Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All For The Love Of Service

By Semperpapa

The latest report on the richest people in Congress, compiled from financial disclosures, shows that the great senator from Massachusetts John F. Kerry is the wealthiest of them all. According to the report, Kerry's worth stands at $188.5 millions.

It is sort of a miraculous improvement from the times in 2004 when Kerry was able to campaign only because sugar moma Theresa was bankrolling the stud.
Obviously the ascension to power of his kind in 2006 has had a very beneficial result for the senator, hanks to his investments in the Stock Market.

And it was just last month that the good old Kerry tried to move his multi-million dollars boat to Rhode Island so not to pay Massachusetts taxes, only to reverse the action when public opinion called him out on his hypocrisy.

This is one of the aspects of liberals that infuriates me the most. Here is a guy who is wealthy beyond what a mere mortal like me can even imagine, surely profiting from his position in the US Senate that should be seen as a service to the people and not as self-servant elitism.
This is the same guy who wants the working Americans to foot the bill for all the progressive agendas that he and his liberal cohorts want to shove down our throats.

I have no problem with accumulation of wealth, as that is the basis of our Capitalistic system. I also have no problem with people gaining financial stability via hard work and risk taking, but I have a major issue with people who try to stand up on hypocritical pedestals, telling the working Americans that they are required to sacrifice for the expansion of liberal ideology, while the elitist in Congress do nothing and get rich not doing it.

And these so-called public servants will probably vote themselves a new raise too!

Just my thoughts!

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