Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Right On Target

By Semperpapa

These are the words from President Obama in regard to the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, a move that has been propagandized since the first few months of the current administration.
And they are also the words that the rejuvenated al Qaeda leadership must be using as they step up the attacks in Iraq in view of the departure of all but 50,000 US troops in the next couple of weeks, with the rest leaving next year.

Just today, we wake up to the news that a suicide bomber blew himself up killing 60 Iraqi military recruits and wounding 125 more, in a string of renewed attacks that the terror group has been conducting through out the struggling country.

So the fears expressed by Military experts, and just about anyone who uses some common sense, over the announcement made by the White House last year about the specific time frame of American troops withdrawal is materializing even sooner than predicted.
The lamentations had been about exposing our strategy to the enemy in advance, just as the President did in February 2009, when he announced that withdrawal of troops would start in August 2010.
That declaration, uniquely aimed at satisfying the anti-war, anti-American and anti-Military fringe on the Left, has given al Qaeda the time frame in which to be patient and prepare for the re-entering of the conflict. And the enemy has done just that.

It was just August 12 when I wrote the piece called Reversal Of Events outlining an article from the British the Guardian about how al Qaeda has been very active in their attempts to recruit back members of the Iraqi militias that had turned against the terrorist organization during the troop surge of 2007/2008.
And today’s news proves again that where al Qaeda cannot entice Iraqis by use of money and other carrot dangling methods, they will do it by use of terror and threats.

So here is another war that the fools in Washington are setting up to lose. Another war where the price paid will get lost in some history book, provided that the book is not written by some liberal author, in which case it will be propagandized as one of those imperialistic wars that America has embarked on.

While I place a lot of the responsibilities of the conduct of the war on this administration’s predecessors, from President Bush to Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld, the responsibility for the upcoming total defeat I place at the feet of the current circus of buffoons in our Nation’s Capital.
The inauguration of Obama as President saw the war in Iraq pretty much won, with low level violence and an opportunity for diplomatic efforts to be made to strengthen the internal political efforts of the Iraqi government. But a declaration of withdrawal just a month after taking office cannot be much of an encouraging message to those in power in Baghdad, regardless of the corruption that may exist.
I remember that after Obama’s declaration, the Maliki government was open in supporting the departure of the American Forces, but I remain skeptical about the posture, which could have been motivated more by the characteristic boisterous stance in the Iraqi culture.

I don’t usually like to give predictions, as I prefer to leave them to the pundits who make a living at it. I only speak out of common sense and a feeling of rage that I have in regard to the blood and sacrifice that the current administration is so forcefully trying to render useless.
I have been to too many funerals of KIAs from Iraq, where the only consolation I have seen in the devastation of the families was the hope that their son or daughter had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of others and the security of our Nation.
Now, this President is making all that just a hopeless dream, all because he had, and continues to, pander to those on the extreme Left who he needs more than ever for the progression of his power grab.

When he stated that he was going to bring the War in Iraq to an end, there was no intention on his part to see a victorious end. He even stated that he felt uncomfortable by the use of the word “victory”.

Shame on those Americans who elected such a radical individual to a position where he can control and affect the lives of so many people, especially those who wear the uniform of the United States Military.
What it really comes down to is that the leftist kooks hate the Military and the country more than they hate those who want to kill us.
It will be no time, after our withdrawal from Iraq, that the place will witness the type of blood bath that made Pol Pot famous in Cambodia in the late 1970s. And mark my words: the bleeding hearts on the left will have the courage to cry human rights violations and promptly blame it on George W. Bush.

Just my enraged thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Semperpapa. What a moving post and how right you are.

    "I have been to too many funerals of KIAs from Iraq, where the only consolation I have seen in the devastation of the families was the hope that their son or daughter had paid the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of others and the security of our Nation."

    The withdrawal of our Troops is going to cause a "blood bath" no doubt, especially for the remaining Christians who are at the point of extinction as it is now. We have to keep letting our voices be heard through our media outlets and we must stay united in solidarity for our Troops and yes, our Judeo-Christian Nation! and especially we must be united in prayer.

    God bless our brave Troops, God bless our Veterans, and God bless America!
