Friday, February 11, 2011

This Incompetence Could Kill Us All

By Semperpapa

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is a pivotal member of the crowd that is supposed to, allegedly, insure the safety of our society from terrorism.

This is also the same guy who was not aware of a dozen terror suspects having been nabbed by British security forces few months ago.

Mr. Clapper was being questioned by Rep. Sue Myric (R-NC) about qualifying the Muslim Brotherhood in view of the latest developments in Egypt.

This was Clapper’s response:

“The term ‘Muslim Brotherhood’…is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam. They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera…..In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally.”

Yes! This is an individual who has an important role in protecting the American people from terrorism, a person who Napolitano is supposed to be depending on.

So for anyone who was still wondering how the DHS Secretary can be taken seriously as a source of security for our families, this should be a clear demonstration of the fact that the level of incompetence of those in charge of protecting us is so high that we the citizens are basically left to our own contingency plans.

The federal government in the hands of Obama, Eric Holder and Napolitano is incapable, or unwilling, or both, to recognize the reality of the enemy our society faces.

It is not comforting to have a Director of National Intelligence who, every time he makes the wrong decision to actually opening his mouth, needs to have someone else come out and “clarify” what he stated. And having an administration coming out and declaring that the man is a hard worker means absolutely nothing for the security of the Nation. Words, especially empty Liberal words, never stopped any bloodshed.

The trend we are seeing in the current administration is quite disturbing as it appears that the only sure quality of those in charge of our economy, our security, our welfare as a people, is the highest level of incompetence. These people appear to be absolutely the least qualified and competent bunch of bureaucrats that was probably assembled in the history of our Country.

From the president on down, it looks like the name of the game is political power, personal agendas and vendettas, with no regard for any common sense. Having the safety of my children and grandchildren reside in the hands in the hands of these people is highly frightening.

So what do I see as a possible solution, as long as these characters are in power? What I see is a much increased responsibility of each American to participate in the defense of our Nation. The only line of defense left is our Veterans, our Law Enforcement and the common citizen.

We will receive no help from the political establishment as they are much more interested in preserving their cushy job in Washington and to genuflect to the gods of political correctness.

Remember: the largest organized Militia in America is We the People.

Just my thoughts!

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