Thursday, August 19, 2010

Some Time I Really Hate When I Am Right

By Semperpapa

A blast from the past. While going over some of the writing I have done in the last two years in preparation for my hopefully upcoming book, I found some interesting pieces I wrote just prior and following the election of President Obama.
As that was a time before Semper America existence, I want to share it now with those brave souls who follow my ranting.

This is a piece I wrote on 5 November 2008.

5 November 2008

I Am Really Sorry

There is a lot of sorrow going around on these days following the 2008 Presidential Elections. The first day of the 1460 days left of the Obama regime. And there is a lot of apologizing the American people should be doing on this day. Not that we will ever get any apology from the 52% of the electorate, about 63 million Americans, who decided that the remainder of the 300 millions living in America, should be subjected to the regime of a Socialist President. Not to mention that his Marxist anti-American ideology will be augmented by crooked proletarians like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Barney Franks.

So I will apologize for the ignorant mass of morons, who have completely no clue about who they voted for. Blacks voted for the color of the skin, Whites voted to feel “progressive”, Jews and Catholics voted because he is bringing “change”.
My most felt apologies go to the American Military. The same people who you have and are putting your life on the line for in Iraq and Afghanistan, threw you under the proverbial bus. They abandon you to possibly face defeat after you bled and die to insure victory. I look at the dog tags of the many fallen whose funeral I attended and feel as if a press is constricting my heart, imagining what their families must be feeling today. And I apologize to these families with my thoughts and prayers for the ignorance and shortsightedness of so many of my “fellow” Americans.
While I am contemplating the idea of “ultimate sacrifice” represented by their suffering, so typical of those who actually serve the country and their families, I painfully contrast it with the selfish stupidity demonstrated on Election Day. I hope America will eventually right the wrong that has been done to these dedicated Americans. I also hope that somehow Barney Frank plan to cut 25% of the Military budget remains just a pipe dream up his fat ass, because it would mean a drastic retreat from our War on Terror, allowing our enemies to become even more emboldened than they are right now. Moreover, it would create an atmosphere of defeatism within our Military rank, who will realize that the American leadership is not willing to give them what they need to perform their dangerous job. Budget cuts will impact not just funds available for R&D and support to the soldiers, but it will also curtail interest on enlistment and re-enlistment.

My apologies go to all those Americans who will find themselves unemployed shortly, when the exorbitant taxes that Obama and his Congressional Gang of Thugs are salivating over will punish those employers that have committed the Marxist sin of being successful. I feel for all those who will find themselves having to rescind on their beliefs that working hard is the way to self reliance and will have to turn to Governmental assistance to make a living. The American Dream has been bastardized by the Progressives of this country. They have succeeded in convincing the ignorant masses that it means for everyone to have access to everything without having to do anything. Hard work is not the ticket to a better life for these morons, but one more government program.
I know personally the meaning of “American Dream” because I have lived it: it means the presence of opportunities to seek and work for a better life. That approach makes you appreciate more the accomplishments of our lives, and in turn it naturally is passed along to our children.
Dependence on the Government makes us lazy and unresponsive to the search for a better life, inducing us to demand even more free sustenance from the Government as we feel entitled to have more. We pass this to our children also, creating a new generation of worthless dependents of the ruling politicians. And that’s exactly what they want, because keeping the sheep fed makes the sheep follow.

As a Catholic I find appalling the fact that the American Catholics voted overwhelmingly for Obama. This fact totally blew me off, because if there was a block of voters that should have voted against the infanticide Obama, should have been the Catholics. How can a true Catholic endorse the candidacy of a man who approves of allowing to die the child product of an unsuccessful abortion is beyond my comprehension.
Some Catholics try to defend themselves by saying that abortion is only one issue and that they look at the totality of the candidate: helping the poor (just as Obama did for his brother in Kenya and his aunt in the Boston slums); ending the killing in Iraq (screw the Iraqi people, right!?).
I am offended by the hypocrisy of these so called “Catholics”, who close their eyes in the presence of wrong just so they can feel better about themselves.

Another voting block that went for Obama is the American Jews. Considering that fact that Obama has declare the intention to negotiate with Ahmedinejad without any preconditions, even after the Nutjob of Teheran has continuously proponed the destruction of the state of Israel and denied the Holocaust, one would expect that the American Jews would be a little pissed off about it. On top of it, Obama is known to have been a friend of Professor Khalidi, a vociferous supporter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, opponent of Israel and even shown throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers.
And yet, the American Jews decided that Obama would be a better President. Utterly unbelievable! Sometimes I feel America is in the middle of an episode of the Twilight Zone.

I was prone to apologize to the people of Pennsylvania, because if Obama will succeed in his endeavor to bankrupt the coal industry, it will mean that the state will lose one of its most important industrial powers. I, though, changed my mind: the people of Pennsylvania voted for Obama and kept in office the piece of human vulgarity that John Murtha is. So forget my apologies and hope you enjoy what you will get: you deserve it.

I want to apologize to all small businesses in America. These businesses are the economic backbone of the country, employing much more people than the large corporations, including government employment. You represent all that Obama hates, because you base your success on your ability to introduce innovation to your target customers. You are inherently independent and while you are bound by annoying governmental regulations, you would much rather have the government get the hell out of your way and let you conduct your business and create your own fortune.

My apologies also go to all those Americans who still believe in that old document called “United States Constitution” and the timeless guideline it provides for our country. While it was created so long ago, its principles, when applied, are what have made our country the champion of freedom and prosperity that it is today, over 230 years after its birth. As stated by Obama himself, the Constitution failed, in its conceptual totality, to address the “right” of those who don’t have, and don’t want to work for it, to have anyway.
If Obama has his way, the 1st Amendment will be changed to give the right of free speech to all, provided they are in agreement with Obama. All critical speech will be banned in the name of fairness (I can hear the theme from the Twilight Zone in my head just about now!)
If Obama has his way, the 2nd Amendment will be repealed, because in order to be a compassionate country, law abiding citizens must be prevented from possessing those “bad” guns and defend themselves. This will be done in the name of “fairness” toward those scumbags who want to commit crime. After all they are entitled to exercise their trade in safety and comfort, and remain an important constituency for the Liberals. I could go down the list of “changes” Hussein Obama will attempt to make to the Constitution, but it would take too much effort and pain (see, the lack of ambition is taking me over…maybe I can get a Government grant now!).

If Obama has his way, his will be the decision of what you drive and for how long; what you eat and how much of it and soon, what you think and when to think.
And we can forget drilling for our own oil! Mr. Obama will surely bend over for the environmentalist movement that surely greatly bankrolled his purchase of the Presidency. He will keep us enslaved to foreign oil, as he ingratiates people like Ahmedinajad and Hugo Chavez so that he can be a “citizen of the world”. And while achieving this, he will pour billions of dollars that he will be taking from the hard working people of America into the pockets of the Automobile Industry Unions in the name of some alternative fuel crap that will end up with the same success rate of his Annenberg project for the schools of the Chicago area.

This is not a good period for America, from the financial issues we face, most of which were caused by the Democrats in Congress, to our national security. And while people are losing their jobs, while millions of Americans are losing their retiring money daily, and with the prospective of millions of small businesses cutting down and possibly close altogether, President Obama will chose the most corrupt humans to fill his cabinet posts (Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff? The same piece of garbage who was board member of Freddie Mac when the evidences of impropriety in the organization started to come out? Yes, the same dude!); rumors have it that John Kerry is campaigning with the Messiah for the post of Secretary of State. All I can say about that is: God help our Nation!

One word to the wise: Barak Hussein Obama and the MSM are actively starting the campaign for re-election. The “changes” we all fear are not going to manifest themselves openly. Erosion of the American people’s rights will be done in a covert way, away from pompous fanfare, so not to raise the suspicion of those who are more interested in American Idol or the vicissitudes and drama of the bitches on the View. Slow nationalization of the “evil corporation” will begin, thanks to the work of the Unions. The Academia network directed by scum like Bill Ayers will continue to indoctrinate our children, while the subtle cancer they represent will slowly make its way into the lower education arena. Judeo-Christian religion will slowly be ousted from our lives, while Islamic religion will spread in the name of “political correctness”. Our energy cost will skyrocket as Obama wants. By the end of his first term, we will be paying double per gallon of fuel, and the increase will be all in taxes Obama will levy in the name of R&D for alternative energy and the global warming bullshit. The increase will be slow and for ever they will blame it on the evil Oil Companies and George W. Bush. Meanwhile we can forget new refineries and nuclear power plants.
The greatest loss will be in our Military. Budget cuts will reduce our operational readiness and our R&D of new technology that gives us the edge over our enemies. Millions of jobs will be lost in the sector and an incredible level of engineering talent will find itself trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to make ends meet. Many of those currently in the Military, whose knowledge of our enemy is absolutely essential for our survival as a nation, will separate, or be forced to, from the Military and our capacity to defend ourselves will decrease immensely.

What should we do then? Is all lost? Absolutely not!
What we as Americans must do for the next 1460 days is to remain vigilant and, most of all, informed. We must NOT give up the notion that we still have a voice. We must NOT retreat in our own dissatisfaction. What the internal enemies of this country are counting on is our resignation to a bad situation, our retreat into apathy. For the last eight years we have witnessed a relentless attack on President Bush, for things he did and things he didn’t do. Well we need to be ready to do the same.
And we have a “secret” weapon: retired Military heroes who will again step up to the plate and enter the political scene (Bill Russell almost succeeded in retiring John Murtha in Pennsylvania). Let’s make sure that we support those who will be willing to fight for our country again. The 2010 elections are only two years away.

I realize that my rant may reflect my pessimistic outlook, but I am just beyond pissed off. I, though, still deeply believe in the power of the common American people, not the elitist scum we have in Washington and in the American Universities and in the Media, but the common Joe and Jane who have to deal with real life every day and who, if pissed off enough, can make things still happen in our great country. So let’s recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Star Spangled Banner in our heads (good, the Twilight Zone theme is gone now!) and get ready to fight for our beloved country. WHO’S WITH ME!?

And these are my thoughts!

I have been fighting my little battle since that day, trying to spread my message to as many people as I can reach, keeping a vigilant eye and increase my knowledge of things.
But this is one of those cases where I really hate to have been right, because it is the future of my children and grandchildren that the Washington scum is playing Russian roulette with and I feel it is my God-given mandate to fight for as long as my voice can be heard.

Just my thoughts!

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