Friday, August 6, 2010


By Semperpapa

Elena Kagan was confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States on Thursday, with a Senate vote of 63-37, opening the tenure of a radical anti-American, Anti-Military, fervent militant of Socialism to have a lifetime appointment to the bench of the highest court of the land.

And the usual suspects from the Republican side joined the multitude of Liberal senators to place their stamp of approval on the benching of such radical activist.
It should be remembered when the traitors of our Republics are up for re-election: Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Dick Lugar of Indiana; Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.

It is puzzling why these RINOs are even associated with the Republican Party, as their actions have been and continue to be in step with the actions of the progressive majority in Congress.
I think it would be much more truthful if these traitors would just switch party just like the dishonorable, and soon to be ex-senator, Arlen Specter, so not to be the target for the fury of the rest of Conservatives across the Nation. But expecting any sort of truthfulness from politicians is highly improbable.

It is unthinkable, for the majority of true Conservatives, that anyone embracing the cause of a constitutionally governed country like the US would even consider giving the thumbs up to someone like Kagan, who has in the past shown the open and predetermined tendency to be on the side of activism more than the rule of law.

What these five traitors have voted for is an individual who is supposed to enforce the statutes as dictated by the Constitution, but also an individual that is historically opposed to the Second Amendment and who believes that there are instances where the Government has the right to limit the people’s Freedom of Speech.

And there is just another small issue, which, considering that Obama was elected President, may appear as just a little blip on the radar, and that is of her competence and experience.
This woman has never been sitting on a bench having to deal directly with the adjudication of legal disputes. Instead, the extent of her experience consists of researching for ways to distort the Constitution and the law to favor a specific political agenda, in other words partisan activism.

I realize that none of this will have any weight on the voting decisions of the people of Maine and New Hampshire, but it is my hope that the people of Indiana and of South Carolina will remember when the time comes and give back to Lugar and Graham what they have just given their constituency: a gigantic middle finger.
I personally long for the day when Graham will be packing his belongings and getting escorted out of the Senate almost as much as I cherish the prospect of seeing Barbara Boxer in the unemployment line.

So I just leave you with a personal wish: remember!

Just my thoughts

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