Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One Step Closer To Defeat

By Semperpapa

The Landmark Preservation Commission in New York just voted 9-0 to turn down the request to designate the 150 year old building in Manhattan as a city landmark. The building is the one standing just few feet from Ground Zero, where on September 11, 2011, two airliners hit the World Trade Center causing the death of thousands of innocent people. This is also the building the Cordoba Initiative, a dubious Islamic organization with ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, is planning to demolish to replace it with a super mosque.

The attempt to have the commission designate the building as a landmark was based on the age of the structure and the fact that debris from the 9-11-01 attacks had hit it.
But the commission, surely under the pressure of Mayor Bloomberg, deliberated that debris hit many other buildings and that they could not just designate every building as landmarks.

The decision to build the mosque practically at the location where radical Islamics committed such atrocities, has been the focal point of much controversy, stemming from the affront that such edifice would represent for the families of those who perished there.

Supporters of the mosque, mainly Muslims and city officials and liberal progressives, contend that the project is a way for moderate Muslim to establish a bridge of communication and cooperation between Islam and Judeo Christians in America.
Opposition to the project is basically represented by the rest of the people, the actually majority and it appears that the opinion of the majority is just meaningless to the authorities in New York.

The latest decision of the Landmark Preservation Commission is just one more step that the political leadership in New York has taken toward the realization of the mega mosque.

It is obvious that the opinion of the people is not going to have any weight in the final decision, as it is obvious that Bloomberg’s pro-Islamic posture is going to allow such travesty to occur at the site of the worst terrorist attack on US soil.
Bloomberg, the worst type of liberal progressive in America, one who calls himself a moderate conservative, is surely prodded into his favoritism for the mosque by the prospect of Arab and Muslim countries financial contributions to the city and surely to his own personal bank account.

The White House is conveniently steering clear from commenting on the issue, surely aiming at ingratiate the Muslim crowd even further, and who knows, maybe that will be the time that Obama will finally select a place of worship after all.
The President position is that it is a New York issue and that the federal government should not interfere, not unlike his professor buddy in Massachusetts or the Arizona SB1070. Wait a minute…never mind.

My last question, which I ask every time I cover this issue, is: where are the New Yorkers? Why don’t we have hundred of thousands of people in the streets every weekend? Why hasn’t Bloomberg been chased out of town?

It is frightening that the issue is not creating more dissent than it is. Rejection of this project should be unanimous among Americans throughout the country. Thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters are able to assemble in protest with a moment notice, and when the misguided policies of the progressive enemies of America are right there in front of our eyes, we just turn away and cower in fear of being labeled racist.
I hope that we will never see the day when we will long for the label of racism to replace the label of infidel, as that will be the day the streets of America will be the battlefield against Islamic terrorists.

Just my thoughts!

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