Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Never Ending Hypocrisy Of The Left
I know, if I should address the hypocrisy of the American Left, I should probably have a dedicated daily blog just for that, but this one I thought was a good one.
Los Angeles Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa is feeling a little uncomfortable these days. Since the shooting in Tucson where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was wounded, the man has been afraid for his own safety, should someone like Loughner decide to take aim at his pretty face.
Villaraigosa currently occupies the official mayoral residence in a Los Angeles neighborhood and he has requested the City Council to approve the erection of a 6-foot wall around the home. Initially, he had requested an 8 and a half-foot construction, but the idea was immediately nixed by authorities, so he reduced his request to the current 6-footer.
City ordinance in the city states that residential constructions would have fencing that does not surpass 42 inches in height, but the mayor, in good liberal fashion, is of the opinion that his residence should not be subjected to regulations that all other citizens must obey.
Villaraigosa claims that the erection of the wall should be approved not only because his safety is paramount, but also because the wall would allow him to reduce the security detail employed to watch over him, therefore save taxpayers' money.
No figures are available of what the cost of the construction would be, including the additional security gadgets that would augment the fence, but it sure would be a cost that the taxpayers would have to carry anyway.
Additionally, the security detail he wants to eliminate would still have to be employed to protect him every time he decides to go in public, which, considering the level of media whore the mayor is, constitute a full time engagement. From NBA games to every occasion where a camera is present, Villaraigosa has an entourage of security personnel with him at all times.
Opposition to the mayor's request is based on the city regulations that are in place to prevent the city from looking like a conglomeration of individual fortresses. The neighborhood the mayoral residence is located is considered an upscale one, but it appears that the mayor does not feel that his safety is as protected as it should be.
The first thought that came to mind as I stumbled upon this story, though, had nothing to do with city regulations. Mostly was a reaction to the hypocrisy of a man who has been against any control over illegal immigration all his life. He wants to erect a wall that would shut out the rest of the peons in the city from his majesty, mayor Villaraigosa.
He is vehemently oppose to the building of a wall along the Mexican border to keep illegal aliens from invading our country, but not against building a wall to hide his phony smile from the citizens of Los Angeles.
It is hard to just sit back and take this individual seriously. I am happy that I do not live in the city of LA, but the rumors of this narcissist aspiring at becoming Governor of the state of California, are depressing, as I do not trust the political machine or the voters of this state in the least. After all, the keep on re-electing Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer and just elected Gerry Moonbeam Brown to finish off this once glorious state.
Mayor Villaraigosa is the typical liberal, one who is eager to increase the number of his "Hispanic" constituency as long as the "unwashed masses" can be kept away and in their ghetto environment and do not cramp the dashing mayor's style.
What a leader!
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Drop Of Sadness In A Sea of Happiness
Today was a great day.
In two days, my son and daughter-in-law will have the ceremony that they have been waiting for for two years.
Two years ago, they were united in matrimony by the justice of peace and postponed a celebration of the day by one year.
Last year, even as the preparations were ongoing, my son was deployed to Afghanistan with his Marine unit. And they had to postpone again.
A year ago this time, we were not much preoccupied by the inability of celebrating a wedding, but exclusively by the apprehension of having a husband, a son, a brother at war.
What a difference a year makes. Now the celebration is finally taking place as the couple is celebrating their second anniversary, and we are all swimming in a sea of happiness.
Tonight, we hosted a dinner after the wedding rehearsal , with the family of my daughter-in-law and the wedding party. Of the eight groomsmen on my son's side, five are from his Marine unit, brothers from the Corps.
In the sea of happiness I felt as I made a toast to the new couple and as I mentioned the reason for the delay for this great celebration, I also mentioned how happy I was that these young men had come home safe. And the same sadness I felt as I prepared my toast in the past few days, came back to me. I knew the thought of the seven Marines who did not get to come home to their families was going to cross every Marine's mind. Especially the thought of LCpl. Rick Centanni and Sgt. Maj. Robert Cottle, who were killed together in March 2010 by an IED and who had been good friends of the Marines I was speaking to.
War is an ugly business, not just for those who don't come home and their families, but also for those who come home after having witnessed the horrors of war. The sense of sadness, rage, guilt and so many more feelings these young men and women endure remains unfairly unknown to those like me, a civilian, who were lucky enough to never have to live through such an experience.
For such reason, it is my mission to make sure that the sacrifice our troops have made and continue to make on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan will never be forgotten, that the sacrifice of those who came before this generation will never be forgotten.
Sometime it takes a drop of sadness in a sea of happiness to make you realize how blessed we really are and how much we owe to our good Lord, and to our Military.
Just my thoughts!
Pro-Islamic Academia Will Be The Death Of America
I have expressed my deep distrust for the so-called higher education system in the United States and the following video is just another example of the reason why.
Not only the university system in our country is no longer the place where ideas are all treated with respect and opposing views are welcomed in the spirit of a constructive dialogue, but it has also become the very place where the United States Constitution is systematically savaged in the interest of promoting anything that can be used for the radicalization of American youth.The aim is amply clear for anyone to see, but we are so cowered by political correctness, so whipped into submission by the actions of those who are intent on subjugating our society that we just ignore the facts. Horses may wear blinders without any repercussion upon our society, but when the people start wearing blinders, the results are the death of our culture.
Another egregious example is Claremont-McKenna College. A private university located 35 miles east of Los Angeles in the California city of Claremont.
Since its beginning just after the end of WWII, CMC has been gaining in relevance and reputation as a university dedicated to the preparation of students for public service.
The strength of the college is in foreign studies, aimed at instructing generations of students that would continue to serve the United States diplomatic corps.
But even Claremont-McKenna has been infected by the cancer of political correctness, as shown by the inception of a Middle East Study program.
The problem is certainly not in the creation of the department, as it was a very exciting proposition for such an institution, considering the geo-political importance that part of the world has. The university, as a whole, strongly supported the program for obvious reasons.
Where things have gone wrong at CMC was in the administration selection and current support of the head of the department, Professor Bassam Frangieh.
Professor Frangieh comes from Yale University, which should have been the first sign of possible trouble, where, as a professor in 2006, he came out strongly in favor of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hesbollah during that year conflict between Lebanon and Israel.
As the co-signer of a explicit anti-Israel letter, Frangieh expressed his accusations to that nation for being a Zionist state and for Israel’s violence against the Lebanese people.
If that was not enough, the letter praised the “heroic actions” of Hesbollah during that conflict. The “heroic actions” he was referring to was the firing of over 4,000 rockets against Israeli civilian population and the kidnapping and killing of two Israeli soldiers.
Then there is the usual hypocrisy that is the mainstay of liberal progressives like Frengieh. In the letter he co-authored, the distinguish professor is calling for a boycott of anything that is connected to Israel. Starting with the ability to have an opposing point of view in the lecturing capacity in the academic environment to the invocation of a boycott of companies having business dealings with the state of Israel, the professor is practically subscribing to a regime of ideological censorship which is diametrically opposed to the principles of higher education.
It is not far fetched to believe that if any college administration would even object to his anti-Semitic ranting, he would surely be first in line to cry about the victimization he has been suffering.
The moral of the story is that the Claremont-McKenna College hired a radical to head its important new Department of Middle East Studies. Frengieh, who is not a Muslim, can be categorized as a deep anti-Israel professor, in charge of a department which very existence is the preparation of individuals for diplomatic service in what is today, one of the most sensitive geo-political area on our planet.
The university's administration stated their support for an absolute freedom of speech on campus, which is the appropriate thing to do, but does the hailing as heroes of a terrorist organization fall into the freedom of speech category? Is the praising of rocket attacks against civilians an expression of free speech? What if One wanted to have a lecture at the college about the "righteousness of the actions of Tim McVeigh?"
Would the administration be so understanding?
Moreover, Prof. Frengieh has invited several speakers to address the Israeli's oppression of the Palestinians, but never engage any speaker with the Israeli's point of view, remaining true to the content of the letter he co-authored regarding the "necessity" to boycott anything that is Jewish. Well, so much for open academic dialogue!
Ultimately, what occurs in the thousands of so-called seminars within the walls of our universities remains mostly under the radar with few exceptions fostered by people who try to expose them. It has been happening for a long time and it has severely undermined our society as a whole. But this could not be happening in America, right?
Just my thoughts!
I Feel Good About Ahmadinejad Political Future
By Semperpapa
As the Middle East appears to be marching toward an implosion, there is the possibility that even the stronghold of insanity called Iran may be affected by the same popular dissatisfaction that has been seen in Tunisia and Egypt and Libya.
In Libya, the Gheddafi government is slaughtering protesters in the streets of Tripoli, while the eastern city of Benghazi, where tribal factions historically opposed to Gheddafi are predominant, popular uprising appears to be prevailing.
Gheddafi ordered his military to attack and kill the people in the streets, having its air force strafe and bomb the demonstrators. Disturbing reports hint that the good Gheddafi may use gas against his people too, so reminiscing of the good old days of Saddam Hussein.
In the meantime, though, Gheddafi is flying into the country thousands of African mercenaries to kill his people. Spreading the wealth on the part of the colonel.
Going back to Ahmadinejad, he has come out with a statement “strongly” condemning the repressive and murderous way the Libyan strongman is pounding on his people. Yes, this is worth repeating.
Ahmadinejad is criticizing Gheddafi for using force to quell the popular insurrection.
Just couple of weeks ago, the Iranian nut job was hailing the demonstrators in Egypt as they forced Mubarak out of power, all for the purpose of inspiring an Islamic revolution that could bring Egypt on the same anti-American, anti-Israel page as the Iranian theocracy is.
In the case of Libya, Gheddafi has been a sponsor of worldwide terrorism for over four decades, on the same wavelength as the Teheran goons, so the taking out of the Tripoli guy may be a sign that the Libya uprising may not be as “friendly” to Iran as the Muslim Brotherhood one in Cairo.
Setting aside the political manipulations of Ahmadinejad, the most striking part of Ahmadinejad is the open and shameful hypocrisy.
I understand that the followers of the Obama regime might have missed it, but the rest of America still remembers the images of the violence the Teheran regime brought upon its own people in 2009, the images of Neda, bleeding to death on the street of the capital after being shot by government officers.
So when the words of condemnation of Libyan government crack down violence come out the mouth of the master of such type of tyranny, common sense folks just feel like they are witnessing some lunatic stuck in a parallel universe.
There is a good possibility that malcontent similar to the popular uprising in Libya may be brewing in Iran, as the opposition to the theocracy may be gaining momentum in Iranian cities. So maybe the ever so pleasant Ahmadinejad may be trying to position himself as a “moderate” in front of a world audience, an unashamed insult to his own people who have personally witnessed and endured the hypocrisy of his words.
Fortunately, the thug of Teheran is making points with shenanigans like this statement. Should things go sour for him in Iran, hypocrisy like this will surely gain him much support and admiration from the Democrat Party here in the US and, maybe, even a cabinet position in the Obama’s administration.
Maybe a position as terrorism czar or in charge of US-Israeli relations.
Either was, I am not concerned about the man’s political future.
Just my thoughts!
“Civility” Rules Of Engagement In America
By Semperpapa
Rules of Engagement, best known as ROE, have been blamed for higher casualties in the battle fields of Iraq and Afghanistan. These are rules designed to safeguard innocents from the ravages of war, all with good intentions for sure, but amply utilized by the enemy to survive and fight another day.
ROE are not limited to warfare. They can also be applied to the political discourse in the streets of our country.
Going back to 8 January 2011, when the horrible news of the shooting in Tucson hit the airwaves. Six people shot dead, many wounded including US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Immediately following the breaking news, the American left started the blame game. Everyone who had ever expressed any sort of dissent toward the policies of Democrats was being blamed for the actions of an obviously mentally deranged individual with a history of fatal dislike for Ms. Giffords, who was the intended target.
From Sarah Palin to Rush Limbaugh, and every one else in between, was held responsible for the shooting. The lack of civility in political dissent was to blame for the tragedy, not to mention the ever present favorite argument of gun control. All stops were pulled off by the opportunistic progressives to attack the two Constitutional Amendments the Left hates the most: freedom of speech and the right to own and bear arms.
Civility police, mostly self appointed, begun to attack anyone who had ever spoken a word of dissent, holding them responsible for inciting the actions of a mad man. In the effort of killing opposition’s opinions (no, I will not apologize for the use of the word “killing”), the Left made the statement that the only “civil” discourse was a full approval of the disastrous policies of Obama and his circus.
Coming back to today, as the events in Wisconsin and unrest in other states may be brewing, it appears that the ROE for civility are different for the progressives.
Massachusetts US Rep. Michael Capuana spoke to a Union rally where he made the following statement, among others:
“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”
The video of the speech shows a crowd exploding in cheers at the statement, but the rest of the Nation, the true America, was struck by Capuana’s words.
Was this elected official really saying that it is acceptable to engage in political violence if he agrees with the agenda?
The congressman’s words went viral, and rightfully so. Even if he was elected by an obviously predominant liberal district population, it is safe to assume that there are some people in his constituency who do not agree with his political agenda. Nevertheless, as an elected official, he is bound to represent the interests of that portion of citizens too. With his statement, he is technically justifying the potential violence that thugs following him could bring against his own constituency.
Would Mr. Capuana take responsibility for any violence that some union goon would perpetrate against a dissenter after his speech?
Adding to the image of this “elected official”, who allegedly swore his oath to protect and defend the Constitution, Capuana was one of the most vocal attackers of “right wing rhetoric” as being responsible for the shooting in Tucson.
Reaction to the man’s statement was strong enough to spark a statement from the congressman. Among some of the empty words that came out of his mouth in what people expected to be some sort of an apology was the following:
“I strongly believe in standing up for worker rights and my passion for preserving those rights may have gotten the best of me yesterday in an unscripted speech,” he said in a statement. “I wish I had used different language to express my passion and I regret my choice of words.”
Which was not an apology, but actually a re-statement of his beliefs. He wishes he had used different words, but did not backtrack from his not so veiled support for political violence, as long as it benefits his agenda and “passion”.
So, to make sure we all understand, these are the ROE of civility in political discourse today.
One can support political violence, as long as it promotes leftist agenda.
One can carry a sign with gun sights on a political figure picture, as long as it is a Republican in the picture.
One cannot speak of the administration, unless it is in adoring manner.
Did you all get that?
People demanded an apology from Capuana, which he did not make. Personally, I feel that the least to be done would be to send the man packing back to whatever slum he came from.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Off The Coast Of Somalia
I am not sure what was the thought process that deemed safe for a 58-foot private yacht to be sailing off the coast of Somalia, considering the piracy that has been known to occur, but the result was tragic.
The owners of the vessel, Jean and Scott Adam of California, and two guests, Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle of Seattle, were brutally murdered by the pirates that had seized their craft, while negotiations for their release was taking place on a nearby US Navy ship.
As the talks were ongoing, suddenly the pirates fired upon the Navy vessel and gun fire could be heard coming from the seized yacht. The result was that the four hostages were executed by their captors.
Subsequently, a self appointed pirate leader stated that the execution of hostage will be the new policy if any authority interferes with their activities.
So what is the civilized world to do?
The politically correct thing to do is what the French, Italians and others do, which is to pay the ransom and hope to get their people back. My approach is different.
If I was in charge, and thankfully I am not, there would be no crevice on this Earth where these murderous thugs could hide.
If I was in charge, every commercial ship sailing those waters would have a small army on board, ready to defend themselves and their ship with full authorization to use deadly force.
On the other hand, I would expect for people to actually use their common sense and avoid putting themselves into the situation these boaters did.
Practical inaction on the part of international governments, including our own, does nothing but embolden the pirates. The idea that restrain and appeasement of violent behavior is in the interest of the civilized world is a fallacy that innocent people have paid dearly in blood.
Just my thoughts!
Just Another Useless Law
By Semperpapa
The demonstration of a government out of control, at times, shows in very small details, as in the uselessness of some of the legislation imposed on the citizens.
There is a law in Washington D.C. that makes it illegal to make any kind of public speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial without a permit from the Park Police.
When Monday, President Day, 25 year old Phillip Howell tried to recite the words of the Gettysburg Address form the same place Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, he was quickly approached and stopped by the Park Police.
Mr. Howell left the place on the top of the steps for the bottom of them and finished its recital of the famous Lincoln speech, to the cheers of few tourists.
But when a friend of his decided to pass around a hat for few dollars, the two were again approached by the officer who detained them and fined them for not having a permit for that enterprise.
The law, as explained by Park Police officials, is designed to safeguard the treasure of our National monuments, and I may agree with that if Mr. Howell had been preaching some sort of political message.
But an historical reference to American heritage, on the day the country celebrates the Presidents, does not qualify for such a response.
Even the slightly dubious action of passing the hat is not really that big of a deal, underscoring how much the establishment has gone astray in its attempt to stifle one of American strengths: entrepreneurship.
How many stories we have seen over the summer, about city officials going after young children for their lemonade stands? Or some farmer’s child for having a fruit stand? And all because they did not have a city permit.
And it is my fear that the trend will not get any better, as cash strapped municipalities are more intent on squeezing every dollar out of the American people instead of seriously addressing their unnecessary spending fetish.
Just my thoughts!
Monday, February 21, 2011
American Education In Death Spiral

Signs seen in Wisconsin being carried by teacher union thugs.
It used to be that the teacher profession was one of those considered to be one of the noble ones, characterized by the ideal of preparing children for their entry into socio-economic world of productive America.
It used to be one of those professions which extended the values of the family unity while children were away from their parents for few hours a day.
There still are, fortunately, some teachers who take their job seriously, who also have to continue to fight for the essence of their profession, even as their efforts are continuously undermined by a bureaucratic system that has been corrupted at its core by a progressive ideology that is more political and corrupting than educational.

These folks carrying such irreverent signs are the same who have access to the impressionable minds of young Americans.
They teach them that decency is a dead virtue, that conflict resolution is achieved not by civilized behavior, but via personal and vile attacks.
Teachers brought their students to the protest, instead of being in the classroom teaching them. And brought them there without the benefit of a true explanation of the events.
The students across the state were even shown by the alleged adults in charge, how to circumvent the system by having doctors handing out fake medical excuses for the unlawful absence of those teachers from their jobs.
From the images to the message, together with the progressive attack against the concept of family, it is not really much of a surprise the level of incivility that the current generation has reached.
I am so glad my children are well pass the school age, but I am fearful for my grandchildren.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Columbia University: The Viper's Nest
This is one of those stories that re-enforce my already poor opinion of Ivy League universities.
If anyone had any doubts where the source of anti-American, revolutionary anarchy is, this should clear up some of your doubts.
I wonder how long the miscreants who attend and teach at these institutions would last in the real world. But they are embolden by the safety provided with blood by those they so vehemently attack.
Just my thoughts!
Is This The America We Really Want?
By Semperpapa
What has happened to the individualist spirit of the American people? Has it been squashed by the socialist agenda of a ruling class out of control?
The simple answer is yes, the traditional individualism of the American people has been taken hostage by an overgrown, intrusive and increasingly despotic government.
The American people had a moment of sanity last November, when they voted for a partial re-establishment of that individuality that has made the United States the most successful Nation in history.
We voted against the dictatorship of Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi, but we miserably failed in delivering the Senate back to the People.
While there were some inspiring victories, like LtCol. Allen West in Florida, there were also puzzling results like the re-election of Reid in Nevada, Boxer in California and Murkowski in Alaska.
We the People are still allowing the Marxists in Washington to march our Country toward the abyss.
Years of political correctness have whipped America into a state of submission and dependency that has allowed an openly Socialist individual to move into the Oval Office at a time when the most radical leftist Congress was in place.
Our Nation has surrendered to the forces of evil, the forces of wealth redistribution, the forces of radical Islam, the forces of what Mark Levin describes as “soft tyranny” and we have done so in a slow, almost imperceptible way, masked by the falsity of “this would never happen in America” belief.
In our history, the United States Constitution would have not allowed an usurping government to impose restrictions on Free Speech, and yet today we have an agency of appointed, not elected officials, the FCC, working overtime to accomplish just that. It used to be called Fairness Doctrine, now it is called “civility” and multiculturalism.
The reality is that the Internet has given people a voice. As much as there are cases where people go overboard with their assumptions and conspiracy theories, the freedom of expressing one’s opinion still remains a mainstay of a free society, our society.
Today we witness people like Al Sharpton going on personal crusade in his attempt to silence talk show hosts, especially Rush Linbaugh, mostly because they are succeeding in uncovering the truth of what sort of charlatan he really is.
Sharpton’s latest attempt has amounted to nothing, but how long before a complacent government will give the man a forum?
The most egregious example of tyranny, American style, is the Obamacare debacle. A takeover of a huge portion of the American economy, a bill passed in the dead of night. Legislation that nobody, including those who wrote it, really knows what it entails. Nevertheless a piece of Marxist legislation aimed, as Michigan Representative John Dingell openly declared in March 2010, at controlling the people..
Is this what we really want from the government? To be controlled?
It all comes down to the elitism affecting the ruling class. Nancy Pelosi, one of the worst examples of political perversion, mocked the American people intelligence by declaring that, about Obamacare, “we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it”. Truthfully, that is not the way things should work in our Country.
Yet, many Americans fell for the utopian idea of a government imposed health care coverage, never for a minute understanding the reality of what it meant or what its consequences would be.
The fallacy of Obamacare still remains hidden in the complacency of those who support Obama. Why are people not heeding the message sent by the fact that Congress exempted itself from the law?
Why are people not seeing the hypocrisy of the hundreds of waivers the administration has granted to organizations for the mere reason that they are campaign supporters of Obama?
And why is the People not demanding accountability from the regime on its ignorance of the Federal judgment that Obamacare is unconstitutional?
Again I ask: is this the America we really want?
We are fatally dependent on oil that we import from countries who are not just exporting crude to America, but also Islamo-Fascist ideology and who knows how many jihadists. And still, the administration is stalling any form of attempt to move the Nation toward energy independence.
Obama and his circus are pushing what they describe as “alternative energy sources” without any planning or rationale. Big hoopla was made about the all electric Chevrolet Volt, except that the vehicle is nothing more than an attempt to fog up the issue to the American people.
Ethanol was going to be the way out of dependency from oil, but the only result of that venture was the increase of price of food.
Wind farms, locations peppered by windmills, were also hailed as the solution to production of electricity, except that their contribution is minimal, provided that they do not disturb the view of the Kennedy clan in Massachusetts.
We witness a federal government inciting civil disturbance with its support of the union thugs trying to intimidate elected officials into giving in even more to the demands of a small group of entitlement crazy people, regardless of the trampling of the will of the people.
We also witness a federal government willfully ignoring their constitutional duty of protecting the sovereignty of our Nation by refusing to secure the southern border hence allowing uncounted illegal aliens to enter our country and negatively impact our safety and security.
As a Sheriff on a county in Arizona stated, the very federal government has become the enemy of the country.
Is this the America we want for our children and grandchildren? A bankrupted nation controlled by an out-of-touch group of elitists in Washington dictating every aspect of our lives, from what we drive to what we eat, while they engage in whatever behavior they desire?
Such conditions are the same ones that inspired a group of people in 1776 to take on the most powerful empire on the face of the Earth at the time, the only difference being that today’s tyranny is home made.
So, we jump on the bandwagon when the government tells us that the taking away our liberties is in our best interest.
They tell us that we must be restricted from our First Amendment right, because voicing our dissent is the cause of some deranged individual to engage in some murderous activity, as in the case of the Arizona shooting. At the same time, the government officially covers up the true motivation of an Islamic terrorist who decides to engage in jihad at Ft. Hood.
They also tell us that they must restrict our Second Amendment right for the good of society, while at the same time remaining blind to the invasion of armed illegal aliens across our border.
What do we really see happening is an open collusion between those in government and sworn enemies of America, from the Middle East to South America to Russia to China in foreign policy, while simultaneously giving legitimacy to internal forces of anti-Americanism who have been laying the foundations of their revolution for years.
Union leader like Trumka are vocal about their plans to revolutionize the country, and the thug is a good friend of Obama, not to mention a huge contributor via the money his union takes from its members.
Jodie Evans and her miscreants of Code Pink are not only working overtime to undermine everything that America stands for, including our defense against radical Islam, but they are large contributors to the campaign of guess who? Yes, Barak Obama.
The painfully obvious truth is that the American people have placed in the Oval Office a man that is openly engaged in “changing” our country into a nation controlled by Marxists and Islamist. Such an odd alliance is not really that odd after all, as the prize for the two ideologies is the same: government control. Tyranny!
If the “change” voters were looking for was the transformation of the best country in the world into an unrecognizable third world country in the name of some sort of equality, than they were successful.
If not, if the “changes” are exceeding, negatively, their expectations, then you were duped.
And if you are still not sure of either, then we should take a close look at what is happening to our country and ask ourselves: Is this the America we really want?
I know my answer.
Just my thoughts!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Democrat’s Version Of Democracy
By Semperpapa
This is one for the “Bizarre” file.
13 state senators from Wisconsin went AWOL early today in their efforts to avoid having to vote on a measure proposed to counter the massive deficit of that state.
The missing-in-action politicians, all Democrats, decided that they would not show up for the mandatory vote in the state Senate this morning.
The controversial measure, proposed by the newly elected Republican Governor Scott Walker, is aimed at reducing the cost to taxpayers for the maintenance of benefits for union government workers. It is designed to negate unions the right to collective bargaining and it requires members of the government union workers to share in the funding of their own benefits and retirements.
But the Democrats minority in the state Senate decided that they would just boycott the vote. According to Wisconsin law, there has to be at least one political opposition member in order to hold the vote.
The Democrats, who are in the minority as Republicans hold 14 seats, actually left the state all together in order to stall a legislative vote they knew was going to go against their wishes.
In an even more bizarre behavior, one of the Senators, Mark Miller, called into CNN with a list of demands for Governor Walker.
Miller stated:
“We demand that the provisions that completely eliminate the ability of workers… to negotiate on a fair basis with their employers be removed from the budget repair bill and any other future budget,”
Also part of the demands is that there would be legislative oversight over any modification of the medical program for government workers.
So this is the Democrats’ idea for democracy.
Starting from the beginning, one fact that is completely ignored by the liberal senators, and something that they obviously refuse to accept, is that the Republican majority in the state Senate is the result of popular suffrage. The people are the ones who voted them into office, so the same way we Conservatives had to accept the disaster brought upon our Nation by a liberal Congress and a liberal White House, they should perform the duty they were elected to and get paid for.
Moreover, and on the same line, they are making demands upon a duly elected official: the Governor of their state. Once again, Scott Walker was elected by the people of Wisconsin and therefore the senators should be doing the job they were elected to do.
Translating the Wisconsin events on a National scene, we have been deluged with all sorts of accusations for opposing the disastrous policies of the liberals in Washington.
In the beginning, in 2006 when Congress was taken over by progressives, we were stuck with Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker and Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader. And in 2008 we got the final nail in the coffin when the American people put a radical leftist into the White House.
In those days, anyone who dissented from the ruinous ideology and policy of the leadership, was labeled racist. And when the people started to take to the streets to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the direction the progressives were taking the country, they were called Nazi, racist, and whatever other epithet they could think of.
Then there was 2010. The people spoke again and refuted the policies of Nancy Pelosi and Obama. And the Left engaged in a subtle denigration of the American people, as the choice to move the country toward Conservatism was seen as the result of ignorance and brainwashing (all the fault was of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh).
Scott Walker is one of those who benefited from what I like to call a partial regaining of consciousness on the part of the people. He was elected and he is faced with the daunting task of having to bring the financial conditions of the state of Wisconsin back in line, for the benefit of all the people of Wisconsin, not just the government union workers.
He had to make some hard decisions, just like Christie had to do in New Jersey and many other Governors have to do in other states. The choice is to get the proposal passed or be forced to eliminate about 6,000 government jobs.
Being the situation the way it is, I would really like to see if Walker would just decide to fire those 6,000 employs starting next Monday and then see what the Union would do.
I still find interesting, and bizarre, how Democrats interpret the concept of democracy.
Just my thoughts!
An Egyptian Moment In Wisconsin?
By Semperpapa
The images from the State Assembly in Wisconsin are disturbing. Thousands of government workers, supporters and surely agitators are cramming the building as the State Legislature is reading to decide on a proposal from Governor Scott Walker to strip government workers unions of their right to collective bargaining.
Gov. Walker, the newly elected Republican, is attempting to place a bandage on the sucking wound that is the financial state of Wisconsin. Following the example of New Jersey Governor Chris Christy, Walker is taking on the powerful teachers union and other government workers unions in order to curb the contractual demands these unions make in negotiating their bargaining and further damage the already dire financial condition of the state.
Yesterday, over 1,000 teachers across Wisconsin called in sick, an obvious way to protest against the actions of the Governor.
Of course the situation reminds me of the actions taken by then President Reagan with the striking air controllers in the early 1980s, but, as it has been stated repeatedly, our country does not have a “Reagan” these days.
But the issue is not much the specific situation in Wisconsin, but more about the opinions coming out from the deranged Left.
President Obama, in a speech, hinted at the situation in Wisconsin as having the appearance of that state as being against unions. Is the president in support of the demonstration taking place in Wisconsin? Is he in support of demonstrators protesting at GOP officials’ homes?
Then we have the usual useless idiot like Michael Moore, describing what is taking place in Wisconsin as a “Cairo moment” here in our country, in lockstep with a pillar of indecency like Noam Chomsky who is calling the demonstrations as the beginning of the democracy uprising in America.
The Marxist Left in America has been planning this sort of actions for years, mostly lurking in the lurid crevices of society, under the radar and using cunning methods to befriend more moderate liberals in their continuous search for the utopian society.
While the majority of the country was busy making a living and raising families, these revolutionaries infiltrated the very fibers of our society, beginning with political correctness and multiculturalism and now reaching the surface.
But what has changed?
The answer is in the political leadership that has plagued our country for the last three decades.
If I wanted to align myself with partisanship, I would just blame Obama for all the evils that are afflicting our Nation, but it would be simplistic and incorrect.
Multiculturalism has been the way of the liberals to divide and conquer the country. Pitting one section of the population against another is the winning combination for the complete dissolution of a nation.
Weather it was the Mexican extremist group La Raza or CAIR (Council for American Islam Relations) or the New Black Panthers, fomenting hatred and dissatisfaction among Americans is the way to create instability.
As disturbing as the actions of the Left can be, they were expected. After all they are in perfect harmony with the teachings of the Marxists agitators of the past.
But the responsibility for the gravity of the current situation has to be placed at the feet of the Republican establishment.
Principles were cast away in favor of political expediency. It became more pressing to cater to the canons of political correctness than to stand up for the rights of the people. Mostly, take whatever position necessary to avoid “offending” people in the hope that the people would continue to vote them into office.
Why is the Left salivating at the parallel between Egypt and what is happening in Wisconsin?
Simply stated, what we saw and continue to see in Egypt, is demonstration from many factions against the government. Demonstrators’ ranks were filled with a diverse multitude of elements, from the Islamic fundamentalists of the Muslim Brotherhood to members of the Marxist fringe.
The military has taken control of a situation that still remains volatile, but the scope is to have a specific political entity surface and take control of the situation by appealing to the grievances of all. Change for sake of change.
Just as we saw in Iran in the 1979 revolution, there will be an Ayatollah Khomeini-like figure emerge in that country in due time.
Here in the United States, proponents of popular revolt, the Michael Moores of the bunch, are looking for the same outcome: creation of instability and chaos, the complete rejection of the rule of law and, when things get really chaotic, some “savior” to step in and establish control.
Some may believe that the situation has been aggravated by the financial meltdown of 2008, but that is only part of the story.
The financial meltdown would have not occur, at least not in such gravity, if not for the policies introduced by the leaving Bush and incoming Obama. Bail outs, stimulus spending and the like should have never been allowed.
What aggravated things even further was the government take over of industries (like the auto industry) and the intrusive control over other industries (like the coal and oil industries).
People begun then to pay attention when they started to be affected personally by the actions of reckless politicians in Washington. While the economic conditions of the average American continued to deteriorate, the same person would witness the excess of the leadership. From the lavish vacations to the high price personal aircraft, the image of a political leadership in total lack of touch with the average, struggling American.
And through this whole thing, the government continued to spend the country into oblivion.
“Spend money to fix the economy” was the battle cry of the Left, even though history has shown repeatedly that a nation cannot spend its way out of a recession.
For all the taxpayers’ money spent, no favorable signs can be seen for our struggling economy.
So is the protest in Wisconsin an Egyptian moment, as Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky and Piven are hoping for? I do not believe so and definitely hope that is not the case.
The fact that the man in the White House is an obvious supporter of the popular expression of dissatisfaction is not helping matters. But remains curious that the show of dissatisfaction shown by the American people in 2009 and 2010 leading to the GOP victories in the mid-term Elections, were not seen as a positive signal of “democratic” expression. Instead, the president’s minions labeled them as the proof of the underlining racism affecting conservatives in our country.
Once again, divide and conquer.
Just my thoughts!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
High Speed Rail From Moterrey To El Paso
By now, everyone has heard of the $53 billions Obama wants to spend for the construction of high speed railways and trains.
That was in his budget proposal, strongly supported by his VP, Biden the Amuser. The expenditure proposal has received very poor response from the new GOP House of Representatives and from many Governors who have flat out refused the money allocated to their states.
Florida Governor, Rick Scott, rejected the idea of millions of dollars going to his state, claiming that his state has much greater issues to contend with.
The newly elected Ohio Governor, John Kasich, turned down the $400 million slated for his state as did the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
My state of California will probably accept the money, so that the bureaucracy in Sacramento will be able to have access to federal funding that will be promptly wasted on social programs.
The truth about the high speed rail system is that it only benefits the highly congested north east of the United States, but considering the highly questionable management of the current system, Amtrak, the idea of an even greater money-loser handled by the government is enough to make for good comedy.
What remains not a laughing matter is the total disregard that the federal government is showing for the problems our country has with the southern border.
As we hear the news of another ICE agent gunned down in Mexico by the drug cartel and we witbess the obvious incompetence of the Mexican government in dealing with the ever increasing violence, the federal government in Washington should be more pressed in allocating resources for the lock down of the border and to deal with the illegal immigration.
Currently, the only high speed mode of transportation is the one from Mexico into the United States and the Obama regime and its cronies are more than happy with its development.
Obama is willing to renounce the safety and security of the Nation in favor of the prospect for millions of illegals being given amnesty and create a new voting block for the Democrats.
While the empty words of condolence still ring in the ears of the families of those who have paid with their lives for the criminal inconclusiveness of action on the part of the federal government, Dept. of Homeland Security and its incompetent leader Napolitano, have announced that there will be no more addition to the wall at the border with Mexico.
It is clearly obvious that the government is not interested in the least to secure the border. Obama himself even stated few days back that illegal immigration is not really a big concern of his. Surely, the families of those killed while defending our country at the border, the families of those who on a daily basis fall victim to the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens and those people whose land is being overrun by illegals may feel differently, but that does not matter much in the context of the realization of the Obama's agenda. Just collateral damages. Small sacrifices in the totality of the wanted outcome. After all, Mao Tzedong killed millions of Chinese people to realize his Cultural Revolution.
I was against George W. Bush immigration policy as much as I am against Obama's, and there is no future in my support for any candidate who does not have a clear stand on the elimination of illegal immigration and border security.
The American people are increasingly becoming intolerant of the open border attitude of politicians and even as the voices from illegal aliens advocates grow louder, emboldened by the criminal posture of the administration and of shameless Republicans like Lindsay Graham and John McCain, voices of common sense and their stand at the ballot box, will make the will of the people known.
Until then, we can only hope and pray that the men and women wearing the uniform defending our Nation will not have to pay too high of a price for the criminality of politicians.
Just my thoughts!
Two More Casualties In The War Against Mexico
The undeclared war against Mexico has claimed two more victims. Two ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) officers were shot near Monterrey, Mexico.
One was KIA the other suffered gun shot wounds.
According to reports, the agents were driving in their vehicle in an are known as being plagued by unlawful activities (isn't that true for the whole country?) when they were ambushed at a drug traffickers road block.
The DHS secretary, Janet Napolitano, released a statement, surely happy to be able to use such a big word as ICE "attache" stating that the she was saddened by the incident and that American and Mexican authorities are collaborating closely in the investigation.
I am sure that the Secretary is sincere in her sentiments, but I am also positive that she is totally incompetent in leading the agency.
Also in her statement:
"Let me be clear: any act of violence against our ICE personnel – or any DHS personnel – is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety. The full resources of our Department are at the disposal of our Mexican partners in this investigation. We remain committed in our broader support for Mexico’s efforts to combat violence within its borders."
A bold statement of resolution, which remains just a bunch of words as she and her boss are continuously reluctant to address the issues afflicting the southern border and Mexico.
We have sworn officers doing a job that is practically impossible. Border Patrol agents are being fired upon on a normal basis, most of the time on our side of the border.
Just in December of last year, the Nation buried Agent Brian Terry who had been killed in Arizona. Even the family of Terry has been critical of the lack of support and direction coming from Washington regarding the job that Border Patrol agents are asked to perform every day.
My prayers go to the family of the agent killed and I realize it is a time of mourning for our Nation, but it is also a time when people of common sense should raise their voice and demand some real action on the part of the government regarding the increasing awful situation at the border and within Mexico.
Just my thoughts!
Berkeley, Bastion Of Common Sense
The City of Berkeley, California, has never been known as a place where common sense was a guiding force, unless anti-American posturing was the subject.
The latest grandstanding of the people in political leadership on the City Council was a resolution that would allow two Guantanamo Bay prisoners to relocate to the city after they were cleared of wrong doing.
The resolution was defeated in the last minutes of voting by 4-1 with 4 councilmen abstaining from voting. Supporters of the resolution wanted to send a message of redemption for the "abuses" committed by the federal government.
Had it passed, the resolution would have allowed two detainees, a Russian ballet dancer and an Algerian chef, to settle in Berkeley and receive funds for assimilation in the mainstream lifestyle of the city.
The City of Berkeley is well known as the bastion of progressive liberalism, defying just about every principle of decency since the 1960s. With this vote, the Council has slightly redeemed itself, even though the abstention of the 4 council members from voting is a measure of their lack of conviction on a subject that should have shown no doubt.
Berkeley is the place where the anti-American organization Code Pink demonstrated against the United States Marine Corps recruiting office, Code Pink being an organization with close convenient ties with the terrorist group Hamas.
It is also the city where the US Military has been attacked from the very City Council that voted the resolution down.
So, has Berkeley become the latest bastion of common sense? Hardly.
What the whole thing demonstrate is that the place remains one of those societal tumors that occasionally flare up.
Too bad, though, as it looks like UC Berkeley lost the chance of adding two more docents to their Liberal Arts or Political Science departments. Better luck next time.
Just my thoughts!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Paging Obama, Paging President Obama
By Semperpapa
The organizers of an Egypt-supporting demonstration in Iran were told by the theocracy that the would not be allowed to descend in the streets and exercise their will.
As the events in Egypt developed in the last three weeks culminating in the departure of president Mubarak, the Teheran government had hailed the courage of the Egyptian protesters, even comparing the uprising in that country as a replay of the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution.
But as members of opposition factions in Iran asked to be allowed to hold demonstrations in the streets of Iran, the Ahmedinejad’s government detached itself from the events and issued a clear refusal.
The Iranian people have taken to the streets anyway, defying the government’s ruling and were faced with a repressive response from authorities.
Dozen of demonstrators were arrested, while the leader of the opposition, Mirhossein Mousavi was held under house arrest since he had requested the permission for the demonstration.
It is apparently a sign of fear that the leadership in Teheran, while sending clear messages of support to the demonstrators in Egypt, would be so adamant to prevent their own people from even congregate. The hope for Iran, and the message they sent to the radical Islam forces in Cairo, is that the North African country would seek the same path that Iran took in 1979, rejecting any contact with the United States, turning into an Islamic, Sharia law controlled country and seeking the destruction of Israel.
So the ayatollas and the Ahmadinejad guy in Iran are nervous.
What is the White House doing?
So far, the only response comes from a spokesman, Tommy Vietor, who declared:
"For all of its empty talk about Egypt, the government of Iran should allow the Iranian people the same universal right to peacefully assemble and demonstrate in Tehran that the people are exercising in Cairo."
And Sec. of State also chimed in with a call to Teheran to allow its people to express their dissent.
Should the actions of defiance of the people of Iran be an inspiring sight for Obama, just as the people in Egypt were?
I would think that considering that the government of Iran is a sworn enemy of our country, the president should soon hit the airwaves in support of the people of Iran. But for some reason I am not too hopeful, after all Obama remained silent in 2009.
I guess paging Obama does not always work.
Just my thoughts!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Interesting 2012 Array Of GOP Contenders
What it is really needed in the GOP as we move toward the 2012 Presidential Elections is new blood. Old, worn out candidates need not to apply.
Why are we still hearing the same names, over and over?
Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul. Even Sarah Palin.
I have nothing against any of these people, maybe with the exception of Ron Paul, but these people have exhausted my attention.
We got Michelle Bachman hinting, but I was not too happy with her support for cutting benefits to Veterans. Even if she modified that position, just the initial support is disturbing to me.
Same goes for Randy Paul. Sorry, but with all the pork that can be trimmed from our government overspending, Military should not be part of it, especially these days when we are seeing the clouds of a nasty "gathering storm".
We also have NJ Governor Chris Christie, but I am unclear on his positions on the 2nd Amendment and Illegal Immigration. I have heard some disturbing rumors and I will need to investigate them further before taking a position on this man.
I like Paul Ryan, but I believe the Nation needs him more in Congress than in the White House, at least right now.
I do like Herman Cain. A natural businessman, knowledgeable of the issues inherent to small businesses, the economic engine of our Nation.
And I like LtCol. Allan West. This is a man who truly understand form personal experience about the safety and security of our Country. I know he is just a freshman Congressman, but his experience in the field of National Security and his knowledge of our enemy makes him very appealing prospect.
Moreover, both Cain and West are not shy in recognizing the detrimental effect that liberal progressivism and political correctness has had and continues to have on the ideals of our country.
If I had to make a choice today, I would be all for a Cain/West ticket. Two terms for the elder Cain, with a conservative Congress, could get our Country economy back at work, while the VP West could concentrate on National Security. All the while West could make his bones in view of his potential presidency in 2020.
A Conservative can dream, right?
Just my thoughts!
Orgasmic Left Give Praises To Their God
By Semperpapa
The engines of the aircraft that took ousted Osni Mubarak out of Cairo to the beach resort are not cool yet and the Obama worshipers of the American Media are already singing the praises of their Supreme Lord as the author of the “change” that took place in Egypt.
Wolf Blitzer at CNN (Counter fit Nonsense Network) is hinting that Obama speech in Cairo in 2009 could have been the spark of the movement we have seen in the streets of Egypt.
Chris Matthews at that obscure place called MSNBC appears to have regained the tingle up his leg from the president (I apologize for the visual!) as he says that it looks like the world was in need of Obama to witness the triumph of democracy in an Arab country.
I expect even more anti-America liberal Obama serfs to chime in any time.
I am surprised, though, that the Obama circus has gone so out of his way to engage in such an open support for the forces of the so called democracy at work in Egypt. My surprise comes form the absolute compromised position that Obama has taken, considering that the events in that country are all but settled and defined.
For one thing, Mubarak has not even left the country. Regardless of the stream of information that the Obamamedia has been feeding the American people, Mubarak is a former Egyptian army general. While he was president, the true entity holding the reins of power in Egypt was the military. So the people of Egypt supposedly relieved themselves of the presence of Mubarak, but are jubilant about the military being in control. My point is that except for the removal of their president, the Egyptian people have accomplished nothing.
One enormous unknown is what will be taking place in the next few weeks and months. A possibility that I have not heard from any pundit is that there may be a chance for Mubarak’s return or someone similar stepping into the situation, bringing the nation back into status quo.
The only certainty today in Egypt is that the future events are not going to be in the control of the people, but in the hands of a military establishment that has, in the past, done and undone at will.
But our never-to-be-ashamed media is going out and praise Obama for his stand with the people. And this is a dangerous game for the almighty Obama.
Lest the Obamamedia would lose the credibility they do not have anyway, the danger for Obama is huge, and one that I do not believe the cronies in the White House considered.
The first bad scenario for Obama could be if the Egyptian military, the true holder of the reins of power in the country, decides to utilize the action just taken to pacify the crowd, while at the same time perpetuating the same governing that has been doing this far.
They could put some other figure head in place of Mubarak and crack down on the dissenting factions across Egypt.
In this case, the result would be for Egypt not changing at all, going back to the same conditions it was under Mubarak, except that Obama would have spent so much political capital on that venture that a failure would mean few more nails in the man’s re-election coffin.
Consequences would be even more complicated for the United States strategic position in the region, as the actions of Obama, turning on an ally of 30+ years at such short notice, would deteriorate the already fragile trust that America enjoys in the region.
A second, and even more terrifying scenario, is that the radical Islamic fundamentalists of the Muslim Brotherhood will, in the end, be successful in bringing Egypt to a Sharia law controlled, radical Islamic government. The very first step toward the Caliphate they, and many other radical Muslims, have been seeking for so long.
In such an eventuality, the political consequences for Obama could spell disaster, as the American people would be faced with two choices of finger pointing, neither too flattering for the president.
One would be that Obama and his incompetent circus of foreign policy “experts” totally missed the potential implications of the events in Egypt. Jumping headlong into the support of a public uprising without clear and tangible vision of what the replacement was, would reaffirm the popular sentiment of the ineptitude of those in office who are supposed to be monitoring such events.
These folks are in charge of advancing and safeguarding the interests of the United States across the globe and to identify potential short and long term threats to American national security. If the events in Egypt, so adamantly supported by Obama, so adamantly claimed by the administration and the Obamamedia as a “feather in the cap” for this president turn out to be costly for the security of the Nation, Obama would reinforce the popular belief that he is really not fit to hold the office he was elected to. Just another failure, a very costly one, to be added to his foreign policy failures.
The second choice would be that the president is actually favoring the development of radical Islamic states.
There is already a perception among many Americans that Obama is a Muslim at heart, that he has deceived the American people on that subject, solely for the purpose of gaining the most powerful job in the world. The perception is not without merit, although Obama is the only one who really knows the truth, because of his overt favorable stance toward anything Muslim.
From removing the official classification of “radical Islamic terrorist” from the National Security lexicon to his support for the mosque at Ground Zero, from his involvement of radical Muslim organizations to National Security meetings to his apology tour following his elections, Mr. Obama appears to have had no reservations about adding fuel to the notion that he is, in the very least, sympathetic with the Muslim cause.
Should the uprising in Egypt result in the birth of another Islamic fundamentalist nation, with all the disastrous consequences associated with it, the ranks of American people who mistrusts his “Christianity” would swell up exponentially. And that could be politically very costly for him.
In any eventuality, the reaction from the White House and the state Department was rushed and, in my opinion, ill conceived. Regardless of all the cheerleading the Obamamedia does, regardless of the campaign of misinformation that is propagated by the regime in Washington and regardless of the continuous attempt to masquerade events, what the Obama administration will not be able to conceal is the succession of historical events. They may try to re-write history, but the truth will always be there for people to seek.
That is if they are interested in it.
Just my thoughts!
Friday, February 11, 2011
This Is Why You Do Not Elect A Community Organizer As President
By Semperpapa
The reaction of the Obama administration to the political crisis in Egypt is the most telling tale of why the American people should never elect a community organizer as president.
Ever since the unrest exploded about 18 days ago, Obama has graced the audiences with his systematic appearances that rivaled the coverage of the Egyptian unrest in frequency.
The result has been the continuous stumbling in messages emanated from the foreign policy stand point.
No person slightly informed can debunk the notion that president Mubarak is a dictator and that his ruling methodology in that country is to be condoned, but the reality of the unrest remains today, as it was in the beginning, still unclear.
The approach of Obama has been one of typical community organizer: see the potential for agitation and step up to the pedestal of reform for reform sake without any clear vision of the outcome.
Reports of the dissatisfaction on the part of the king of Saudi Arabia with Obama and his handling of Mubarak are generating quite a stir. People’s reaction is of outrage over the Saudi king position, but the reality has to be understood from the point of view of the overall situation.
King Abdullah, just as Mubarak, is a despot holding his people in a state of tyranny, and like Mubarak, he has been an ally of the United States, at least on face value.
As the leader of a country with unstable socio-political foundations, the Saudi king cannot be happy with the Obama administration openly and quickly siding with the protesters and against the former ally Mubarak. The actions of the White House show that the US president is ready to dump on any ally for the sake of reform, even if the outcome is a foggy mix spanning from democracy to Islamic state.
The approach taken by Obama on Egypt is the same that he has taken as a president since day one. Change for the sake of change.
Community organizers, political agitators in reality, are trained and devoted to the creation of chaos. As an organizer, the most important thing is to scream the loudest and take the opportunity, as it comes, that the voice is the loudest and therefore attracting those who are still not committed by telling them what they want to hear.
Now Obama has the biggest podium he could ever hope for as an organizer. From that podium he has engaged in the revolutionary change of America, completely disregarding the consequences of that change. Again, change for change sake. And all for the ultimate prize of personal political power.
The situation in Egypt is volatile at best. The actions of Obama have been detrimental to the relationship between the United States and the large Arab nation, relationship that is of extreme strategic significance. The people are once again today in the streets, the response to last night Mubarak speech still unclear; the position of the military still unclear; the political landscape that would take shape there still unclear.
The only clear result of the situation is that the radical Muslim Brotherhood will gain more power in the long run.
What I would like to see is a White House engaging in more behind the scene activities and less in grandstanding. Maybe Obama is trying to get another Nobel Prize or some high level endorsement from the crowd at the United Nations, but I wish someone would remind the man that he is president of the United States and that the safety and security of our Nation should take precedence over his ingratiating of the radical Muslims in the Middle East or the corrupted UN criminals.
His voice may be the loudest these days, which should translate in a much more scrutinized choice of words. These are not the streets of Chicago. The effects of his actions do not only affect the lives of few thousands people in a limited way, but they affect the lives of millions across the globe.
That is the reason why agitators should not be elected president.
Just my thoughts!