Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Faisal American-Paid "Vacation"

By Semparpapa

A day does not go by without more “in your face” behavior on the part of our esteemed leadership in Washington, and today is not an exception.
Jake Gibson from Fox News has a piece this morning in which he writes of a trip that the US State Department is sponsoring, and paying for, for Feisal Abdul Rauf to the Middle East, more specifically to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Abu Dhabi, although the complete itinerary has not been divulged.

By now it should be known who Feisal Abdul Rauf is, but just in case, he is the imam who is spearheading the efforts to build the super mosque near Ground Zero in New York, project that has galvanized millions of Americans across the Nation.

According to Mr. Gibson, the State Department is going to sponsor the trip because Mr. Rauf is a distinguished Muslim cleric, says State spokesman P. J. Crowley, adding
“We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
So while the White House is conveniently remaining “neutral” in the local New York controversy, and I should add conveniently, it will be the taxpayers’ money to foot the bill for Faisal’s mission of bridge building with Islam.
But the outrage of this whole affair is not just limited to the use of the people’s money for the man’s trip.

One of the controversial points of the whole mosque debacle is the refusal on the part of Rauf and the Cordoba Initiative to make public the source of the $100 million necessary for the construction of the project in Manhattan. Initially, the imam had stated that all the funding would come from Muslim-American donations, but later he had asserted that financial assistance would also come from Arab and Muslim countries.

So this all affair is screaming, at least to me, of direct interference of the government in the local affairs of the city of New York, and I am paying for it.
As the American people are incensed about the two-bit politicians supporting the project, namely mayor Bloomberg and NY Congressmen Anthony Weiner and Jerrold Nadler, we are now treated to the State Department, ultimately meaning the President, effecting another in-your-face move by allowing Faisal to go on his mosque-funding mission and have those same people who are protesting the mosque, the American people, pay for it.

We should be getting used to it by now, but the arrogance of the political leadership these days goes beyond anything I have ever expected.
It remains absolutely puzzling to me how irreverent the current administration is toward the opinion of the people, demonstrating the total lack of any consideration and class when it comes to addressing to real concerns of the average American.
The American people are struggling daily to squeeze every dollar from their budget to make it till next paycheck, at least those who are still getting one, while they witness a highly extravagant vacation from the First Lady in Spain.
Congress pats itself on the back for passing another bailout bill aimed at ingratiating the teachers’ and government workers’ unions.
And today we read that the same government is going to pay for Faisal to go raise the funds for an offensive project that the majority of the American people are vehemently opposed to.

Some people call it “complete detachment” from the daily vicissitudes and struggles of the common people on the part of Obama and his circus of clown, but I am not at all convinced that it is that simple.
Nothing in the actions of this President or his cohorts is a coincidence in my opinion.
Liberals, by all accounts, are facing an electoral revolution in November, with a good possibility that the President may loose at least one of the branches on Congress. With his approval rating plummeting and the American opinion of Congress sinking to the level of criminals, the attitude of the political leadership is one of total and complete defiance and rejection of public opinion.
Combine such posture with the racial antagonism this administration has been fomenting since Obama started campaigning for the Presidency, it looks to me as if the ‘hope’ on the part of the President is that the dissent would start to show up in the streets of America, giving him the opportunity to suspend the Constitution and void the November elections.

Some people are of the opinion that, like in the case of this imam getting a taxpayers’ funded trip to the Middle East, especially at this specific time that the controversy is burning, it is just a misguided move on the part of an inexperienced man, but I think that nothing Obama does is based on incompetence or stupidity, instead I believe the man to be very shrewd and calculative.

I would be willing to wager that after Rauf returns from his “bridge building” mission, the funding for the mosque will suddenly appear from anonymous donors and Bloomberg will be able to substantially increase his investment portfolio.

The only remaining hope is that the NY construction workers will just plain refuse to work on the project, forcing a show down between the construction unions and the local government, which confrontation, should it turn ugly, would be the pretext Obama may be looking for.

Just my thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. This is the best article I've read about the ruse imam faisal rauf, Sheik Obama and the STate Dept are committing on the American people. Great job!
    Vito - Radio Jihad
