Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another "This Could Never Happen In America" Fairy Tale

By Semperpapa

An expression that I have been hearing a lot and that creates a deep sense of concern for me, is the one many Americans use when they come face to face with national situations that are beyond credulity.
“No way, this will never happen in America!”
And yet as the same people are confronted with that very same issue which has happened in America, they express their disbelief, they may be vociferous with their dissent and move on to the next issue.
Make no mistake about this. It all fits the agenda of our current government. Since the ascension of Obama to power and in coordination with one of the most corrupted Congress in modern history, the goal has been to literally overwhelm the American people with a multitude, seemingly daily, dosage of disgusting, anti-American policies aimed at the re-dimensioning of the United States and the surrender to foreign forces.

None more indicative is the controversy about the super mosque an organization called the Cordoba Initiative wants to build in New York.
For those who have been living under a rock for the last few months, here is a run down of the issue.
Some Islamists in the United States, led by a man called Feisal Abdul Rauf, have formed an organization called the Cordoba Initiative that has made its goal to build a super Muslim mosque few hundred feet from the site where the World Trade Center once stood and where on September 11 2001, followers of the Muslim religion, surely radical followers, flew airliners into the twin towers and killed close to 3,000 innocent people. Ironically, the planned completion date of the project, as per the wishes of the people of the Cordoba Initiative, is to be September 11 2011 or 9-11-11 (remember this later on).

This mega mosque, according to the mission statement of the Cordoba Initiative, is aimed at building bridges of tolerance between Muslim, Christians and Jews in the same atmosphere of tolerance, harmony and cooperation that was achieved eight hundred years ago.
To those who sport the bumper stickers “COEXIST” and "War is Not The Answer" on their Priuses, this sounds like a warm and fuzzy attempt on the part of our enemy to start a new era of love and peace. And while they sip on their chic latte at the local coffee shop, basking in their self appointed erudite elitism, thankfully there are other in our country, that toil to tell the truth.
What the mission statement does not tell, and the peaceniks do not know nor care for, is that the time delineated in the statement is the one when the Muslim forces conquered the city of Cordoba in Spain, slaughtering most of its occupants and enslaving the others.
This is the time when the Muslim occupiers gave Christians and Jews the choice of conversion, exile or death. So much for tolerance, harmony and cooperation!

The significance of the location chosen for the mega mosque is also interesting. The majority of the American people found that choice highly distasteful, as it conjures up the idea of lack of respect for the victims of the attack to have a center of Islamic faith right at the location where members of that faith perpetrated such an atrocity.
But it goes well beyond just a poor choice on the part of the Cordoba people, and it takes the knowledge of history to explain the truth and symbolism of that choice. Thankfully for the rest of us, there are people that have that knowledge, like Raymond Ibrahim of Pajamas Media.

One of the “small” details Mr. Ibrahim describes in his July 27 2010 article The Two Faces Of Ground Zero Mosque, is that Muslims have historically built their mosque over the rubbles of the places they conquered, a clear and unmistakable sign of complete dominance. This was true for the Cordoba mosque which was built on the rubbles of a Christian church.
And Muslim history is peppered with such approach, as for example the al-Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holiest site, was built atop Solomon's temple in Jerusalem; the Umayyad mosque was built atop the Church of St. John the Baptist and others examples.

It is, then, very obvious, after gaining a little knowledge, that the inspiration for the great bridge-building project in Manhattan is suspicious and should give strength to those who oppose the mosque. But the problem remains that the American people, still hungry for the politically correct approach, either refuse to recognize it or accept it. NY mayor Bloomberg is one of those who are so enamored with the Islamists and their cash, that he refuses to clearly address the issue, aiming mostly at wanting to keep the Muslim in the city and his deep pocket friends in the Middle East happy.

There is another sinister aspect of the Cordoba Initiative. The scheduled opening date, 9-11-11.
The Cordoba people want to give the impression that the date, tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack, has been chosen to “commemorate” the victims of that day, but, as Mr. Ibrahim points out in his article, it just happens to coincide, numerically, with the Koran’s verse (9:111) where the book exhorts the faithful to engage in jihad, to kill and be killed, in fact those who have knowledge of Islam believe that the 9-11-01 date of the attack was chosen just for that purpose.

Creepy? Without any doubt. Double faced? You answer that.

What the reality of this issue appears to be is that those in the Cordoba Initiative, who are also planning to get much of their funding for the project from Arab and Muslim countries and organizations, list of which they refuse to disclose, is engaged in subverting the cultural symbolism of Ground Zero. They are trying to build a mosque over the conquered territory, represented by the fallen Twin Towers. In the secular capitalistic American society, the radical Islamist mind believes, the WTC represented everything that radical Muslims hate about America, not much different that the Temple of Solomon represented in Jerusalem, and they aim at accomplishing their goals by using the same liberties their ideology abhors and is fighting to abolish.

And after the mosque is completed, after the area at Ground Zero is going to be desecrated by the presence of a house of radicalism, after radical Islam will dictate the rules of behavior, Shariah, at the location all in the name of ‘diversity’, the American people will still say “That would never happen in America”.

Just my thoughts!

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