By Semperpapa
President Obama is clearly backing the wrong horse in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood.
Reports of the covert support of the uprising in that country by the US government, the undermining of Mubarak and now secret meetings with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are disturbing signs of what has been a consistent tacit approval on the part of the administration of Islamic resurgence.
On the other hand, the Obama White House was pretty much silent as the protesters against the Islamic state were being slaughtered in Iran in 2009.
In those days, those protesting the Ahmedinejad regime and the corrupted leaders in Teheran, were practically ignored by the US president. Untold carnage took place in that country as Obama went golfing.
But this time is different. Egypt is different, because the demonstrators in the streets, at least those who are seeking a more democratic government and a better way of life, have been taken hostage by the radical Islamists who see the best chance in years to get hold of a large state in the Middle East.
So while the Muslim Brotherhood is telling Israel that it needs to prepare for war, while the organization is realizing the first step in its gaining control of a military the size of the Egyptian one, and while the MB is fomenting even greater unrest across the region, the US president is suddenly not shy to meddle in the affairs of a foreign country.
Standing up to anti-Islamic forces in Iran was meddling, supporting Islamic takeover in Egypt is in line with the historic support of America for democracy.
Definitely backing the wrong horse. And an action America will pay a considerable price for.
Just my thoughts!
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