack On The Second Amendment
By Semperpapa
The Obama Administration has found a way to go after the Second Amendment of our Constitution without having to engage in one of those annoying Constitutional battles that have the bad habit to captivate and energize the majority of the American people.
According to some reports, the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, is considering issuing a ban on all lead ammunition. They cite the environmental impact that such type of ammo may be having on the environment by having all these little pieces of lead going into the ground.
I am sure that the EPA is going to take few million dollars of taxpayers money and commission some left fringe Berkeley-type professor to conduct a study that is going to show that the activities of shooting sport enthusiasts are destroying the habitat of some unspecified number of species, not to mention the poisonings of millions of children across the country.
Considering that the other types of ammunition are being scrutinized on a daily basis and silently being outlawed by labeling them armor piercing or cop-killers and so on, such a ban on lead ammo would practically eliminate the ability of sport shooters to have ammunition for their weapons. Conveniently, any other type of ammo used for sport shooting or home and personal defense, is also very expensive and hard to find.
So, once again, the American people are being treated to a show of insidious attack on the part of the current regime, once again proving wrong those of us who are of the opinion that President Obama disastrous policies are due to inexperience and stupidity, as opposed to a predetermined, conscious and insidious search and implementation of policies that are designed to circumvent the American laws and principles.
Just my thoughts!
The Obama Administration has found a way to go after the Second Amendment of our Constitution without having to engage in one of those annoying Constitutional battles that have the bad habit to captivate and energize the majority of the American people.
According to some reports, the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, is considering issuing a ban on all lead ammunition. They cite the environmental impact that such type of ammo may be having on the environment by having all these little pieces of lead going into the ground.
I am sure that the EPA is going to take few million dollars of taxpayers money and commission some left fringe Berkeley-type professor to conduct a study that is going to show that the activities of shooting sport enthusiasts are destroying the habitat of some unspecified number of species, not to mention the poisonings of millions of children across the country.
Considering that the other types of ammunition are being scrutinized on a daily basis and silently being outlawed by labeling them armor piercing or cop-killers and so on, such a ban on lead ammo would practically eliminate the ability of sport shooters to have ammunition for their weapons. Conveniently, any other type of ammo used for sport shooting or home and personal defense, is also very expensive and hard to find.
So, once again, the American people are being treated to a show of insidious attack on the part of the current regime, once again proving wrong those of us who are of the opinion that President Obama disastrous policies are due to inexperience and stupidity, as opposed to a predetermined, conscious and insidious search and implementation of policies that are designed to circumvent the American laws and principles.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Amnesty After All
By Semperpapa
Susan Carroll from the Houston Chronicle reports that the federal government is arbitrarily dismissing cases of deportation for illegal aliens.
According to the article, the Homeland Security Department is dismissing cases against illegal immigrant if their criminal records are not too serious. The excuse that officials are giving is that the backlog of deportation cases is so severe that the DHS and ICE are waving the application of the laws of the United States as they apply to the presence of people in the country who should not be.
Spokesman for ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) say that the DHS is reviewing cases and support deportation according to a priority listing that involves the level of national security threat the illegal represents.
Out of the 248,000 cases of pending deportation nation-wide, DHS has assigned a whole five attorney to handle the cases of the Houston area. According to some of university study, of the total of cases across the country, 23,000 are just in Texas.
So what is really going on here. As we are witnessing the largest and fastest growth of government employment in our history, I find it interesting that the number of attorneys tasked to review the cases of people who should not be in our country has not enjoyed an equal level of recruitment.
Backlog and lack of resources is just an excuse that the current regime is using to, once again, blow smoke in the people’s eyes and continue on their road toward the subversion of our system.
Even representatives of the rank and file ICE officers are baffled by the actions of the government, as the policy adopted is creating a sentiment among their officers of feeling practically powerless in their attempt to enforce the law.
The actions of DHS amount to a backdoor amnesty policy that the Obama government is imposing on the American people.
Rejection to any overture toward general amnesty of illegal aliens is pretty much a matter of majority in the United States, so the government is, once again, resorting to cunning tactics designed to circumvent the will of the American people and march undisturbed toward the achievement of their agenda of creating a new politically servant group of people who they can exploit.
Just my thoughts
Susan Carroll from the Houston Chronicle reports that the federal government is arbitrarily dismissing cases of deportation for illegal aliens.
According to the article, the Homeland Security Department is dismissing cases against illegal immigrant if their criminal records are not too serious. The excuse that officials are giving is that the backlog of deportation cases is so severe that the DHS and ICE are waving the application of the laws of the United States as they apply to the presence of people in the country who should not be.
Spokesman for ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) say that the DHS is reviewing cases and support deportation according to a priority listing that involves the level of national security threat the illegal represents.
Out of the 248,000 cases of pending deportation nation-wide, DHS has assigned a whole five attorney to handle the cases of the Houston area. According to some of university study, of the total of cases across the country, 23,000 are just in Texas.
So what is really going on here. As we are witnessing the largest and fastest growth of government employment in our history, I find it interesting that the number of attorneys tasked to review the cases of people who should not be in our country has not enjoyed an equal level of recruitment.
Backlog and lack of resources is just an excuse that the current regime is using to, once again, blow smoke in the people’s eyes and continue on their road toward the subversion of our system.
Even representatives of the rank and file ICE officers are baffled by the actions of the government, as the policy adopted is creating a sentiment among their officers of feeling practically powerless in their attempt to enforce the law.
The actions of DHS amount to a backdoor amnesty policy that the Obama government is imposing on the American people.
Rejection to any overture toward general amnesty of illegal aliens is pretty much a matter of majority in the United States, so the government is, once again, resorting to cunning tactics designed to circumvent the will of the American people and march undisturbed toward the achievement of their agenda of creating a new politically servant group of people who they can exploit.
Just my thoughts
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
...And So It Begins
By Semperpapa
Or more pertinently, it continues. The blitzkrieg of deception radical Islamists have been pursuing for the last three decades or so is back in full swing fueled by the controversy over the building of the mosque near Ground Zero.
The project, which was initially named Cordoba Initiative until the duplicity of significance of such name became known among the dormant American masses, was surely not intended to gain so much publicity across the whole country. Park 51, as it is known these days in the attempt to give it a more New York elite connotation, was most likely intended to be one of those under the radar activities that the Muslim forces of subversion was going to just sneak through the legal underground of New York political scene until the whole thing was far along enough that reversing it was going to be all but impossible.
Mayor Bloomberg, who is clearly set to benefit enormously from the realization of the project, failed to keep the actions of his office and the various commissions involved under wrap.
But this is not just about the mosque near Ground Zero. This is about the insidious activities that radical Muslims have been conducted in our country unopposed for so long.
In the process of conquest, one of the most important strategies of the radical Islamist is the ability to operate without raising much interest and/or suspicion among the American people. Achieving success without fanfare is at the core of the movement directed at slowly eroding the very fibers of our society.
As much as the American people have to endure the appearance of spokespeople from organizations like CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) on the screens of our News outlets, the work that organizations like CAIR have done has remained fairly unknown to the vast majority of the people, and certainly by design.
Even the true significance of the initial name of the mosque project, Cordoba Initiative, escaped the majority of the American people, who naturally may not be overly informed about historical events in Spain dating back centuries, and it is thanks to the power of the internet and the extreme knowledge of historians like Victor Davis Hanson and authors like David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry that the average American has access to information which hopefully generates the feeling of concern necessary to safeguard our Republic.
The rejection of projects like the Ground Zero mosque goes beyond the political schism that we are witnessing today n America, as shown by an overwhelming 70% of the American people opposed to such project. So the protest is, or at least should be, not guided by political ideologies, but by common sense, decency and compassion.
On the part of the radical Muslims who are pushing for the project realization, we are seeing a valiant attempt to silence public opinion by using the methodology that has worked in the past for them and for many other ethnic issues: political correctness.
Just as the Muslim community benefited from the obsession of the American people for political correctness in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, the intention today is to try to revert to the same tactics of inculcating in the minds of the American people that opposition to the project is based on pure Islamophobia and religious intolerance. Some Americans are falling prey of such tactic, but the vast majority is not.
Representatives from CAIR try to find every microphone available to launch their accusatory invectives against those who they consider to be on an anti-Muslim crusade, leveling accusation of religious discrimination against every American who dares to take the position contrary to their agenda.
As an example, this is what Daisy Khan, wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, stated on an ABC program:
"We are deeply concerned, because this is like a metastasized antisemitism, It's beyond Islamophobia. It's hate of Muslims."
I find interesting that Ms. Khan would actually use the term ‘anti-Semitism’, which describes activities aimed against Jews. The subterfuge of that parallel is obvious: it is known that the history of the Holocaust is still conjuring up negative feelings among Americans, so by associating dissent against their project with anti-Semitism, there is an underlining attempt to appeal to a more politically correct look at the issue.
What we are also witnessing today, as the patience of the common American appears to grow increasingly thin, is the attempt to politicize the issue on the part of the Media.
Up until the time President Obama came out with his veiled support of the mosque, the national media had steered clear of the controversy for the major part. But as the President made his outrageous remarks in front of a group of Muslims celebrating Ramadan, dissent from the American people to his stand forced the MSM to immediately step up the protective shield for Obama. And the defense is brutal.
The least accusation is of Islamophobia, and it goes down from there.
But for the MSM, the most important concern is to shore up Obama’s approval rating among Americans, which has been steadily taking a severe beating in the last few weeks. Obama’s stand on the mosque issue has only aggravated the situation, making the job of the President’s apologists that much more difficult and desperate.
What the American people must realize is that radical Islam is working its magic to slowly subvert every belief that we may hold dear by using our own Constitution, which they are aiming at replacing with Shariah law, and the ever-present sense of tolerance typical of American society.
Islam is working through deception and subterfuge, hiding behind legitimate legal statutes, at times, while actively trying to destroy the same.
Only vigilance and activism in the name of American core values and interests will prevail against the forces of death and subjugation championed by radical Islamists.
Just my thoughts!
Or more pertinently, it continues. The blitzkrieg of deception radical Islamists have been pursuing for the last three decades or so is back in full swing fueled by the controversy over the building of the mosque near Ground Zero.
The project, which was initially named Cordoba Initiative until the duplicity of significance of such name became known among the dormant American masses, was surely not intended to gain so much publicity across the whole country. Park 51, as it is known these days in the attempt to give it a more New York elite connotation, was most likely intended to be one of those under the radar activities that the Muslim forces of subversion was going to just sneak through the legal underground of New York political scene until the whole thing was far along enough that reversing it was going to be all but impossible.
Mayor Bloomberg, who is clearly set to benefit enormously from the realization of the project, failed to keep the actions of his office and the various commissions involved under wrap.
But this is not just about the mosque near Ground Zero. This is about the insidious activities that radical Muslims have been conducted in our country unopposed for so long.
In the process of conquest, one of the most important strategies of the radical Islamist is the ability to operate without raising much interest and/or suspicion among the American people. Achieving success without fanfare is at the core of the movement directed at slowly eroding the very fibers of our society.
As much as the American people have to endure the appearance of spokespeople from organizations like CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) on the screens of our News outlets, the work that organizations like CAIR have done has remained fairly unknown to the vast majority of the people, and certainly by design.
Even the true significance of the initial name of the mosque project, Cordoba Initiative, escaped the majority of the American people, who naturally may not be overly informed about historical events in Spain dating back centuries, and it is thanks to the power of the internet and the extreme knowledge of historians like Victor Davis Hanson and authors like David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry that the average American has access to information which hopefully generates the feeling of concern necessary to safeguard our Republic.
The rejection of projects like the Ground Zero mosque goes beyond the political schism that we are witnessing today n America, as shown by an overwhelming 70% of the American people opposed to such project. So the protest is, or at least should be, not guided by political ideologies, but by common sense, decency and compassion.
On the part of the radical Muslims who are pushing for the project realization, we are seeing a valiant attempt to silence public opinion by using the methodology that has worked in the past for them and for many other ethnic issues: political correctness.
Just as the Muslim community benefited from the obsession of the American people for political correctness in the wake of the 9-11 attacks, the intention today is to try to revert to the same tactics of inculcating in the minds of the American people that opposition to the project is based on pure Islamophobia and religious intolerance. Some Americans are falling prey of such tactic, but the vast majority is not.
Representatives from CAIR try to find every microphone available to launch their accusatory invectives against those who they consider to be on an anti-Muslim crusade, leveling accusation of religious discrimination against every American who dares to take the position contrary to their agenda.
As an example, this is what Daisy Khan, wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, stated on an ABC program:
"We are deeply concerned, because this is like a metastasized antisemitism, It's beyond Islamophobia. It's hate of Muslims."
I find interesting that Ms. Khan would actually use the term ‘anti-Semitism’, which describes activities aimed against Jews. The subterfuge of that parallel is obvious: it is known that the history of the Holocaust is still conjuring up negative feelings among Americans, so by associating dissent against their project with anti-Semitism, there is an underlining attempt to appeal to a more politically correct look at the issue.
What we are also witnessing today, as the patience of the common American appears to grow increasingly thin, is the attempt to politicize the issue on the part of the Media.
Up until the time President Obama came out with his veiled support of the mosque, the national media had steered clear of the controversy for the major part. But as the President made his outrageous remarks in front of a group of Muslims celebrating Ramadan, dissent from the American people to his stand forced the MSM to immediately step up the protective shield for Obama. And the defense is brutal.
The least accusation is of Islamophobia, and it goes down from there.
But for the MSM, the most important concern is to shore up Obama’s approval rating among Americans, which has been steadily taking a severe beating in the last few weeks. Obama’s stand on the mosque issue has only aggravated the situation, making the job of the President’s apologists that much more difficult and desperate.
What the American people must realize is that radical Islam is working its magic to slowly subvert every belief that we may hold dear by using our own Constitution, which they are aiming at replacing with Shariah law, and the ever-present sense of tolerance typical of American society.
Islam is working through deception and subterfuge, hiding behind legitimate legal statutes, at times, while actively trying to destroy the same.
Only vigilance and activism in the name of American core values and interests will prevail against the forces of death and subjugation championed by radical Islamists.
Just my thoughts!
"Waste My Time"
By Semperpapa
The author of the colossal cluster-fark known as Obamacare, Montana Senator Max Baucus, a Democrat of course, was questioned by some frustrated people during a meeting he held with Katherine Sebelius, Health Secretary.
The question some frustrated citizen asked was if he had read all the bill he authored.
His answer was "No". As the people were incensed by his answer, he added that the people would not want him to "waste his time" reading bunch of statutory language.
Considering that the said statutory language is destined to completely ruin the health care system in America; considering that the legislation he authored is going to cause the loss of uncounted jobs; considering that the quality and availability of care will be severely curtailed, costing the lives of many, the answer to his rhetorical question is a resounding "Hell Yes!"
Just another example of the undaunted elitism these corrupted people in Washington slap the American people's face with every single day.
No 24 hours go by without We the People being insulted straight in our faces and forced to accept the shenanigans these criminals pull on us, and if we dare to tell them so, we are labeled racist and whatever other -ist and -phobic term Du jour they can come up with.
Fire them all!!!
Just my thoughts!
The author of the colossal cluster-fark known as Obamacare, Montana Senator Max Baucus, a Democrat of course, was questioned by some frustrated people during a meeting he held with Katherine Sebelius, Health Secretary.
The question some frustrated citizen asked was if he had read all the bill he authored.
His answer was "No". As the people were incensed by his answer, he added that the people would not want him to "waste his time" reading bunch of statutory language.
Considering that the said statutory language is destined to completely ruin the health care system in America; considering that the legislation he authored is going to cause the loss of uncounted jobs; considering that the quality and availability of care will be severely curtailed, costing the lives of many, the answer to his rhetorical question is a resounding "Hell Yes!"
Just another example of the undaunted elitism these corrupted people in Washington slap the American people's face with every single day.
No 24 hours go by without We the People being insulted straight in our faces and forced to accept the shenanigans these criminals pull on us, and if we dare to tell them so, we are labeled racist and whatever other -ist and -phobic term Du jour they can come up with.
Fire them all!!!
Just my thoughts!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friends Of Obama And Gerry Brown
By Semperpapa
If you thought Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were really dubious freinds of Obama, you will be happy to know that our esteem President is a "good friend", as good a friend as Obama can be, of Jodie Evans, big shot of the organization Code Pink.
Jodie Evans has been a big supporter of Obama, able to raise large amounts of money for the Messiah during his campaign.
Last Saturday, Evans had a fundraise for the California Governor candidate Gerry "Moonbeam" Brown, connecting the dots from Obama to Code Pink to Gerry, as if it was necessary.
Move America Forward staged a protest against the occasion, also demanding that Gerry Brown return the money that came from the progressive nutcases associated with Code Pink.
Of course nobody expect Brown to do any such thing, mostly because he is the perfect candidate for the Code Pink miscreants.
Jodie Evans is also one of those immoral Code Pinker who, during the group's protest against the Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Berkeley, screamed the words "Your son deserved to die if he was stupid enough to go to Iraq" at Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy SEAL who was killed in the war in Iraq.
Great friends of Obama and Gerry Brown!
Just my thoughts!
If you thought Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were really dubious freinds of Obama, you will be happy to know that our esteem President is a "good friend", as good a friend as Obama can be, of Jodie Evans, big shot of the organization Code Pink.
Jodie Evans has been a big supporter of Obama, able to raise large amounts of money for the Messiah during his campaign.
Last Saturday, Evans had a fundraise for the California Governor candidate Gerry "Moonbeam" Brown, connecting the dots from Obama to Code Pink to Gerry, as if it was necessary.
Move America Forward staged a protest against the occasion, also demanding that Gerry Brown return the money that came from the progressive nutcases associated with Code Pink.
Of course nobody expect Brown to do any such thing, mostly because he is the perfect candidate for the Code Pink miscreants.
Jodie Evans is also one of those immoral Code Pinker who, during the group's protest against the Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Berkeley, screamed the words "Your son deserved to die if he was stupid enough to go to Iraq" at Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy SEAL who was killed in the war in Iraq.
Great friends of Obama and Gerry Brown!
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Moderate Fanatics
By Semperpapa
I received this e-mail from a friend. It was supposedly written by a well known psychiatrist, Dr. Emanuel Tanay.
Even if I could not verify the source, Dr. Tanay, I consider it irrelevant as the message in this piece is as valid as any American will ever see, plus the historical connotations are correct.
This should give Americans some food-for-thought.
A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.
'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.
My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.
'We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.
The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.
It is the fanatics who march.
It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide.
It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave.
It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill.
It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals.
It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.
The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people.
The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.
The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?
History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.
Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.
As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.
Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that thousands, world wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before it's too late........
Emanuel Tanay, M.D.
Can anyone really argue the points made by Dr. Tanay? We have been treated to an avalanche of proofs for many years now.
Radical Muslims would conduct terrorist attacks against innocent civilians across the globe, especially directed to American and Israeli interests and the majority of Muslims, those who identify themselves as moderates, have remained principally silent.
Unforgettable were the scenes from the Palestinian territories after the attacks of 9-11-01, showing people taking to the streets celebrating with chants and sweets.
Those images quickly disappeared from the TV sets, in a concerted attempt to shield the American people from the reality of our enemy, but, most of all, to insure that the Muslim population in America, vast majority of which is labeled as "moderate", would not be targeted.
The America of 2001 was not one to go on a anti-Muslim rampage at home, but the main problem remained that, with just few exceptions, the Muslim community remained silent, and in some cases, actually made inflammatory statements.
The champion of Islamic moderation, imam Rauf, as he has been depicted since the Ground Zero mosque debacle started, was one of those "moderate" Muslim who, just few days following the 9-11 attacks, declared his belief that the United States shared the responsibilities for the terrorist attacks and that Osama bin Laden was a creation of the United States.
That's moderation.
Just my thoughts!
I received this e-mail from a friend. It was supposedly written by a well known psychiatrist, Dr. Emanuel Tanay.
Even if I could not verify the source, Dr. Tanay, I consider it irrelevant as the message in this piece is as valid as any American will ever see, plus the historical connotations are correct.
This should give Americans some food-for-thought.
A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.
'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.
My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.
'We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.
The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.
It is the fanatics who march.
It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide.
It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave.
It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill.
It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals.
It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.
The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people.
The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.
The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?
History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.
Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.
As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.
Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that thousands, world wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before it's too late........
Emanuel Tanay, M.D.
Can anyone really argue the points made by Dr. Tanay? We have been treated to an avalanche of proofs for many years now.
Radical Muslims would conduct terrorist attacks against innocent civilians across the globe, especially directed to American and Israeli interests and the majority of Muslims, those who identify themselves as moderates, have remained principally silent.
Unforgettable were the scenes from the Palestinian territories after the attacks of 9-11-01, showing people taking to the streets celebrating with chants and sweets.
Those images quickly disappeared from the TV sets, in a concerted attempt to shield the American people from the reality of our enemy, but, most of all, to insure that the Muslim population in America, vast majority of which is labeled as "moderate", would not be targeted.
The America of 2001 was not one to go on a anti-Muslim rampage at home, but the main problem remained that, with just few exceptions, the Muslim community remained silent, and in some cases, actually made inflammatory statements.
The champion of Islamic moderation, imam Rauf, as he has been depicted since the Ground Zero mosque debacle started, was one of those "moderate" Muslim who, just few days following the 9-11 attacks, declared his belief that the United States shared the responsibilities for the terrorist attacks and that Osama bin Laden was a creation of the United States.
That's moderation.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Allah's Miracle
By Semperpapa
A year ago today, August 20, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi walked out of a Scottish prison for his last trip home to Tripoli, Libya.
The images of a man in his last days of his life, slowly moving due to the terminal illness that was consuming him and that was at the core of the compassionate release from prison and an absolution of his responsibility for the death of 270 innocent people on Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
A year ago, the world was incensed by the actions of the Scottish government as the release was seen as a slap in the face to the families of those who died that day in 1988.
A year ago, President Obama stated that the freeing of Megrahi made Americans “surprised, disappointed and angry”. And he was not lying. At least not technically because it was true that the American people were all that and more, but he was definitely not speaking on a personal base.
In July of this year, 2010, new revelations have surfaced about the release of al-Megrahi.
At the time of the release of the terrorist, authorities in Scotland based their decision on compassion, as the man was supposed to be so riddled with cancer that his life expectancy was of about three months. So the Scottish authorities got a doctor to state the prognosis and released al-Megrahi, who was promptly flown to Tripoli to received a hero’s welcome.
Megrahi, who was not supposed to last more than three months, appeared to make a miraculous turn around which prompted me to write a piece in February 2010 calling it “Do You Believe In Miracles?” pointing out that six months after the release, the good old terrorist was enjoying a peaceful and luxurious life in a villa that the regime of Libya had provided for him, entertaining guests and surrounded by family.
The new revelations that surfaced this July were warranted by some rumours that the oil company British Petroleum had been somewhat involved in lobbying the Scottish government for the release of Megrahi in exchange for lucrative Libyan oil contracts.
The giant oil company denied any wrong doing, but with the oil spill ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico, public opinion was not willing to be tolerant of any other bad publicity about the corporation. Many, even in Congress called for transparency on the subject, once again pointing the accusatory finger to the Scottish government.
That was the time when a report surfaced about a communication that the deputy head of the US Embassy in London, Richard LeBaron, had sent a note to the Scottish authorities outlining the opposition of the US Government to the release of Megrahi, but added:
"Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose."
The embarrassing significance of the note is that it appears the US government was lobbying for a release of Megrahi as opposed to a prisoner transfer. Basically, if the Scottish authorities wanted to spring the man on compassionate grounds, it would be much more acceptable for the US to have the guy free instead of in prison in Libya, as if that would have happened.
Today, August 20 2010, is the first anniversary of the release of Megrahi, recipient of a miracle from Allah as he is still alive, he is still enjoying life in his comfortable villa in Tripoli and still entertaining family and friends.
But in a strong statement, the United Kingdom is warning Libya that any celebration of the anniversary of the release of Megrahi would be offensive and tasteless. Surely Gheddafi is shaking in his sandals.
One more interesting aspect of this story is the connections between Obama and BP.
The oil company had been coerced into providing a $20 billion fund to pay for the clean up and loss of business in the Gulf of Mexico spill caused by the explosion and sinking of the oil platform. The slush fund, because is what that really was, was a small price for BP to pay for keeping the White House on a friendly keel, as $20 billions for BP is truly a drop in the proverbial bucket.
Maybe one day, if some journalist will see clear to look into it, will find out how much of the slush fund was actually used for its true purpose and how much found its way in the coffers of Democrats candidates and unions.
So while the White House used the oil spill in the Gulf to advance its energy policy, including the establishment of a moratorium on all offshore oil drilling, while the White House was using the oil spill to advance its war against private business and the oil industry, on its march to the nationalization of the industry itself, reports of millions of gallons of crude spilling into the waters of the Gulf in what was described as the largest environmental disaster in history.
Meanwhile, reporters were banned from filming some of the clean up efforts and as soon as some of the dots connecting Megrahi’s release, BP and the White House started to appear, the efforts to plug the oil leak was successful.
Suddenly, from one day to the next, the worst environmental disaster in history was completely gone from the news and the oil had all but disappeared (some scientist, though, just came out and said that the oil spill is “invisible”).
Megrahi is still the recipient of Allah’s miracle, and we can all be grateful for it.
Just my thoughts!
A year ago today, August 20, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi walked out of a Scottish prison for his last trip home to Tripoli, Libya.
The images of a man in his last days of his life, slowly moving due to the terminal illness that was consuming him and that was at the core of the compassionate release from prison and an absolution of his responsibility for the death of 270 innocent people on Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
A year ago, the world was incensed by the actions of the Scottish government as the release was seen as a slap in the face to the families of those who died that day in 1988.
A year ago, President Obama stated that the freeing of Megrahi made Americans “surprised, disappointed and angry”. And he was not lying. At least not technically because it was true that the American people were all that and more, but he was definitely not speaking on a personal base.
In July of this year, 2010, new revelations have surfaced about the release of al-Megrahi.
At the time of the release of the terrorist, authorities in Scotland based their decision on compassion, as the man was supposed to be so riddled with cancer that his life expectancy was of about three months. So the Scottish authorities got a doctor to state the prognosis and released al-Megrahi, who was promptly flown to Tripoli to received a hero’s welcome.
Megrahi, who was not supposed to last more than three months, appeared to make a miraculous turn around which prompted me to write a piece in February 2010 calling it “Do You Believe In Miracles?” pointing out that six months after the release, the good old terrorist was enjoying a peaceful and luxurious life in a villa that the regime of Libya had provided for him, entertaining guests and surrounded by family.
The new revelations that surfaced this July were warranted by some rumours that the oil company British Petroleum had been somewhat involved in lobbying the Scottish government for the release of Megrahi in exchange for lucrative Libyan oil contracts.
The giant oil company denied any wrong doing, but with the oil spill ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico, public opinion was not willing to be tolerant of any other bad publicity about the corporation. Many, even in Congress called for transparency on the subject, once again pointing the accusatory finger to the Scottish government.
That was the time when a report surfaced about a communication that the deputy head of the US Embassy in London, Richard LeBaron, had sent a note to the Scottish authorities outlining the opposition of the US Government to the release of Megrahi, but added:
"Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose."
The embarrassing significance of the note is that it appears the US government was lobbying for a release of Megrahi as opposed to a prisoner transfer. Basically, if the Scottish authorities wanted to spring the man on compassionate grounds, it would be much more acceptable for the US to have the guy free instead of in prison in Libya, as if that would have happened.
Today, August 20 2010, is the first anniversary of the release of Megrahi, recipient of a miracle from Allah as he is still alive, he is still enjoying life in his comfortable villa in Tripoli and still entertaining family and friends.
But in a strong statement, the United Kingdom is warning Libya that any celebration of the anniversary of the release of Megrahi would be offensive and tasteless. Surely Gheddafi is shaking in his sandals.
One more interesting aspect of this story is the connections between Obama and BP.
The oil company had been coerced into providing a $20 billion fund to pay for the clean up and loss of business in the Gulf of Mexico spill caused by the explosion and sinking of the oil platform. The slush fund, because is what that really was, was a small price for BP to pay for keeping the White House on a friendly keel, as $20 billions for BP is truly a drop in the proverbial bucket.
Maybe one day, if some journalist will see clear to look into it, will find out how much of the slush fund was actually used for its true purpose and how much found its way in the coffers of Democrats candidates and unions.
So while the White House used the oil spill in the Gulf to advance its energy policy, including the establishment of a moratorium on all offshore oil drilling, while the White House was using the oil spill to advance its war against private business and the oil industry, on its march to the nationalization of the industry itself, reports of millions of gallons of crude spilling into the waters of the Gulf in what was described as the largest environmental disaster in history.
Meanwhile, reporters were banned from filming some of the clean up efforts and as soon as some of the dots connecting Megrahi’s release, BP and the White House started to appear, the efforts to plug the oil leak was successful.
Suddenly, from one day to the next, the worst environmental disaster in history was completely gone from the news and the oil had all but disappeared (some scientist, though, just came out and said that the oil spill is “invisible”).
Megrahi is still the recipient of Allah’s miracle, and we can all be grateful for it.
Just my thoughts!
Stirring Up The Mosque Pot
By Semperpapa
The controversy over the Ground Zero mosque does not appear to settle down, entering the political arena with vengeance.
Ultimately, what the pundits on the news do not want to get is that the rejection of the project's location is not based on politics. If it was, than the opposition to it would not be hovering at 70% and more.
What the numbers show is that the building of the victory mosque in view of the location where the Twin Towers once stood is an appalling concept that transcends political ideologies, but is more entrenched in good common sense.
What makes it political is certain statements from politicians. When Nancy Pelosi calls for the investigation of those who are opposed to the mosque, as if the vast Right Wing Conspiracy is back at work, she makes it political.
Many Republicans are calling for avoidance to politicize the issue, one prominent name is that of the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who expressed his opinion regarding using the controversy as an anti-Democrat campaign tool in November.
Personally, the issue of the mosque is absolutely not a political one, except for the support that Obama has stated for it.
As a deep believer in the US Constitution, I clearly recognize that the Cordoba Initiative has the right to build the thing where ever they wish, but there is a difference between what one is allowed to do and what the right thing to do is.
It is obvious that there is no problem for Muslim to have their mosques in New York, as there are plenty of them already, but the wisdom of the location and the arrogant insistence they are demonstrating about the location of this one is stirring up much opposition.
I have heard this before, but it appears that the New York construction workers have a problem with the project. These are union workers, many of them probably affiliated or leaning toward the Democrat Party, but the growing feeling among them is that they will not work on the building. All I have to say about that is: God bless them.
This is not a political issue. Some candidates from either side will make it into one because it will fit their agenda.
The responsibility lies at the feet of Obama because his agenda of divisiveness has the power to turn even the simplest issue of decency and common sense into a political battle.
Just my thoughts!
The controversy over the Ground Zero mosque does not appear to settle down, entering the political arena with vengeance.
Ultimately, what the pundits on the news do not want to get is that the rejection of the project's location is not based on politics. If it was, than the opposition to it would not be hovering at 70% and more.
What the numbers show is that the building of the victory mosque in view of the location where the Twin Towers once stood is an appalling concept that transcends political ideologies, but is more entrenched in good common sense.
What makes it political is certain statements from politicians. When Nancy Pelosi calls for the investigation of those who are opposed to the mosque, as if the vast Right Wing Conspiracy is back at work, she makes it political.
Many Republicans are calling for avoidance to politicize the issue, one prominent name is that of the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who expressed his opinion regarding using the controversy as an anti-Democrat campaign tool in November.
Personally, the issue of the mosque is absolutely not a political one, except for the support that Obama has stated for it.
As a deep believer in the US Constitution, I clearly recognize that the Cordoba Initiative has the right to build the thing where ever they wish, but there is a difference between what one is allowed to do and what the right thing to do is.
It is obvious that there is no problem for Muslim to have their mosques in New York, as there are plenty of them already, but the wisdom of the location and the arrogant insistence they are demonstrating about the location of this one is stirring up much opposition.
I have heard this before, but it appears that the New York construction workers have a problem with the project. These are union workers, many of them probably affiliated or leaning toward the Democrat Party, but the growing feeling among them is that they will not work on the building. All I have to say about that is: God bless them.
This is not a political issue. Some candidates from either side will make it into one because it will fit their agenda.
The responsibility lies at the feet of Obama because his agenda of divisiveness has the power to turn even the simplest issue of decency and common sense into a political battle.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Some Time I Really Hate When I Am Right
By Semperpapa
A blast from the past. While going over some of the writing I have done in the last two years in preparation for my hopefully upcoming book, I found some interesting pieces I wrote just prior and following the election of President Obama.
As that was a time before Semper America existence, I want to share it now with those brave souls who follow my ranting.
This is a piece I wrote on 5 November 2008.
5 November 2008
I Am Really Sorry
There is a lot of sorrow going around on these days following the 2008 Presidential Elections. The first day of the 1460 days left of the Obama regime. And there is a lot of apologizing the American people should be doing on this day. Not that we will ever get any apology from the 52% of the electorate, about 63 million Americans, who decided that the remainder of the 300 millions living in America, should be subjected to the regime of a Socialist President. Not to mention that his Marxist anti-American ideology will be augmented by crooked proletarians like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Barney Franks.
So I will apologize for the ignorant mass of morons, who have completely no clue about who they voted for. Blacks voted for the color of the skin, Whites voted to feel “progressive”, Jews and Catholics voted because he is bringing “change”.
My most felt apologies go to the American Military. The same people who you have and are putting your life on the line for in Iraq and Afghanistan, threw you under the proverbial bus. They abandon you to possibly face defeat after you bled and die to insure victory. I look at the dog tags of the many fallen whose funeral I attended and feel as if a press is constricting my heart, imagining what their families must be feeling today. And I apologize to these families with my thoughts and prayers for the ignorance and shortsightedness of so many of my “fellow” Americans.
While I am contemplating the idea of “ultimate sacrifice” represented by their suffering, so typical of those who actually serve the country and their families, I painfully contrast it with the selfish stupidity demonstrated on Election Day. I hope America will eventually right the wrong that has been done to these dedicated Americans. I also hope that somehow Barney Frank plan to cut 25% of the Military budget remains just a pipe dream up his fat ass, because it would mean a drastic retreat from our War on Terror, allowing our enemies to become even more emboldened than they are right now. Moreover, it would create an atmosphere of defeatism within our Military rank, who will realize that the American leadership is not willing to give them what they need to perform their dangerous job. Budget cuts will impact not just funds available for R&D and support to the soldiers, but it will also curtail interest on enlistment and re-enlistment.
My apologies go to all those Americans who will find themselves unemployed shortly, when the exorbitant taxes that Obama and his Congressional Gang of Thugs are salivating over will punish those employers that have committed the Marxist sin of being successful. I feel for all those who will find themselves having to rescind on their beliefs that working hard is the way to self reliance and will have to turn to Governmental assistance to make a living. The American Dream has been bastardized by the Progressives of this country. They have succeeded in convincing the ignorant masses that it means for everyone to have access to everything without having to do anything. Hard work is not the ticket to a better life for these morons, but one more government program.
I know personally the meaning of “American Dream” because I have lived it: it means the presence of opportunities to seek and work for a better life. That approach makes you appreciate more the accomplishments of our lives, and in turn it naturally is passed along to our children.
Dependence on the Government makes us lazy and unresponsive to the search for a better life, inducing us to demand even more free sustenance from the Government as we feel entitled to have more. We pass this to our children also, creating a new generation of worthless dependents of the ruling politicians. And that’s exactly what they want, because keeping the sheep fed makes the sheep follow.
As a Catholic I find appalling the fact that the American Catholics voted overwhelmingly for Obama. This fact totally blew me off, because if there was a block of voters that should have voted against the infanticide Obama, should have been the Catholics. How can a true Catholic endorse the candidacy of a man who approves of allowing to die the child product of an unsuccessful abortion is beyond my comprehension.
Some Catholics try to defend themselves by saying that abortion is only one issue and that they look at the totality of the candidate: helping the poor (just as Obama did for his brother in Kenya and his aunt in the Boston slums); ending the killing in Iraq (screw the Iraqi people, right!?).
I am offended by the hypocrisy of these so called “Catholics”, who close their eyes in the presence of wrong just so they can feel better about themselves.
Another voting block that went for Obama is the American Jews. Considering that fact that Obama has declare the intention to negotiate with Ahmedinejad without any preconditions, even after the Nutjob of Teheran has continuously proponed the destruction of the state of Israel and denied the Holocaust, one would expect that the American Jews would be a little pissed off about it. On top of it, Obama is known to have been a friend of Professor Khalidi, a vociferous supporter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, opponent of Israel and even shown throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.
And yet, the American Jews decided that Obama would be a better President. Utterly unbelievable! Sometimes I feel America is in the middle of an episode of the Twilight Zone.
I was prone to apologize to the people of Pennsylvania, because if Obama will succeed in his endeavor to bankrupt the coal industry, it will mean that the state will lose one of its most important industrial powers. I, though, changed my mind: the people of Pennsylvania voted for Obama and kept in office the piece of human vulgarity that John Murtha is. So forget my apologies and hope you enjoy what you will get: you deserve it.
I want to apologize to all small businesses in America. These businesses are the economic backbone of the country, employing much more people than the large corporations, including government employment. You represent all that Obama hates, because you base your success on your ability to introduce innovation to your target customers. You are inherently independent and while you are bound by annoying governmental regulations, you would much rather have the government get the hell out of your way and let you conduct your business and create your own fortune.
My apologies also go to all those Americans who still believe in that old document called “United States Constitution” and the timeless guideline it provides for our country. While it was created so long ago, its principles, when applied, are what have made our country the champion of freedom and prosperity that it is today, over 230 years after its birth. As stated by Obama himself, the Constitution failed, in its conceptual totality, to address the “right” of those who don’t have, and don’t want to work for it, to have anyway.
If Obama has his way, the 1st Amendment will be changed to give the right of free speech to all, provided they are in agreement with Obama. All critical speech will be banned in the name of fairness (I can hear the theme from the Twilight Zone in my head just about now!)
If Obama has his way, the 2nd Amendment will be repealed, because in order to be a compassionate country, law abiding citizens must be prevented from possessing those “bad” guns and defend themselves. This will be done in the name of “fairness” toward those scumbags who want to commit crime. After all they are entitled to exercise their trade in safety and comfort, and remain an important constituency for the Liberals. I could go down the list of “changes” Hussein Obama will attempt to make to the Constitution, but it would take too much effort and pain (see, the lack of ambition is taking me over…maybe I can get a Government grant now!).
If Obama has his way, his will be the decision of what you drive and for how long; what you eat and how much of it and soon, what you think and when to think.
And we can forget drilling for our own oil! Mr. Obama will surely bend over for the environmentalist movement that surely greatly bankrolled his purchase of the Presidency. He will keep us enslaved to foreign oil, as he ingratiates people like Ahmedinajad and Hugo Chavez so that he can be a “citizen of the world”. And while achieving this, he will pour billions of dollars that he will be taking from the hard working people of America into the pockets of the Automobile Industry Unions in the name of some alternative fuel crap that will end up with the same success rate of his Annenberg project for the schools of the Chicago area.
This is not a good period for America, from the financial issues we face, most of which were caused by the Democrats in Congress, to our national security. And while people are losing their jobs, while millions of Americans are losing their retiring money daily, and with the prospective of millions of small businesses cutting down and possibly close altogether, President Obama will chose the most corrupt humans to fill his cabinet posts (Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff? The same piece of garbage who was board member of Freddie Mac when the evidences of impropriety in the organization started to come out? Yes, the same dude!); rumors have it that John Kerry is campaigning with the Messiah for the post of Secretary of State. All I can say about that is: God help our Nation!
One word to the wise: Barak Hussein Obama and the MSM are actively starting the campaign for re-election. The “changes” we all fear are not going to manifest themselves openly. Erosion of the American people’s rights will be done in a covert way, away from pompous fanfare, so not to raise the suspicion of those who are more interested in American Idol or the vicissitudes and drama of the bitches on the View. Slow nationalization of the “evil corporation” will begin, thanks to the work of the Unions. The Academia network directed by scum like Bill Ayers will continue to indoctrinate our children, while the subtle cancer they represent will slowly make its way into the lower education arena. Judeo-Christian religion will slowly be ousted from our lives, while Islamic religion will spread in the name of “political correctness”. Our energy cost will skyrocket as Obama wants. By the end of his first term, we will be paying double per gallon of fuel, and the increase will be all in taxes Obama will levy in the name of R&D for alternative energy and the global warming bullshit. The increase will be slow and for ever they will blame it on the evil Oil Companies and George W. Bush. Meanwhile we can forget new refineries and nuclear power plants.
The greatest loss will be in our Military. Budget cuts will reduce our operational readiness and our R&D of new technology that gives us the edge over our enemies. Millions of jobs will be lost in the sector and an incredible level of engineering talent will find itself trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to make ends meet. Many of those currently in the Military, whose knowledge of our enemy is absolutely essential for our survival as a nation, will separate, or be forced to, from the Military and our capacity to defend ourselves will decrease immensely.
What should we do then? Is all lost? Absolutely not!
What we as Americans must do for the next 1460 days is to remain vigilant and, most of all, informed. We must NOT give up the notion that we still have a voice. We must NOT retreat in our own dissatisfaction. What the internal enemies of this country are counting on is our resignation to a bad situation, our retreat into apathy. For the last eight years we have witnessed a relentless attack on President Bush, for things he did and things he didn’t do. Well we need to be ready to do the same.
And we have a “secret” weapon: retired Military heroes who will again step up to the plate and enter the political scene (Bill Russell almost succeeded in retiring John Murtha in Pennsylvania). Let’s make sure that we support those who will be willing to fight for our country again. The 2010 elections are only two years away.
I realize that my rant may reflect my pessimistic outlook, but I am just beyond pissed off. I, though, still deeply believe in the power of the common American people, not the elitist scum we have in Washington and in the American Universities and in the Media, but the common Joe and Jane who have to deal with real life every day and who, if pissed off enough, can make things still happen in our great country. So let’s recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Star Spangled Banner in our heads (good, the Twilight Zone theme is gone now!) and get ready to fight for our beloved country. WHO’S WITH ME!?
And these are my thoughts!
I have been fighting my little battle since that day, trying to spread my message to as many people as I can reach, keeping a vigilant eye and increase my knowledge of things.
But this is one of those cases where I really hate to have been right, because it is the future of my children and grandchildren that the Washington scum is playing Russian roulette with and I feel it is my God-given mandate to fight for as long as my voice can be heard.
Just my thoughts!
A blast from the past. While going over some of the writing I have done in the last two years in preparation for my hopefully upcoming book, I found some interesting pieces I wrote just prior and following the election of President Obama.
As that was a time before Semper America existence, I want to share it now with those brave souls who follow my ranting.
This is a piece I wrote on 5 November 2008.
5 November 2008
I Am Really Sorry
There is a lot of sorrow going around on these days following the 2008 Presidential Elections. The first day of the 1460 days left of the Obama regime. And there is a lot of apologizing the American people should be doing on this day. Not that we will ever get any apology from the 52% of the electorate, about 63 million Americans, who decided that the remainder of the 300 millions living in America, should be subjected to the regime of a Socialist President. Not to mention that his Marxist anti-American ideology will be augmented by crooked proletarians like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Barney Franks.
So I will apologize for the ignorant mass of morons, who have completely no clue about who they voted for. Blacks voted for the color of the skin, Whites voted to feel “progressive”, Jews and Catholics voted because he is bringing “change”.
My most felt apologies go to the American Military. The same people who you have and are putting your life on the line for in Iraq and Afghanistan, threw you under the proverbial bus. They abandon you to possibly face defeat after you bled and die to insure victory. I look at the dog tags of the many fallen whose funeral I attended and feel as if a press is constricting my heart, imagining what their families must be feeling today. And I apologize to these families with my thoughts and prayers for the ignorance and shortsightedness of so many of my “fellow” Americans.
While I am contemplating the idea of “ultimate sacrifice” represented by their suffering, so typical of those who actually serve the country and their families, I painfully contrast it with the selfish stupidity demonstrated on Election Day. I hope America will eventually right the wrong that has been done to these dedicated Americans. I also hope that somehow Barney Frank plan to cut 25% of the Military budget remains just a pipe dream up his fat ass, because it would mean a drastic retreat from our War on Terror, allowing our enemies to become even more emboldened than they are right now. Moreover, it would create an atmosphere of defeatism within our Military rank, who will realize that the American leadership is not willing to give them what they need to perform their dangerous job. Budget cuts will impact not just funds available for R&D and support to the soldiers, but it will also curtail interest on enlistment and re-enlistment.
My apologies go to all those Americans who will find themselves unemployed shortly, when the exorbitant taxes that Obama and his Congressional Gang of Thugs are salivating over will punish those employers that have committed the Marxist sin of being successful. I feel for all those who will find themselves having to rescind on their beliefs that working hard is the way to self reliance and will have to turn to Governmental assistance to make a living. The American Dream has been bastardized by the Progressives of this country. They have succeeded in convincing the ignorant masses that it means for everyone to have access to everything without having to do anything. Hard work is not the ticket to a better life for these morons, but one more government program.
I know personally the meaning of “American Dream” because I have lived it: it means the presence of opportunities to seek and work for a better life. That approach makes you appreciate more the accomplishments of our lives, and in turn it naturally is passed along to our children.
Dependence on the Government makes us lazy and unresponsive to the search for a better life, inducing us to demand even more free sustenance from the Government as we feel entitled to have more. We pass this to our children also, creating a new generation of worthless dependents of the ruling politicians. And that’s exactly what they want, because keeping the sheep fed makes the sheep follow.
As a Catholic I find appalling the fact that the American Catholics voted overwhelmingly for Obama. This fact totally blew me off, because if there was a block of voters that should have voted against the infanticide Obama, should have been the Catholics. How can a true Catholic endorse the candidacy of a man who approves of allowing to die the child product of an unsuccessful abortion is beyond my comprehension.
Some Catholics try to defend themselves by saying that abortion is only one issue and that they look at the totality of the candidate: helping the poor (just as Obama did for his brother in Kenya and his aunt in the Boston slums); ending the killing in Iraq (screw the Iraqi people, right!?).
I am offended by the hypocrisy of these so called “Catholics”, who close their eyes in the presence of wrong just so they can feel better about themselves.
Another voting block that went for Obama is the American Jews. Considering that fact that Obama has declare the intention to negotiate with Ahmedinejad without any preconditions, even after the Nutjob of Teheran has continuously proponed the destruction of the state of Israel and denied the Holocaust, one would expect that the American Jews would be a little pissed off about it. On top of it, Obama is known to have been a friend of Professor Khalidi, a vociferous supporter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, opponent of Israel and even shown throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.
And yet, the American Jews decided that Obama would be a better President. Utterly unbelievable! Sometimes I feel America is in the middle of an episode of the Twilight Zone.
I was prone to apologize to the people of Pennsylvania, because if Obama will succeed in his endeavor to bankrupt the coal industry, it will mean that the state will lose one of its most important industrial powers. I, though, changed my mind: the people of Pennsylvania voted for Obama and kept in office the piece of human vulgarity that John Murtha is. So forget my apologies and hope you enjoy what you will get: you deserve it.
I want to apologize to all small businesses in America. These businesses are the economic backbone of the country, employing much more people than the large corporations, including government employment. You represent all that Obama hates, because you base your success on your ability to introduce innovation to your target customers. You are inherently independent and while you are bound by annoying governmental regulations, you would much rather have the government get the hell out of your way and let you conduct your business and create your own fortune.
My apologies also go to all those Americans who still believe in that old document called “United States Constitution” and the timeless guideline it provides for our country. While it was created so long ago, its principles, when applied, are what have made our country the champion of freedom and prosperity that it is today, over 230 years after its birth. As stated by Obama himself, the Constitution failed, in its conceptual totality, to address the “right” of those who don’t have, and don’t want to work for it, to have anyway.
If Obama has his way, the 1st Amendment will be changed to give the right of free speech to all, provided they are in agreement with Obama. All critical speech will be banned in the name of fairness (I can hear the theme from the Twilight Zone in my head just about now!)
If Obama has his way, the 2nd Amendment will be repealed, because in order to be a compassionate country, law abiding citizens must be prevented from possessing those “bad” guns and defend themselves. This will be done in the name of “fairness” toward those scumbags who want to commit crime. After all they are entitled to exercise their trade in safety and comfort, and remain an important constituency for the Liberals. I could go down the list of “changes” Hussein Obama will attempt to make to the Constitution, but it would take too much effort and pain (see, the lack of ambition is taking me over…maybe I can get a Government grant now!).
If Obama has his way, his will be the decision of what you drive and for how long; what you eat and how much of it and soon, what you think and when to think.
And we can forget drilling for our own oil! Mr. Obama will surely bend over for the environmentalist movement that surely greatly bankrolled his purchase of the Presidency. He will keep us enslaved to foreign oil, as he ingratiates people like Ahmedinajad and Hugo Chavez so that he can be a “citizen of the world”. And while achieving this, he will pour billions of dollars that he will be taking from the hard working people of America into the pockets of the Automobile Industry Unions in the name of some alternative fuel crap that will end up with the same success rate of his Annenberg project for the schools of the Chicago area.
This is not a good period for America, from the financial issues we face, most of which were caused by the Democrats in Congress, to our national security. And while people are losing their jobs, while millions of Americans are losing their retiring money daily, and with the prospective of millions of small businesses cutting down and possibly close altogether, President Obama will chose the most corrupt humans to fill his cabinet posts (Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff? The same piece of garbage who was board member of Freddie Mac when the evidences of impropriety in the organization started to come out? Yes, the same dude!); rumors have it that John Kerry is campaigning with the Messiah for the post of Secretary of State. All I can say about that is: God help our Nation!
One word to the wise: Barak Hussein Obama and the MSM are actively starting the campaign for re-election. The “changes” we all fear are not going to manifest themselves openly. Erosion of the American people’s rights will be done in a covert way, away from pompous fanfare, so not to raise the suspicion of those who are more interested in American Idol or the vicissitudes and drama of the bitches on the View. Slow nationalization of the “evil corporation” will begin, thanks to the work of the Unions. The Academia network directed by scum like Bill Ayers will continue to indoctrinate our children, while the subtle cancer they represent will slowly make its way into the lower education arena. Judeo-Christian religion will slowly be ousted from our lives, while Islamic religion will spread in the name of “political correctness”. Our energy cost will skyrocket as Obama wants. By the end of his first term, we will be paying double per gallon of fuel, and the increase will be all in taxes Obama will levy in the name of R&D for alternative energy and the global warming bullshit. The increase will be slow and for ever they will blame it on the evil Oil Companies and George W. Bush. Meanwhile we can forget new refineries and nuclear power plants.
The greatest loss will be in our Military. Budget cuts will reduce our operational readiness and our R&D of new technology that gives us the edge over our enemies. Millions of jobs will be lost in the sector and an incredible level of engineering talent will find itself trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to make ends meet. Many of those currently in the Military, whose knowledge of our enemy is absolutely essential for our survival as a nation, will separate, or be forced to, from the Military and our capacity to defend ourselves will decrease immensely.
What should we do then? Is all lost? Absolutely not!
What we as Americans must do for the next 1460 days is to remain vigilant and, most of all, informed. We must NOT give up the notion that we still have a voice. We must NOT retreat in our own dissatisfaction. What the internal enemies of this country are counting on is our resignation to a bad situation, our retreat into apathy. For the last eight years we have witnessed a relentless attack on President Bush, for things he did and things he didn’t do. Well we need to be ready to do the same.
And we have a “secret” weapon: retired Military heroes who will again step up to the plate and enter the political scene (Bill Russell almost succeeded in retiring John Murtha in Pennsylvania). Let’s make sure that we support those who will be willing to fight for our country again. The 2010 elections are only two years away.
I realize that my rant may reflect my pessimistic outlook, but I am just beyond pissed off. I, though, still deeply believe in the power of the common American people, not the elitist scum we have in Washington and in the American Universities and in the Media, but the common Joe and Jane who have to deal with real life every day and who, if pissed off enough, can make things still happen in our great country. So let’s recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Star Spangled Banner in our heads (good, the Twilight Zone theme is gone now!) and get ready to fight for our beloved country. WHO’S WITH ME!?
And these are my thoughts!
I have been fighting my little battle since that day, trying to spread my message to as many people as I can reach, keeping a vigilant eye and increase my knowledge of things.
But this is one of those cases where I really hate to have been right, because it is the future of my children and grandchildren that the Washington scum is playing Russian roulette with and I feel it is my God-given mandate to fight for as long as my voice can be heard.
Just my thoughts!
Disagree? I'll Sue You!
By Semperpapa
Is the government looking into voters’ intimidation? No.
Is the government looking into terror funds for the mosque at Ground Zero? No.
Is the government securing the border against illegal immigrants and potential terrorists crossing undisturbed into our country? No.
Is the government checking Iran’s nuclear ambitions? No.
Is the government even trying to improve the economy of the Nation? No.
So what the hell is the government doing these days, besides giving stimulus money to unions?
Well, the next best thing: suing Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpajo.
Eric Holder and his goons are literally threatening the Arizona Sheriff with a federal law suit in regard to some allegations of misconduct, intimidation of political opponents and racial profiling.
The tough Arpajo is one of the popular law enforcement officials, well known even outside the county limits of Maricopa and the border of Arizona.
He is very well known even south of the border, so much so that there is a rumor that the Mexican drug cartel has placed a bounty on the man’s head.
He is well known for his no-nonsense approach to law enforcement, including running county prisons like prisons, and not like quasi restricted retreats like Los Angeles County Sheriff Joe Baca. Those criminals incarcerated in the Maricopa County jails are not on a picnic, but their time in is hard.
So what is the beef that Holder has with Arpajo. Basically the law suit accuses the Sheriff of intimidation of political opponents, misappropriation of government property and the always titillating discrimination against Hispanics.
I find interesting that the government is accusing Arpajo of political intimidation. This coming from a conglomerate of politicians, from the mighty Obama and his Chicago thugs to congresswoman Melissa Bean and her muscle man who intimidates constituents who insist on asking questions, who have made political intimidation part of their everyday campaigning.
How quickly liberals forget the all out war that the left embarked on against Sarah Palin.
The next accusation is even more laughable: misappropriation of government property. Sure the liberals must be joking, considering the shenanigans they have been engaged in since 2006, from Nancy Pelosi new luxury aircraft and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent for her and her family’s shuttling from Washington to San Francisco, not to mention the fact that just about every politician and administration Obamadroid has a less than stellar record with the IRS.
But than there s the core of the crusade that Obama is conducting against Arpajo via the house boy Holder: Sheriff Joe is unapologetic about his approach to the apprehension of illegal immigrants.
This is the true reason the law suit is being threatened, because Arpajo has been a thorn in the side of the federal government over illegal immigration for years now, especially after the county’s law enforcement personnel has been trained in the handling of the issue and they have done a good job at it, passing over many prisoners to immigration authorities.
Accusations of racial profiling against Hispanics have been leveled against the Sheriff for a long time now, with just about every civil right activist group taking its shot at the prize. But the fact that Sheriff Arpajo does things by the book and enforces the laws that govern his jurisdiction, his state and his country, nobody has been successful in forcing him to desist from his mission.
And now it is Eric Holder’s turn. All this is a concerted effort of intimidation, which makes similar accusations against Arpajo even more deranged.
What the government is attempting to do is to make Arizona a sample for the rest of the country.
Starting with the law suit against the State and Gov. Jan Brewer over SB1070, Obama is attempting to use the Department of Justice and its overwhelming clout to scare Ms. Brewer into submission, including the vast majority of the people of Arizona who are in favor of the legislation.
And now it is time to tighten the screw one more turn by going after Arpajo.
If the government is successful in subduing the Governor and the Sheriff, and in turn putting the people of Arizona in their dutiful position of submission, it surely would send a signal to the many states of the Union that are contemplating similar legislation to desist.
Obama and his obamadroids need the vote of the illegal aliens to maintain power in 2012 and will stop at nothing to get it. And if we disagree, we are not just going to be labeled “racists” because the term has been thrown around so much that it has lost all its significance, but we may face a federal investigation, legal action and eventually political persecution.
Just my thoughts!
Is the government looking into voters’ intimidation? No.
Is the government looking into terror funds for the mosque at Ground Zero? No.
Is the government securing the border against illegal immigrants and potential terrorists crossing undisturbed into our country? No.
Is the government checking Iran’s nuclear ambitions? No.
Is the government even trying to improve the economy of the Nation? No.
So what the hell is the government doing these days, besides giving stimulus money to unions?
Well, the next best thing: suing Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpajo.
Eric Holder and his goons are literally threatening the Arizona Sheriff with a federal law suit in regard to some allegations of misconduct, intimidation of political opponents and racial profiling.
The tough Arpajo is one of the popular law enforcement officials, well known even outside the county limits of Maricopa and the border of Arizona.
He is very well known even south of the border, so much so that there is a rumor that the Mexican drug cartel has placed a bounty on the man’s head.
He is well known for his no-nonsense approach to law enforcement, including running county prisons like prisons, and not like quasi restricted retreats like Los Angeles County Sheriff Joe Baca. Those criminals incarcerated in the Maricopa County jails are not on a picnic, but their time in is hard.
So what is the beef that Holder has with Arpajo. Basically the law suit accuses the Sheriff of intimidation of political opponents, misappropriation of government property and the always titillating discrimination against Hispanics.
I find interesting that the government is accusing Arpajo of political intimidation. This coming from a conglomerate of politicians, from the mighty Obama and his Chicago thugs to congresswoman Melissa Bean and her muscle man who intimidates constituents who insist on asking questions, who have made political intimidation part of their everyday campaigning.
How quickly liberals forget the all out war that the left embarked on against Sarah Palin.
The next accusation is even more laughable: misappropriation of government property. Sure the liberals must be joking, considering the shenanigans they have been engaged in since 2006, from Nancy Pelosi new luxury aircraft and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent for her and her family’s shuttling from Washington to San Francisco, not to mention the fact that just about every politician and administration Obamadroid has a less than stellar record with the IRS.
But than there s the core of the crusade that Obama is conducting against Arpajo via the house boy Holder: Sheriff Joe is unapologetic about his approach to the apprehension of illegal immigrants.
This is the true reason the law suit is being threatened, because Arpajo has been a thorn in the side of the federal government over illegal immigration for years now, especially after the county’s law enforcement personnel has been trained in the handling of the issue and they have done a good job at it, passing over many prisoners to immigration authorities.
Accusations of racial profiling against Hispanics have been leveled against the Sheriff for a long time now, with just about every civil right activist group taking its shot at the prize. But the fact that Sheriff Arpajo does things by the book and enforces the laws that govern his jurisdiction, his state and his country, nobody has been successful in forcing him to desist from his mission.
And now it is Eric Holder’s turn. All this is a concerted effort of intimidation, which makes similar accusations against Arpajo even more deranged.
What the government is attempting to do is to make Arizona a sample for the rest of the country.
Starting with the law suit against the State and Gov. Jan Brewer over SB1070, Obama is attempting to use the Department of Justice and its overwhelming clout to scare Ms. Brewer into submission, including the vast majority of the people of Arizona who are in favor of the legislation.
And now it is time to tighten the screw one more turn by going after Arpajo.
If the government is successful in subduing the Governor and the Sheriff, and in turn putting the people of Arizona in their dutiful position of submission, it surely would send a signal to the many states of the Union that are contemplating similar legislation to desist.
Obama and his obamadroids need the vote of the illegal aliens to maintain power in 2012 and will stop at nothing to get it. And if we disagree, we are not just going to be labeled “racists” because the term has been thrown around so much that it has lost all its significance, but we may face a federal investigation, legal action and eventually political persecution.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Proposed Alternative Sites
By Semperpapa

No word from the Cordoba Initiative representatives, but a jihadist, who wanted to remain anonymous because he had not been authorized to comment, said that the first alternative is being seriously considered.
Semperpapa Out!
NY Governor Paterson has offered two alternative sites to the Cordoba Initiative where they would be allowed to build their mosque.
The Governor was sure to give credit for the selection of the alternative sites to NY mayor Bloomberg.
The mayor was not available for comments, but an aide specified that the money has to be adequate for the deal to go through.
Here is the first alternative site:
And here is the second:

No word from the Cordoba Initiative representatives, but a jihadist, who wanted to remain anonymous because he had not been authorized to comment, said that the first alternative is being seriously considered.
Semperpapa Out!
Pelosi Wants Action From The Brown Shirts
By Semperpapa
The esteemed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, stated, during an interview with a San Francisco radio station, the following:
“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded. How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City."
The Joshephine Goebbels of our Congress wants those who are dissenting from the travesty of the mosque at Ground Zero investigated.
It appears that the good old Nancy is of the opinion that every American who is against the disastrous policies of the current regime is deserving of criminal investigation, that they must be prodded by the vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
It is not possible that the American people would actually reject the garbage the government is feeding us via a mere common sensical reasoning process.
If we are against the regime, we are either brainwashed or criminals.
Love these people!
Just my, really, my thoughts!
The esteemed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, stated, during an interview with a San Francisco radio station, the following:
“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded. How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City."
The Joshephine Goebbels of our Congress wants those who are dissenting from the travesty of the mosque at Ground Zero investigated.
It appears that the good old Nancy is of the opinion that every American who is against the disastrous policies of the current regime is deserving of criminal investigation, that they must be prodded by the vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
It is not possible that the American people would actually reject the garbage the government is feeding us via a mere common sensical reasoning process.
If we are against the regime, we are either brainwashed or criminals.
Love these people!
Just my, really, my thoughts!
Stolen Valor Act Deemed Unconstitutional, Again
By Semperpapa
A panel of the infamous 9th U.S. Circuit Court in California has sided with Xavier Alvarez in his appeal against his conviction under the provisions of the Act.
Alvarez, a Pomona California water board elected official, had been convicted for falsely declaring that he was a recipient of the Medal of Honor while a US Marine. He had pleaded guilty pending appeal, which decision came on Tuesday.
According to the panel, the Stolen Valor Act is unconstitutional on grounds that it violates First Amendment Rights, provided that the lies are not used to gain financially.
So, again, we have the Stolen Valor Act being deemed unconstitutional by an activist court that is more inclined to protect wrong doing under the provisions of the mighty political correctness.
And the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles has not decided to appeal the decision, which, in the current political environment of liberal corruption, is not a surprise.
The infamous 9th took the position that the lies did not have victims, no impact on anyone, but I think different.
There are victims of this crime, namely those Veterans who have actually been in combat and witness events that civilians like me would never dream of in our worst nightmares.
Those Veterans who have come home with visible and invisible scars that they will carry on for the rest of their lives.
And those Veterans who never came home. Their families are victims of someone who boast of having been recognized for their service falsely.
There were times when the false pretense of having served and having been decorated was looked upon by the population as a scar of shame. Today is not looked at too favorably either, but we have a class of judicial activists and progressive judges who are dedicated to the complete reversal of the rules of decency governing our society.
The same elitist group of judges and politicians who strive to increase the wedge between a complacent and apathetic civilian population and the dedicated Military Family.
Just my thoughts!
A panel of the infamous 9th U.S. Circuit Court in California has sided with Xavier Alvarez in his appeal against his conviction under the provisions of the Act.
Alvarez, a Pomona California water board elected official, had been convicted for falsely declaring that he was a recipient of the Medal of Honor while a US Marine. He had pleaded guilty pending appeal, which decision came on Tuesday.
According to the panel, the Stolen Valor Act is unconstitutional on grounds that it violates First Amendment Rights, provided that the lies are not used to gain financially.
So, again, we have the Stolen Valor Act being deemed unconstitutional by an activist court that is more inclined to protect wrong doing under the provisions of the mighty political correctness.
And the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles has not decided to appeal the decision, which, in the current political environment of liberal corruption, is not a surprise.
The infamous 9th took the position that the lies did not have victims, no impact on anyone, but I think different.
There are victims of this crime, namely those Veterans who have actually been in combat and witness events that civilians like me would never dream of in our worst nightmares.
Those Veterans who have come home with visible and invisible scars that they will carry on for the rest of their lives.
And those Veterans who never came home. Their families are victims of someone who boast of having been recognized for their service falsely.
There were times when the false pretense of having served and having been decorated was looked upon by the population as a scar of shame. Today is not looked at too favorably either, but we have a class of judicial activists and progressive judges who are dedicated to the complete reversal of the rules of decency governing our society.
The same elitist group of judges and politicians who strive to increase the wedge between a complacent and apathetic civilian population and the dedicated Military Family.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Right On Target
By Semperpapa
These are the words from President Obama in regard to the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, a move that has been propagandized since the first few months of the current administration.
And they are also the words that the rejuvenated al Qaeda leadership must be using as they step up the attacks in Iraq in view of the departure of all but 50,000 US troops in the next couple of weeks, with the rest leaving next year.
Just today, we wake up to the news that a suicide bomber blew himself up killing 60 Iraqi military recruits and wounding 125 more, in a string of renewed attacks that the terror group has been conducting through out the struggling country.
So the fears expressed by Military experts, and just about anyone who uses some common sense, over the announcement made by the White House last year about the specific time frame of American troops withdrawal is materializing even sooner than predicted.
The lamentations had been about exposing our strategy to the enemy in advance, just as the President did in February 2009, when he announced that withdrawal of troops would start in August 2010.
That declaration, uniquely aimed at satisfying the anti-war, anti-American and anti-Military fringe on the Left, has given al Qaeda the time frame in which to be patient and prepare for the re-entering of the conflict. And the enemy has done just that.
It was just August 12 when I wrote the piece called Reversal Of Events outlining an article from the British the Guardian about how al Qaeda has been very active in their attempts to recruit back members of the Iraqi militias that had turned against the terrorist organization during the troop surge of 2007/2008.
And today’s news proves again that where al Qaeda cannot entice Iraqis by use of money and other carrot dangling methods, they will do it by use of terror and threats.
So here is another war that the fools in Washington are setting up to lose. Another war where the price paid will get lost in some history book, provided that the book is not written by some liberal author, in which case it will be propagandized as one of those imperialistic wars that America has embarked on.
While I place a lot of the responsibilities of the conduct of the war on this administration’s predecessors, from President Bush to Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld, the responsibility for the upcoming total defeat I place at the feet of the current circus of buffoons in our Nation’s Capital.
The inauguration of Obama as President saw the war in Iraq pretty much won, with low level violence and an opportunity for diplomatic efforts to be made to strengthen the internal political efforts of the Iraqi government. But a declaration of withdrawal just a month after taking office cannot be much of an encouraging message to those in power in Baghdad, regardless of the corruption that may exist.
I remember that after Obama’s declaration, the Maliki government was open in supporting the departure of the American Forces, but I remain skeptical about the posture, which could have been motivated more by the characteristic boisterous stance in the Iraqi culture.
I don’t usually like to give predictions, as I prefer to leave them to the pundits who make a living at it. I only speak out of common sense and a feeling of rage that I have in regard to the blood and sacrifice that the current administration is so forcefully trying to render useless.
I have been to too many funerals of KIAs from Iraq, where the only consolation I have seen in the devastation of the families was the hope that their son or daughter had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of others and the security of our Nation.
Now, this President is making all that just a hopeless dream, all because he had, and continues to, pander to those on the extreme Left who he needs more than ever for the progression of his power grab.
When he stated that he was going to bring the War in Iraq to an end, there was no intention on his part to see a victorious end. He even stated that he felt uncomfortable by the use of the word “victory”.
Shame on those Americans who elected such a radical individual to a position where he can control and affect the lives of so many people, especially those who wear the uniform of the United States Military.
What it really comes down to is that the leftist kooks hate the Military and the country more than they hate those who want to kill us.
It will be no time, after our withdrawal from Iraq, that the place will witness the type of blood bath that made Pol Pot famous in Cambodia in the late 1970s. And mark my words: the bleeding hearts on the left will have the courage to cry human rights violations and promptly blame it on George W. Bush.
Just my enraged thoughts!
These are the words from President Obama in regard to the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, a move that has been propagandized since the first few months of the current administration.
And they are also the words that the rejuvenated al Qaeda leadership must be using as they step up the attacks in Iraq in view of the departure of all but 50,000 US troops in the next couple of weeks, with the rest leaving next year.
Just today, we wake up to the news that a suicide bomber blew himself up killing 60 Iraqi military recruits and wounding 125 more, in a string of renewed attacks that the terror group has been conducting through out the struggling country.
So the fears expressed by Military experts, and just about anyone who uses some common sense, over the announcement made by the White House last year about the specific time frame of American troops withdrawal is materializing even sooner than predicted.
The lamentations had been about exposing our strategy to the enemy in advance, just as the President did in February 2009, when he announced that withdrawal of troops would start in August 2010.
That declaration, uniquely aimed at satisfying the anti-war, anti-American and anti-Military fringe on the Left, has given al Qaeda the time frame in which to be patient and prepare for the re-entering of the conflict. And the enemy has done just that.
It was just August 12 when I wrote the piece called Reversal Of Events outlining an article from the British the Guardian about how al Qaeda has been very active in their attempts to recruit back members of the Iraqi militias that had turned against the terrorist organization during the troop surge of 2007/2008.
And today’s news proves again that where al Qaeda cannot entice Iraqis by use of money and other carrot dangling methods, they will do it by use of terror and threats.
So here is another war that the fools in Washington are setting up to lose. Another war where the price paid will get lost in some history book, provided that the book is not written by some liberal author, in which case it will be propagandized as one of those imperialistic wars that America has embarked on.
While I place a lot of the responsibilities of the conduct of the war on this administration’s predecessors, from President Bush to Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld, the responsibility for the upcoming total defeat I place at the feet of the current circus of buffoons in our Nation’s Capital.
The inauguration of Obama as President saw the war in Iraq pretty much won, with low level violence and an opportunity for diplomatic efforts to be made to strengthen the internal political efforts of the Iraqi government. But a declaration of withdrawal just a month after taking office cannot be much of an encouraging message to those in power in Baghdad, regardless of the corruption that may exist.
I remember that after Obama’s declaration, the Maliki government was open in supporting the departure of the American Forces, but I remain skeptical about the posture, which could have been motivated more by the characteristic boisterous stance in the Iraqi culture.
I don’t usually like to give predictions, as I prefer to leave them to the pundits who make a living at it. I only speak out of common sense and a feeling of rage that I have in regard to the blood and sacrifice that the current administration is so forcefully trying to render useless.
I have been to too many funerals of KIAs from Iraq, where the only consolation I have seen in the devastation of the families was the hope that their son or daughter had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of others and the security of our Nation.
Now, this President is making all that just a hopeless dream, all because he had, and continues to, pander to those on the extreme Left who he needs more than ever for the progression of his power grab.
When he stated that he was going to bring the War in Iraq to an end, there was no intention on his part to see a victorious end. He even stated that he felt uncomfortable by the use of the word “victory”.
Shame on those Americans who elected such a radical individual to a position where he can control and affect the lives of so many people, especially those who wear the uniform of the United States Military.
What it really comes down to is that the leftist kooks hate the Military and the country more than they hate those who want to kill us.
It will be no time, after our withdrawal from Iraq, that the place will witness the type of blood bath that made Pol Pot famous in Cambodia in the late 1970s. And mark my words: the bleeding hearts on the left will have the courage to cry human rights violations and promptly blame it on George W. Bush.
Just my enraged thoughts!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Building Bridges
By Semperpapa
The leadership of the terror group Hamas has entered the discussion of the building of the mosque at Ground Zero, and, not surprisingly, on the side of Obama, Bloomberg and the Cordoba Initiative.
The Hamas leader stated that the mosque "has to be built" because the Muslims must have a place of prayer. He also stated that the organization, as the recognized leader of the Muslim and Arab world (his words!), is in full support of the building of mosques around the world at any place, so to give the followers of the faith the chance to pray and congregate.
He also stated that already the laws of Islam are being followed even in America, which we have seen already with some instances of Sharia law being adopted by Islamists.
All the while, Feisal Rauf, the imam who is spearheading the Ground Zero mosque project, is in the Middle East on a State Department paid mission to "build bridges" between the United States and Muslim countries. An official, taxpayers funded mission which will magically bring the $100 millions the Cordoba Initiative needs for the project.
Speaking of buying the bullet that is going to be used to kill us!
Just my thoughts!
The leadership of the terror group Hamas has entered the discussion of the building of the mosque at Ground Zero, and, not surprisingly, on the side of Obama, Bloomberg and the Cordoba Initiative.
The Hamas leader stated that the mosque "has to be built" because the Muslims must have a place of prayer. He also stated that the organization, as the recognized leader of the Muslim and Arab world (his words!), is in full support of the building of mosques around the world at any place, so to give the followers of the faith the chance to pray and congregate.
He also stated that already the laws of Islam are being followed even in America, which we have seen already with some instances of Sharia law being adopted by Islamists.
All the while, Feisal Rauf, the imam who is spearheading the Ground Zero mosque project, is in the Middle East on a State Department paid mission to "build bridges" between the United States and Muslim countries. An official, taxpayers funded mission which will magically bring the $100 millions the Cordoba Initiative needs for the project.
Speaking of buying the bullet that is going to be used to kill us!
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Obama Steps In Doodoo
By Semperpapa
President Obama walks around with his arrogant nose so far up in the air that he just plain stepped into a political doodoo on Friday, when at a dinner celebration for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, he stated his support for the building of the Islamic mosque next to Ground Zero in Manhattan.
The statement, made in front of a Muslim audience, has created a literal storm of reactions overnight. The liberal media was quick pointing out that the President’s words turned a local issue into a National one. Apparently, the liberal media is not aware of the fact that the mosque issue has been a National one for some time already, and that one does not have to be a New Yorker to be absolutely incensed by the Cordoba Initiative project.
News flash to the media: the attacks of 9-11 are still remembered by the vast majority of the American people in spite of your efforts to cancel those horrible memories on behalf of your boss Obama; and the attacks of 9-11 were perpetrated against a whole Nation, not just one city.
Today, a day after Obama’s statement, the media is on a all out blitz to tell the American people that what Obama said was not really what he meant and, practically, that those who read his words as they were said are really too stupid to understand what he really meant.
The amusing part, if there may be one, is the reaction of some of the Democrats who are running for election or re-election in November, who are not too happy with Obama at the moment.
Granted that they were not happy even before Friday’s statement, they are now facing constituencies that have a firm opinion on the issue of the mosque and who are now questioning those candidates about their position on the controversy. Those Democrat candidates now are in a conundrum regarding having to take a position either with the President, which would put them at perilous odds with the majority of the American people, or against him facing the wrath of the DNC.
No comments are being heard from the Nancy Pelosi office or from Harry Reid’s, as complete silence is coming from many of the other Democrats who are facing tough re-election campaigns. Some off the record comments have come from campaign aids of some of the candidates who expressed their frustration toward the land mines that the President appears to be adding to their already seemingly difficult campaigns.
And this is one of the reasons I could never be in politics. The Democrat candidates are upset at the obstacles Obama is creating for them in their election bids, not at the outrageous comments he made. They see the mosque issue as a political hot potato, not as an issue of decency and morality, proving to me, once again, that a politician has to be, by definition, amoral. And I am not insinuating that Republicans are much better at standing up for anything that does not involve getting re-elected.
The issue of the mosque is very simple for me. Those who have come up with such a brilliant idea, tell us that their goal is to build a symbol of tolerance between the Islamic world and the American people. It is supposed to be a bridge between the Muslim faith and the Judeo-Christian majority of Americans and a way to bring those who share their religion with the 19 hijackers of 9-11 closer to the point where we can all live together in bliss tolerance. All this is great and makes for good slogans and talking points.
But in reality, just the fact that the project is fomenting so much animosity on the part of the American people, should be the driving force to find a place for their mosque that is not so offensive to the American psyche. Insisting on the location at Ground Zero and arrogantly thumbing their noses at the American people is, I believe, extremely counter-productive to the justifications used.
I am, therefore, not placing much credence on the statements of Rauf or any of his supporters or in the words of Bloomberg or Obama regarding the alleged good intentions of the Cordoba Initiative, because all the indications are that the location of the mosque appear to be of much greater importance to them that the message they are alleging to be proponing.
So, while President Obama has stepped in Bo’s doodoo once again, and while his droids and the MSM is trying to clean the doodoo off his designer shoes, the problem of the mosque still remains, with all the issues associated with it.
But at least I am enjoying watching the politicians squirm.
Just my thoughts!
President Obama walks around with his arrogant nose so far up in the air that he just plain stepped into a political doodoo on Friday, when at a dinner celebration for the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, he stated his support for the building of the Islamic mosque next to Ground Zero in Manhattan.
The statement, made in front of a Muslim audience, has created a literal storm of reactions overnight. The liberal media was quick pointing out that the President’s words turned a local issue into a National one. Apparently, the liberal media is not aware of the fact that the mosque issue has been a National one for some time already, and that one does not have to be a New Yorker to be absolutely incensed by the Cordoba Initiative project.
News flash to the media: the attacks of 9-11 are still remembered by the vast majority of the American people in spite of your efforts to cancel those horrible memories on behalf of your boss Obama; and the attacks of 9-11 were perpetrated against a whole Nation, not just one city.
Today, a day after Obama’s statement, the media is on a all out blitz to tell the American people that what Obama said was not really what he meant and, practically, that those who read his words as they were said are really too stupid to understand what he really meant.
The amusing part, if there may be one, is the reaction of some of the Democrats who are running for election or re-election in November, who are not too happy with Obama at the moment.
Granted that they were not happy even before Friday’s statement, they are now facing constituencies that have a firm opinion on the issue of the mosque and who are now questioning those candidates about their position on the controversy. Those Democrat candidates now are in a conundrum regarding having to take a position either with the President, which would put them at perilous odds with the majority of the American people, or against him facing the wrath of the DNC.
No comments are being heard from the Nancy Pelosi office or from Harry Reid’s, as complete silence is coming from many of the other Democrats who are facing tough re-election campaigns. Some off the record comments have come from campaign aids of some of the candidates who expressed their frustration toward the land mines that the President appears to be adding to their already seemingly difficult campaigns.
And this is one of the reasons I could never be in politics. The Democrat candidates are upset at the obstacles Obama is creating for them in their election bids, not at the outrageous comments he made. They see the mosque issue as a political hot potato, not as an issue of decency and morality, proving to me, once again, that a politician has to be, by definition, amoral. And I am not insinuating that Republicans are much better at standing up for anything that does not involve getting re-elected.
The issue of the mosque is very simple for me. Those who have come up with such a brilliant idea, tell us that their goal is to build a symbol of tolerance between the Islamic world and the American people. It is supposed to be a bridge between the Muslim faith and the Judeo-Christian majority of Americans and a way to bring those who share their religion with the 19 hijackers of 9-11 closer to the point where we can all live together in bliss tolerance. All this is great and makes for good slogans and talking points.
But in reality, just the fact that the project is fomenting so much animosity on the part of the American people, should be the driving force to find a place for their mosque that is not so offensive to the American psyche. Insisting on the location at Ground Zero and arrogantly thumbing their noses at the American people is, I believe, extremely counter-productive to the justifications used.
I am, therefore, not placing much credence on the statements of Rauf or any of his supporters or in the words of Bloomberg or Obama regarding the alleged good intentions of the Cordoba Initiative, because all the indications are that the location of the mosque appear to be of much greater importance to them that the message they are alleging to be proponing.
So, while President Obama has stepped in Bo’s doodoo once again, and while his droids and the MSM is trying to clean the doodoo off his designer shoes, the problem of the mosque still remains, with all the issues associated with it.
But at least I am enjoying watching the politicians squirm.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Reversal Of Events
By Semperpapa
British newspaper The Guardian had an article recently which discussed a membership drive that al Qaeda is currently conducting in Iraq to lure militia members that had sided with our Military at the Al Ambar Awakening times of 2007/2008.
The article emphasizes that the terrorist group has been successful in offering higher pay for members of the Sons of Iraq, taking away about 100 members of the militia, which is approximately 1,800 strong.
The story was told the reporter from the British publication by the leaders of some of the militias that, with the help of American forces, had practically revolted against the terrorists and become instrumental in the relative calm and security that the country of Iraq has had since 2007.
The reasons for the success of al Qaeda in its attempt to entice some of the militants back is, according to those who spoke with the Guardian are mainly based on the political vacuum that appears to have settled in Baghdad and the planning of the US Military. Moreover, it appears that the finances of al Qaeda have not been disrupted as much as US officials had hoped.
Since the general elections of the end of 2009, no political party had been able to form a stable government in Iraq, with factions favorable to Al Maliki still deep in controversy with the factions of Malawi.
The instability has added fuel to the fire of al Qaeda, who can use the lack of central power as a recruiting tool, accompanied by higher salaries for those who defect.
It remains to be seen, if intelligence will become available, who is behind the renewed financial health that appears to be favoring the leadership of al Qaeda. I have no doubts that if we had the ability to trace back these funds, we would end up in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries, but I also wonder where George Soros has been lately.
Most disturbing is the other reason behind al Qaeda ability to recruit among those who fought against them, which is the obvious intention on the part of Obama and his administration to remove our troops out of that country and to give a specific time when the withdrawals would happen.
Since Obama made promises and statements of policy about the time frame of American forces leaving Iraq, the terror group has had the time to refurbish its banks accounts and foment the dissatisfaction of some of the militants with promises of higher pay and power.
Those militants who took up arms against al Qaeda in 2007 did so with the hope and understanding that the American Military would remain in Iraq for as long as the need for security demanded. The choices made to revolt against the will of the ruthless terror group was a fatal one for many of the militants, and yet they stepped up with the belief that America would honor its responsibility to their long term security.
The elections of Obama, who had been openly opposed to the war in Iraq and who campaigned on the promise of “bringing the war to an end”, obviously gave our enemy the necessary morale boost needed to engage in a renewed campaign of recruitment in Iraq, and we can now see some signs of success in their efforts.
The worst case scenario everybody had feared would happen with telephoning our plans to the enemy may now be developing, and for every American unit being taken out of Iraq, especially combat units, the enemy is growing bolder and assured that the ground we are leaving in Iraq is fertile for their strong return.
The disturbing part is that the policies of our government in regard to the handling of today’s Iraq appear to be moving in the direction of a reversal of any success accomplished in that country by the previous administration.
Now that would not bother me too much, as such kind of skirmishes among politicians are as common as their corruption. But what makes the whole debacle sickening is the fact that any ground lost in Iraq by the United States has been paid in blood by our Military and in treasure by the people.
Just the possibility that maintaining Obama promise to his lunatic leftist fringe would cause the lives of 4,000 of America’s best to have been lost for nothing, is definitely more than the American people should tolerate.
I am all for the handling of Iraq’s internal issues by the Iraqis, but America CANNOT allow the reversal of the accomplishments that have been so costly for our Nation just to appease the administration’s and the anti-war kooks political agenda.
If Washington wants to stop the trend dead in its tracks, they must tell the Iraqi leadership to get their affairs in order and immediately suspend all troops withdrawals until that is done.
But that would require cajones, so…
Just my thoughts!
British newspaper The Guardian had an article recently which discussed a membership drive that al Qaeda is currently conducting in Iraq to lure militia members that had sided with our Military at the Al Ambar Awakening times of 2007/2008.
The article emphasizes that the terrorist group has been successful in offering higher pay for members of the Sons of Iraq, taking away about 100 members of the militia, which is approximately 1,800 strong.
The story was told the reporter from the British publication by the leaders of some of the militias that, with the help of American forces, had practically revolted against the terrorists and become instrumental in the relative calm and security that the country of Iraq has had since 2007.
The reasons for the success of al Qaeda in its attempt to entice some of the militants back is, according to those who spoke with the Guardian are mainly based on the political vacuum that appears to have settled in Baghdad and the planning of the US Military. Moreover, it appears that the finances of al Qaeda have not been disrupted as much as US officials had hoped.
Since the general elections of the end of 2009, no political party had been able to form a stable government in Iraq, with factions favorable to Al Maliki still deep in controversy with the factions of Malawi.
The instability has added fuel to the fire of al Qaeda, who can use the lack of central power as a recruiting tool, accompanied by higher salaries for those who defect.
It remains to be seen, if intelligence will become available, who is behind the renewed financial health that appears to be favoring the leadership of al Qaeda. I have no doubts that if we had the ability to trace back these funds, we would end up in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries, but I also wonder where George Soros has been lately.
Most disturbing is the other reason behind al Qaeda ability to recruit among those who fought against them, which is the obvious intention on the part of Obama and his administration to remove our troops out of that country and to give a specific time when the withdrawals would happen.
Since Obama made promises and statements of policy about the time frame of American forces leaving Iraq, the terror group has had the time to refurbish its banks accounts and foment the dissatisfaction of some of the militants with promises of higher pay and power.
Those militants who took up arms against al Qaeda in 2007 did so with the hope and understanding that the American Military would remain in Iraq for as long as the need for security demanded. The choices made to revolt against the will of the ruthless terror group was a fatal one for many of the militants, and yet they stepped up with the belief that America would honor its responsibility to their long term security.
The elections of Obama, who had been openly opposed to the war in Iraq and who campaigned on the promise of “bringing the war to an end”, obviously gave our enemy the necessary morale boost needed to engage in a renewed campaign of recruitment in Iraq, and we can now see some signs of success in their efforts.
The worst case scenario everybody had feared would happen with telephoning our plans to the enemy may now be developing, and for every American unit being taken out of Iraq, especially combat units, the enemy is growing bolder and assured that the ground we are leaving in Iraq is fertile for their strong return.
The disturbing part is that the policies of our government in regard to the handling of today’s Iraq appear to be moving in the direction of a reversal of any success accomplished in that country by the previous administration.
Now that would not bother me too much, as such kind of skirmishes among politicians are as common as their corruption. But what makes the whole debacle sickening is the fact that any ground lost in Iraq by the United States has been paid in blood by our Military and in treasure by the people.
Just the possibility that maintaining Obama promise to his lunatic leftist fringe would cause the lives of 4,000 of America’s best to have been lost for nothing, is definitely more than the American people should tolerate.
I am all for the handling of Iraq’s internal issues by the Iraqis, but America CANNOT allow the reversal of the accomplishments that have been so costly for our Nation just to appease the administration’s and the anti-war kooks political agenda.
If Washington wants to stop the trend dead in its tracks, they must tell the Iraqi leadership to get their affairs in order and immediately suspend all troops withdrawals until that is done.
But that would require cajones, so…
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Apologist Policy
By Semperpapa
Remember when some American people were incensed by the Obama apology tour just following his coronation as king of America? Remember when you felt your blood pressure shoot up as he called America “arrogant”?
Well that appears to be not just an anti-American stance on the part of a man who really dislikes the country he has been elected to lead, but also a systematic policy, handed down from the White House to the minions executing day-to-day operations.
On August 6 2010, the State Department unveiled its Country Report on Terrorism 2009. It was unveiled by none other than Daniel Benjamin, the Nation’s Counterterrorism Coordinator.
In his remarks, Mr. Benjamin stated that one of the strategies Obama wants to use to fight international terrorism is the analysis of American role in fueling the increase of terror activities.
What the report basically says is that the efforts made by law enforcement and the Military, the application of intelligence methodology to combat terrorism is not enough if not combined with the analysis of American actions that may contribute to the radicalization of our enemies.
Benjamin says that questions should be asked regarding American presence in certain parts of the world as it relates to the way America is accepted there and that the answers should be used to ascertain if our presence is a catalyst for increased terror activity.
“I do think that that is something that is very much at the center of our policy making and our deliberations,” Benjamin said. “It very much affects our thoughts regarding our presence in particular parts of the world where we may not be wanted as much as we might think or might like.”
Clearly a shot at our foreign policy of the past, it appears that Mr. Benjamin is a believer, just as his superiors are that America bears responsibilities for the terror attacks our Nation has incurred over the years. Maybe it was our support of the State of Israel or our presence in Saudi Arabia or in the increasingly Islam infected Europe, it looks like the administration Apology Policy is in full swing.
Benjamin added:
“I do think that that is something that is very much at the center of our policy making and our deliberations. It very much affects our thoughts regarding our presence in particular parts of the world where we may not be wanted as much as we might think or might like.”
And finally:
“There’s a wide range of different circumstances in which we find terrorists, but the question is, ‘What’s the appropriate way to deal with them? What threat do they pose to us, what are the long-term implications for our security, but also for our ability to work with countries in that region?'”
So, if I get this straight, the policy of the White House and State Department is to propagate American foreign policies to the rest of the world. In the particular case, the policy is to reach out into the mind set of the enemy and find the way to change our National approach so that the enemy is not going to be too mad at us and continue to try to kill us.
Definitely not a very encouraging prospect for the safety and security of my Nation and my family, unless the statements of Mr. Benjamin are going to be qualified with a follow up in the form of “…and if that does not work, we’ll kill them all”.
I understand that the fringe Left, from Obama to Code Pink, is convinced that the foreign policies of America have been the kind of imperialistic policies that have translated in America having such a vast colonial empire, but the appeasement of our enemy can be considered the primary cause of the attack of September 11.
The scourge of al Qaeda was very well known to the intelligence community, including the role that Osama bin Laden was playing in that organization.
But the intelligence community was prevented to exchange information with internal Law Enforcement, so that all the activities entertained by the 19 perpetrators of the attacks of that day were destined to go unnoticed.
The inactivity of Clinton and his surrogates throughout eight years of that administration was instrumental in giving bin Laden and Sheik Mohamed the necessary impression that terrorist attacks were going to be handled as criminal, law enforcement issues, controlled by the United States laws and Constitution.
America’s enemies have reached a point of perfection in using our laws and regulations against us, and pointing this out is going to get me a label of ‘intolerant’ and ‘racist’, which matters very little to me.
Going back to inactivity, attempting to appease an ideology that has sworn to destroy our way of life, is only going to result in a lessen security posture, just as our Nation was in the years prior to the 9-11 attacks.
Just my thoughts!
Remember when some American people were incensed by the Obama apology tour just following his coronation as king of America? Remember when you felt your blood pressure shoot up as he called America “arrogant”?
Well that appears to be not just an anti-American stance on the part of a man who really dislikes the country he has been elected to lead, but also a systematic policy, handed down from the White House to the minions executing day-to-day operations.
On August 6 2010, the State Department unveiled its Country Report on Terrorism 2009. It was unveiled by none other than Daniel Benjamin, the Nation’s Counterterrorism Coordinator.
In his remarks, Mr. Benjamin stated that one of the strategies Obama wants to use to fight international terrorism is the analysis of American role in fueling the increase of terror activities.
What the report basically says is that the efforts made by law enforcement and the Military, the application of intelligence methodology to combat terrorism is not enough if not combined with the analysis of American actions that may contribute to the radicalization of our enemies.
Benjamin says that questions should be asked regarding American presence in certain parts of the world as it relates to the way America is accepted there and that the answers should be used to ascertain if our presence is a catalyst for increased terror activity.
“I do think that that is something that is very much at the center of our policy making and our deliberations,” Benjamin said. “It very much affects our thoughts regarding our presence in particular parts of the world where we may not be wanted as much as we might think or might like.”
Clearly a shot at our foreign policy of the past, it appears that Mr. Benjamin is a believer, just as his superiors are that America bears responsibilities for the terror attacks our Nation has incurred over the years. Maybe it was our support of the State of Israel or our presence in Saudi Arabia or in the increasingly Islam infected Europe, it looks like the administration Apology Policy is in full swing.
Benjamin added:
“I do think that that is something that is very much at the center of our policy making and our deliberations. It very much affects our thoughts regarding our presence in particular parts of the world where we may not be wanted as much as we might think or might like.”
And finally:
“There’s a wide range of different circumstances in which we find terrorists, but the question is, ‘What’s the appropriate way to deal with them? What threat do they pose to us, what are the long-term implications for our security, but also for our ability to work with countries in that region?'”
So, if I get this straight, the policy of the White House and State Department is to propagate American foreign policies to the rest of the world. In the particular case, the policy is to reach out into the mind set of the enemy and find the way to change our National approach so that the enemy is not going to be too mad at us and continue to try to kill us.
Definitely not a very encouraging prospect for the safety and security of my Nation and my family, unless the statements of Mr. Benjamin are going to be qualified with a follow up in the form of “…and if that does not work, we’ll kill them all”.
I understand that the fringe Left, from Obama to Code Pink, is convinced that the foreign policies of America have been the kind of imperialistic policies that have translated in America having such a vast colonial empire, but the appeasement of our enemy can be considered the primary cause of the attack of September 11.
The scourge of al Qaeda was very well known to the intelligence community, including the role that Osama bin Laden was playing in that organization.
But the intelligence community was prevented to exchange information with internal Law Enforcement, so that all the activities entertained by the 19 perpetrators of the attacks of that day were destined to go unnoticed.
The inactivity of Clinton and his surrogates throughout eight years of that administration was instrumental in giving bin Laden and Sheik Mohamed the necessary impression that terrorist attacks were going to be handled as criminal, law enforcement issues, controlled by the United States laws and Constitution.
America’s enemies have reached a point of perfection in using our laws and regulations against us, and pointing this out is going to get me a label of ‘intolerant’ and ‘racist’, which matters very little to me.
Going back to inactivity, attempting to appease an ideology that has sworn to destroy our way of life, is only going to result in a lessen security posture, just as our Nation was in the years prior to the 9-11 attacks.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Faisal American-Paid "Vacation"
By Semparpapa
A day does not go by without more “in your face” behavior on the part of our esteemed leadership in Washington, and today is not an exception.
Jake Gibson from Fox News has a piece this morning in which he writes of a trip that the US State Department is sponsoring, and paying for, for Feisal Abdul Rauf to the Middle East, more specifically to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi, although the complete itinerary has not been divulged.
By now it should be known who Feisal Abdul Rauf is, but just in case, he is the imam who is spearheading the efforts to build the super mosque near Ground Zero in New York, project that has galvanized millions of Americans across the Nation.
According to Mr. Gibson, the State Department is going to sponsor the trip because Mr. Rauf is a distinguished Muslim cleric, says State spokesman P. J. Crowley, adding
“We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
So while the White House is conveniently remaining “neutral” in the local New York controversy, and I should add conveniently, it will be the taxpayers’ money to foot the bill for Faisal’s mission of bridge building with Islam.
But the outrage of this whole affair is not just limited to the use of the people’s money for the man’s trip.
One of the controversial points of the whole mosque debacle is the refusal on the part of Rauf and the Cordoba Initiative to make public the source of the $100 million necessary for the construction of the project in Manhattan. Initially, the imam had stated that all the funding would come from Muslim-American donations, but later he had asserted that financial assistance would also come from Arab and Muslim countries.
So this all affair is screaming, at least to me, of direct interference of the government in the local affairs of the city of New York, and I am paying for it.
As the American people are incensed about the two-bit politicians supporting the project, namely mayor Bloomberg and NY Congressmen Anthony Weiner and Jerrold Nadler, we are now treated to the State Department, ultimately meaning the President, effecting another in-your-face move by allowing Faisal to go on his mosque-funding mission and have those same people who are protesting the mosque, the American people, pay for it.
We should be getting used to it by now, but the arrogance of the political leadership these days goes beyond anything I have ever expected.
It remains absolutely puzzling to me how irreverent the current administration is toward the opinion of the people, demonstrating the total lack of any consideration and class when it comes to addressing to real concerns of the average American.
The American people are struggling daily to squeeze every dollar from their budget to make it till next paycheck, at least those who are still getting one, while they witness a highly extravagant vacation from the First Lady in Spain.
Congress pats itself on the back for passing another bailout bill aimed at ingratiating the teachers’ and government workers’ unions.
And today we read that the same government is going to pay for Faisal to go raise the funds for an offensive project that the majority of the American people are vehemently opposed to.
Some people call it “complete detachment” from the daily vicissitudes and struggles of the common people on the part of Obama and his circus of clown, but I am not at all convinced that it is that simple.
Nothing in the actions of this President or his cohorts is a coincidence in my opinion.
Liberals, by all accounts, are facing an electoral revolution in November, with a good possibility that the President may loose at least one of the branches on Congress. With his approval rating plummeting and the American opinion of Congress sinking to the level of criminals, the attitude of the political leadership is one of total and complete defiance and rejection of public opinion.
Combine such posture with the racial antagonism this administration has been fomenting since Obama started campaigning for the Presidency, it looks to me as if the ‘hope’ on the part of the President is that the dissent would start to show up in the streets of America, giving him the opportunity to suspend the Constitution and void the November elections.
Some people are of the opinion that, like in the case of this imam getting a taxpayers’ funded trip to the Middle East, especially at this specific time that the controversy is burning, it is just a misguided move on the part of an inexperienced man, but I think that nothing Obama does is based on incompetence or stupidity, instead I believe the man to be very shrewd and calculative.
I would be willing to wager that after Rauf returns from his “bridge building” mission, the funding for the mosque will suddenly appear from anonymous donors and Bloomberg will be able to substantially increase his investment portfolio.
The only remaining hope is that the NY construction workers will just plain refuse to work on the project, forcing a show down between the construction unions and the local government, which confrontation, should it turn ugly, would be the pretext Obama may be looking for.
Just my thoughts!
A day does not go by without more “in your face” behavior on the part of our esteemed leadership in Washington, and today is not an exception.
Jake Gibson from Fox News has a piece this morning in which he writes of a trip that the US State Department is sponsoring, and paying for, for Feisal Abdul Rauf to the Middle East, more specifically to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi, although the complete itinerary has not been divulged.
By now it should be known who Feisal Abdul Rauf is, but just in case, he is the imam who is spearheading the efforts to build the super mosque near Ground Zero in New York, project that has galvanized millions of Americans across the Nation.
According to Mr. Gibson, the State Department is going to sponsor the trip because Mr. Rauf is a distinguished Muslim cleric, says State spokesman P. J. Crowley, adding
“We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
So while the White House is conveniently remaining “neutral” in the local New York controversy, and I should add conveniently, it will be the taxpayers’ money to foot the bill for Faisal’s mission of bridge building with Islam.
But the outrage of this whole affair is not just limited to the use of the people’s money for the man’s trip.
One of the controversial points of the whole mosque debacle is the refusal on the part of Rauf and the Cordoba Initiative to make public the source of the $100 million necessary for the construction of the project in Manhattan. Initially, the imam had stated that all the funding would come from Muslim-American donations, but later he had asserted that financial assistance would also come from Arab and Muslim countries.
So this all affair is screaming, at least to me, of direct interference of the government in the local affairs of the city of New York, and I am paying for it.
As the American people are incensed about the two-bit politicians supporting the project, namely mayor Bloomberg and NY Congressmen Anthony Weiner and Jerrold Nadler, we are now treated to the State Department, ultimately meaning the President, effecting another in-your-face move by allowing Faisal to go on his mosque-funding mission and have those same people who are protesting the mosque, the American people, pay for it.
We should be getting used to it by now, but the arrogance of the political leadership these days goes beyond anything I have ever expected.
It remains absolutely puzzling to me how irreverent the current administration is toward the opinion of the people, demonstrating the total lack of any consideration and class when it comes to addressing to real concerns of the average American.
The American people are struggling daily to squeeze every dollar from their budget to make it till next paycheck, at least those who are still getting one, while they witness a highly extravagant vacation from the First Lady in Spain.
Congress pats itself on the back for passing another bailout bill aimed at ingratiating the teachers’ and government workers’ unions.
And today we read that the same government is going to pay for Faisal to go raise the funds for an offensive project that the majority of the American people are vehemently opposed to.
Some people call it “complete detachment” from the daily vicissitudes and struggles of the common people on the part of Obama and his circus of clown, but I am not at all convinced that it is that simple.
Nothing in the actions of this President or his cohorts is a coincidence in my opinion.
Liberals, by all accounts, are facing an electoral revolution in November, with a good possibility that the President may loose at least one of the branches on Congress. With his approval rating plummeting and the American opinion of Congress sinking to the level of criminals, the attitude of the political leadership is one of total and complete defiance and rejection of public opinion.
Combine such posture with the racial antagonism this administration has been fomenting since Obama started campaigning for the Presidency, it looks to me as if the ‘hope’ on the part of the President is that the dissent would start to show up in the streets of America, giving him the opportunity to suspend the Constitution and void the November elections.
Some people are of the opinion that, like in the case of this imam getting a taxpayers’ funded trip to the Middle East, especially at this specific time that the controversy is burning, it is just a misguided move on the part of an inexperienced man, but I think that nothing Obama does is based on incompetence or stupidity, instead I believe the man to be very shrewd and calculative.
I would be willing to wager that after Rauf returns from his “bridge building” mission, the funding for the mosque will suddenly appear from anonymous donors and Bloomberg will be able to substantially increase his investment portfolio.
The only remaining hope is that the NY construction workers will just plain refuse to work on the project, forcing a show down between the construction unions and the local government, which confrontation, should it turn ugly, would be the pretext Obama may be looking for.
Just my thoughts!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
America's Slow Surrender
By Semperpapa
As the controversy continues to increase in the saga of the Ground Zero mega mosque, throughout our Nation we see the establishment increasingly surrender to the pressuring forces of radical Islam.
In New Jersey, a judge, Joseph Charles, has denied a restraining order to a Moroccan woman who had accused her Moroccan husband of sexual assault.
The woman is divorced from her husband and she has accused him of forcibly having unwanted intercourse with her, practically raping her, while they were still married.
Judge Charles, in his decision, stated the following:
"The court believes that [defendant] was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited."
The ruling from Charles was quickly overturned by the New Jersey Supreme Court which called the deliberation a mistake.
But what the incident clearly shows is that there are an increasing number of member of the system who appear to be invoking international law, in this case Shariah Law, to adjudicate cases within the United States, clearly setting aside the laws of the United States.
What remains to be seen is the reaction from any of the feminist groups in America, reaction that is absent as of this writing, in fact no mention of this incident is made on the National Organization for Women (NOW) on their web site, as they are too busy to acclaim Elena Kagan and the annulment of 7 million votes in California by the judge who declared Prop 8 unconstitutional.
It is clear that the organizations like NOW are more interested in keeping abortion available at all times and the achievement of power by women, regardless of qualification as long as they fit the progressive agenda.
All other issues, especially those related to Islam and the liberal agenda are of no interest.
Of course the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) chimed in about the case, with its communication director Ibrahim Hooper, who followed the usual script by saying that the use of the term “Shariah” is only aimed at increasing the paranoia of the American people in regard to the religion of peace.
“It fits into the whole extremist Muslim-basher theme that Muslims are somehow trying to replace the Constitution with Islamic law,” Mr. Hooper stated.
"That is absolute fantasy, and hateful. Islamic beliefs don't permit rape of any kind," he added, which is actually one of the Islamic double truths: in Shariah law, a husband can do with his wife all he wishes as the woman is a possession, so technically his statement is true as forced sex is not considered rape.
Robert Spencer, director of, also chimed into the case addressing the fact that Judge Charles did not openly mentioned Shariah law, but Mr. Spencer added:
"This is a ruling that is strictly in line with Islamic law, which does indeed declare that a wife may not refuse her husband sex under virtually any circumstances. The only legal framework that would not consider marital rape to be sexual assault is Shariah."
Many Americans will dismiss this case as a localized issue of minimal impact, but as it is not an isolated incident, one should take notice and recognize the danger of the trend.
In this case the decision was reversed, but the fact that no repercussion will be felt by Judge Charles for his clearly misguided decision means that any other judge across the land will be able to adjudicate similar cases without fear of being held accountable for it. And my fear is that some of these cases will just fall by the way side, aided by the ever present smoke screen of CAIR, the consistent fear of straying out of the unspoken rules of political correctness and the general apathy of the American people.
The very existence of CAIR is, in my view, a violation of American law. This organization, which has been linked to the radical group Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist group Hamas, has been working fevirishly to subvert the laws of the land, continuously speaking from both sides of its mouth. On one side they propone to be a indespensable tool for Law Enforcement to combat Islamic terrorism, practically forcing authorities to employ their “services” in the name of inter-faith cooperation and understanding, but in reality exploiting the politically correct crowd in power.
On the other side, CAIR is active in the defense of those who preach from the pulpit of their mosque for the destruction of the American system and its replacement with an Islamic state.
Case in point, is an incident that took place in Detroit.
As reported by the Associated Press:
DETROIT -- A Muslim civil rights group has sued the Michigan State Police for failing to release information related to the killing of a Detroit mosque leader during a shootout with the FBI.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations' Michigan chapter filed a lawsuit Wednesday in Wayne County Circuit Court. Chapter executive director Dawud Walid said today the state police was part of a task force that conducted raids leading to the death of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah at a Dearborn warehouse in October....
Walid said CAIR plans more lawsuits against other law enforcement agencies.
Who was this Luqman Abdullah? He was an Imam from a Dearborn mosque and a disciple of Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther convert to Islam who is serving a life sentence for the murder of two police officers.
Imam Luqman used his pulpit to promote Al-Amin’s message that America must fall to Islam; that it is the duty of every Muslim to use any method to cause the fall of the US government and the establishment of an Islamic state in North America; that the elimination of the infidels is a duty of every Muslim.
So this is the character in whose name CAIR is bringing law suit against the Michigan State Police and surely against the FBI in the future, the type of terror preaching imam they are alleging to be fighting against.
Well you do the math.
Just my thoughts!
As the controversy continues to increase in the saga of the Ground Zero mega mosque, throughout our Nation we see the establishment increasingly surrender to the pressuring forces of radical Islam.
In New Jersey, a judge, Joseph Charles, has denied a restraining order to a Moroccan woman who had accused her Moroccan husband of sexual assault.
The woman is divorced from her husband and she has accused him of forcibly having unwanted intercourse with her, practically raping her, while they were still married.
Judge Charles, in his decision, stated the following:
"The court believes that [defendant] was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited."
The ruling from Charles was quickly overturned by the New Jersey Supreme Court which called the deliberation a mistake.
But what the incident clearly shows is that there are an increasing number of member of the system who appear to be invoking international law, in this case Shariah Law, to adjudicate cases within the United States, clearly setting aside the laws of the United States.
What remains to be seen is the reaction from any of the feminist groups in America, reaction that is absent as of this writing, in fact no mention of this incident is made on the National Organization for Women (NOW) on their web site, as they are too busy to acclaim Elena Kagan and the annulment of 7 million votes in California by the judge who declared Prop 8 unconstitutional.
It is clear that the organizations like NOW are more interested in keeping abortion available at all times and the achievement of power by women, regardless of qualification as long as they fit the progressive agenda.
All other issues, especially those related to Islam and the liberal agenda are of no interest.
Of course the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) chimed in about the case, with its communication director Ibrahim Hooper, who followed the usual script by saying that the use of the term “Shariah” is only aimed at increasing the paranoia of the American people in regard to the religion of peace.
“It fits into the whole extremist Muslim-basher theme that Muslims are somehow trying to replace the Constitution with Islamic law,” Mr. Hooper stated.
"That is absolute fantasy, and hateful. Islamic beliefs don't permit rape of any kind," he added, which is actually one of the Islamic double truths: in Shariah law, a husband can do with his wife all he wishes as the woman is a possession, so technically his statement is true as forced sex is not considered rape.
Robert Spencer, director of, also chimed into the case addressing the fact that Judge Charles did not openly mentioned Shariah law, but Mr. Spencer added:
"This is a ruling that is strictly in line with Islamic law, which does indeed declare that a wife may not refuse her husband sex under virtually any circumstances. The only legal framework that would not consider marital rape to be sexual assault is Shariah."
Many Americans will dismiss this case as a localized issue of minimal impact, but as it is not an isolated incident, one should take notice and recognize the danger of the trend.
In this case the decision was reversed, but the fact that no repercussion will be felt by Judge Charles for his clearly misguided decision means that any other judge across the land will be able to adjudicate similar cases without fear of being held accountable for it. And my fear is that some of these cases will just fall by the way side, aided by the ever present smoke screen of CAIR, the consistent fear of straying out of the unspoken rules of political correctness and the general apathy of the American people.
The very existence of CAIR is, in my view, a violation of American law. This organization, which has been linked to the radical group Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist group Hamas, has been working fevirishly to subvert the laws of the land, continuously speaking from both sides of its mouth. On one side they propone to be a indespensable tool for Law Enforcement to combat Islamic terrorism, practically forcing authorities to employ their “services” in the name of inter-faith cooperation and understanding, but in reality exploiting the politically correct crowd in power.
On the other side, CAIR is active in the defense of those who preach from the pulpit of their mosque for the destruction of the American system and its replacement with an Islamic state.
Case in point, is an incident that took place in Detroit.
As reported by the Associated Press:
DETROIT -- A Muslim civil rights group has sued the Michigan State Police for failing to release information related to the killing of a Detroit mosque leader during a shootout with the FBI.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations' Michigan chapter filed a lawsuit Wednesday in Wayne County Circuit Court. Chapter executive director Dawud Walid said today the state police was part of a task force that conducted raids leading to the death of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah at a Dearborn warehouse in October....
Walid said CAIR plans more lawsuits against other law enforcement agencies.
Who was this Luqman Abdullah? He was an Imam from a Dearborn mosque and a disciple of Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther convert to Islam who is serving a life sentence for the murder of two police officers.
Imam Luqman used his pulpit to promote Al-Amin’s message that America must fall to Islam; that it is the duty of every Muslim to use any method to cause the fall of the US government and the establishment of an Islamic state in North America; that the elimination of the infidels is a duty of every Muslim.
So this is the character in whose name CAIR is bringing law suit against the Michigan State Police and surely against the FBI in the future, the type of terror preaching imam they are alleging to be fighting against.
Well you do the math.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, August 6, 2010
By Semperpapa
Elena Kagan was confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States on Thursday, with a Senate vote of 63-37, opening the tenure of a radical anti-American, Anti-Military, fervent militant of Socialism to have a lifetime appointment to the bench of the highest court of the land.
And the usual suspects from the Republican side joined the multitude of Liberal senators to place their stamp of approval on the benching of such radical activist.
It should be remembered when the traitors of our Republics are up for re-election: Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Dick Lugar of Indiana; Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.
It is puzzling why these RINOs are even associated with the Republican Party, as their actions have been and continue to be in step with the actions of the progressive majority in Congress.
I think it would be much more truthful if these traitors would just switch party just like the dishonorable, and soon to be ex-senator, Arlen Specter, so not to be the target for the fury of the rest of Conservatives across the Nation. But expecting any sort of truthfulness from politicians is highly improbable.
It is unthinkable, for the majority of true Conservatives, that anyone embracing the cause of a constitutionally governed country like the US would even consider giving the thumbs up to someone like Kagan, who has in the past shown the open and predetermined tendency to be on the side of activism more than the rule of law.
What these five traitors have voted for is an individual who is supposed to enforce the statutes as dictated by the Constitution, but also an individual that is historically opposed to the Second Amendment and who believes that there are instances where the Government has the right to limit the people’s Freedom of Speech.
And there is just another small issue, which, considering that Obama was elected President, may appear as just a little blip on the radar, and that is of her competence and experience.
This woman has never been sitting on a bench having to deal directly with the adjudication of legal disputes. Instead, the extent of her experience consists of researching for ways to distort the Constitution and the law to favor a specific political agenda, in other words partisan activism.
I realize that none of this will have any weight on the voting decisions of the people of Maine and New Hampshire, but it is my hope that the people of Indiana and of South Carolina will remember when the time comes and give back to Lugar and Graham what they have just given their constituency: a gigantic middle finger.
I personally long for the day when Graham will be packing his belongings and getting escorted out of the Senate almost as much as I cherish the prospect of seeing Barbara Boxer in the unemployment line.
So I just leave you with a personal wish: remember!
Just my thoughts
Elena Kagan was confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States on Thursday, with a Senate vote of 63-37, opening the tenure of a radical anti-American, Anti-Military, fervent militant of Socialism to have a lifetime appointment to the bench of the highest court of the land.
And the usual suspects from the Republican side joined the multitude of Liberal senators to place their stamp of approval on the benching of such radical activist.
It should be remembered when the traitors of our Republics are up for re-election: Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Dick Lugar of Indiana; Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.
It is puzzling why these RINOs are even associated with the Republican Party, as their actions have been and continue to be in step with the actions of the progressive majority in Congress.
I think it would be much more truthful if these traitors would just switch party just like the dishonorable, and soon to be ex-senator, Arlen Specter, so not to be the target for the fury of the rest of Conservatives across the Nation. But expecting any sort of truthfulness from politicians is highly improbable.
It is unthinkable, for the majority of true Conservatives, that anyone embracing the cause of a constitutionally governed country like the US would even consider giving the thumbs up to someone like Kagan, who has in the past shown the open and predetermined tendency to be on the side of activism more than the rule of law.
What these five traitors have voted for is an individual who is supposed to enforce the statutes as dictated by the Constitution, but also an individual that is historically opposed to the Second Amendment and who believes that there are instances where the Government has the right to limit the people’s Freedom of Speech.
And there is just another small issue, which, considering that Obama was elected President, may appear as just a little blip on the radar, and that is of her competence and experience.
This woman has never been sitting on a bench having to deal directly with the adjudication of legal disputes. Instead, the extent of her experience consists of researching for ways to distort the Constitution and the law to favor a specific political agenda, in other words partisan activism.
I realize that none of this will have any weight on the voting decisions of the people of Maine and New Hampshire, but it is my hope that the people of Indiana and of South Carolina will remember when the time comes and give back to Lugar and Graham what they have just given their constituency: a gigantic middle finger.
I personally long for the day when Graham will be packing his belongings and getting escorted out of the Senate almost as much as I cherish the prospect of seeing Barbara Boxer in the unemployment line.
So I just leave you with a personal wish: remember!
Just my thoughts
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